I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 438: Report (1)

The golden wings of the King of Angels cover the entire church.

On the walls of the church, the bones flowing with sacred rhyme, vaguely chanted from them.

These devout believers who have been dead for many years, even if they have been dead for so many years.

Their souls and bones are still praising and worshiping God.

The all-knowing and all-powerful Lord.

At the same time, he sings the king of angels who guards here and protects their souls.

The lieutenant of heaven, the lord of light, the dragon slayer, the sword of the lord.

The king of archangels-Michael!

At this moment, the body surface of this archangel who is widely regarded as the "closest to God" is surrounded by the holy light of anger.

The holy light boiled in anger.

As a result, the appearance of the Lord of Light emerged from the Holy Light.

It was a perfect man with long blond hair.

The golden wings splayed behind him, and the sacred rays of light like white ribbons escaped from his sacred body.

The eyes filled with holy light reflected the distant scene.

In the end, there was only one big hand that covered the sky in the eyes!

The moon wheel fell into that big hand!


An angel was thrown to the ground.

It fell to pieces!

Heresy, resurrected from the body of an angel.

The anger of the King of Angels was burning.


He couldn't help holding the holy sword in his hand.

Red cross sword.

This is His weapon.

This holy sword that once defeated the red dragon Satan is now covered with flames from heaven.


He did not dare to draw a sword after all.

Because at the moment He had that thought.

His spirituality issued a devastating warning.

Let him know if he dares to draw the sword.

Then he will fall today!

Even if his master wakes up and descends from heaven, he cannot be saved.

"Who is that?" In the eyes of the Lord of Light, the last seen picture flashed back.

The man who appeared silently.

Man wearing a facial mask.


"My lord..." Nan Na turned around and looked at the man in front of him.

This man wearing a facial mask.

He worshipped gratefully: "How can I repay your great kindness?"

This is both gratitude and an attempt to hug the thigh.

After all, heaven can kill him once.

Naturally you can kill him a hundred times!

Nanna is very clear, don't talk about facing the ‘only omniscient and omnipotent Lord’.

Even the seven kings of angels under his hand can pick him up casually.

Because heaven has destroyed and digested several gods.

Not only one Sumer was swallowed by it.

None of Solomon's demons were spared.

Now that the thigh is right in front of her eyes, Nanna naturally knows that she should hug it tightly!

Lingping looked in front of him, the sluggish maidservant, an old man who wanted to hold his thighs and sell cute.

He blinked, shook his head, and said arrogantly: "I don't need the ants' gratitude!"

This is the truth!

No matter how strong the ants are, they are nothing more than ants.

It is the so-called Southern Zhou marching ants that have been blown to the sky by people on the Internet. No matter how many come, they can only be trampled to death in front of humans.

If it doesn't work, you can set it on fire and spray it with insecticide.

There is always a way to exterminate them.

In his heart, everything in this world is based on this principle.

Ants in the nest.

He didn't bother to tell!

Nanner choked immediately, and he wanted to work hard.

Ling Ping An already shook his head: "Are you still going?"

"Stay here, plan to wait for me to send you a certificate?!"

When Nanner's heart was at rest, boundless fear arose!


He could naturally hear the meaning expressed in the context of this ‘adult’.

Would you like a certificate to send you to the West?

He immediately kowtowed his head obediently: "The little one will go..."

He just came back alive, but he doesn't want to go back again.

And he knew that if he died in this hand, it would be a real death!

There is no chance of resurrection!

So, after kowtow, he walked out of this hall slowly and respectfully.

Coming outside, he saw a human standing in front of the parking lot.

Nanner looked at him, eyes full of alert.

Because, from this man, he felt a fatal danger.

This is a human being capable of killing him!

A human with the power of slaughter!

"Guardian of the Ur, salute you!" Nanner said softly.

The other party nodded and said: "Your Excellency, there is something that needs your cooperation..."

Nanner frowned.

"The Prince of Poland is a foreign guest of our country..." The other party whispered: "There has never been an unknown death record of a foreign guest during a visit in our country..."

