I Really Just Want to Hit the Iron (All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball)

v2 Chapter 837: 1 for heaven, 1 for hell!


Oracle Arena, who would have thought that the Lakers who were about to fall into **** a few seconds ago could come back to life?

On the court, James, who was responsible for executing the final attack for the Warriors, was already lying flat on the floor.

In this moment, despite covering your cheeks with your hands...

But his up-and-down chest and choked throat couldn't hide his regret and unwillingness.

no doubt.

In the first five battles of the Western Conference Finals, James handed over a report card no less than Su Feng's in every game.

But it happened to be the most deadly sixth battle...

He missed the layup that was bound to make him regret for life.

On the other side, Stephen Curry, who couldn't believe the Warriors would be eliminated in such a dramatic fashion, was still staring at the scoreboard.

Think of heaven.

Think of hell.

On the court, before James hits the Lakers penalty area with his last wave of the ball...

Curry has imagined a lot of bad endings.

But no matter how bad the ending is, it's just another round of overtime with the Lakers.

However, no matter what Curry expects.

At this moment, the outcome of this round of the series cannot be changed.

129 to 127.

Since the on-site timer reset to zero after Kobe shot that lore, so...

"Let's congratulate the Los Angeles Lakers!

They successfully advanced to this year's finals with a big score of 4 to 2! "

On CCTV's live commentary booth, looking at Yao Ming, who was still in the center of the venue, with the same uneasy feeling, after pondering for a few seconds, Yu Jia continued: "Success in life is only temporary, but failure is the main theme.

But how to face failure has divided people into different looks.

Some people will be crushed by failure, while others can keep getting up and moving forward.

I think true maturity is not the pursuit of perfection, but the face of one's own shortcomings, which is the essence of life.

Romain-Roland once said that there is only one true heroism in this world, and that is to recognize the truth of life and still love it. "

"Kobe rewrote history!

I know that after this game, his lore on both ends of offense and defense will definitely be mentioned repeatedly by the world.

This is Kobe Bryant.

Back then my omnipotent little brother! "And TNT TV station, even though I can't wait to take a time machine to go back to that year, and kill Su Feng and Kobe at the same time...

But on the court, the two "Kobe" that O'Neal roared in this game is destined to become a classic together with Kobe's lore!

Oracle Arena.

When Kobe hit the lore, Su Feng was the first to rush to him.

However, before Su Feng could celebrate with Kobe, who was already lying on the floor at the time, the teammates who arrived afterward pressed the two of them down like Arhats.

After dozens of seconds, the crowd dispersed, and when the two veterans who were almost out of breath stared at each other...

have to say.

At this moment.

Exactly right then and now.

And the Warriors' bench.

Van Gundy, who was destined to cause controversy after the game because he didn't call a timeout at the last minute, didn't regret that he didn't call the **** timeout.

After taking a long sigh, Van Gundy said: "We defended Kobe very well in the first half of the game.

But the second half and the final moments...

Our contempt for him.

But it has become the key to determining the outcome of the game.

We lost this series. "

After a noisy night.

Oracle Arena has ushered in that moment of silence.

And hundreds of kilometers away...

Los Angeles is boiling like boiling water.

It turns out.

The joys and sorrows of people are not connected.

last season.

When the Lakers were defeated by the Mavericks in the Western Conference Finals.

People say that the Lakers at that time have been reduced to the ruins of a dynasty.

And at this moment...

"Lakers, stand up again from the ruins of a dynasty!"

"Kobe, end the suspense of this series!

The Los Angeles Lakers will continue their journey this summer! "

The camera returns to Oracle Arena.

James, who had collapsed on the floor earlier, was already helped by his teammates.

At the scene, the Warriors fans who remained in the stadium also gave applause to their home team.

"Come back next year!" Kirilenko, who handed a towel to James, said with a wry smile, who had never tasted a championship.

On the other side, with Curry in one arm and Klay in the other, when asked by reporters after the game how they felt about the game...

I saw Xiao Yao said firmly: "I don't have any special feelings about the game.

But I firmly believe that next season we will come back here full of blood. "

"Although I feel a little sorry for Dirk to say that.

But Jason...

Sure enough, I still prefer to play this kind of game than retirement. ' Chandler told the old comrade next to him as he walked back to the locker room with Terry.

"Come and train with me in the summer.

