I Practiced and Opened the Plug-in (I Cheated While Cultivating)

Chapter 391: New permissions

Above the Ziqi Yuntai, in front of the Ziwei Palace.

Xingguan Gou Chen stepped on the clouds and flew up. The aura on her body was rather gloomy, which showed that her mood was not very good.

"What happened?" Taizun saw that Xingguan Gou Chen seemed to be in a state of something wrong, and asked, "But this trip to Tai Weiyuan didn't go well?"

"Then what did Mr. Tai Wei say?" Tianli frowned and said solemnly.

Half a month ago, the Emperor Taiwei of the Southern Jin Dynasty once again eroded the heavens on the side of Daqi and took another star official.

This made the Zhoutian Xunjie on the Daqi side furious. The leader of Tian Yi came down with an incarnation. After a group of high-level discussions, they decided to send a high-ranking star official of the heaven and human realm to the Southern Jin Dynasty to question. What exactly does Tai Weijun mean?

In nominal terms, the Zhoutian Xunjie Division of the Three Kingdoms should complement each other with Qi and Lianzhi, and be a partner who resists foreign demons and evil gods together, and must support and cooperate with each other.

Although everyone didn't take this seriously on weekdays, there has never been an act of blatantly eroding the sky and seizing the position of star official like the Emperor Taiwei of the Southern Jin Dynasty.

It's too much.

Tai Weiyuan in the Southern Jin Dynasty had completely lost his morals, and Da Qi Zi Weiyuan could bring great justice to question. This is a matter of course.

"Master Taiwei didn't see me, and his words were arrogant, and he had the desire to covet the position of the star master."

Gou Chen Xingguan said in a deep voice, she was obviously very angry, and when she was speaking, her chest was constantly rising and falling, and her anger could not be suppressed with the mood of heaven and man.

In fact, she still has some reservations about what she said. The original words of Mr. Tai Wei at the time were: "The emperor star wants to see me now. It is too anxious. After I become the emperor, I will pamper her."

In the eyes of Gou Chen Xingguan, this is simply a naked insult!

If it hadn't been for Tai Weiyuan's home court at that time, she would have been at a disadvantage if she rushed forward.

"Covet the position of Star Lord?"

"Is this too Weijun brain disease?"

Taizun and Tianli looked at each other and saw the consternation in each other's eyes, and then they all laughed, "Taiwei Jun doesn't even know the power of Lord Star Master."

A powerful reincarnation that even Daojun can kill, this Taiweijun actually coveted his behavior, and he didn't know whether he lived or died.

"Master Star Lord... isn't he only the Secret Sixth Rank?" Xingguan Gou Chen was a little puzzled, and said in doubt: "Even if the Star Lord's position is indeed extremely high, but that too Weijun..."

She did not know Zhou Heng's true identity in the outside world, which was also a common phenomenon in the Zhou Tian Xunjie Division.

Except between the attractor and the interviewee, and the two old people who are resident in Ziwei Palace, Taizun and Tianli, few others know each other's true identities outside.

"Are you trying to say that although the cultivation base of Taiwei Jun is only the top four, thanks to the authority of the star position, he can already display the strength that is no less than that of the heavenly person?" Taizun smiled.

"That's right." Gou Chen nodded lightly and said, "Although I hate that gentleman, his strength should not be underestimated."

"When the star master breaks through to the fifth rank, he may be able to restrict the star position of Emperor Taiwei." Tianli said solemnly: "After all, Lord Taiwei is a courtier of Emperor Ziwei, no matter how strong he is, he will be restrained."

"This..." Xingguan Gou Chen was still a little unsure. Liu frowned under the mask and sighed: "I hope so too, but on the one hand, the fifth grade is not so easy to break through. The star master seems to be in the real aura before. .

"Moreover, Mr. Taiwei's star position authority is really very strong. After I stepped into the area of ​​Taiweiyuan, I haven't seen Mr. Taiwei yet, and I felt extremely oppressed."

"Gou Chen, you have been in the organization for a short time, and you don't know much about the star master..." Taizun was about to explain a few words, suddenly his eyes were overjoyed, and he turned to look in the direction of the Star Bridge.

"Master Star Lord is here! Great! He broke through!!"


The familiar purple galaxy, the familiar chanting prayers.

Zhou Heng once again returned to the world where the Ziwei Palace was. As he expected, after coming here, he got the message from the Ziwei Palace.

New permissions have been opened.

The increase in authority brought about by this breakthrough is huge.

Compared with before, it can even be said that his position as the "Purple Star Master" has been substantially improved.

