I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 440: miss

"I'm really not a devil( Find the latest chapter!

Putting down the phone, Lingping looked weird.

"It seems... something did happen last night... I guess I heard some wind..."

He thought, calculated, and recalled.

It's a pity that the memory is very vague, and I can only vaguely think of some generality.

The frantic dance floor, the arrogant man...

Take heaven and earth as a dynasty, and ten thousand periods as a moment.

So arrogant and domineering.

It seems that when I stepped onto the stage, I still have to create and perform.

"It's embarrassing..." He covered his face.

Ever since I was young, I have never been so embarrassed.

"It's still a creation, it's a musician..."

"I don't even recognize numbered musical notation!"

Although, in memory, it seems that the audience on the dance floor seems to be very supportive?

But what can this memory do?

People who are drunk can take off their pants and pee in public in public!

In the memory of such a person, maybe people around are applauding!

Therefore, this is not countable.

Lingping feels that maybe under the real situation at the time, everyone was watching like a monkey show.

Seeing others make a fool of yourself is the pleasure of many people!

"Fortunately! Fortunately!" He thought: "I am wearing a mask..."

So, as long as he doesn’t say...


Lingping remembered, he vaguely remembered that he had eaten supper at Chiba Michiko last night afterwards?


"I seem to have gone home once and did some things at home..."

"Go home?!" He shook his head: "It seems that even if it is what I remember now, many of them are mixed with hallucinations!"

He warned himself: "It's better to have a longer memory in the future!"

Like him, a guy who has a bad drink to pour a glass, it is better to be honest and not to run around.

After all, this is the imperial capital!

In online terms, it is: the second generation is not as good as a dog.

This time I just added some material to him. Next time, it may not be that simple!

Lingping thought of this and couldn't help shrinking his neck.

Because he remembered, there are legends on the Internet that certain ladies in the Imperial Capital especially like boy chickens.

In addition, the number of Emperor Longyang in the imperial capital is also the best in the world!

So much so that there was a jingle on the Internet: It is a true gentleman from Longyang, only a big man can love to break his sleeve!

Anyway, the water is deep!

When he reached the window, Lingping drew the curtains and looked at the situation downstairs.

The entrance of Yanlou today seems a bit deserted.

There were few people sparsely.

There are people in the distant garden.

However, we can see staff in security uniforms shuttle through it.

Lingping blinked: "Couldn't I make this happen?"


He thought about it carefully, and the scattered fragments he remembered did not seem to be violent.

and so……

He took out his phone and glanced at it, but couldn't move his eyes.

No. 1 in WeChat Search: The Prince of Poland seeks moral asylum!

Looking at the content again, Lingping's eyes lit up immediately.

Strong X, Random X, Group X...

Poisoning, kidnapping, coercion...

What a big melon!

He immediately opened the news links one by one enthusiastically, looking with relish.

After reading all the news, Lingping smashed his mouth.

He chuckled: "Your circle is really messy!"


Isn't this the style and background color that royals and nobles should have in the standard sense?

Not to mention Qin and Lu, it is the Federal Empire, an ancient civilization that prides itself on being a homeland of benevolence and a state of etiquette.

In history, similar things have actually emerged one after another.

That is to say, since the Taizu of this dynasty, the emperors of the past have been very good at maintaining and shaping their image.

One by one was dressed up and glamorous, and became a living saint.

Also because of Emperor Gaozong, the emperor actually became a puppet symbolizing etiquette.

The emperor, who ruled by the arch, no longer needs to carry the pot.

Therefore, even if you are out of Twilight, outsiders don't know.

Thinking of this, Lingping put away the phone slowly.

"Today, I'll stay in the room obediently..." he said.

After all, the ghost took off his mask when he knew whether he was interested in it last night?

Even, Guo Ben came on the spot...

It's so ugly.

It takes time to dilute.

So he went to the bathroom and began to wash.

He brushed his teeth briefly, wiped his face, and looked at himself in the mirror peacefully, suddenly feeling a strange feeling.

He felt that the self in the mirror seemed a little different from the past.

But the specifics are different, he can't tell.

This is the case with patients with facial blindness.

It's hard to remember what you look like.

It is necessary to strengthen the impression every morning and evening. Otherwise, the person in the mirror will probably be stupid after getting up the next morning: Who is he? where am I?

