I Practiced and Opened the Plug-in (I Cheated While Cultivating)

Chapter 290: Mutation

Cost: Two thousand good deeds.

Clues: The border between Longzhou and Liangzhou in Qi State, the place where the vitality is flourishing, the place where peony flowers are in full bloom, the number of men is obviously more than that of women, and it can be induced by pure Yang internal energy.

There are five clues in total.

The first one is the clue Zhou Heng got from Li Yuanxing.

This can be regarded as limiting the target to a certain range and giving some features to facilitate the search.

With these clues, as long as the method is right, it is not difficult to find the place of pure sun.

Of course, Zhou Heng didn't think about directly making a wish to get the exact location of the Pure Sun Land, but the good deeds consumption is really "exciting", and it is more economical to choose clues.

He is already lacking good deeds and has to plan carefully.

In the past few months, he has been preparing for the Chaoyang Cocktail Party. Basically, he stayed in one place and didn't encounter any ghosts or evils.

The Zhoutian Xunjie Division did not assign him a task, and the good deeds from the Starlight Bridge were not divided as much as expected.

——After all, there are too few people in the organization, and in non-emergency situations, there are also more people who use the Starlight Bridge to transmit. One-thousandth of it is divided into, and there are not many good deeds at all.

In the end, the good deeds did not increase much, and basically only consumed.

Therefore, now he no longer has the "bundance of wealth" he used to have. After making this wish, he only has more than four thousand good deeds left.

"In this case, before reaching the Secret Sixth Rank, I should kill some ghosts and evil things and accumulate some good deeds." Zhou Heng secretly said: "Otherwise, after the Secret Sixth Rank, it will be difficult to obtain good deeds."

Before the time comes to open the two huge profits permissions of "good deeds trading" and "task release", the way he can obtain good deeds is mainly to kill ghosts and evils.

According to the rules of the Zhoutian Star Chart, after breaking through to the secret sixth rank, kill the third-rank ghosts and evil things, and gain very little good work, and the ghosts and evil things of the same level are extremely difficult to kill, which also leads to many middle third-ranks and even third-ranks. One of the reasons why heaven and man have "good deeds".

"No, in this case, if you open a good trade in the future, I'm afraid it will cause some problems?"

Zhou Heng suddenly thought of something, and secretly said: "Since it is much easier to obtain good works for the lower third grade than the middle third grade, as long as the good works can be traded freely, can the lower third grade be "played" by the lower third grade?

"Masters of the third rank can use various methods to help the lower third-rank martial artist to kill ghosts and evil things, and then obtain good works from the lower third-rank martial artist, which is undoubtedly much easier than killing ghosts of the same realm by themselves.

"Besides, you can use a lot of things that are no longer important to the third grade, and get a lot of good deeds from the lower third grade warriors. This is a matter of steady profit.

"But this situation is naturally not equal. The lower third rank martial artist is undoubtedly weak when facing the middle third rank, and the actual status is also not equal. The middle third rank can take help, and it can naturally also be squeezed. .

"Although there may not be a similar situation now, the good deeds at this time are controlled by the two Taoists Qinglong and Tianyi. The good deeds must be carried out in the whole gathering, and generally speaking, they will not be excessive.

"It's just that if the free trade of good works is opened, so that good works can be circulated in private without restriction, then I am afraid something will happen. The freedom of laissez-faire will often lead to the exploitation of the weak by the strong..."

These issues are by no means trivial matters. Zhou Heng hadn't considered it carefully before, but now that after careful consideration, he found that once the free trade of good deeds is opened, it may cause a series of chain reactions, and may even cause chaos in the entire Zhoutian Xunjie Division.

The same is true for the free release of tasks.

"Fortunately, I opened these two permissions when I didn't have a brain." Zhou Heng thought: "I still have to wait until I can master more permissions or have the ability to restrict the use of permissions.

"Next, first find the place of pure sun, and before breaking through the Secret Six Ranks, eliminate some ghosts and evil things, um, there are new monsters, and accumulate some good works."


Zhou Heng originally planned to find it by himself based on these clues, but soon he found that he couldn't find it at all by his own strength. Even if the characteristics were already clear, it was extremely difficult to find a place.

After all, this is not the earth that has entered the age of network information, and even the official maps are not very accurate. Under such conditions, it is too difficult to find a place accurately.

Apart from other things, Zhou Heng's general position is difficult to determine.

The border between Longzhou and Liangzhou is more than 8,000 miles long. There are mountains, rivers, woodlands, towns, and various environments in such a huge area. There are also many places rich in peony flowers.