"Please do me a favor..."

He was very polite.

But Nanner knows his subtext: If you don't help, I will kill you!

And he does have that ability!

What's more, Nanner also felt a deadly threat, hanging down from the clouds.

An extremely sharp long knife hung over his head.

That is a god!

And is an extremely powerful god!

Guan Shengdijun?

Nanner remembered some information she had learned from Ludwig's memory.

Thus, He knew the identity of this man.

The only **** slayer in this world right now, the black-clothed captain of this country!

So Nan Na laughed: "The Governor is very busy, of course I have to help!"

Does he dare not help?

Dare not!

As a result, his body twitched faintly.

A man fell off his body and fell to the ground.

It was the Prince of Poland, Lieutenant General Ludwick, Hurricane.

The prince stood up ignorantly, looked around, and asked, "What happened?"

The next second he screamed: "My psionic power... my psychic power..."

The hurricane shook his eyes with horror.

The strength gained from the blood of the gods finally fell due to the departure of the blood of the gods.

He is not as good as an ordinary person now.

His face was pale and his body was empty.

Nanner didn't care about him, just tapped his feet lightly and drifted towards the sky.

For him, the most important thing now is to find a place to hide.

Otherwise, if someone finds him, the one from the White Bone Church will certainly spend two hundred years of faith, come out personally, catch him back, and become the wheel of the moon again!

Li Shouyi looked at the Sumerian **** walking in the moonlight.

His eyes flickered.

As the strongest among human beings, he is still a **** slayer.

Li Shouyi naturally knows more about the mythological invasion and myth-covering secrets.

Some of these secrets are even related to the nature of the gods.

At this moment, he looked at the Sumerian Moon God, flying away in the night, flying into the distance.

He lowered his head.

I remembered some of the secrets I saw when I beheaded the evil god.

So a sneer of sarcasm floated at the corner of his mouth.


Ha ha!

Then he looked at Ludwig, Ludwig who was already panicked.

"His Royal Highness..." Li Shouyi said softly: "I saved you, should you cooperate with my work?!"

Ludvik, at this moment, has no initial pride and arrogance.

He understood that his mission as a stone had completely failed.

Not only failed, but also lost all the chips.

In Qinlu society, people who have no bargaining chips are nothing!

Not as good as tools!

Therefore, he nodded immediately: "Yes...Yes! I must cooperate with you!"

Ludwig knew that with his current situation, as long as he went back, he would definitely die!

The royal family will not forgive him, nor will the Bone Church and Hell let him go.

No matter which side he falls into, his fate will be extremely miserable.

On the contrary...

The former enemy has become his only life-saving straw.

Therefore, he was almost a slave, and said, "Captain, I will do everything you want!"

Li Shouyi laughed.

Qin Lu is like this.

In the past three hundred years, the Federal Empire has understood very clearly!

He smiled: "We look forward to a wider and deeper cooperation with Your Highness!"

He already knows that after tonight, the world situation will change again!

Just like more than two hundred years ago, the wave of aura recovery suddenly swept the world.

Suddenly, Qin Lu felt that he could do it again.

As a result, tore up the signed "Vienna Peace Treaty" to gather a large number of extraordinary people and launch the New Qinling Campaign.

It wasn't until the empire's copper and iron walls hit his head and shed blood, and even the king was sent to the guillotine, and then he rushed for peace.

Now, it's normal.

The tide of aura is high again.

Soon, the gods who could only rely on ceremonies to take action might be able to get rid of the shackles.

The age of mythology will truly come.

At that time...

Li Shouyi understands that the international situation and even the order of the world must be reshuffled.

So, before that, grab a few more cards in your hand, there is no bad thing!


Lingping yawned peacefully.

He looked at the people who looked at him eagerly, like cats and dogs, wagging their tails.

He shook his head.

He is not interested in communicating with these ants.


In the ant nest, he saw a familiar figure.

"Qianye sauce!" Lingping smiled and waved.

The Fusang girl heard this, her eyes lit up.

"Lingsang..." She ran over happily and bowed deeply: "Really you?"