Lingping scratched his head, leaned in front of the mirror, and looked closely.

Finally, he found the problem.

"My eyes seem to be brighter than yesterday!" He said, and then bared his teeth in the mirror: "The teeth seem to be sharper too..."

In the mirror, two tiger teeth, sharp like bayonet, two rows of incisors up and down, gave him a feeling of'iron teeth and steel teeth'.

He even had the illusion that if he wanted to, he could even crush metals like gold and iron.

"It seems to be a sequelae from last night..." Lingping shook his head and sneered: "Will normal people have such an illusion?"

"Also steel teeth..."

All fools know that human teeth are calcium.

Closing her mouth, Lingping rubbed her eyes.

Looking at himself in the mirror again, it seemed that nothing was wrong.

But vaguely, there was an idea of ​​spiritual peace beating.

"My teeth are used to bite through the shells of stars, tear the surface of black holes, and extract the essence of nutrients rich in them!"

"Crazy!" Lingping shook his head, and drove this absurd idea out of his mind.

Fortunately, he is used to it.

From small to large, he always had some absurd ideas.

But his reason can always be restrained.

This is why he calls himself a gentleman.

Gentleman, self-denial!

After hanging up the towel, Ling Ping'an suddenly felt a little hungry.

He hesitated suddenly.

"Would you like to eat?"

"What if someone recognizes it?"

"Maybe no one recognizes me at all!?"

"Today's melon is so big, everyone is probably busy eating melon. No one should care about the guy wearing a mask last night..."

Thinking this way, he walked to the door.

After thinking about it, he walked back again and changed his clothes.

A set of casual clothes he brought from Jiangcheng.

After changing the clothes, Lingping nodded in satisfaction: "The discount clothes in the supermarket are still comfortable to wear!"

Like the replaced set, although it seems to be inexpensive.

But Lingping knew that it was because of internal prices and concessions.

The actual price must be more than the money paid by myself.

Therefore, he was dressed very awkwardly.

What if it gets dirty?

Will it cost dozens or even hundreds of yuan for a dry cleaning?

It's better to buy discounted clothes in this supermarket.

If it's dirty, just send it to the slurry.

Three yuan in Jiangcheng!

Wear it for three months, and then throw it away when the season changes. It doesn't hurt. Just go to the supermarket and buy a dozen.

Of course, what is more important is the sense of peace and tranquility, and this suit of clothes is low-key.

Will not cause too much attention from others.

He doesn't want to be recognized.

Thinking of this, he walked to the door, picked up the room card, stuffed it into his pocket, and opened the door.

A charming girl came into view.

"Young Master!"

The girl with a ponytail and a maid's dress bowed deeply.

Lingping blinked at her.

I vaguely remember in my heart, I seem to have seen it last night?

He nodded and replied calmly: "You are well too!"

"Don't dare!" The girl pinched her skirt, Yingying Yifu, very polite: "My son, do you need service?"

Ling'an remembered, this one, seems to like cleaning?

So he took out the room card and handed it to her: "Girl, please do it yourself!"



Yin Mingxiu took the room card, stared at the young man, and walked to the elevator until he entered the elevator. The Shilla girl bowed again, and then entered the room with the room card blushing and heartbeat.

She took a deep breath.

"This Lord Spirit is the real hero of Shangguo!"

She remembered last night, Lord Ling's casual reward, after being taken back to the dormitory by her, shocked all the people in the dormitory.

Finally, even the ambassador of the embassy was alarmed and came to talk to her in person.

After listening to her report, Your Excellency the Ambassador immediately encouraged her to "keep arrogance and rashness" and "keep acting".

He also said: "The fate of Silla is in the hands of the female emperor!"

This made Yin Mingxiu both surprised and happy.

What was shocking was that the young man I met had such a big background.

I am afraid, it is far beyond her imaginable range.

Maybe it was the extraordinary hero of the Federal Empire who flew into the sky and escaped from the earth, saved the world from fire and water, and saved the people from danger.

And is the best among the extraordinary heroes.

The same goes for hi.

Yin Mingxiu has understood his mission and mission since he was sensible.

The small country of Silla can be safe and secure from famine and war.

It all depends on the heroes of the country.

So it must be big!

And a woman like her bears the burden of implementing the Silla National Policy!

Thinking of this, Yin Mingxiu carefully put the room card on the case table.

Then, take out the rag.