There are five new permissions:

①Star official positioning (not enabled): As long as the star master is in the Purple Palace, he can perceive the position of each star official, regardless of distance and world restrictions. Before the Heaven and Human Realm, it takes good deeds to exercise this authority.

②Division of the sky area (unopened): The authority of the star master, based on the Ziwei Palace, re-divide the sky area and re-delineate the star official's sky area ownership. Before the Heaven and Human Realm, it takes good deeds to exercise this authority.

③ Deactivate star officer (not enabled): Star master authority can remove any star officer's star position. Before the Celestial Realm, it is necessary to consume good deeds to condense the star seal, and issue an edict, and the star official accepts the edict, in order to successfully dismiss it.

④Information announcement (unopened): The star owner has the authority to issue an information announcement to all or part of the star officer, regardless of whether the star officer wears a star mask or not. Before the Heaven and Human Realm, it takes good deeds to exercise this authority.

⑤ Astral position gift (unopened): The star master authority can grant the star official a corresponding astral position inheritance. Before the Celestial Realm, the exercise of this authority requires good deeds. After the grant, the star master will also receive the corresponding inheritance.

The acquisition of the authority of these five star masters made Zhou Heng truly different from other star officials, and even possessed the authority to dismiss star officials, becoming a high-ranking existence above the star officials.

In addition, the exercise of the authority of the star master is not limited to Ziweiyuan and Qinglong Qisu, but can also be exercised for Taiweiyuan, Tianshiyuan, Zhuque Qisu, Xuanwu Qisu, and Baihu Qisu.

Previously Zhou Heng could only be regarded as a relatively high-ranking star official, but now he can be regarded as a real star master.

"The dismissal of the star official is not needed for the time being, and it should not be publicized." Zhou Heng calculated in his heart, secretly said: "Before he has really strong enough prestige, exposing this authority will definitely do more harm than good.

"The most important issue on Ziweiyuan's side is the erosion of Taiweiyuan's side in the Southern Jin Dynasty. Even the star position has been lost. You can first disclose the authority for this matter and use it to deal with Taiweijun in the Southern Jin Dynasty. .

"In addition, several permissions that have never been opened before can also be opened by this opportunity. The two permissions of good deeds and task release are enough to make the Zhoutian Xunjie Division undergo earth-shaking changes."

With a fixed mind, Zhou Heng flew onto the Ziqi Yuntai and arrived in front of the Ziwei Palace.

Taizun and Tianli were still guarding the gate of Ziwei Palace, and there was a woman standing beside them, Xingguan Gouchen.

The three people also discovered Zhou Heng's arrival, and soon felt the changes in Zhou Heng's body.

"Master Star, you have broken through to the fifth rank of the sect!"

"Congratulations! Master Star Lord has become a Grand Master. Congratulations! Haha!"

Tianli and Taizun both laughed, very happy in their hearts.

Now the Zhoutian Xunjie Division on the side of Daqi was suppressed by the Emperor Taiwei of the Southern Jin Dynasty, and even the sky area was eroded, losing three star positions, and desperately needing a breakthrough to counterattack.

Zhou Heng, the owner of Ziweixing, is undoubtedly the best hope.

"Congratulations, Master Star." Xingguan Gou Chen also congratulated.

Although she didn't think that the Star Master would be able to fight against the Taiwei Monarch of the Southern Jin Dynasty by breaking through to the fifth rank, but as a fellow of an organization, the other party would also be pleased with the breakthrough in the realm.

Any member of the Zhoutian Xunjie Division knows that the organization is inseparable from themselves, and the stronger the organization means the stronger the support they receive.

"I have seen three seniors." Zhou Heng bowed his hand, then looked at Taizun and Tianli with a smile: "The two seniors lived up to the expectations. After breaking through to the fifth grade, I really got new permissions."

"Haha, I knew it!" Taizun was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, "Maybe against the Taiwei Monarch of the Southern Jin Dynasty?"

"Master Star Lord, let us know what authority is it." Tianli also laughed.

"New, new authority?" Gou Chen was surprised when he heard that, his bright eyes looked at Zhou Heng, which contained doubts and curiosity.

"Whether we can fight against Taiwei Jun is not yet known, but there is no problem against the erosion of Southern Jin Taiweiyuan." Zhou Heng smiled and said: "Moreover, not only confrontation, we can also effectively counterattack."

"How to do it?" Taizun's eyes lit up and said with joy: "How to fight back."

"Yes, how to fight back?" Tianli also hurriedly asked.

These two celestial beings stayed here all day long in the Ziwei Palace, and often went back to look at the Zhoutian star map. Every time they saw the heavens eroded by the Southern Jin Taiweiyuan, they felt maddened.