I'll teach you what I know...all. "And in the Warriors' locker room, looking at Butler who was still annoyed, veteran Artest also played the role that a veteran should play at this time.

Hearing this, Butler nodded.

Now, the Western Conference finals of the 12/13 season have officially come to an end.

On the court, after Kobe Bryant cut the net that symbolized the Western Conference championship for the Lakers...

The Lakers player who wears the Western Championship hat is undoubtedly the most beautiful boy in this venue.

In the whole game, Su Feng, who scored 63 points, 11 rebounds and 4 assists for the Lakers, did not compete with Kobe for the limelight.

In an interview with the host, Su Feng deliberately left the C position to him.

"Without a doubt.

It was a great series round.

We managed to persevere to the end.

It's as if I'm in a dream right now..."

that is......

Without the premise of preparing a small composition in advance...

Kobe's speech tonight obviously lost the standard of a generation of chicken soup masters.

In this game, Kobe scored a total of 24 points for the Lakers.

And compared to his performance in the first five games...

In fact, this game can even be called Kobe's worst game in this series.

But competitive sports are like that.

Especially basketball, a sport full of personal heroism.

on this night.

Kobe Bryant's performance on both ends of the floor in the final round.

It was enough to drive his fans crazy for a while.

"Then, boss, do you want to eat Italian sausage pizza...or Kobe steak after returning to Los Angeles?" Su Feng smiled at Kobe after his interview in the center of the venue.

And listening to Su Feng's "boss", Kobe immediately became happy.

As the so-called different words...

It has different meanings from different people's mouths.

After a pause, I saw Kobe hugging Su Feng's shoulder and smiling, "Can you serve these two dishes together?"

Hearing this, Su Feng immediately gave Kobe a thumbs up.

good guy!

Are you really not being polite at all?

But that's all!

As far as Kobe Bryant's performance on both ends of the offense and defense in the final moments tonight...

In Su Feng's view.

He deserves such an award.


After the Hu Yong game, Van Gundy, who was the first to attend the press conference, was asked by reporters why he didn't call a timeout at the last moment.

As a result, in the face of this group of reporters who insisted on catching this question no matter how many times they answered, Van Gundy also asked back: "Then why don't you ask, Tyron, why don't you call a timeout?"


From the final result of the game.

The Warriors would have been better off asking for a timeout at the time.

But in a sense.

Because neither the Lakers nor the Warriors chose to request a timeout at the last minute.

Therefore, the viewing experience of the decisive moment of this game has also been greatly improved.

"I don't have anything special to say about the game.

The players played well.

It's a pity that I failed to lead them one step closer.

I am willing to take all responsibility for the team's loss. "In the end, the reporters barely let him go until Van Gundy took full responsibility for the loss.

On the other hand, at the post-match press conference in Wo Lake, these reporters immediately showed their double standard.

"Taylon, do you think that your choice to hand the game over to the players at the last minute is the key to the Lakers' ability to win this night?" (Van Gundy:?)

Hearing this, Director Lu nodded and said, "I always like to give the stage to the players at such moments.

And the obvious is.

The players also rewarded me with their performances. "

"What do you think of Sue and Kobe on this night?"

"In this round of the series, Su is undoubtedly the capital that we can compete with the Warriors.

As a team leader, his performance was perfect.

And Kobe is our propeller.

Although I know that after this round of the series, people will focus more on Kobe's block and lore...

But I still want people to see what Kobe did for the team throughout the series. "

"Do you think you outsmarted Jeff Van Gundy in terms of rotation and strategy in this series?"

"No, I don't think so at all.

In my opinion, we got the last laugh just because our players played better.

In fact, I always thought this Lakers team could win even with a dog on the bench. "

As a head coach who is familiar with "Pattern", after the game, Lu Gui did not compete with the players for credit.

After all, hug your thighs...

Not shabby!


On the night of the G6 war, the Lakers took a special plane back to Los Angeles overnight.

The next day, Kobe, who was still in a state of excitement, enjoyed a sumptuous and delicious meal at Su Feng's house.

And on the same day, East...

With the big score 2-3 behind, Wade, who has been tortured by Riley, led the Eagles and brought them to the tiebreaker in this round of Eastern Finals with the Heat in Atlanta.

In fact, in terms of the performance of the players of the two teams in this round of the series.

Whenever the Heat dare to fix their home air conditioner...

I'm afraid the Eagles have already made it to the finals.

