I Practiced and Opened the Plug-in (I Cheated While Cultivating)

Chapter 347: The moon fox sleeps and never wakes up,


Zhou Heng was taken aback when he heard the words, frowned and said, "Why can you see it?"

After the Battle of Tianyang, in order to protect the evil spirits from the outside, the imperial family of the Three Kingdoms led the establishment of the Zhoutian Xunjie Division based on the Zhoutian Star Map.

However, the royal families of the three kingdoms had their own contradictions, and naturally it was difficult to work together. It happened that the Zhoutian Star Map was divided into three walls and twenty eight places, so the Zhoutian Xunjie Division was also divided into three.

As the former royal family of the central dynasty, the Zhao family of Daqi occupies the center of the world, mastering Ziweiyuan and Qinglong Qisu, the Southern Jin Dynasty Tang Jiazhang Taiweiyuan and Zhuque Qisu, and the Northern Zhou Dynasty Ji Jiazhang Tianshiyuan, Xuanwu Qisu and Baihu Seven nights.

Although the number of star positions occupied by the three-party Zhoutian Xunjie Division is different, in the past three thousand years, the number of star officials who have appeared is similar, the strength is relatively similar, the overall gap is not big, and each other is in peace. , Basically no fight.

After all, the original intention of this organization was to resist the sneaky demons and should work together.

Therefore, now Zhou Heng suddenly heard the Five Emperor Neizu say that the Zhoutian Xunjie Division of the Southern Jin Dynasty had signs of eroding this side, and he couldn't help but feel a little astonished.

"Although the Zhoutian stars map is collectively referred to as Sanyuan Twenty-Eight Lakes, the universal stars are far more than these, and the stars on the map are also the same. You know this."

Wudi Neizuo explained: "The Tripartite Xunjie Division divided Zhou Tianxing into three large sky regions, where there are actually a large number of scattered stars.

"Originally, the boundaries of the sky regions were very clear and did not interfere with each other, but recently I watched the star map sky regions, but found that the sky regions set up in the Southern Jin Dynasty did not know when they advanced three star regions."

"They passed through the border of the sky area and eroded the three star fields secretly?" Zhou Heng looked up and saw the Zhou Tian star map directly in the Hall of Worry Relief.

From this look, it was really discovered that the three star regions that once belonged to the Great Qitian Region had dimmed, which meant that they had belonged to the adjacent Southern Jintian Region.

"Such a change is definitely not an unintentional move." Wudi Neizu said in a deep voice: "In recent days, the Southern Jin Dynasty has moved frequently, and the Star Master also knows that the Zhoutian Xunjie Division over there may not be unaffected. "

"Tai Weiyuan's star position was originally Zi Weiyuan's assistant officer. They did this..." Zhou Heng narrowed his eyes and chuckled, "Is he trying to rebel?"

The celestial names of Ziweiyuan are mostly the titles of the royal family, Taiweiyuan is mainly a courtier official, and Tianshiyuan is the secular folk of the city's Inoue merchants.

If Tai Weiyuan really wanted to erode Ziweiyuan's sky, it would be no problem to say it was a rebellion.

"It's not clear whether they will rebel, but they should be a little impatient." Wudi Neizu also knew that Zhou Heng said that the rebellion was joking and didn't take it seriously. "They may be afraid of you, Lord Star Lord."

"Afraid of me?" Zhou Heng asked back. In fact, he already understood the meaning of the five emperors' inner constellations, and said: "Is it because I am afraid that I will become stronger with the position of the purple star lord, gather the stars of the week, and let the three divisions unite?"

"I don't have this plan. As for the specific situation, I don't know it yet." Wu Di Nei said: "I have already informed Master Qinglong about this matter. After receiving the instructions, I have issued the task of investigating the situation of the Southern Jin Xunjie Division."

"Who is going?" Zhou Heng suddenly felt his heart, and guessed: "Is it Beidou?"

"That's right." The Five Emperor Neizu said gently, "She has always been diligent. There are many rewards for this task. When it was first issued, she took it."

It turned out that she didn't know why she went to the Southern Jin Dynasty for the appointment, and also the task of investigating the Southern Jin Boundary Division. It should be because she was in Taihua Mountain at that time and couldn't shield others from perception.

Zhou Heng knew it, and then said: "In some time, I might also go to the Southern Jin Dynasty."

"The Southern Jin Dynasty is dangerous, the star master must be careful." The Five Emperor Neizu said with a heartfelt heart: "Also please remember that the star master should never use a star mask under the Southern Jin sky, otherwise it will be like a night light. Conspicuous."

"Don't worry, I'm not a reckless person." Zhou Heng smiled and asked: "Senior, have you found the mission of the fifth rank monster?"