Zhou Heng wants to determine where is the land of pure sun, he has to go over the mountains and ridges to search for eight thousand miles, or the kind without navigation and positioning. In the past, even where he was located was nowhere. Not sure.

too difficult.

Unless you can fly, the 8,000-mile intricate terrain environment will bring great difficulty to finding the land of pure sun. Maybe you may not even notice when you walk out of the boundary line when you are moving.

Therefore, Zhou Heng thought about it and decided to make an appointment with Cheng Jiangjian.

Explore together.

Cheng Jiangjian is a "duobao fairy".

There are not many secret treasures hidden in her gourd, and naturally there are treasures for manned flight.

I used it before in the cave world.

As long as you can fly in the air and overlook the large terrain, the difficulty of finding it will be much reduced.

But after returning to Taihua Mountain, Zhou Heng knew that Cheng Jiangjian went down the mountain soon after he left. As for where he went, it is not known.

Fortunately, when passing by Zixia Peak, I met You Ziheng and took three white crane feathers from him, which can be used as flying secret treasures, valid for one month.

So, after making all these preparations, Zhou Heng went to Longzhou via the Ziwei Palace Starlight Bridge.


Longzhou is located in the northwest of Daqi, and further ahead is Liangzhou, which leads directly to the forbidden land in the west, which is the so-called "Xiliang".

The area of ​​Liangzhou is huge, almost equivalent to two and a half Pingzhou, but there are a lot of ghosts and evil things, and the products are also very barren. Except for some core areas, it can be described as desolate.

There are only one county, three prefectures and 27 counties in the whole prefecture, which is less than 20% of Pingzhou’s.

Longzhou is better, but it is still much worse than Zhongyuanzhou County. It has an area that is 20% larger than Pingzhou, but it has only one county and seven prefectures.

Therefore, after Zhou Heng came to Longzhou, he did not have any interest in traveling. He went directly to Longzhou Juncheng to find an industrial shop in Chunyang Palace, and asked for some information. After confirming the four general areas, he feathered the crane. As a cloud of light, fly away.

This shows the benefits of the Dazongmen. The industry of Chunyang Palace is spread throughout Daqi, which means that the eyes and ears of the eyeliner are everywhere, and it is undoubtedly much more convenient to find something.

Three of the five clues in the Land of Pure Sun can be learned through inquiry.

Namely: "place of vitality", "place where peony flowers bloom", "significantly more men than women".

Even if Zhou Heng confirmed some scope, it was difficult to find it, but now that he has the ability to fly to the sky, the trouble in this regard is solved.

Next, you only need to verify these four areas based on the power of pure Yang, and you should be able to find the land of pure Yang soon.

Li Yuanxing estimated that he would never think of it in his dreams. Zhou Heng he wanted to use was actually about to find the land of pure sun within two days after he got a clue.

However, this search process was not as easy as Zhou Heng originally expected.

Because the sky in Longzhou is also different from the Central Plains.

He could clearly feel that there was something extremely dangerous hanging above his head when he was flying in the sky, and there was a very powerful gang wind at an altitude of more than three thousand meters. If he flew too high, he might be directly blown from the sky by the gang wind. Go down.

I think this should be due to the ninety-nine prefecture defense formation. This formation is used to isolate the Three Kingdoms of the Central Plains from the Western Wilderness.

In addition, when Zhou Heng flew in the air, he could still perceive a few strong yin and evil auras from time to time in the West, enough to instantly erode the ordinary 9th and 8th rank martial artists.

However, after these evil spirits floated over, they would all be blown into the sky above three thousand feet, and then disappeared without affecting the creatures on the ground below.

"It seems that the situation is not very optimistic. The Central Plains is okay. This northwestern region is getting more and more troublesome." Zhou Heng frowned and looked at the direction of Xiliang.

The evil spirit can be so strong that it floats to Longzhou. You can imagine what the situation in Xiliang is now. It is probably from Xiliang that the world began to breed monsters.

"Well, there may not be there at the border of Lianglong and Longgang." Zhou Heng shifted his gaze down, looked at a town not far below, and then pressed the cloud light and landed.

This is one of the four possible locations he previously identified, belonging to a small town in Yuxiang County, Liuping Prefecture, Longzhou County.

The name is "Yuxiang Town", and it has always been famous for its peonies blooming. Even the name of the entire county comes from this town.

In addition to peonies, there are also many kinds of medicinal herbs here, which can be said to be thriving.

As for the male to female ratio, there is no way to determine this.

Zhou Heng can only conduct field inspections by himself.

