I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 961: Kill them all!

Cao Kuohai's look changed dramatically.

At the same time that Lan Yuanqing, Gu Yang, and Sima Xuefeng acted on all the emperors of the Cao family at the same time, he knew that they might have exposed Yang Fan assassination!

Otherwise, with their status and reputation in the Jinghua city in the entire federal government, even Lan Yuanqing, the master of one domain, would definitely not dare to act so recklessly.

"What ?! Why should you be banned ?!"

"What crime have we committed, why should we treat me like this, etc., but we are responding to the call of the city's main government and going out to protect Jinghua City, how can you do this?"

"Homeowner, please say a word! They are obviously targeting our Cao family!"


Several clan people yelled out of conviction and indignation, and some people turned to look at Cao Kuohai, hoping that the master of the house could get an idea.

Xi Lanyuanqing's sudden operation really scared these Cao people.

In fact, not only the Cao clan, but also Li, Luo, Ji and so on. Almost half of the emperors present were from such a family.

These people are all now watching with eager expression the Lord of the City Lord personally leading people to imprison all Cao's emperors at a speed that can't cover their ears.

"No sound!"

Tong Lan Yuanqing drank with a sip, interrupting the clamor of all Cao clan members, and then looked up at Cao Kuohai, who was standing in the middle of the crowd.

"Cao, Master, why did the owner of this city make this decision? You should know it by thinking about it. Why, don't you want to say a few words?"

Cao Kuohai looked blank: "The Lord of the Blue City, the old man can't quite understand what you are saying. My Cao family has always followed the law and abides by the law. Today, they are actively responding to the call of the Lord of the City to leave the city regardless of life and death. The old man really did not understand. Why did the Lord of the Blue City treat the heroes so well? "

"Do n’t you just be hated just because the ancestors of the Cao family just came out with those six seniors?"

"It's not fair!" Cao Kuohai said innocently: "My ancestors went into flames because of the conflict of exercises over a few years ago, and closed the door under severe injuries. Even the old man couldn't contact the old ancestors. My ancestor must be totally unaware of what happened in Jinghua ... "

Cao Kuohai defended his ancestors in a loud voice, trying to confuse the audiovisual, leading the core of the problem to why Cao Jiaxun didn't fight.

Xi Lanyuanqing shook his head slightly and interrupted his words directly: "No more sophistry, why your ancestor didn't come out has nothing to do with this matter."

"The owner of this city only asks you a word, Dr. Yang Fan in the city was just assassinated by your Cao clan. Can you know?"

"What? Master Yang was assassinated ?!"

"No, why did the Cao people do this, and what good is it to kill Dr. Yang Fan?"

"It doesn't make sense. There are wood ..."

As soon as Yuan Lanqing's voice fell, not only the appearance of many emperors of the Cao family changed dramatically, but even the imperial ranks of other families who were on the lookout were incredible.

They can't think of the reason for Cao's assassination of Yang Fan. They have never heard of any direct or indirect conflict between Yang Fan and Cao?

And with Yang Fan's current reputation and status in the Federation, even if there is resentment, as long as Cao is not stupid, he should not stab at this time, are they not afraid of committing anger?

"Lord of the Blue City, what is Yang Shi now, but is he injured?"

"Lord of the Blue City, is nothing wrong with Dr. Yang Fan?"


After being shocked, these emperors began to ask Yang Fan's life in safety again.

Yang Fan, after all, is the only imperial doctor in the Federation. His personal safety is related to these imperial powerhouses who are present.

If Yang Fan was seriously injured or killed directly, if they were injured or poisoned in the future, there would be no one who could heal them.

Also, refining soul Dan.

During this time, they have not exchanged from Yang Fan to them and the refining soul gold and refining soul dan that are urgently needed by the descendants of the clan. If Yang Fan dies, where should their future refining soul resources go?

All of a sudden, everyone began to glared at the Cao clan, especially the Emperor, who had been completely restored by the hands of Yang Fan, and his eyes were even more murderous.

Yang Fan is not only their life-saving benefactor, but also handsome and cute in their eyes, and good kind of younger generation. In their hearts, Yang Fan is even more important than their own son and grandson.

Now I heard that Yang Fan was assassinated. How can these emperors who have an extremely friendly relationship with Yang Fan be tolerant?

"Everyone rest assured!" Lan Yuanqing sobbed loudly: "Yang is now safe and sound, and those Cao people who sent to assassinate Yang are also killed by Yang Fan!"

"Now, we need to suspect that the Cao family is collaborating with extraterrestrial monsters and want to misbehave against Dr. Yang Fan!"

Cao Kuohai's face is dead.

Yang Fan didn't die?

Why, they have calculated so carefully that all the emperors and high-ranking kings of Beijing Huawu University have been transferred out of the city. Why can Yang Fan still escape the assassination of the two kings?

I do n’t make sense!

In order to be able to kill Yang Fan in one fell swoop, they even asked Cao Dexiu and Li Boyu to bring at least three and a half step emperor-level spiritual treasures. In addition, the two of them were themselves the apex of the peak, and the repair was much more than Yang Fan.

In principle, Yang Fan has no reason to die!