Everyone's eyes widened and couldn't believe it.

Only Aiko Reimiya nodded in his heart.

"The eldest princess implied... it's him..." She sighed with emotion: "It really is going to the country... Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

Fortunately, Fusang is used to it.

Over the past thousand years, the Fusang Kingdom has become accustomed to the country’s many talents and leaders.

I have already acquiesced that I am a country that needs to be led, guided and taught.

It is a position that needs to follow and learn wholeheartedly.

Thousands of years are enough to generate extremely powerful inertia.

This inertia made Fusang people habitually follow even in the era of spiritual recovery.

"I'm a little hungry..." Lingping touched his stomach and said, "Qianye sauce, make me something to eat!"

He said this very calmly.

Because this is true!

Artist creation and performance require a lot of physical strength and energy.

Chiba Michiko nodded very happy: "Okay..."

"What does Lingsang want to eat?"

Lingping looked at the girl in front of him, he thought about it seriously, and then said, "Whatever you want!"

He is a little tired today.

Going back to sleep if you plan to fill your stomach.

Chiba Michiko asked, "How about pork chops?"

"Okay!" Lingping nodded, and said to her: "Let's go!"

So, ignoring everyone else, took the Fusang girl and walked straight out of this place.


In the office building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Chu Weiwei put down the phone in her hand, her face was strange.

"What's wrong?" Li Anan asked.

"Captain..." Chu Wei said slightly, "Heiyiwei calls from the headquarters... The headquarters says... Ask us to prepare a press release..."

"What draft?" Li Anan asked.

"The draft on Ludvik, Prince of Poland and Lithuania, seeking asylum from our country..." Chu Weiwei said curiously.

Li Anan raised his head, her small face filled with shock.

She doesn't understand at all, what is going on in this world?

Only a few hours?

Has it been twelve hours since the prince got off the plane?

Didn't he come to make trouble?

How did it become asylum seeker?

The world of big shots is really scary!

However, she still nodded: "It seems we are going all night tonight!"

Such a big thing must be overnight!

Fortunately, for the transcendent, it is normal not to sleep for a month.


Ling safely sat in the deserted restaurant, eating the food delivered by Chiba Michiko.

Grilled pork chop, baked tuna, steamed egg with sea urchin...

He swept away quickly.

Then patted, a somewhat full belly.

Although he was still a little hungry, he stopped eating when he looked at the busy and sweaty Fuso girl.

"Thanks for your hard work, Qianye sauce!" he said casually.

"No hard work!" The Fusang girl bowed happily, "This is what I should do!"

Ling Ping'an didn't turn down the same way as in the past, but accepted all the flattery from the other party.

Because it should be, of course.

He stood up and said to Chiba Michiko: "Then I will go back to sleep..."

"You should also sleep early!"

"I'll give it to you!" Chiba Michiko said quickly.

"No need!" Lingping said: "You follow me, I'm afraid you will see something not so good..."

He had a hunch that his servants and eagle dogs were waiting for him.

And those guys are a little weird.

I'm afraid this girl will be scared.

If you are frightened, there will be no place to eat.

Chiba Michiko could only bow her head, "Then go slowly!"

Lingping nodded and walked out the door.

Walking out the door, the whole hall was empty.

He went straight forward and walked over.

It seemed to have passed through a thin layer of mist and appeared in another place.

It is a bookstore he is familiar with.

The poster on the wall still looks like he had put it on by himself.

He turned on the light and sat down on the counter skillfully.

Old computer, I don't know who opened it.

On the screen, UU reading www.uukanshu.com flickering ripples like snowflakes.

He hugged his cat and leaned against the old chair.

In his heart, his reason couldn't help saying: "It seems that I really ate or drank something bad..."

"There was an illusion of going home!"

Jiangcheng and the imperial capital are thousands of kilometers apart.

How could it be possible to open a door and go home?

But before his eyes, a figure suddenly appeared.

Dark shadows.

The shadow crawled before him.

"Little Ao..." Lingping said casually: "You are here!"

"Yes!" The shadow crawled: "My lord!"

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