I Practiced and Opened the Plug-in (I Cheated While Cultivating)

Chapter 412: New reward

Whether it is Zhou Heng or Cheng Jiangjian, they have actually experienced many trips to other worlds.

Even though there are crises in those worlds, large and small, they are often worried about their sources and can be resolved by focusing their efforts.

But the main world they are in is different.

The crises we are facing come from all sides, and they are all extremely huge crises.

Obviously abnormal.

Those heretic gods and foreign demons have no lack of first-grade or even stronger existences of gods, but they are all gathered together, vying to come to this world, there must be a reason.

For them, this world must have a fatal temptation.

As for the specifics of this temptation, the two of them don't know, but they believe that the Zhoutian Xunjie Division has fought against the evil spirits for so many years, it should be more or less understandable.

Taizun and Tianli fell silent again.

After a while, Taizun sighed slightly: "This question you asked, Tianli and I actually asked the two adults, Tianyi and Qinglong, but did not get a clear answer.

"It's just that this may be related to the legacy of the ancient mythological era and the dark era before the Middle Ages. The two of them guessed that our world may have great secrets.

"As for the specific reasons for this, even the two adults, I'm afraid I haven't really explored it clearly."

"It has something to do with the legacy of the ancient mythological era and the dark era." Zhou Heng frowned slightly when he heard this.

In fact, he had guessed this answer before, but the two eras of the Ancient Mythical Age and the Dark Age, for people in this era, seem to be covered in thick fog, and there are really too few clues.

Although the world still has the power to survive from the Dark Age to the present day, they are either resisting the evil spirits or the evil gods, or they are reclusive, and there is no way to find them.

"These two eras are secret to us." Cheng Jiangjian said solemnly.

"Well, if the two adults, Tianyi and Qinglong, have not investigated clearly, with our current cultivation level, I am afraid that there is no hope." Zhou Heng said.

"In this way, if I want to get close to the truth, I am afraid I can only practice harder and strive to improve my realm as soon as possible?" Cheng Jiangjian said.

"But it's not necessarily." Zhou Heng looked at Taizun and Tianli again, and said, "Two adults, don't you have any clues to investigate?"

"If it's a clue..." Tai Zun was hesitant to speak, and hesitated.

"Oh, you are still such a mother-in-law." Tianli couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "Why look forward and backward like this, you have seen the strength of Lord Star Lord, and if it is really dangerous, he must be free and proper. We There is no need to worry too much."

Afterwards, he said to Zhou Heng: "Sir, the clues are indeed there, but it is very dangerous there. Taizun is worried that you will encounter unexpected investigations in the past, so he hesitates.

"I think that with your strength and knowledge, your sir, you should have your own measures, and after you become the leader, you will know about this, so I just said it directly.

"The two adults, Tianyi and Qinglong, had discovered a strange world in their early years. There are many ancient fairy gods in the legends of that world, and there are even fairy gods that we don't know, and there is one that seems quite complete. The fairy **** system is called'Heavenly Court'.

"Although the two adults, Tianyi and Qinglong, discovered that world, the heavens had already fallen, and the gods had disappeared, but in the people of that world, such earth-shattering things only happened more than a hundred years ago. "

"The heavens fell and the fairy gods disappeared?" Zhou Heng was surprised when he heard the words, and asked: "Do the two adults have information about the way to that world and specific information about that world?"

"We haven't." Tian Li shook his head and said: "That world is special and very dangerous. The two adults, Tianyi and Qinglong, do not approve of the members of the organization below Grade 3 to go to that world.

"Even if you are a member of the top three organizations, if you want to go to that world, you need to apply for the report from the two adults. After approval, one of them will preside over the star gate and send the member you want to go to."

"In other words, if you want to get the specific situation and guide information of that world, or should you find two adults, Tianyi and Qinglong?" Zhou Heng frowned slightly, and then lightly chin, "This is fine, anyway. The next meeting is not far away."

The next meeting is April 18, and it is now in early March, and there is only less than half a month left. He is not very anxious and can wait.

"Well, by then, the two adults, Tianyi and Qinglong, should be there to take over organizational affairs with you." Taizun sighed: "The invasion of the Cthulhu and the Foreign Demon is getting more and more serious, and they can no longer be distracted."

