I Practiced and Opened the Plug-in (I Cheated While Cultivating)

Chapter 58: Back pot

You Ziheng arrived first.

As a top-notch martial arts master that inherits the ancients, Chunyang Palace is naturally first-class in the world.

However, the same master, this is not a desperate escape, the gap is not very big, You Ziheng just fell, Pei Zhantu also rushed over.

This was originally an uninhabited house, so Kong Chengshun was able to rent it that day.

Now the house no longer exists, even the bricks, tiles, woods and stones are gone. Under the sweeping force of sword energy, ordinary houses are no different from the paper.

Even the foundation has been flattened.

The entire ground was sunken by more than three feet, forming a long deep pit. Its bottom cut surface was very smooth, which was obviously caused by the sharp edge of sword energy.

Although the sword aura had dissipated at this time, there were still bursts of blade-like wind remaining in the air.

"Rank six master, Gengjin sword energy." Pei Zhantu glanced at it and judged the general situation. "This house occupies less than one acre, and the sword energy is also controlled within this range, and it has not spread. It's just coming at Kong Chengshun."

"I don't think so." You Ziheng still looks drunk, but the expression on his face is quite solemn. He jumped into the pit, pulled in the soil, and took out a simple long sword. "Tsk. Tsk tsk, interesting."

At this time, Wu Zongshan and Wang Lang also rushed over. They were all six martial arts ranks, and their flying speed was far less than Pei Zhantu and You Ziheng.

"Two, what's the matter?" Wu Zongshan, as Palace Master Huang Tong, asked.

"This is the place where Kong Chengshun rented. It was destroyed by the Sixth-Rank Gengjin sword qi. Kong Chengshun's body and spirit have disappeared." Pei Zhantu briefly described, then looked at You Ziheng in the deep pit, and said: "That one What is the sword?"

"It's a magic weapon." You Ziheng said lightly. He held the hilt of the sword and looked carefully.


"The magical soldier?"

"A magic weapon of the third rank?"

The other three people present were all stunned, almost suspecting that they had misheard.

Isn't this the place where Kong Chengsun rented?

How could there be a magic weapon?

"That's right, the third rank of Heavenly Soldier." You Ziheng jumped out of the deep pit, gudonggudong poured himself two sips of wine, and smiled: "Hey, does this count as fairy fate? I went down and pulled it twice. Just got a magic sword."

"It is indeed a divine sword, but it seems to be sealed by the mighty." Pei Zhantu also saw the rank of this ancient sword, but he was even more puzzled, "How could a sealed divine sword be here in Kong Chengshun? What's the matter with his sword spirit, directed at this magic weapon?"

"But if it's just to get the magic weapon, why should it be so powerful, wouldn't it be better to assassinate Kong Chengshun?" Wu Zongshan also felt a little puzzled.

The earth-shattering roar just now can be heard by almost half of Huangtong Mansion.


At this moment, the ancient sword suddenly trembled and screamed, with an old voice coming from inside.

"Chunyang Palace boy, what are you pretending to be, wasn't you the one who cut the sword aura just now?" Fu Ya's voice was very angry, and he was now sober.

But being held in the hands of a fifth-tier grandmaster, he couldn't escape at all.

Although the complete Fuya Sword is a Heavenly Third Rank Divine Weapon, it is now in a sealed state and does not have any ability to attack independently.

Even if it is held in the hand, it is only equivalent to a hundred-strength soldier close to the weapon level.

It is impossible to escape from the master's hands.

With Fu Yajian's words, the surrounding suddenly became silent.

Pei Zhantu, Wu Zongshan, and Wang Lang's complexion changed immediately, and a trace of panic flashed in their eyes, and they looked at this magic soldier in disbelief.

God soldier speaks!

This is not just a question of the spirit of the Excalibur!

You Ziheng's hand holding Fuyajian also shook slightly, but on the surface he looked like he had anticipated. He actually hiccuped and laughed: "Senior's temper is really irritable."

As he spoke, he saw thirty-six apricot rays flying out of his sloppy robe, immediately enveloping the Fuya sword.

The sound in the sword stopped abruptly and quieted down.

It turned out that the thirty-six rays of apricot and yellow light were all runes, and You Ziheng directly blocked the "spirit" in the divine sword and suppressed it.

——Fuya Jian is in a sealed state, and the spirit that can reveal to the outside world is not strong, so for a fifth-grade master like You Ziheng, it is not difficult to ban it.

Seeing Fu Yajian calm down, Pei Zhantu and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turns out that it was your hands. When did you learn the Gengjin Jianqi?" Pei Zhantu looked at You Ziheng, he had already believed what Fuyajian had just said.

This can also explain why You Ziheng found the magic weapon as soon as he arrived here, because he was here for this magic sword.

"Secret Sixth Grade Sword Qi Kungfu, just learn to play...hiccup!" You Ziheng spit out another breath of alcohol, hehe laughed: "The movement is a bit louder. The main reason is to draw you over, after all, in case I didn't It would be no good to seal him up."

Then he bowed his hand to Wu Zongshan: "I have added some trouble to the palace lord, please bear with me."

"Where is the Dao Chief? If it is not the Dao Chief, I am afraid that Huang Tong Mansion will have a greater calamity." Wu Zongshan hurriedly bowed his hand in return, and he was still a little afraid now.

"If you didn't find it early, I'm afraid it would really be a catastrophe." Pei Zhantu nodded, and said: "It is safe to seal this divine sword in the Pure Yang Palace."

"Tomorrow is set for Zhou Heng's assessment, I will return to Pure Yang Palace." You Ziheng said in a rare and serious way, and at the same time glanced at the direction of Zhou Heng's house.


"Congratulations! Killed the vulnerable enemy Kong Chengshun, the blessing bag [Copper] +1."

Zhou Heng didn't have time to manage the system's reward prompts. After releasing three palm thunders, he quickly left this "crisis scene" taking advantage of the chaos.

Things are going well.

Basically, they developed according to his plan.

He knows his level of strength very well, and it is the limit to use the palm thunder to make Fuya Sword faint for a short time, and it is impossible to eliminate the troubles of the gods.

But he can't, others can.

There are now two sixth-ranks and two fifth-ranks in Huangtong Mansion, each with a good identity background, and there is a high probability that Fuya Sword can be temporarily sealed.

Therefore, Zhou Heng’s idea is:

While killing Kong Chengshun, try to make the noise as much as possible to attract the attention of these strong men, and use the palm thunder to prevent Fuya Sword from escaping. When the strong men arrive, they will naturally find this divine sword and deal with it.

Moreover, the attack of the Gengjin Sword Qi Jue was at the level of the Secret Sixth Rank. He was only a mere ninth Rank. Normally speaking, it would be impossible to cut out such a powerful sword qi.

As long as you leave the "scene of the crime" fast enough without being discovered, you can basically remove the suspicion perfectly.

Step back ten thousand steps, even if someone really found out that it was his hand.

At best, it will attract the hatred of the Changxing faction.

This is not worth mentioning compared to the possibility of facing the threat of a **** soldier level when following.

The two evils are the lesser of power.

A big problem was solved so quickly, Zhou Heng only felt refreshed, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raised slightly, with a deep smile.

But as soon as he returned to his door, the smile on his face froze.

Under the moonlight.

A sloppy Taoist robe with a wine gourd hanging from his waist, his hair scattered, and a drunk face leaning against the door, was looking at him with a smile.

You Ziheng.

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