I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 12: Flat peach

   Han Li walked to the material collection point of the base.

   Insert the card slot you carry with you into the electronic card slot.

After the red light of    toot, her personal account data appeared on the screen: name-Han Li, gender-female, age-18 years old, position-major of Donglin City Security Department.

   Contribution points: 21321, the number of completed cleaning tasks: 43 times, the number of individual tasks: 25 times, the task completion rate: 70%.

   Looking at the data displayed on the screen, Han Li only thought for a moment, then reached out and clicked the exchange button on the screen.

   Then, the list of exchangeable materials pops up.

   There are dozens of special materials that only demon hunters are eligible to exchange, which are particularly eye-catching.

   "Fifty-five yuan..." Han Li thought of the "Investigation Report on the Lower Abyss" in his arms. The bookstore owner in the thick fog marked it at fifty-five yuan.

   And she used the spirit blade she carried with her and a pack of Azure Spirit Tea as pledge, and obtained the permission of the bookstore owner to take it away.

   This is the question she has been thinking about.

   A spiritual blade, the exchange value at the base is five thousand points contribution.

   A packet of Celestine Spirit Tea is five hundred points.

   In other words, if there are no guesses wrong.

   One yuan in the mouth of the bookstore owner is roughly equal to one hundred contribution points?

   Hanli is not very clear.

   But she thinks it should be inseparable.

   So, she needs something that is enough to impress the bookstore owner so that he can sell better ‘books’ to himself.

   Hanli's eyes searched on the screen.

   Finally, she found something she thought would surely impress the bookstore owner.

   is also the most valuable exchange item in the base.


   Hanli stretched out his hand and lightly touched the flat peach pattern on the screen, and the screen jumped to the introduction page.

   Peach: After the cataclysm, a magical peach forest grew on the top of Mount Tai.

   Peach trees bloom once every three years, and bear fruit three years after flowering, and mature three years after fruiting.

   Each plant matures up to nine at a time.

   Appraisal by the national expert group: Flat peach has the magical ability to reshape the human body, repair physical damage, and strengthen the human body.

   Because of its scarcity and difficulty in obtaining, it was included in the national strategic reserve material catalog.

   Redemption conditions: Demon hunter above major.

   Exchange price: 30,000 contribution value.

   "Thirty thousand contribution..." Han Li estimated: "It should be equivalent to the three hundred yuan in the mouth of the bookstore owner!"

   "The value of the "Report on the Investigation of the Lower Abyss" is 55 yuan..."

   "Three hundred yuan should be exchanged from the owner of the bookstore to a book that can eliminate babbling, or at least exercise the will!"

   The whispering in the ear, I heard it.

   seems to be telling her that her judgment is correct.

   Hanli stretched his hand to his waist and touched the flashlight.

   "I still have more than 7,000 contribution points..." Han Li raised his head: "I need to do the task!"

   So, she closes the page, returns to the home page, and clicks on the task area.

   The clean-up tasks issued by the Donglin City Security Department were immediately crowded and filled her sight.

   Hanli casually scanned, and she found the task she wanted.

"A harpy is found nesting in the northern suburbs of the city, 100 miles north of the farming base, destroying its nest, or driving away from it! Reward: 1,300 contribution points!" This is Donglin City Han Li didn't even think about the reward issued by the agricultural department, so he accepted it.

   "Gargogi communities were found along the expressway in the northern suburbs of the east of the city! Eliminate them! Protect the expressway from damage! Reward: 500 contribution points!" This is a reward issued by the Donglin City Transportation Department. Han Li still took it.

   "To the north of the old urban area of ​​the east side of the city, the former Zhentai Industrial Daxia, entrenched the evil spirit in red, cleaned up or expelled him! Reward: 1,000 contribution points!"


   Hanli kept clicking to take the task.

  In an instant, there was a large blank space in the originally dense mission area.

   She was alone, and in a short period of time, she took over a dozen tasks.

   are all the northern suburbs and northern areas of the east.

   For Han Li, this is just because it is smooth and more efficient.

   But for the safety base in Donglin City, this is like earthquake news.

   Soon, Han Li's communicator rang.

   After she connected, the voice of Donglin City Security Minister Wang Jingcheng's voice came from the headset: "Major Han, why did you suddenly take so many tasks?"

   "Could it be..." he asked worriedly.

   In the past, the demon hunters started to take on tasks frantically, which was a sign that their bodies began to collapse.

   This is for them to contribute as much as possible to the country and the people that support him before the collapse.

   Countless witch hunters, after doing this, lie down in the space capsule.

   "Minister, please rest assured!" Hanli said coldly, "I'm fine!"

   Yes, she is fine.

   Han Li feels better than ever!

   She stretched out her hand slightly, and a scarlet whip passed in her hand for a moment.

   "Ghosts? Evil spirits?" Han Li laughed: "Accept the flogging of justice!"

   The babble in the ear urged.

   urged her to kill and fight.

   So, Hanli turned off the communicator and strode towards the base gate.


  Emergency lights, UU reading www.uukānshu.com lit up in turn.

   The huge underground warehouse appeared in front of Elizabeth.

   Next to the huge concrete pillars, armored vehicles and tanks covered by oilcloth are neatly and densely packed.

   This is the military warehouse prepared by the United States of America for the world war before the void storm.

   A full one hundred M1A2 main battle tanks, two hundred Ridley M2 infantry fighting vehicles, fifty M190 self-propelled artillery, in addition to countless transport vehicles, machine guns, ammunition and fuel.

   These things are enough to arm tens of thousands of people.

   But the world war did not start.

   Voidstorm appeared.

   The Cthulhu that appeared from the void just casually snapped.

   Everything about human beings is just like a castle on the beach, and disappeared after being hit by the waves.

  The reason that human beings were able to survive in the end was only because the evil gods left the earth after a light tap.

   For some unknown reason, they went to Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun.

   Even the weakest is entrenched on the moon.

   The earth is just their transit point.

   This is the luck of mankind, and it is also the sad song of mankind.

   Once the spirit of all things, the destructor of species above all, has become the object of destruction.

   Elizabeth looked at everything in front of her, she was extremely excited.

   "The great spirit of all things, your humble believer, and small servant, will build you the first steel altar!"

   The mechanical gospel book in her hand opened automatically, and her babblings were mixed with strange and inexplicable things. The knowledge of how to build a steel altar was directly transferred to her brain.

   "The flesh and blood are bitter and weak, and the steel is eternal!" Elizabeth swore sincerely.