Zhou Heng lowered the light from the clouds ten miles outside the town, called out the red horse, and rode forward, and soon he came outside Yuxiang Town, but the sights he saw along the way made him feel a little puzzled.

The road to Yuxiang Town was very deserted. Not only there were no pedestrians, but there were no traces of anyone passing by recently. It seems that no one has passed by for at least a month.

Under normal circumstances, this is almost impossible.

Although a town can be self-sufficient and does not need to go out for a short time, the only way in and out of the town is completely unpassed for more than a month, which is absolutely not normal.

"Could it be that something happened in this town?" Zhou Heng didn't enter the town rashly, but carefully spread his spiritual knowledge outside the town to perceive the situation in the town.

But he didn't expect that as soon as this divine sense had detected a general situation in the town, an invisible powerful force would suddenly emerge, and this ray of his soul would be involved.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Heng felt that the space around him began to twist, and soon a void vortex was formed, which actually pulled his whole person in directly.

During this process, he felt a familiar breath, the breath he felt on the half of the phalanx that broke out of Huangtong Mansion City.

Full of evil, violent, madness... This is devilish energy!

"what happened?!"

Zhou Heng's eyes widened, and he looked shocked.

At the same time, he tried to release the power of the cave sky to wrap himself, avoiding being sucked away by the power of this vortex.

But this power is extremely strange.

Even the power of the cave could not avoid this suction, Zhou Heng could only watch as he was sucked in by the vortex.

"Damn it! What's the matter?!"


The black mist is heavy, covering the sky and the sun.

After Zhou Heng found himself sucked in by the void vortex, he came to a place shrouded in black mist in all directions, and the light was dim.

At most, he could see the front for more than ten feet, and no matter how far away it was, it was a blur.

The perception of divine consciousness is even more like being shielded, and it can't come out through the body at all, let alone perceive and probe the external situation.

Everything here is unknown to Zhou Heng, hiding unknown dangers.

Therefore, he did not hesitate at all, and directly chose to use "open the door" once, intending to leave this place.

The star-shrouded light gate opened up, and Zhou Zhiming took the position of Mount Taihua and walked in.

When he walked out of the star gate, the mist that seemed to have enveloped everything immediately disappeared. When he lifted his eyes, he saw a huge mountain standing in front, and clouds covering the mist loomed in the palace.

Zhou Heng breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to go up the mountain, but saw that the sea of ​​clouds covering Taihua Mountain was suddenly knocked away by a golden light. Looking into the distance, the golden peak of Yuxu Peak was broken by a giant claw that stretched out from somewhere!

Just now the golden light disappeared without flying far, and then a figure fell from the sky and fell in front of Zhou Heng. It was Cheng Jiangjian who had died in anger.

"This..." The expression on Zhou Heng's face suddenly froze, and then he backed back again and again in horror, "This, this, no, this is impossible!"


At this moment, a roar came.

A huge red claw pressed down against Taihua Mountain, and the entire Yuxu Peak was crushed on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, another giant red claw stretched out from the void, pressing down Zixia Peak and Yuqiong Peak, and crushed them with the rumbling sound.

It seemed that a giant beast was poking out from the void, and now only two claws came out, it was about to completely destroy the Pure Yang Palace, and it happened to be seen by Zhou Heng who had returned from his escape.

"No, no, how could this be?!"

Zhou Heng kept backing away in horror. Suddenly he felt that he had bumped into someone. When he turned his head, he saw a face full of scrolls, which was exactly what he said.

"Junior Brother, don't worry." Yan Shou patted Zhou Heng on the shoulder and smiled: "I am in Chunyang Palace."

"Brother!" Zhou Heng held Yan Shouyi's palm with his right hand with a look of excitement.

It's like grabbing a straw for life-saving.

At the same time, he pinched his left hand and his eyes lit up with golden light.

Immortal seal method!

Change Heaven and Earth! !

"The demon's method is really extraordinary!" Zhou Heng grinned.

In fact, he already knew who was attacking him when his divine consciousness was caught by that weird force.

Behind is just acting to confuse the other party.

By the way, you can gain some proficiency.

"Heart Demon'Bad Mang' is performing the evil method "Mysterious Heart Demon Art" [Secret Sixth Product] on you. You are powerful and well-versed in spiritual martial arts, with some understanding, and your proficiency is +0.001."


"Congratulations! I have seen through the evil method "Mystery of the Heart Demon Art" [The Sixth Secret Art] that the Demon of the Mind ‘Bad Mang’ has performed on you. I have deepened my comprehension of it, and my proficiency is +0.5."

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