I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 510: I want to discuss one thing with you

In the dim night of the stars, even the moon did not show up, and the earth was completely swallowed by the night, leaving only traces of light hidden in the darkness to provide light for human eyes and prevent them from becoming blind.

Fiona Russell first blessed the Void Breathing technique on her body to ensure she could breathe in the void outside the domain without air, so as not to suffocate and die.

Then he blessed himself with a bunch of protective magic.

Then she tore open the scroll, and the power of magic constructed a light gate in front of her.

She stepped in, her eyes changed.

In the boundless void, a huge red moon quietly circulates in the void. Except for this red moon, the void is full of darkness.

"What happened to the moon? Why has it been red recently."

Fiona Russell murmured in her heart.

Since more than a month ago, the moon, which has always been dominated by bright white and silvery white, suddenly showed a bright red color.

This situation stunned everyone.

You must know that the moon on the main plane will only show a bright red color when the demon **** of the moon blesses the blood race, and this appearance often only lasts for a quarter of an hour.

But now, the moon has shown a bright red color for a month.

Many people wonder if something is wrong with the moon.

But no one knows the answer, even the gods don't know the answer, because the moon is the kingdom of the lady of the night, and any gods and powerful existences are not allowed to cast their eyes on the moon.

Fiona Russell took a few glances, did not see any changes, took out a scroll, tore it open, and stepped into the light gate.

After dozens of consecutive jumps, Fiona Russell finally came to the kingdom of the **** of twilight, the plain of Wanwu.

The Wanhu Plain is not suspended in the void alone. Near the Wanhu Plain, there is the kingdom of the goddess of ice and snow and the kingdom of agriculture.

Although the three kingdoms of God did not merge together, they were very close to each other, forming a triangle.

And as far as Fiona Russell knows, in addition to these three kingdoms, the Mingshui realm of the goddess of capital and the omnipotent realm of the gods of machinery and industry are also migrating into this void. Piece of the void.

While she was observing the void, a female angel in a pale yellow robe flew out of the Wanwu Plain.

The angel’s brown eyes mirrored Fiona Russell’s appearance, and the pupils were filled with tranquility.

"Please come with me, Your Highness Fiona!"

"Lord Angel, I am not your Highness." Fiona Russell said hurriedly.

Only princes, demigods, and true gods can add His Royal Highness to the suffix, and the angels who serve the gods are called His Royal Highness, and only true gods.

"But you will be your Highness soon." The angel smiled kindly, "Your Highness Fiona, please come with me, my lord has been waiting for a long time."

Fiona Russell had no choice but to follow the angel and flew into the plains.

As soon as she stepped into the Plain of Ten Thousand Faints, Fiona Russell was shrouded in dim light.

When exposed to this kind of light, she had some idea of ​​a peaceful sleep, and she just wanted to sleep here.

"Welcome to the Plain of Ten Thousand Twilights, Your Highness Fiona."

The gentle voice of the **** of twilight appeared in Fiona Russell's ear, and the figure slowly emerged from the light.

He walked in front of her, speaking slowly or slowly, "I want to discuss with you something about the transfer of the authority of'treatment'. I don't know if you are interested in listening."

The God of Twilight and I discuss the transfer of ‘healing’ authority? Just transfer the authority directly to me according to the agreement. Why do I need to discuss it again? Is he going to repent...no, it’s not right, this agreement was witnessed by that highness, he didn’t dare to repent...but he didn’t dare to repent, but he could let me take the initiative to give up, the gods would persuade mortals to give up, that’s really It's too simple... He doesn't really want to go back, after all, that's authority... After Fiona Russell listened to the words of the God of Twilight, the thoughts in his mind popped up.

For a while, she thought about what she would do if the God of Twilight really asked her to give up, and later regretted that she had come to the kingdom of God of Twilight, and she could also make deals on the main plane.

While thinking wildly, she responded to the words of the twilight god, her voice incoherent, "I may not have time...I have something to do later..."

"Are you afraid?" A faint smile appeared in the golden eyes of the God of Twilight.


The retort blurted out, and Fiona Russell felt quite settled after she finished speaking.

What should come is always coming, and what should be faced is always faced.

Maybe I thought about it a lot.

"Don't worry, I will only take up your time, it won't be too long." The God of Twilight said gently, "I want to discuss with you how to deal with the'healing' authority. It's too much to strip the authority from me directly. It's wasted. After all, even if I transfer the power to you, you can't directly control the power. Even if you get it, you can only be promoted to a demigod..."

It's over.

When Fiona Russell heard this, her mind was taken over by the word'finished'.

The smile in the golden eyes of the **** of twilight grew stronger,

"...I can isolate a clone of the God of Healing and give it to you. You only need to infuse your spirit to control it. Then you will get a clone of the true god. With this clone, you can indirectly master'healing.' 'authority."

"When you complete the conditions required for promotion by yourself, you then transfer the authority to yourself, so that you can directly occupy and master the authority of'healing' and promote to the true god."

"But because you have no authority and cannot convert your faith into divine power, this clone will collapse after consuming the divine power, so you have to transfer the authority before the clone collapses, otherwise, the clone will collapse and the authority will simply disappear."

"But you can ask me or other gods for help before the clone's divine power is exhausted, to help you replenish the divine power, so as to delay the collapse of the clone."


Fiona Russell was stunned for a moment~lightnovelpub.net~ The fear, panic, worry and other emotions in her heart all changed into embarrassment.

"In return for the transaction, I hope that in the next two hundred years when you are promoted to the true god, half of the faith you have received will be given to me."

After listening to what he said, Fiona Russell suddenly calmed down, and she began to think about the pros and cons of this transaction.

For people like her, two hundred years is a very long time, but from the perspective of the gods, two hundred years have passed in a flash.

It is undoubtedly a worthwhile thing to exchange half of the faith gained in the next two hundred years for a true god-level clone, so that one's path to becoming a **** becomes smooth.

She finished thinking and made a choice,

"Thank you for your help, I accept your gift."

"In the future, I will pay you a satisfactory price."

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