I Really Just Want to Hit the Iron (All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball)

v2 Chapter 537: The trouble is over, it's time to talk a

   On the evening of the 24th, Philadelphia, Zhongzhou Arena.

   The difference with the previous team was that this year happened to be the tenth year of Su Feng's journey through rebirth, so inexplicably, Su Feng was a little sad.

   "If there was no accident on May 28, 1994, how would my life change?"

To this day, Su Feng still remembers that because he received the ball passed by Iverson to him when he was training the digital man, for this reason, he even thought it was his handsome face afterwards and conquered it. Iverson.

   "Allen, it's just your touch, you'd better give me the ball later."

   On the court, the digital man's half-time, watching Iverson hitting the iron repeatedly during the warm-up, Xiao Yao touched the head of his trench and smiled.

   At this moment, in a daze, during the Heat's halftime, Su Feng suddenly fell silent.

   Ten years of military horses.

   Friends come and go, only the flag of the championship is flying in the wind.

   If Su Feng remembers well, this should be the first time he has seen it. In this alliance, besides him, someone can visit Iverson's gutter.

  As a round of the series that has attracted much attention from the world, this year's Eastern Conference finals, except for Iverson and Su Feng, the former Philadelphia gold double guns, who have met on the stage of the conference finals for two consecutive years...

   At the same time, in the eyes of many Chinese fans, this is still a true round of "Chinese Derby".

  In the regular season, after Xiao Yao, who entered the fourth season of his career, reached the standard data of "20+10" for the first time, which is recognized as a star insider...

   For Chinese fans of this era, they have also ushered in the pinnacle of their fan career.

  Because in addition to Su Feng's "big meat", Xiao Yao's "raw meat" has also been roasted to "seven minutes cooked" at this moment.


   Emotionally speaking, before the start of this round of the Eastern Conference, the Chinese fans began to struggle.

   because you said...

   Should I support Brother Feng...

   Should I support Xiao Yao?

   This season, many fans are saying that Su Feng is the "God" of the NBA.

   After the semifinals with the Pistons, Iverson also said that sentence in an interview. In Su Feng's memory, he praised Yao Ming.

   "This big man is a gift from God to the NBA!"

   In Su Feng’s original time and space, in Yao Yi’s first duel, many fans did not understand why Yao Ming was so excited at the time...

   even got so excited that he gave a certain kangaroo three caps.

  Actually, for Yao Ming, who has been fighting alone in a foreign country for many years...

   No one expects more than him to meet a player who speaks the same language as him in this miraculous land.

   And this life...

  As the only player among all the Chinese men’s basketball players who have played in the NBA so far, they have not tasted the taste of a championship...

   When warming up before the game, after sneaking a glance at Su Feng with the corner of his eye, the excitement on Xiao Yao's face has long been nowhere to rest.

   Attack, digital man!

   No matter how wonderful the memories Su Feng brought to Pennsylvania in the past.

   At this moment, it's time to forget him.

   Zhongzhou Arena, on the field, after the players of the two teams finished warming up, the big screen on the scene immediately gave the starting list of the two teams tonight!

   Heat: Mourning, Milicic, Odom, Su Feng, Alston.

  Digital people: Yao Ming, Ratliff, Christie, Iverson, Snow.

   In the middle of the field, Mourning and Yao Ming jumped the ball to start the match.

   And even if this is not the first time Mourning has faced Yao Ming...

   But when this tough guy is standing with Yao Ming, you still feel that he is as short as a high school student.

  On the field, Yao Ming jumped off the ball for the digital man.

   Snow dribbled the ball over halftime.

   In order to limit Iverson's breakthrough on the field, tonight, Su Feng used his long arms to cover Iverson as soon as he came up.

   On TNT TV station, Smith also said after two seconds of silence: "Back when I was still playing in Philadelphia...

   I remember that in training, Sue was not really willing to defend Allen. "

   Hearing the words, Barkley asked curiously: "Why is this, my dear old buddy?"

   After a pause, Smith added: "Because Sue is so tall compared to Allen.