"Hey, many colleagues are working hard to maintain, only Taizun and I can only stay in this purple palace, and can't even go out." Tianli was a little frustrated, shook his fist, "Hey..."

"Didn't it say that the Divine Soul Star Gate might be effective for you?" Zhou Heng asked.

After the Divine Soul Star Gate descends and crosses the boundary, it will regain the body, and when it comes back, you can choose to bring the body back. Taizun and Tianli have also imagined this way to regain the body.

Just looking at the two of them now, it seems that this method is not feasible?

"It doesn't work." Taizun shook his head and said, "Tianli and I have both tried this method. After descending into other worlds through the Divine Soul Star Gate, we can indeed regain our physical bodies.

"But this flesh body cannot fully accommodate our soul. Unless that flesh body can be cultivated to the realm of celestial beings, there will be no hair at all as a normal flesh body, and the essential difference is too great."

"In fact, even the body of heaven and human may not be able to carry the soul of me and Taizun." Tianli said: "In the old days, Taizun and I lost their bodies and only the souls were left. They could only stay in front of the purple palace.

"This stay is more than 1,300 years. After such a long period of time, we are always bathing in the rhyme of the Star Palace Daoyun. The essence of the soul has been greatly improved, and it has surpassed the normal sense of heaven and human."

"Well, it's true." Taizun nodded lightly and chuckled: "With our current essence, not to mention the ordinary flesh of other worlds, even if it is a celestial being who has survived five decays, it may not be Able to carry."

The primordial spirit of heaven and man rests on the void, intertwined with the avenue, and its essence is related to the intertwined avenue.

Moreover, the higher the essence, the higher the requirements for the physical body.

Because of this, as long as the celestial beings have certain ambitions, they will usually wait for the five decays of the celestial beings before attempting to condense the Taoism.

Because the more decay and calamity that the body has passed through, the stronger the primordial spirit that the body can carry, which means that the primordial spirit can interweave the stronger Dao, thus condensing the stronger Taoism.

The primordial spirits of Taizun and Tianli have exceeded the normal scope of heaven and humans, and if they want to reshape their physical bodies, it will be as difficult as reaching the sky.

"Actually, we have already looked away." Taizun laughed again and said: "I have been here for so many years. There is nothing wrong with staying in front of Ziwei Palace and bathing in the radiance of Star Master Dao Yun."

"..." Tianli did not speak, and fell silent.

"Thanks for the two seniors." Zhou Heng and Cheng Jiangjian both sigh with emotion.

Then they left the Ziwei Palace and returned to Mount Taihua.


Qi Rui had already returned safely.

After learning the news of Zhou Heng and Cheng Jiangjian's return, they took the initiative to greet the two and took them to Yuqiongfeng.

Cheng Jiangjian has a small courtyard in Yuqiongfeng, which is very elegantly furnished.

Qi Rui had already left. At this time, there were only Zhou Heng and Cheng Jiangjian in the small courtyard.

In the small pavilion in the center of the lake.

The two sat facing each other.

"Little Master, what did you want to ask me before?" Cheng Jiangjian smiled lightly: "Is it about that world?"

"There is also something about you." Zhou Heng said solemnly: "I can feel that your connection with that world is because of that evil god?"

"Well, that's it." Cheng Jiangjian nodded, looking a little complicated and said: "I often dream of that world. In my dreams, I am the ruler of the stars of that world, the king of all gods, and the Emperor Gouchen. That is the daughter of the Dou Mu.

"There are constant voices calling me, telling me, I am not Cheng Jiangjian, not a mortal, I am a god, a collection of the concept of Gouchen, the sister of Ziwei Emperor, and the empress of Ziwei Emperor. ..."

"A collection of Gouchen concepts..." Zhou Heng frowned.

Regarding Gouchen, he has heard many legends in his previous life, and indeed his images are different.

In Taoist legends, he is called "Gouchen Shanggong Emperor". He is the eldest son of Yuanjun Doumu and the brother of Emperor Ziwei. He is in charge of the north and south poles and the three talents of heaven, earth and man, governing the stars, and presiding over the war revolution in the world The matter is one of the "Four Royals".

But in traditional astrology, Gouchen is a star official of Ziweiyuan, located on the side of the center, and is regarded as the harem or concubine of the emperor, and can also be called the empress.

