I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 487: Palace of the Gods (2 in 1 large

Pallas, the fourth generation **** king, is back? The war in the universe is over? Did Zeus resist the inevitable fate?

Hearing everything announced by the young king of God, Pallas, almost the same thoughts flashed in everyone's mind.

The heads of the countries breathed a sigh of relief. The end of the war meant that the stars in the sky would no longer disappear. The scene of a series of car accidents in the solar system that they expected would not happen again, and Mr. Lan Xing escaped again.

Only Hodgson was relieved and lost his heart. Zeus lost and my investment also lost.

"I do not accept."

The high priest of the Temple of Apollo who was about to say ‘I accept’ opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

The victory or defeat of the **** war has been divided, and Pallas has won a complete victory. Zeus will either fall or be exiled. Do you want to be marginalized by serving such a god?

He looked at Juus and sighed that things are impermanent, and fate loves to make fun of people.

"I decided to serve the great Majesty Pallas for life."

Even if Pallas doesn’t want me to serve, I’m determined to serve. I’m so religious.

"I also decided to serve the great Pallas for life."

"Praise Pallas, you are the ruler of the sky, the ruler of the earth and the underworld, the **** of the ocean, everything exists because of you, and the universe runs because of you..."

"Ah, Pallas, the ruler of the sky, the earth, the ocean, the underworld, Guangyu, the gods, the fourth generation of Olympus, the king of the gods, the **** of all gods!!"


In the Religious Management Association, the high priests of the major temples unanimously praised Pallas, no matter who they believed in before and who served in the temple, at this moment they are all devout followers of Pallas. .


Jiang Hao, wearing the vest of Pallas, stood on the sacred mountain of Olympus, looking at the major temples in Athens. He moved the statues of Apollo and Athena out of his temple, and turned to Pallas’s. Put the portrait in.

If it is not too late for the time, it is not a portrait but a statue of a **** that is hung up at this time.

The believers also calmly accepted the temple's change of course, praying to Pallas, and their faces were full of piety, as if the person who prayed to the gods of Athena/Apollo the other day was not themselves.

Jiang Hao had to sigh, modern human beings are so receptive. They jump back when they say they jump, and they don’t even have any symptoms of discomfort. If they are placed in another world and the gods die, there must be a vote of believers collapsed, but the rest will not. The collapse will also be confused, and the constant enlightenment of the clergy is required to switch to the embrace of other gods.

But he doesn't care about this kind of thing, whether these people believe in Athena, Zeus, or Pallas, the final belief is directed to himself, and the fertilizer will not flow into the field of outsiders.

"Now that Blue Star’s beliefs are almost collected, the will that the Lord of All-Knowing has left on me is also contaminated by the panic and madness in the hearts of Blue Star humans. After I go back, I can follow the connection between will and will and reverse pollution. Lord of All-Knowing."

"But before leaving, I have to give the Blue Star people some gifts."

When people grow vegetables, they must first fertilize. He shears the wool, and of course he has to give some benefits.

With advanced technology and rich material, mankind can afford to raise a larger population. When the time comes to encourage childbirth, the population will rise in minutes, and when the population rises, his divine power will be more and more abundant.

For the gods, divine power is not the lifeblood, but it is similar to the lifeblood.

If the twin snakes had infinite divine power in the inception world, they would not collapse in the middle. As soon as they created the prototype of the multiverse, they fell into a deep sleep. They should have been promoted to **** level 20 and stopped halfway through their lives, so that other gods. Rise, divide away their authority.

Thinking about it, Jiang Hao put a part of the floating island in the form of materials in the palaces of the gods, and then he communicated with the black whirlpool in his mind, from Olympus. The top of the sacred mountain disappeared.

Watching Pallas disappear, the anchor Zhang Hua waited for a long time before daring to pop up and say to the camera, "Old irons, the great God King Pallas has left, and our live broadcast is almost here. This is over. To be honest, I already feel that the machine in my hand is hot and hot, and maybe it will blew up to me in the next moment..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the barrage that filled the screen floated.

"Thanks to the anchor for bringing us the first-hand information, goodbye!"

