I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 58: Osiris returns to the earth! !


Clemens nodded, and soon one of the guards took a steady step and walked into the presidential palace with a hard gaze. Although the fog disappeared, no one knows if there is really no danger inside, but the guard His glory does not allow him to do anything to refuse orders from his superiors.

   Sharif and others looked at the presidential palace nervously, and many guards took out weapons to guard the president’s side.


Several folklore experts came over, looking at Ninninetir with admiration. It’s been a long time since I saw a younger generation who dared to fight so hard. They dare to fool him in front of the president, and they can speak logically. Exactly, if we hadn't had an in-depth study of the myths and legends circulating in Sun City Heliopolis, we would have almost believed it.

   One of them greeted him with a smile, "Nininettier, which university did you graduate from? Did you graduate from the Department of History at Miro University?"

   "Hello Professor Kafra, I graduated from the History Department of South River Valley University." Niininettier saw the top experts in the industry, and was excited to see an idol.

   Professor Kafra smiled kindly, "Where do you work now? Is it the government?"

   "I'm currently writing a popular science book on mythology, and a publisher contacted me, saying that I am interested in my book and I will publish it soon." Niininettier said with a twist.

   In this industry, those who eat government meals and play archaeology will always have a higher status than writing popular science books. The real industry leaders have tasks on their own, and they will not consume time and effort to write popular science books.

Professor Kafra did not discriminate against writing popular science books as he thought. They all despise the bottom of the circle and eat food. Who would despise anyone? He patted Nininettier on the shoulder, with encouragement. The tone said, "You performed well this time, come on."

   "Uh, uh." Ninninetir nodded vigorously, and was recognized by his idol and industry leader. He was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

   The guard who entered the presidential palace came out soon, supporting Catherine in his hand when he came out.

   As soon as they appeared, Clemens and others immediately surrounded them and asked.

  What happened in the presidential palace after they left? Who won Horus or Osiris? Did their dialogue reveal any crucial information?

   Catherine didn't conceal it, she said all of her words.

   "It's worthy of being the incarnation of Ra, that's... Wait, you mean Osiris will return to the earth soon? Is this what he said himself?"

   An expert who admired Rashen wanted to boast about his beliefs, but when Osiris said that he would soon return to the earth, his face changed.

Catherine nodded, and the latter murmured, "Red light wrapped around the ship of ten thousand years, blood covered the high hills and the earth, the ancient pharaohs came back to life under the mighty power of the underworld, and the dead sleeping in the underworld stepped on. The journey back...The silence of darkness ruled the universe, the pitch-black world became extremely beautiful, the great gods disappeared, and people were singing and dancing in celebration..."

   Clemens sounded a little dazed, what are you talking about, why am I a little bit confused? Is this our Egyptian myth and legend? I feel like a fake Egyptian.

   "This is a prophecy in the tomb of Pharaoh Akhnatun that the **** Osiris will return to the earth and resurrect with the pharaohs," Niinnetir said next to him.

   Clemens nodded when he heard this, but he knew Ah Natun.

   This is a famous pharaoh in the history of ancient Egypt.

The reason why he is so famous is not only because of his wife Nafertiti, Queen Hatshepsut, and Cleopatra VII, but also because of his high ranking. The belief in Amon, the incarnation of Ra, was abolished in one year.

   He declared that the other gods are heretics, and that Atun is the only true **** and requires everyone to believe in Atun.

   This caused great turmoil in ancient Egypt. Soon after his death, the faith of Atun was overthrown.

"The historians believe that the reason why Akhnatun would abandon the belief of Amon is because he felt that the status of the high priest was getting higher and higher and had threatened his rule, so he intended to carry out religious reform, but... ."

   Nininettier said in an emotional tone, "Gods are real."

"A mortal, even if he is a pharaoh, how dare he replace the real gods with fictional gods... Considering Akhnatun's prophecy, this so-called **** Aten is only an incarnation of the **** Osiris. , And Akhnatun’s religious reform is actually a challenge to the **** Ra by the underworld **** Osiris."

   "It was circulated in the "Book of the Dead" in 1200 B.C. There was such a description."

  Professor Kafra was not willing to be a green leaf, he interrupted in time to show his erudition.

"If he is too heavy to rise, the world will be dying, and the survivors are begging him for a year of drinking water; if he stops breathing because of boredom~lightnovelpub.net~ people will be in desperation, millions of people Will fall down on both sides of the road."

   "Although the mainstream of the academic world believes that this passage is a description of the importance of Ra, and it is a means of intimidating believers by the ancient Egyptian high priest."

   "But some scholars believe that the "Book of the Dead" should be combined with the description of the return of the **** Osiris to the earth. They believe that this is the prophecy of the ancient Egyptian high priest that Ras will fall into the underworld after Osiris is resurrected."

   What he said "There are also scholars" is the same as the "Someone said" and "There are rumors" in the reporter's mouth. No one will check it anyway.

   "But from the current point of view, the passage in "Book of the Dead" is really a prophecy, a prophecy prophesying that Rashen will fall into the underworld after Osiris is resurrected."

   Clemens's face changed again and again. If what Nininettier and Professor Kafra said were true, then he would be in big trouble soon.

   He was thinking when he suddenly realized that the patter of light rain had stopped, and the originally dark sky became darker, and the earth did not know when a layer of dark red luster had passed.

   An expert subconsciously raised his head and looked at the sky, only to see a round of black and red sun hanging high in the sky, endless black and red light falling from the sky.

  The sky, the earth, the pedestrians on the ground and the objects created by various human beings are all dyed with a dark red luster.

  The world in my sight is black and red.

   as if suddenly came from the blue star to an unknown world.

   "This...this is the return of the **** Osiris to the earth!!"

  His complexion changed drastically, his gaze was frightened, and his hands subconsciously held an amulet with the eye of Horus engraved on his chest, and prayed: "Great Horus, please, give me shelter."