   Therefore, when we are playing against the Bulls, Sue will constantly bring Scotty to Allen and ask Allen to misplace him.

   Because in Su's opinion, since even he can't guard Alan, Scottie will definitely take Alan and there is nothing to do. "

   On the flanks, despite Su Feng’s interference, Iverson encountered difficulties in catching the ball, but as a wingspan monster, Iverson still used his flexible walking position to show off Su Feng’s face.

   And then, with Iverson's unmatched signature, Su Feng instantly put on the same "mask of pain" that Pippen had worn on that night in 1997.

   And the one who committed more sins than Pippen is...

   At this moment when Su Feng slid his steps to keep up with Iverson...

   A high wall from the east has blocked his side in time.

   If you want to ask, why did Chinese fans in the early 21st century never fear that pile of Asian salted fish...

   Those bunnies will definitely tell you:

  Because we have a mobile Great Wall.

   However, as a circumvention expert in this alliance, Su Feng would not sit still.

   On the court, with Xiao Yao's dumbfounded expression, Su Feng successfully bypassed the high wall of Yao Ming!

   After catching up with Iverson from behind, looking at this innocent answer, at this moment, Su Feng has both forced out the question marks of Anthony and James who are sitting on the sidelines tonight. Jpg!

   Look at the sky!

   Is this TM really something that humans can do?

   Turning his head to look at Anthony, at this moment, the young James seemed to be asking, Cameron, why should we watch a horror movie.

   He turned his head and stared affectionately at James. At this moment, the young Anthony seemed to be saying, LeBron, you ask me, who do I ask?

   But, as far as Iverson was at his peak, how could he be overtaken by Su Feng so easily?

   In the penalty area, the reason why Iverson was overtaken by Su Feng was entirely because he took the initiative to slow down in the final sprint.

On the field, looking at Mourning, who was defending against him at the same time, and Su Feng, who was chasing behind him, Iverson spit out his tongue at the two men playfully, and then threw the ball towards his brain. Rear.

   "Lonely Hero" Iverson?

Do not......

   Iverson in this life doesn't feel lonely at all.


   Zhongzhou Stadium, Xiao Yao, who quickly followed up, struggling to fill the basket after receiving the ball!

   0 to 2.

   In Philadelphia, the "Yao Song" also resounded throughout Pennsylvania at the same time!

  In Su Feng’s original time and space, many fans only remember that Kobe once greeted Yao Ming, but didn’t know...


  Before Kobe, Iverson was the one who said that if Yao Ming teamed up with him, then they would have long been championship players.

   In the hot half-time, Su Feng immediately became happy when he watched the small punches and the big punches after completing this delicate cooperation.

   Because it was exactly the same as he thought...

   This digital person has evolved to a daunting level this year.

Since they were kicked to Toronto by Brown that year, Snow, Christie and others have been playing with Iverson, and after the selection of Yao, Carlisle's tactical system has been completely understood by this group of players. .....

   Therefore, this digital man is undoubtedly the best team in the NBA this season.

   Bottom line, after noticing that Ratliff, Snow, and Christie had returned to the defense, Mourning gave up his intention to grab the ball.

   On the field, Alstom dribbled the ball through halftime.

   And Christie, the old opponent, also with his honey-excited expression, entangled Su Feng firmly.

   The mentality of being beaten is different from that of Ray Allen just because of the desire to win, so even if he will be beaten.

   Every time I face Christie...

   Su Feng always felt that the more he abused this stuff to death, the more excited this stuff became.

and this......

   is very abnormal in Su Feng's eyes.

   Because you said, who would like to be abused?

   "Doug has the same quality of will as Su."

   On the bench of the digital man, Carlisle said admiringly, watching Christie following Su Feng closely.

   At this time, he just glanced at Riley, who was on the bench of the Digital Man, and noticed Carlisle's confident expression.

   "Should he think that in a one-on-one situation, someone in this alliance can prevent Sue?"

   Turning his head to look at Spoelstra, Riley said with a puzzled look.

   On the court, after getting the ball from Alstom on a difficult footing, the Heat made the first attack. Su Feng did not let Odom and Milicic play a triangle with him.