She took a deep breath and cheered herself up: "Come on! Yin Mingxiu, you can! You will be successful!"


The elevator door goes down.

Lingping leaned back in the corner, holding his mobile phone and scanning the news.

When we reached the eighth floor, the elevator stopped.

Several fancy men and women walked in.

They glanced at Lingping, and then continued to chat without anyone else.

"Last night, Luming Mountain Villa was under martial law..."

"I heard that there were soldiers and policemen knocking on the door of each room, asking not to go out..."


"It is said that there was a big thunderstorm last night, and the Imperial Meteorological Observatory issued a red storm warning!"

"what is this?"

"I'm telling you, last night, something big happened!"

Lingping raised his head and pricked his ears.

Just listening to the man said: "It is said that a super man appeared at Luming Hall last night..."

"Super guy?" Someone asked, "What a super law?"

The others all laughed: "Could it be that the emperor is on the tour?"

"Hey!" The man smiled mysteriously: "I don't know, have you ever heard that someone in this world can go to the sky, even move mountains and seas..."

"Many of the legendary UFOs and abnormal weather are made by these people!"

Lingping heard this and didn't want to listen anymore.

Because these legends have been heard since he was a child, his ears have to hear the cocoon.

Someone flew through the catastrophe, and what unidentified aircraft was actually flying with a sword.


No matter how much I said, there is not a picture.

That's not as good as the Loch Ness monster in the Butanian legend!

At least the water monster still has a fuzzy picture!

I can only say that people nowadays really eat too much!

Just listen to the person talking about ‘major teaching of the Fa’ and ‘lotus flower’, and then someone has an instant epiphany.

Hearing Lingping feels that this person should go to Tianzhu, and anyone over there can establish a teacher.

Finally, the elevator is in the end.

These immediately walked out, and Ling Ping also came out.

Then follow the signs in the lobby to the buffet restaurant.

No one stopped him this time, and he walked directly in.

As soon as you entered the restaurant, the first thing you saw was the countless seafood of various colors, densely placed on a long ice table.

There are many aquariums on the left and right sides.

There are various kinds of seafood.

Go to the end and take a turn. I saw three longer cold tables.

All kinds of meat are iced on it.

Lingping looked at it, and his eyes were blurred.


A problem has arisen.

"How delicious is it?" The gourmet fell into deep thought.

He recalled the social gathering in Guangnan.

Although there are fewer dishes than here.

But it's also quite rich.

A variety of fresh seafood that is known as air transport in the Southern Zhou Dynasty, direct cold chain in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and special-grade beef meat of the Western Song Dynasty.

But as a result, it tastes bland and tasteless, like chewing plastic.


Qin Ming was eating the delicious food on the plate excitedly.

"This Yanlou's stuff is good!" He said happily, "It's a real VIP building!"

As he said, he flattered Ouyang Jin who looked aside: "If it weren't for Lord Ouyang, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to enter the door here!"

Ouyang Jin chuckled.

When he arrived in the imperial capital one day, he specifically inquired and knew that this Qin Ming was with that one.

He deliberately made friends, and soon let this person put his heart to heart.

As a result...

Qin Ming said that he only knew that the man from Jiangcheng seemed to have the surname Ling, and all the others said he didn't know or remember.

This made Ouyang Jin somewhat annoyed.

But no way!

Until last night, something happened in Luming Hall.

Hundreds of people were enlightened.

Most of them have become extraordinary!

Many families are crazy!

The fate of heaven is right in front of you, why was it snatched away?

This morning, Ouyang Jin received a call from his Lao Tzu, and he utterly criticized him, saying that he was really ignorant!

It was from Lao Tzu's mouth that he finally knew the truth of this sorority!

Shit to the emperor after the election!

It was the great power who received the repeated plea of ​​the eldest princess and the captain of the black guard, and finally agreed and came to the capital!

This mighty power, it is said that even that governor must be respectful and dare not neglect!

Therefore, the Federal Empire and the Black Guards, under the guise of a sorority, kept secretly, set up a ladder and set up a stage for this one.


Several sources pointed out that the great power came from Jiangcheng.

Later, Ouyang Jin obtained more detailed information.

Jiangcheng is a general who sits daily.

Moreover, the black guard has internal regulations that all active generals must take turns in Jiangcheng!

For the sake of who goes first, it is said that nowadays, there is fierce competition inside the black guard!