The same as Su Feng's memory.

Lowry, who you can always trust in the playoffs, shot just 35 percent from the field and 28.5 percent from 3-point range in the Eastern Conference Finals.

Say something.

The group of "183" in the NBA...

In terms of trustworthiness, it has never disappointed.

In fact, the Heat were able to reach the tiebreaker with the Hawks mainly because of their personnel reserves.

In the early years, as the Heat's main bargaining chip in trading O'Neal to the Lakers, and later as the Lakers' main bargaining chip in Su Feng's transaction, he was exchanged back to the Heat, so Milicic, who unfortunately missed two dynasties, joined forces with Horford in this round of Eastern Finals. Paul Gasol.

Last year, Dragic and Mo Williams, which the Heat exchanged from the Lakers, have repeatedly made fans of the Heat feel what "technical poverty alleviation" means in the game.

According to the schedule, the Eagles and the Heat will have their life-and-death battle at the American Airlines Center on the 7th.

5th night.

After the sixth game against the Heat, in order to avoid this year's Eastern Conference finals becoming a "underworld scene", Budenholzer put pressure on the league: "I don't know what's wrong with this country.

But if the Heat really don't have the money to fix their home air conditioner.

Then I am totally willing to donate my salary to buy a few new ones for them. "

No way.

Although after the sixth game, Riley did make preparations to continue to turn off the air conditioner and start a man-to-man contest with the Eagles in the seventh game.

But to keep the attention for the upcoming Finals...

New York, Stern knows.

It's time for him to cut in.

7th night.

The Hawks, who finally turned on the air conditioner at the American Airlines Center, did not give the Heat the slightest chance.

In the game, the Eagles players, who had already gritted their teeth against the Heat's various behaviors, used their lives to secure the victory of the tiebreaker in only three and a half quarters.

In the tiebreaker, the Heat's lack of superstar weaknesses was exposed.

Because in the first six battles, Lori, who was crazy about ironing, could no longer believe in himself...

So the heat for players who lack the final word...

So far, it has also bid farewell to the stage of this year's playoffs.

In the end, 118 to 99.

With Wade's excellent performance of 23 of 25 free throws at the free throw line, the Eagles entered the finals for three consecutive years!

In front of the TV, Kobe also asked Su Feng a question.

That is......

If Wade is another runner-up this year...

That Sanlianya he...

Isn't that a "runner-up dynasty" established in a sense?

"That must be counted!

So to help Dwayne accomplish this feat...

We had to tearfully accept that **** championship ring for him! "Looking back at Kobe, Su Feng smiled.

Originally, after defeating the grinding warrior...

Because the Lakers' consumption in this year's Western Conference finals is far beyond the world's imagination...

Therefore, Su Feng is quite worried that the Lakers may become the party that makes wedding dresses for others in the finals.

But looking at Hawks players who were equally exhausted on this night...

At this moment, even if Su Feng is more cautious and seeks stability...

In his opinion, in the upcoming finals, the probability of the Lakers defeating the Hawks is not 100%, at least 200%.

Of course......

As far as Su Feng's understanding of Stern is concerned...

In the upcoming finals, the Lakers will definitely not be able to enjoy the fair, open and impartial enforcement of the referees as they did in the Western Finals.

But even so.

Su Feng also doesn't think the Eagles can beat the Lakers in the finals.

Because from the style of the two teams...

The Lakers can be described as complete overcome this eagle.

"Ow, ooh—!"

Listen, Los Angeles, who's calling these two days?

In the Western Conference finals, the suffocated Little Plus, Little Jordan, and Whiteside have only one thought at the moment!

That is......

As long as they can't beat Pau Gasol to Marc Gasol in the Western Conference Finals in the upcoming Finals...

Then they immediately jumped off the Pacific Ocean!

"Dwayne Wade?

Sorry~lightnovelpub.net~ This round of finals, please don't fight with me for the right to defend him! "In the Western Conference finals, Green and others, who were almost beaten to tears by the Warriors, seemed to be fighting chicken blood these two days.

Open Nima's international joke!

We even won the Warriors!

Are you still afraid that this weak eagle will fail?


In order to assist the Eagles to complete the great cause of Sanlianya!

In the eyes of all the Lakers...

say what......

The Lakers also have to tear up this year's O'Brien Cup!


PS: Well... Gouyue's water is short and pretty, why are you getting shorter and shorter?