"It has been found, the star master can check directly through the mask." Wudi said inwardly.

"Thanks a lot," Zhou Heng said first.


"Mission location: Xiangzhou Ansui Mansion.

"Task brief: Palace lord Zhangqiu reported the situation. Many people in Yanfu and towns under its jurisdiction were awake, and the number has reached 10,000. It is suspected that a monster has come through dreams. Half a month ago, the fifth grade star official mind was dispatched. There has been no reply so far.

"Task objective: Investigate whether it is really a monster, and find out the whereabouts of the heart.

"Task Warning: Monsters are dangerous, and the spirit is best at attacking people. If there is no corresponding secret method, it is best to wear the secret treasure of defensive spirit.

"Task-based rewards: 500 good deeds.

"Task bonus: Killing monsters will reward one thousand good deeds, and stay alive will reward one thousand good deeds."


Zhou Heng was not familiar with his heart, but he had only seen it at the Zhou Tian Xunjie Division's party, knowing that this was a graceful, exquisite woman.

It's a nodding acquaintance.

However, after all, this is a fifth-grade master. In the past, investigating the affairs of An Sui Mansion, there was no reply.

It can be seen that things there are by no means simple.

If it is really related to monsters, then the strength of monsters is probably not trivial.


Xiangzhou is a prefecture in the northern part of Daqi, and An Sui Mansion is still in the northern part of Xiangzhou.

This area has a cold climate, many hills, and relatively little contact with the outside world. Naturally, it is not prosperous. The population is small. The total population of the city and the towns under its jurisdiction is only 300,000.

Today, there are tens of thousands of people sleeping for a long time, which directly messed up the entire Ansui Mansion.

There are people sleeping in every household.

Palace Lord Zhangqiu was anxious, but with his Secret Sixth Rank strength, he was completely helpless in such a situation and could not do anything about it. He could only report to the Zhoutian Xunjie Division for help.

Half a month ago, a star official "Xinyue Fox" from the Zhoutian Xunjie Division was like a heavenly celestial being descending to the earth, almost overwhelming all sentient beings.

She set up a forbidden formation in the center of the city, and she went out of her body to enter the dreams of sleeping people, trying to awaken these people, but she never woke up again.

If she was alive under the influence of her spiritual sense, people would think that this expert had already died.

Zhangqiu had no choice but to continue to ask Zhou Tianxunjie for help.

I finally got a reply recently, and soon there will be a stronger expert coming to wipe out the evil in An Sui Mansion.

This gave Zhang Qiu a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to relax too much.

After all, Xinyue Fox was still sitting in the forbidden formation in the middle of the city. This time it was very troublesome. Even an expert from the Zhoutian Xunjie Division might not be able to handle it.

On the third day of July, the sun is near dusk.

Zhangqiu was still waiting anxiously, the sunset shining slantingly, pulling his shadow long.

This An Sui Palace Lord was walking back and forth in the yard of the government office without stopping for a moment. He was really upset.

In the past three days, nearly a thousand people could not sleep at all.

The number of people has been increasing, and the speed is getting faster and faster!

"If this continues, I am afraid that the entire Ansui Mansion will die!" Zhang Qiu sighed, he was really desperate. Facing this weird situation, he was a true cultivation company. There is no way.

This is a situation he has never encountered during his ten years in power here. In the past, even if there were evil things and ghosts, he could always see traces. Even if he couldn't kill him, he still had the opportunity to repel them.

But what's going on now?

People fall asleep inexplicably for no reason, and can't afford to sleep. What is this?

Is this a monster?

How should this be dealt with?

"Palace Master, seems very melancholy?"

A clear voice suddenly came, and then a figure fell from the sky, floating in the courtyard of the Yamen of An Sui Mansion City.

"Who?" Zhang Qiu was shocked, and hurriedly turned his head back. Someone could come to Fucheng Yamen completely blinded by his perception. This is probably a fifth-grade grandmaster.

This time around, I saw a man wearing a purple robe, graceful and luxurious, and wearing an emperor's mask. Just standing there gave people a feeling of incomparable dignity and superiority.

"Emperor Ziwei!" Zhang Qiu immediately recognized the identity represented by this mask, and was immediately overjoyed, "Presumably you are the Emperor Ziwei of the Zhoutian Xunjie Division."

——In the previous reply to him by the Zhou Tian Xunjie Division, the identity of the star official who came this time was mentioned.

"That's right." Zhou Heng gently chin his head and smiled, "Xinyue Fox is in the middle of the city?"

"Yes." Zhangqiu calmed down slightly and was about to continue explaining the situation, but he suddenly realized Zhou Heng's cultivation realm, and he couldn't help being taken aback.

Secret Six?