   Instead, he chose the "No. 4 Singles Tactics" in the Heat's tactical book.

   That is, Alston fell to the top arc, Odom sank to the bottom corner, Milicic pulled to the flank, and Mourning wanted to go where and where to cool the "flank pull singles tactic".

   Although in the NBA, singles are all tactics of the same nature.

   But with different positions of teammates, for singles players, the space they can get on the court is quite different.

  In the future, after most of the tactics of the NBA teams have been included in 2K, the tactics that Su Feng now cooperates with his teammates are exactly the tactics called "ISO.SWIN" in 2K.

And if you have used this set of tactics in 2K, then you will find that, compared with other singles tactics, this set of tactics not only allows singles to hold the ball for singles, at the same time, singles can also call Pick-and-rolls turned this tactic into a "doubles tactic" in the second and second part of the game.

   Therefore, on the field, just when Christie thought that Su Feng would definitely cut his right hand, that is, inside...

   Suddenly, after launching "Sam Gold" to forcefully change his breakthrough direction, Su Feng turned to the outside of Christie's defensive direction.

   At the same time, Mourning, who should go where to cool down, also blocked Christie's sliding route for Su Feng.

   At this time, the young Xiao Yao had no time to make a choice.

   Because if he doesn't jump up...

   That Su Feng will definitely choose to shoot three-pointers after withdrawing from his defensive range.

   Fortunately, after Xiao Yao succeeded in reducing Su Feng's dry space through the delay, Christie also returned to Su Feng in the next moment.


   On the field, before Xiao Yao returned to the penalty area contentedly, Su Feng's pass had already crossed his defense zone!

   Within the penalty area, Mourning, who broke into the inside lane, laughed at Su Feng's wonderful pass!


   You have your "Ouch" free pick up.

   I also have my "Iron Man" connection.

TNT TV, taking advantage of Su Feng’s assist, Smith took the opportunity to popularize the fans in front of the TV: "This year, according to relevant statistics, Su is the only one in addition to Steve Nash and Allen Iverson. In addition, the NBA has the most pick-and-roll outside players on the court."

   On the side, Barkley said: "This is also a manifestation of Su's further improvement in game reading ability.

   Compared with the previous NBA ‘one-on-one champions’, he now knows more and more how to use his teammates on the court. "

   On the Heat’s bench, after the Heat scored their first attack tonight, if you want to ask Riley what he wants to do most...

   That is about to rush to Carlisle, to growl:

   You continue to be proud!

   The lineup is awesome?

   It's a pity, what Riley didn't know was...

   At this time, Carlisle was also saying to his assistant: "Now you know, why would I rather give up signing Allen a better substitute and leave Matt (Haplin) behind?"

   Carlisle’s assistant nodded and said, “Because against a player like Su, even if you prepare eight to ten defensive champions for him, it’s not necessarily enough, right?”

   Upon hearing this, Carlisle smiled.

   On the field, the first quarter of the game, as the game deepened, the Heat also took the initiative to slow down their offensive rhythm.

  Because of the huge consumption in the previous round of the series with the Celtics, after trying to run a few rounds with this digital man, Su Feng signaled Alstom to lower the pace of the game.

   Before the game, when he was studying digital humans with Riley, Su Feng discovered that it was simply unrealistic to deal with this digital human by blindly speeding up.


  As long as Ratliff, Christy, Snow, and Iverson can retreat in place, it will be fine for Yao Ming to retreat slowly.

   Moreover, in Su Feng's previous life, the 140-kg Yao could run and blast under Adelman's hands, let alone Carlisle's flexible version of Xiao Yao?

   In the regular season, the reason why this digital guy can double-kill the sun is because they can not only set the position with the sun, but at the same time, under the leadership of Iverson, they can also fight the sun.

   Therefore, under the influence of physical fitness, if the Heat blindly speed up, I am afraid that they will exhaust themselves before they can run the digital person to death.

   Even if the Heat are not affected by such physical fitness, it is unrealistic to rely solely on speeding up to solve this digital person.


   Compared with the chemical reactions accumulated by this digital man over the years, how long have Su Feng and Mourning played together?