"Cao Kuohai, what else do you have to say now?"

Lan Yuanqing looked at Cao Kuohai coldly and questioned softly: "You know the rules of Jinghua City, a man collusion with the demons, the Manchus will be affected! If you are willing to plead guilty, the owner of this city may also consider giving you Cao Leave a trail of incense blood, otherwise ... hum! "

Lan Yuanqing did not say the following words, but Cao Kuohai and a group of people all engaged in a chill.

Collusion with the demon tribe, that is a felony that is extinct. No matter what status or status, as long as the evidence is conclusive, no one can be an exception.

This is the cruelest punishment imposed by the Federation and Jinghua City for the rebellion against the people.

He is also the only retro torture among all the laws of the Terran Federation.

"I don't know! I really don't know anything!"

Cao Kuohai is still struggling: "There must be some misunderstanding in this, or it may be that someone deliberately planted loot to frame my Cao family!"

"You know the Lord of the Blue City. Over the years, my Cao family has offended many generations. It is also possible for someone to use this as a reason to destroy my Cao family!"

"Please also ask the Lord of the Blue City to be able to detect Qiuhao clearly and return me a fair and innocent Cao family!"

This kind of thing cannot be acknowledged even if killed.

What's more, just as Lan Yuanqing himself said, the assassins responsible for assassinating Yang Fan have already died, and there is no evidence of death?

Cao Kuohai is not a fool, how could he take the initiative to admit it?

Xi Lanyuanqing shook her head slightly and whispered softly: "I expected that you would say so. In this case, how about letting President Mei face a candid and routine interrogation in front of all the emperors in the city?"

"Don't you say that you didn't know it, didn't you say that it is very likely that Cao's enemies were intentionally framed? Then the owner of the city will give you a chance to prove himself now!"

Lan Yuanqing looked at Cao Kuohai squarely, and said, "President Mei is the pinnacle of the Emperor, and does not belong to any family member. It is even more obvious to everyone that she is of personal character. She will personally interrogate you and wait. I think everyone will Any objections? "

Xi Lan Yuanqing's last sentence was no longer asking Cao Kuohai, but all emperors who were outside the Cao family.

Because at this time, Cao Kuohai's personal opinion is actually nothing, as long as it can be recognized and approved by everyone, Lan Yuanqing does not mind forcibly interrogating.

Sure enough.

As soon as Yuan Lanqing's words fell, almost all the emperors present nodded.

Mei Cailan, as the branch president of Jinghua Soul Refiner Association, has always been known for her fairness and rigor in the Jinghua city, and she is known to the world. No one will doubt her character, and no one will doubt her. Will deliberately frame Cao Kuohai and his party.

如此 "So, please invite President Mei to work hard!"

Xi Lanyuanqing politely reached out and invited Mei Cailan to come out. At this moment when she saw Mei Cailan walking slowly forward, Cao Kuohai finally couldn't bear it any more, and her face was completely white.

But Mei Meicai Lan is the peak spiritual emperor. Her spiritual cultivation is even stronger than many half-step emperor realms. If she is to conduct interfering mental interrogation, Cao Kuohai is afraid that she will not stand up.

Buzz! Hum!

At this time, the three watches of Lan Yuanqing, Gu Yang and Ye Han shook at the same time.

As if just before, the three of them looked down and saw that Yang Fan directly transmitted two small videos this time.

The first section is a picture of Yang Fan when he was attacked by Cao Dexiu and Li Boyu in Wanshou Pavilion.

The other part is a picture of Yang Fan and Mu Yuanzhong talking to Cao Jiaxun and confronting each other at Cao's house.

The first video is just fine. After all, Cao Dexiu and Li Boyu are only the peak of the king class, and their reputation is not obvious. Neither Lan Yuanqing, Gu Yang, or Ye Hanshuang don't recognize them.

But Cao Jiaxun in a video are all very familiar.

When I saw Cao Jiaxun in the video, he not only acknowledged the fact that he collusion with the demon assassination of Yang Fan, but UU reading www.uukanshu.com also revealed the true identity of his demon spirit.

All of a sudden, Lan Yuanqing, Gu Yang, and Ye Han were all cold at the back, and all the hairs on their bodies were erected.

Cao Jiaxun turned out to be a demon possessed by a demon spirit? !!

This news is too scary, too incredible and shocking!

No one doubts the authenticity of these two videos.

The first reason is that they are more willing to believe in Yang Fan's character because of the extremely friendly favor between them and Yang Fan.

The second is that the ultimate battle between Cao Jiaxun and Mu Yuanzhong in the video, even if it is across the video screen, also brings them a very strong sense of oppression and fright, which is definitely not the ordinary synthetic video .

In a half-step imperial coercion, even the most top-level special effects team in the world cannot imitate so realistic.

"Okay!" Lan Yuanqing suddenly called Mei Cailan and said, "President Mei no longer needs to be judged. The fact that Jinghua Cao's collusion with the demons has been confirmed, there is no need to waste time here."

He said, Lan Yuanqing gave a cold glance at Cao Kuohai, and said blankly: "The emperors of the Cao family are suspected of being rivals. There is no need to exist, all of them are slaughtered!"