This Ziwei Monarch actually only has the cultivation base of Secret Sixth Rank?

The Xinyue Fox of the previous fifth-rank sect was at a loss for this change, and even life and death was unpredictable. Why did the Zhoutian Xunjie Division send another secret sixth-rank?

What can a secret sixth product do?

Zhang Qiu's heart suddenly became angry, and the backlog of irritability during the recent period almost broke out.

However, after all, he has been an official for many years and is good at hiding his true emotions, and he has not directly expressed his dissatisfaction.

At the same time, he thought of the concealment ability demonstrated by the Ziwei Emperor just now, and the meaning of the title of Ziwei Emperor, he couldn't help but have a little more hope in his heart.

Perhaps this Ziwei Monarch really has the means to solve this abnormal change?

It's just that the cultivation base of this Secret Sixth Rank, after all, can hardly make him truly relieved.

"My heart is in the forbidden formation in the center of the city." Zhang Qiu calmed down slightly, and said: "Such a master of the fifth grade, who has made complete preparations, has not been able to succeed. Maybe there is a special way."

He is testing Zhou Heng's methods.

"Yes." Zhou Heng smiled.

He had already seen through Zhangqiu's mind, but he was not angry.

In the final analysis, Zhangqiu is also worrying about administering the people. It is indeed difficult to be convinced by his own six-level secret. Only after the matter is resolved, everything is self-evident.

No need to say more about this matter.


The sun is down, and the evening is over.

The dark clouds cover the moon, and only a little bit of starlight adorns the night. Zhou Heng and Zhangqiu rode the night to the center of Ansui City.

There is a red flame burning here, bright and dazzling, illuminating the night sky.

The flames are drawn into complex rune prohibitions one after another, which are intertwined with each other to form a very complex large array with extremely diverse effects.

Zhou Heng just glanced at it, and he could distinguish the functions such as dust-proof, exorcism, defense, isolation, nourishing qi, and accumulation of spirit.

Should be an extremely clever formation.

Even if they are both the fifth-tier masters, it would take a lot of effort to break the defense of this formation, and it may not be possible.

With such a formation, even if one's heart is not there, it can protect one's physical body from harm.

"It seems that she has already planned to fight for a long time." Zhou Heng made a judgment after taking a little look, and then said: "Palace Master Zhang, trouble protect the law, I will go to kill the devil in a dream."

"Huh?" Zhang Qiu was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't seem to react for a while, and said in doubt: "Don't you need to make any preparations?"

He remembered very clearly that he had made a lot of preparations before setting up the forbidden formation.

First, I collected a lot of spiritual materials, and then drew all kinds of complicated runes, and finally arranged a mysterious and powerful formation, which really started to act.

Now listening to this Ziwei Emperor, it seems that he is going to kill the enemy directly?

It's too sloppy.

"You don't need to make any special preparations." Zhou Heng smiled, sat down cross-legged outside the battlefield, and gently pushed the crown.

I saw a breath of fresh air rushing out of his heavenly gate and flying unimpeded into the formation restraint under the cloth of his heart.

Afterwards, she entered the body of her heart and touched the perception deep in her soul.

This is Qing Qi's transformation, turning into an old man riding a blue ox, following her divine and soul perception, into her dreamland.

A ray of soul into a dream!


Dreams are bizarre, and there are often things that are completely impossible in reality.

Sometimes the same thing appears, the front and back performances are completely uncorrelated, there is no logic at all, and the connection between events and characters is usually fragmented.

Dreams seem illusory and true, making people puzzled.

To enter a dream with a spirit is to enter the weirdness of others in a sober state.

If one's own will is not firm enough or sober enough, then it is possible to be immersed in other people's dreams and it is difficult to extricate oneself.

Zhou Heng suspected that Xinsu had encountered a similar situation.

Therefore, the first thing he did was to enter the dream of his heart, to explore the situation of her dreams, and then to explore the dreams of the other 10,000 people through her dreams.

Zhou Heng's soul turned into an old man riding a green bull. After passing through layers of "fog", he found himself outside a small mountain village.

However, this mountain village has already burned a raging fire, and the people inside were running away, crying, and screaming desperately. Every moment someone fell, engulfed by flames, and turned into charcoal.

At the entrance of the mountain village, a little girl who seemed to be seven or eight years old stood there, trembling all over the mountain village that was being burned by flames.

Zhou Heng sensed a familiar aura in this little girl, and was about to ride forward on the green bull——

But seeing the little girl suddenly turned her head, her face had no facial features, it was as flat as a piece of white paper, terrified, and she stepped forward slowly.



Slowly approach Zhou Heng.

Suddenly, the little girl's ghostly voice resounded in the void, as if questioning.

"Have you put the fire?!"

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