   This season, even if he has gradually become a "strategist" on the court, Su Feng has never initiated some complicated tactics.


   Before the players have reached each other's depth, you know me, I know how long you are, any complicated tactics and excessively fast game rhythm are NC behaviors that directly give the ball to the opponent.

   Take the "Last.Game" played by Su Feng and Nash last year...

   No matter how good Nash's passing is, how subtle Su Feng's position is.

   If it weren’t because the two had been together for five years, they had been able to know what each other should do without reminding each other, then how could the Lakers fail to prevent the cooperation of Su Feng and Nash?

  In the NBA, in the short term, a certain team may become a strong team in the league because of a certain player’s technical explosion.

   But if a team wants to fill up the chemical reaction without time accumulation, it is absolutely impossible to do.

   In the first quarter of the game, after taking the initiative to slow down, relying on reducing errors, the Heat succeeded in a tie with the digital man in this quarter.

   In the first quarter, the score between the two teams was 27 to 27.


  Second Festival...

   After the Heat's positional efficiency gradually declined, the digital man with a more solid lineup soon under the leadership of Iverson played a 9-2 spurt in the early part of this section.

   And the second half of this section...

   Xiao Yao, who has returned to the court, is also particularly eye-catching in the offensive and defensive position of the digital man.

   In the absence of O'Neal, there is no one in this league, and it is impossible for anyone to be able to hold Xiao Yao, who is already 135 kg at this time.

   low back hit, turn around to hook, roll over and leaning back, tiptoe for three points.

  Only in this section, Xiao Yao scored 11 points.

   At this time, in the seats on the sidelines, both Happy Gua and Xiao Zhan Zhan started to feel a little distressed for Su Feng.

  Because of the first half of the game, when Su Feng scored 27 points for the Heat, the Heat still trailed the figures by as much as 14 points 53 to 67.

   After the intermission, in the third quarter, Su Feng successfully led the team to a counterattack climax.

   However, in the second half of this quarter, after the Heat's physical fitness dropped one step further, the digital guys quickly expanded the points difference to double digits through their more stable offense.

   In the last quarter of the game, Riley made many substitutions and adjustments, trying to turn the tide of the battle through his "stroke of magic".


   No matter how amazing a coach is, it is impossible to make changes to the game every night.

   In the end, 104 to 119, Digital Man successfully won their first victory in the Eastern Conference Finals.

   In the game, 10 of 25 shots, including 3 of 9 3-pointers and 9 of 10 free throws, Iverson scored a total of 33 points, 5 assists, and 2 rebounds.

   Yao Ming scored 25 points and 12 rebounds.

   What's more terrifying than the Iverson in Su Feng's memory is that on the surface, Iverson's overall shooting rate tonight is only just 40%.

   But because the three-pointers accounted for a large proportion of his shooting, in fact, Iverson's true shooting percentage on this night was about 56%.

   And if you don’t talk about Curry, the old driver, and Nash’s "180 club" members...

   In fact, with such a true shooting rate, as long as Iverson can keep shooting, then Carlisle will dare to let him keep shooting.

   In addition, in this game, in order to reduce Iverson's shooting percentage, Su Feng also paid a great price.

   Like his ankle...

   After the game, if the ice bucket was not found in the locker room in time, then Su Feng really wanted to chop off his feet directly.


   About fifteen minutes later, if Spoelstra remembers correctly...

   The bucket of ice water that Riley poured on her head at the time seemed to be the bucket that Su Feng had just soaked...

   "Forget it, I still don't tell the teacher about this."

   Spoelstra thought to Riley, who looked quite enjoyable after the ice water was poured.


  According to the schedule, the second match between the Heat and the Digital Man will start on the 26th.

   At this time, in the West, Kobe has also put on the "mask of pain" of the same style as Su Feng.

  Because in the G1 game between the Lakers and the Suns, although Kobe did not score 49 points like Su Feng, but when Kobe scored 37 points, the Lakers still lost to the Suns 97-115.