Countless people swiped the word'goodbye' on the barrage, and the live broadcast room was wrapped up in the three and outside three layers of the'goodbye'.

At this moment, the number of viewers in Zhang Hua's live broadcast room has already exceeded 300 million. This 300 million is the real number of viewers, not the false number of viewers created by the live broadcast platform.

In fact, the number of people in this live broadcast room was higher before, but it was because there were too many people watching it, which caused the live broadcast room to freeze and collapse, and the website's server was under the pressure that they shouldn't have.

Fortunately, major websites, TV stations, and platforms began to broadcast, diverting most of the people out, otherwise this live broadcast room is estimated to have a black screen.

At this moment, a bunch of ‘goodbye’ suddenly popped up, ‘The anchor, let’s go to the palace of the gods to see, I want to see where the gods live’.

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Yes, right, right, the anchor will go to the palace of the gods to have a look, anyway there is no one/god now."

"Anchor, you might be able to pick up some artifacts or something when you go to the palace."

"The anchor goes to the palace for a round, and I will send you a hundred rockets."

"Hey, I don't have that much money, I can get some fish balls."


The audience in front of the computer kept urging the anchor to visit the palace of the gods.

That is the palace of the gods, the infinitely gorgeous and splendid palace in the legend. Everyone is curious about this palace and wants to go in and see how the palace of the gods has a different response. It's just that human beings were fundamentally in the past. Just can't get in.

The palaces of the gods of the East are in Gaotianyuan, and the palaces of the Nordic gods are in the domain of God. Although the gods of Olympus are known to be on the sacred mountain of Olympus, they knew from the past that the sacred mountain of Olympus was bare without a hair , The palaces of the gods are either hidden or in another dimension.

Now that the palaces of the gods are finally knocked down by Zeus from other dimensions, of course they can't wait to satisfy their curiosity.

Hearing this, Zhang Hua moved in his heart and retracted his hand who wanted to close the live broadcast.

He himself is very curious about the palaces of the gods, and now some people give him rewards, plus there may be artifacts in the palaces of the gods, as long as he gets them, he will immediately become invincible in the universe. The superhero, the **** of the world, he decided to go in and take a look.

"Well, I'll go to the palace of the gods to find out now, old irons, give me a reward!"

He shouted vigorously, looked at the rocket floating on the screen, and walked toward the palace excitedly.

In the live broadcast room, the audience who was planning to leave saw that the anchor was going to the palace of the gods to find out. They also stopped clicking the X mouse and looked at the screen intently.

What is the palace of the gods like? Is it full of gold and gemstones? Will it be a billionaire by tapping on a gem? Also, what does God use when eating? Knife, fork and chopsticks?

A series of question marks popped out of their minds, and they felt as if a kitten was scratching in their hearts, itching terribly, desperately wanting to know the answer.

In a conference room, Hodgson heard his secretary's report and became furious.

"What, did the anchor go to the palace of the gods? Order people to stop immediately. The palace of the gods of Olympus is the treasure of all mankind and the symbol of human civilization and culture. How can people come in and out casually? What should I do if the contents inside are broken?"

After speaking, Hodgson looked at everyone with a smile on his face and said, "Everyone, although the gods have passed away, their spirits are still there. They have left us a rich legacy to mankind. I propose that we all form a development team and work together. Develop the palaces of the gods, and the gains gained will be shared by all members."

That is the palace of the gods, who knows if the gods will leave anything behind? There are many treasures in Greek mythology. If Milliken was still the former Blue Star overlord, he would have to drive the aircraft carrier fleet to Greece.

??? No, when is the palace of our Greek gods the treasure of all mankind? Do you still want to play joint development? Have you considered our Greek opinion?

There was a question mark on Archimes' forehead, but looking at the joy on everyone's faces, he withered.

People from so many countries watched that their Greece wanted to swallow the palaces of the gods, unless the gods spoke, otherwise it was impossible.

Zhang Hua didn't know that a group of experts and scholars formed an archaeological group on their way, let alone the Greek Special Operations Team to protect the temple had flown in a helicopter to the Holy Mountain of Olympus.

He walked into a palace from the outside, only to discover that there was a cave in this shrine that seemed to be different in size from the palace of a human monarch.