The last Situ He, who was in Zhenjiang City, has already decided to break through Lieutenant General!

And it is a breakthrough without injury!

More than that, he also had a few more supernatural powers.

One of them is to regard one's own heart as the heavenly heart and my eyes as the heavenly eye.

Once displayed, just like the legendary mountain **** and He Bo, all the activities of humans and ghosts within a certain range are visible, and there is no escape!

It is simply a humanoid psionic radar plus a fire control radar.

Worse still, the general was almost everywhere in Southern Zhou.

In the morning he was still in Luoyang, and in the afternoon he appeared on the canal in the Southern Zhou Dynasty.

Then at night, someone saw him on the west coast of the Southern Zhou Dynasty, chasing a few sea monsters in the sea.

One person towns one country, and countless clones.

It's terrible!

And why is he so strong?

All fools know that they must have gotten the benefits in Jiangcheng and got the chance!

Now, rumors say that it is more than just Situ He.

Just connecting with Song Shihui, who replaced him, also got a chance and enlightened a brand new supernatural power.

Even the captain of the black guard, because of the opportunity in Jiangcheng, opened the way!

This is amazing!

The captain of the black guard is already recognized as a person on top of the extraordinary.

A man who killed God in a human body!

Even he has to ask for it.

The great power of that Jiangcheng, the background is unimaginable.

As soon as what happened last night, the entire imperial capital was boiling.

Because the legend has entered reality!

Last night, in Luming Hall, he was able to lecture and act in a powerful way.

All relevant people are now isolated by the black guard.


Smart people can find relationships and inquire into details.

Therefore, many details have been released.

With great ability to teach the Fa, everyone is intoxicated, like a big dream.

But after waking up, most of the people awakened and became extraordinary!

Others are said to have planted extraordinary seeds, and the probability of awakening in the future is very high!

That powerful teaching of the Fa has even more provoked nine-day changes.

The world feels the same!

So, there was a thunderstorm and heavy rain last night!

According to legend, last night, an emperor fell in the entire imperial capital.

The mountains and rivers benefited a lot.

There was news from the royal family that this was a gift from the great power to the royal family-the guest came to the door and gave a gift to the host!

And the spread of this news, and even the ability of this news, means that the Federal Empire has regarded that person as a counterparty!

Thinking of this, Ouyang Jin felt like a knife.

He had a chance to face the mighty man.

If you knew it at the time, if you were pleased with your heart, you might be able to hold your thigh.

If someone leaks a little bit of nails, he will benefit in his life!

That is one person against one country, and even a big person who even the royal family and the black guards are in favor, the real power!

Talking the Fa casually will enable a large number of mortals to enlighten and awaken to the extraordinary.

It can also help people break through the border easily!

terrible! Terrible! powerful!

"Hey..." Ouyang Jin shook his head.

Suddenly, Qin Ming opposite him stood up.

"Princess Ouyang..." Qin Ming licked his lips: "I seem to see... Young Master Ling..."

Ouyang Jin listened, UU reading www.uukanshu. com stood up suddenly: "What did you say?"

Qin Ming pointed to the front: "Look, son...who wears this kind of clothes...except for son Ling, who else can there be?!"

Ouyang Jin followed Qin Ming's fingers and saw a man holding a small black cat, standing between rows of seafood and meat, seeming to be making choices.

He looked ordinary.

Wear casual clothes that are simple and casual.

The cat is right √!

The clothes are also right √!

Looks like... It seems right?

He stood there, seemingly lonely, but with an inexplicable aura that made people afraid to look directly.

Ouyang Jin couldn't hide his excitement.

He stood up immediately, nervous.

"The chance...The chance is right in front of you..." He thought of Zhang Wenwen.

If you become a transcendent... can't it be a beauty?

He also thought of the family, if he can get a chance, then the next generation in the family will carry the handle!

So he walked over nervously and nervously.

I walked behind that person, thinking about saying hello.

The little black cat he was holding on his body suddenly looked back.

The cat's beautiful amber eyes flashed with a color that no one else would enter.

The air in front of Ouyang Jin seemed to become a wall, an insurmountable wall.

Ouyang Jin lowered his head.

He understands that this is great power!


Because it is powerful, so...

You can't even approach and speak without permission!


Is it so good?

He sighed dejectedly.

He knew that he might have missed his chance forever!