  Compared with last year, this year the Suns not only prepared more meat shields in the interior, but also in this round of the game against the Lakers, D'Antoni also let Jackson feel what is called "real running and bombing"! (Old Nelson: I always feel that someone is connoting me.)

   Before facing the Warriors in the Western Conference semifinals, Jackson, who learned the lessons of "Little General" Johnson, decisively reduced the playing time of Malone and Payton, and instead let Kobe lead the team to fight the Warriors.

   But, when facing the sun, not to mention whether Kobe can still keep the touch under the guard of Marion and others...

   As for the sun, the talented front guard group, before they hit the pile of fortresses of digital people, the Los Angeles Fathead Fish could not scare them.

   After finishing the G1 battle with the Suns, O'Neal has become a "laughing stock".

Because of the Malone and Payton he recruited for the Lakers last summer, one shot 1 of 5, scored 2 points, 4 rebounds and 2 assists in this game, while the other made 0 of 7 shots and surrendered. Answers with 0 points, 3 rebounds, and 4 assists.

   Maybe the Internet has no memory.

   But this does not mean that traditional media do not like to turn old accounts.

   After recruiting Malone and Payton for the Lakers last year, O'Neal used this as a condition to ask the Lakers to renew his contract...

   So at the moment, the situation O'Neal is facing, you can probably understand that he, who has never forgotten his original intention, has once again returned to the time when he was squeezed out by the whole city of Orlando.

   In the 95/96 season, due to the absence of O'Neal, Hardaway led the team alone to overturn the Bulls.

   Therefore, many Magic fans believe that after O'Neal comes back, the Bulls will not be their opponent at all.

   However, the truth is...

  In the early days of O'Neal's injury, the Magic not only lost consecutive games, but even in the playoffs, they were shaved by the Bulls...

   Therefore, when the Magic management initiated a vote on whether O'Neal deserves a higher salary, most Orlando fans voted against it.

   And now...

   The views of the Lakers fans are similar to those of the Magic fans back then.

   "Let's trade Shaq! Seriously, I really don't want to experience the moment when my father was like my father, who could only watch the Lakers get runner-up time and time again."

   "If the Lakers renew their contract with Shaq, then in my opinion, this will definitely be the stupidest act of the century!"

   For O'Neill personally...

   There is no doubt that this moment is his "darkest moment".

In Philadelphia, even though the Heat lost the game 109 to 114 in the G2 game with the Digital Man, in the eyes of the fans, they only need to give the Heat another year or two... ..

   I'm afraid that another Raptor will be born under the leadership of Su Feng.

   In this game, in the case of Su Feng's poor touch, the Heat's young players exploded with great combat power.

   Through the previous round of the series with the Celtics, the hearts of Alston and others have changed a lot.

   On the court, when the score was opened time and time again by the digital players, the Heat were stunned to chase the score back again and again.

   After the game, Riley also said in an interview that he was quite satisfied with the performance of the Heat's players on the court despite the gap between the overall strength of the team and the digital players.

   "I am not the kind of coach who cannot accept failure.

   In my opinion, as long as you devote everything you can to the game, then even if you lose the present, you also win the future. "At the press conference, Riley, who became a "philosophical leader", said.

   According to the competition system, the next two games between the Heat and the Digital will move to Miami.

  In the west, O'Neill, who originally thought that the G1 battle with the sun was the trough of his life, discovered in a trance...

   It turned out that the night of the 25th was the night of his fish grid crash.

   On the court, with his mentality getting more and more impatient and desperately eager to prove himself, O'Neal couldn't even punish the urinal that Su Feng forced out.

   And as a generation of famous marshals who once followed Davis in those years, you said that at this time, if the old man does not cut the shark, then he is still worthy of his "Davis successor" title?

   In this G2 game, O'Neal, who walked to the free throw line 26 times, only made 12 of them.

   In the game, the Sun players who slashed the sharks when they were leading, were slashing the sharks when they were 10 points ahead, and that they also slashed the sharks when they were 20 points ahead, also made the fans who watched the game dream of that year.

   "Shaq, wake up! Even if you can hold Su's thigh, you can't win the championship!"