After entering the huge palace itself, it feels like standing in the middle of the super giant football field. The decoration on the stone pillar walls is magnificent, the roof is covered with Jimley gold, and I don’t know what kind of gemstones are inlaid in the gold. Inside, a peaceful light fell from the gems, shining the temple like daylight.

The ground is a blanket made of golden wool, and the air is filled with a faint smell of wine and the fragrance of women. It seems that the gods of the past often indulged in carnivals, drinking and having fun here.

"Sour sour, is this the palace of the gods? I'm sour."

"Born to be a god, living in a luxurious palace, I'm really sorry..."

"It doesn't feel different from ordinary people. It seems to be the same as King Zhou's Jiuchi Meat Forest."

"The temples in Greece and Northern Europe are all like this. They are extremely luxurious. This has something to do with the character of the gods. In fact, to a certain extent, the ancient emperors were actually learning about the gods."

"Oh, I thought that the palace of the gods would be the style that embodies the luxury connotation in a low-key, but I didn't expect it to be the style of the nouveau riche with gold everywhere. I feel very disappointed. In fact, the gods on our blue star You can also build this kind of palace."

"Come, come, you try to build a palace like this on the holy mountain of Olympus, and see if the Greek government will grant you land, and see if those believers promise you to defile the holy land?"

"That's it? That's it?"

"Don't be strange upstairs."


In the barrage, a small group of people are greatly disappointed in the palace of the gods. The palace of the gods they imagined is different from any architectural style on the blue star. It is a gorgeousness that cannot be outlined by human imagination, and it must be full of new and wonderful elements. , To give them an amazing feeling that they have never seen before.

But in fact, these are the illusions of this small group of human beings. Whether the gods of Northern Europe or the gods of Greece, their aesthetics tend to be extremely luxurious, they love big and beautiful, and their aesthetics are golden gems.

Moreover, building a palace is not about writing. It must be as low-key and luxurious as the group requires. It must have the freshness of neoclassicism, the mystery of Gothic, and the richness of Baroque and Rococo. The abstraction is mixed with a bit of American folklore and new concepts of the future.

The designer has to throw the paper on their faces and say, "Pen for you, you can design."

Shrines are very luxurious and a feast for the eyes. After all, this is made of real gold and real gems. It is not comparable to the kind of palaces in TV dramas and movies that seem to be fake at a glance. Maybe there are gods among humans who have built similar palaces. , But it will certainly not be open to civilians.

"Just now we looked at the hall, and now we are going to the side hall to see. If there are artifacts, it must be in the side hall." The anchor said as he walked into the corridor.

Perhaps the gods didn't think anyone could break into his palace, so there was no such thing as a door lock in this palace, and Zhang Hua broke in easily.

But to his surprise, this side hall was not the bedroom he imagined, but was filled with bookshelves.

The bookshelves are huge and empty, full of books.

"Study? The anchor, go and see what the gods' collection of books are!"

"Everyone said what books the gods like to read? Will they be masterpieces of our world, such as "Les Miserables", "War and Peace", "Notre Dame de Paris" or something?"

"I think it should be "Iliad", "Utopia", and "Orestia"."

"The anchor, open it up and take a look..."


Under the urging of his own old iron, Zhang Hua courageously stretched out his hand toward the bookshelf, but the next moment, as if some mechanism was triggered, a ray of light lit up, and then these rays of light converged into a gray-haired old man.

It's over...

When Zhang Hua saw the old man appear ~lightnovelpub.net~, his heart trembled and he screamed to the end. How could he be so obsessed that he would dare to touch the things of the gods at will? Can you touch the things of the gods as a mortal?

But to his surprise, the old man just glanced at him quietly and slowly asked, "Are you here to learn magic?"

"No...ah, yes, yes, I came here to study." Zhang Hua nodded in time.

"Then this is for you."

The old man pulled out a book about the thickness of an adult's slap from the shelf and handed it to Zhang Hua, "I hope you can finish it in five years."

Five years? I need to read a book for five years? How do you look down on me? I also graduated from 211. Zhang Hua smiled and took this heavy book and looked down.

"The Catalogue of Secret Medicine Preparation"

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