There are also some legends that Gouchen is the **** of the ancients, saying, "Gouchen's elephant, real name Qilin, is in the center, and the right is the fifth day. It is also governed by the local virtues of the beast."

It's just that the situation that Cheng Jiangjian is talking about now seems to be different from these. One is a collection of concepts, and the other is specifically for women.

However, looking at her reaction, she seemed to be extremely disgusted with this situation.

"The reason why you chose to be the official of the Big Dipper is to use the power of the Big Dipper to resist this intrusion?" Zhou Heng asked.

"Well, the erosion of this kind of dream is too serious. It contains powerful star power. If you want to fight against it, you can only use high-level star power." Cheng Jiangjian nodded lightly and sighed:

"Actually, after I became Beidou, this erosion has been much smaller, but it still continues...Finally, as you know, Master and I met the great demon Canghua, so we can only rely on our relationship with that side of the world. Contact, flee across borders, and went there after all."

"What about now?" Zhou Heng asked with concern.

"Thanks to Xiao Shishu's seal, I can no longer feel the erosion of Gou Chen Xingli." Cheng Jiangjian smiled like a flower, came to Zhou Heng, and said with joy: "Thank you!"

"Haha, it's okay." Zhou Heng also laughed, but he was still a little worried, and said: "It's just that why are you being corroded by Gou Chen Xingli? This is a problem."

"I have thought about whether I am also reincarnated with great power, or have some connection with that mother of stars..." Cheng Jiangjian shook her head and sighed slightly: "I just wanted to go to Xinggong before. To figure out this question, it's a pity that the change happened too fast, the mother of the stars is too strong."

Having said that, she laughed again and said: "If it weren't for a little teacher to turn the tide, I'm afraid I haven't figured out the truth, most of my life will be gone."

"Well, after we have achieved something in our cultivation, we will go to see that world." Zhou Cheng thought a little, and said: "I can feel that the state of the mother of the stars is not normal, and I also have a lot of doubts about it. clear."

"Then the topic has returned to our own practice." Cheng Jiangjian smiled lightly: "Little Master, you have already condensed the Fa, I'm just a real gang, I'm already one step behind.

"However, this time I returned, I also had some insights. I plan to practice in retreat and condense the Dhamma. It should be possible to complete the breakthrough before organizing the gathering."

"Okay." Zhou Heng smiled: "Then I will wait for good news."


After talking with Cheng Jiangjian, Zhou Heng returned to the Golden Summit of Yuxu Peak.

Yan Shouyi still didn't come back, and Chen Xuan was still handling various affairs on his behalf.

This made Zhou Heng a little worried.

Fortunately, I learned from Chen Xuan that Yun Xiu sent a letter half a month ago, briefly explaining the current situation of Yan Shouyi.

It is estimated that it will take another two months before Yan Shouyi can return.

Zhou Heng let go of his heart for a while, and finally had time to return to the side hall where he usually lived, and began to organize his own gains this time.

Needless to say, the rewards for killing two monsters of rank four before.

Before the most critical start, when he returned with Cheng Jiangjian and Qi Rui, the pursuit of Yuanjun Xiantian Doumu who started the Tianyin defeat.

This should be regarded as Zhou Heng's first real confrontation with Cthulhu.

Prior to this, neither the Emperor Taishan nor Mo Ke Jiaye actually played against each other. The former was directly shocked by the power of the Purple Star Palace, while the latter was only a partial incarnation.

Only this time, Zhou Heng actually repelled the evil **** named Dou Mu Yuanjun, and even the power of the opening of the heavenly seal traced back to the body of the evil god.

The rewards brought by such battles are extremely huge, and there are even new types of rewards.

"Congratulations! Use the projection card "Open Heaven Seal [Silver]" to defeat the evil **** "Xiantian Doumu Yuanjun" (suppressed)!

"Secrets[Platinum]+1, Treasure Box[Platinum]+1, Lucky Bag[Gold]+2, Lucky Bag[Silver]+2, Lucky Bag[Bronze]+2.

"Number of option rewards +2, existing basic attributes +2, existing additional attributes +2, special skill upgrade card +2, martial arts promotion card +2, longevity +1000, Doumu projection card +1, OK Choose the number of rewards +1, and the martial arts proficiency package +1.

"Please choose 1+1 from the following rewards."

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