   Phoenix scene, when O'Neal exited, the fans on the scene mocked him.

   and no coincidence.

   Miami on the 29th.

After Su Feng once again showed the world what a miracle is, in the white wave of Florida, Smith looked at Barkley curiously and asked: "Charles...In your opinion, such a Su can Did it move Shaq?"

   And after hearing this, after a pause, Barkley jokingly smiled: "To be honest, even my grandma, Su can take her to the championship.

   But Shaq's words...

   I think we should stop embarrassing Su.

  Because my grandma does not take up salary space, and Shaq...

  He is one of the highest paid players in the league. "

   American Airlines Center, in the G3 battle with the digital man, Su Feng, who opened the strongest form, made 22 of 44 shots in the game, including 4 of 10 three-pointers and 9 of 9 free throws.

   In this era that has begun to gradually "magic ball", Su Feng has proved with his strength...

   Two-point shot, as long as you are accurate enough, then you can also drive your opponent crazy.

Since this digital guy pays much attention to Su Feng’s three-point shooting and his unreasonable and super-long three-pointers after the smooth, Su Feng also simply put his heart in the third quarter after the game entered the third quarter, and made a three-pointer on the wing. The line went one step inward and kept firing.

   In addition to Su Feng, Alstom has also become the heat of the game.

   As the player who played against Iverson in the Heat, Alstom got the right to fire second only to Su Feng on this night.

   As a result, Alstom, who feels like a super star on this night, shot 6 of 9 from the three-point line, including the breakthrough two points and free throws, totaling his career high of 27 points in a single game in the playoffs.


  Because the rest of the Heat's guards are more threatening than Alstom...

   So even if he was shown off by the streetball king, Carlisle couldn't let Christie, Snow and others help him.

   In the end, the score of this G3 battle was 104 to 110.

   And a day later...

   Just when the Lakers were expecting the Lakers to leave the cliff temporarily like the Heat...


   "The hacker" Marion successfully "tampered" the Lakers' "offensive procedures."

   As even Su Feng has to be in awe of the three-point presence, Marion at the peak can not only attack but also defend.

   Moreover, he is extremely athletic, and he can run at all costs to cover the entire court.

In this G3 game with the Lakers, Marion, who successfully provoked Kobe's heads-up desire, scored 27 points, 11 rebounds, 6 assists, 4 steals, and 3 blocks in the game. He also managed to prevent Kobe from shooting 14 for 34 from the field.

  From the current status of the Lakers...

   Once they lose Kobe’s fire support, where else can they stand up?

   With no offensive space, O'Neal scored 26 points and 15 rebounds in this case.



   Where's Payton?


   In the whole game, this brother made only 3 goals in total.

   and their shots are 20 shots.

   If you say that with the other players of the Lakers playing like this, D'Antoni doesn't know how to win...

  The sun should disband on the spot!

   In the end, the G3 game, which made Lakers fans especially tortured, scored 129 to 101.

   After the capture of Los Angeles, the Suns have already led the series with a big score 3-0.

   In New York, this night, Mark also asked Stern for advice on whether to send Joe Crawford to enforce the Lakers' game against the Suns.

   It's a pity that Stern, who has a special preference for no joke, shook his head and decisively rejected Mark's proposal.

   "If the Suns can really beat the Lakers 4-0, then this is also the best warning to those stars who are trying to form a team by grouping together.

  Mark, you have to know that, as the decision makers of this alliance, we can appropriately use our rights to write more exciting scripts.

   But if you abuse your rights, then one day, you will also be defeated. Stern said, slapped Mark on the shoulder earnestly.

   And I heard that after this night, Mark’s CEO experience value has undoubtedly risen again.


   Now the problem is coming.

   What does it mean to pass rights appropriately to compose more exciting scripts?

  Miami, American Airlines Center.

   Watching the referee Coron Martin of the Heat and Digital Man G4 battle, if Su Feng can't win this game, then he feels that he can really go to drive a truck with Jordan.

   Hot knowledge.

  In all the games of Su Feng that Coron Martin has currently enforced...

   Su Feng's team all won the final victory.