But for a while, there was no way to counterattack, even how to resist it.

This feeling of helplessness is really aggrieved.

Now that I heard the hope of counterattack, I was overjoyed.

"Now I can expend good deeds, re-divide the sky area, and re-delineate the star official's belonging." Zhou Heng smiled and said: "In this way, we can not only regain the star position eroded by Taiweiyuan, but also reverse it. To erode them."

"Re-division of the sky area?!" Taizun's eyes widened when he heard the words, and said in surprise: "Doesn't this mean that in theory our side can be expanded into a complete three-walled twenty-eight nights?"

"It's not impossible." Zhou Heng smiled more deeply, but he explained, "It's just that with my current cultivation level, adjusting the positions of five star officials in a short time is already the limit."

"Enough is enough, and five are enough! Haha!" Tianli laughed and said: "Master Star Lord, please do whatever you can, and subdue that Nanban Taiweijun!"

"Master Star, can you re-divide the five star positions?" Gou Chen looked at Zhou Heng in amazement, and said, "Can you actually manipulate the heavens of the stars in this way?"

"What's weird about this, isn't Taiwei Monarch of the Southern Jin Dynasty doing this too?" Zhou Heng looked at Gou Chen in surprise.

"..." Gou Chen was slightly silent after hearing the words, and then nodded seriously, saluted Zhou Heng, and respectfully said: "Please forgive me, Lord Star.

"I previously went to Taiweiyuan in the Southern Jin Dynasty, and felt the suppression of Taiweijun's breath, and was shocked by him for a while. Some people couldn't believe that the star master could fight against it at the fifth grade. It really shouldn't be."

"Have you ever been to Taiweiyuan in the Southern Jin Dynasty?" Zhou Heng looked at Taizun and Tianli in a puzzled manner, and said, "During my retreat and practice period?"

"That's right." Taizun nodded, and then gave a brief account of Gouchen's experience in Taiweiyuan, and at the same time explained what Taiweijun said.

"Pretending to be the emperor? Haha..." Zhou Heng laughed directly, shook his head and said: "This is too serious, he is a good courtier, but I don't know if he has this ability."

Zhou Tiansanyuan is in charge of his own affairs.

Ziweiyuan is the residence of the emperor and the core of Sanyuan. Most star officials also have emperor authority, while the star officials of Taiweiyuan are mainly ministers who assist the place.

Taiwei Jun coveted the Ziwei emperor's throne. From the perspective of the star position, it is tantamount to treason.

"This is too daring, he has been in the dormitory Ziweiyuan's sky area, I am afraid it is because of this thought." Taizun lightly chins his head, and said in a deep voice: "Please also ask the star master to lead me to fight back."

"Senior needn't worry. Later, we will go to find the five emperors' inner seat seniors. We can then counter the opportunity of Tai Weijun, give him a gift, and at the same time grow the organization." Zhou Heng smiled.

"Oh?" Taizun was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he reacted and smiled: "It seems that you have already figured out which star officials from Tai Weiyuan are to be captured."

"That's right." Zhou Heng lightly chin his head, and then said: "In addition, I said that I am not in a hurry. It is also because I have not only obtained this permission after breaking through."

"Any other permissions?" Taizun and Tianli's eyes lit up, very surprised

They all remembered that every time Zhou Heng obtained a new authority, he could bring earth-shaking changes to the entire Ziweiyuan.

Gou Chen was watching from the sidelines, and she almost understood why Taizun and Tianli, the two celestial beings who had accumulated years of age, would trust Zhou Heng so much.

New permissions!

This seems to mean that the entire organization will have new changes!

"There are three new permissions." Zhou Heng stretched out his hand, gestured with three fingers, and said: "They are'information announcement','mission release', and'good deeds'."

These are the three permissions he decided to disclose after some consideration.

As for the three powers of dismissing star official, star position gift, and star official summoning, he was still thinking about whether it could be displayed in other ways.

"What is the explanation for these three permissions?" Taizun asked.

In fact, after hearing the names of these three permissions, he already had some guesses in his mind, but he still wanted to get an accurate answer too difficult.

"Information announcement, as the name suggests, is to make information announcements so that every star official or some star officers can receive it, which is convenient for the transmission of news."

Zhou Heng explained: "Good deeds transactions are also easy to understand, that is, changing the current good deeds mechanism can allow good deeds to circulate and free transactions can be carried out between star officials.

"Presumably the predecessors have guessed the task release. Unlike the task that can only be released by the Jieyou Temple now, after this permission is activated, every star officer can release the task."

"This, this..." Taizun was very excited and laughed: "It's really an earth-shaking change, and the organization will grow rapidly in the future!"

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