   And if you want to ask, what's the trick?

   That is probably...

   Coron Martin is the only referee who is willing to give Su Feng a star whistle in the NBA.


   Affected by the excessive strength, the star whistle is the same thing as the boss of Joe at his peak, Su Feng has no idea what it is.

In the 91/92 and 92/93 seasons, when Jordan was at the peak of his physical functions, as a scoring machine that averaged "30+" for the team, Jordan averaged free throws in these two seasons. They were 7.3 times and 7.4 times respectively.

   After the second comeback, even if Jordan's style of play at the time has begun to focus on jumpers...

   But unless it is an obvious foul in the eyes of the referees, the "old hooligans" still don't even think about getting to the free throw line.

  Of course, just like in some games, Jordan’s free throws will also have accidents...

no doubt.

   Coron Martin, it was Su Feng’s accident.

  Miami, Heat fans are destined to not be able to experience the feeling of being abused by the Lakers this year.

   Because in the G4 game between the Heat and the Digital Man, Su Feng, who made 21 free throws and 20 free throws, scored 50+ in the Eastern Finals for the second consecutive game!

   Thanks to Su Feng's excellent performance, Yao Ming, Ratliff, Mutombo and others all encountered a foul crisis in this game.

   CCTV, when explaining the Chinese derby, Director Zhang said in tears: "NBA referees, finally remembered on this day that Su Feng is a star in this league!"

   For the rabbits, it is undoubtedly a blessing for the Heat to successfully play the big score in this round of the Eastern Conference as 2 to 2.

  Because of this, they can not only watch a few more famous scenes of Xiao Yao punching Feng Ge, at the same time, they can also watch a few more games where Feng Ge is on the court.

   just Los Angeles...

   Lake honeys are not so lucky.

   Because in the fourth battle with the sun...

   has seen McGrady, who is leading the team and hopes to win, opened his sleepy eyes this night!

   After McGrady and Hill jointly scored 57 points, Staples, the heartbroken Lakers, have long known what hope is.

   And in the stands, when the old Buss, who was overwhelmed with anger and blood pressure during these four games, received a taunting text message from the sun boss...

   Almost, the old Buss was taken to the hospital after the game.

  "Ask Dallas, if they are willing to trade Dirk for...

   That tells them, we can even catch up on nods and draft picks to them. "After being eliminated by the Suns 4-0, Old Buss said, looking at Jim Buss and Kupchak.


   Kupchak had just made a call to Dallas with his front foot, and the next second, Cuban called and cursed at Old Bass.

   "You TM treat the NBA as your own vegetable market? You trade Shaq for Dirk? Why don't you ask the Heat, can you trade Derek Fisher for Su!"

  Old Buss: "......"

   On June 2, the G5 battle between the Heat and the Digital Human moved to Philadelphia.

   As a result, even though the digital players played their best game in this year's playoffs so far, the gap in overall strength still made them lose the G5 game.

   On the 4th, after the two teams returned to Miami for the game, this time, Iverson and Yao Ming did not give Su Feng the chance to perform a miracle at the last minute.

   As the two existences who think they know Su Feng best in this alliance, UU read www.uukanshu. com Iverson and Yao Ming both know that to deal with people like Su Feng, you can't let him out even the slightest chance.

   In the end, with Su Feng only scored 51 points, the Heat were unable to recover and ended their entire journey of this year's playoffs with a big score of 2 to 4.

   And CCTV, when summarizing the Heat's playoff journey this year, Director Zhang also described it as unbelievable.

   After all, as a team that was still diving into the championship last season...

  Who would have thought that Su Feng could bring this Heat to this point?

   And Los Angeles, just when the old Buss has been driven crazy by those "white prostitutes" recently...

   On the evening of June 5, Old Buss, who was in extreme anxiety, suddenly received a call from Miami.

   And after hearing Riley's intentions...

   Old Buss suddenly felt...

   Sure enough, in this league, only the former Lakers’ celebrities still have the Lakers in their hearts!

   "Jerry, I plan to trade Darko Milicic and Lamar Odom for Shaq. What do you think of this deal?"



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