I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 193: Decisive battle, 3 around 1!

Also in the heart is the extreme unhappiness of Xia Wei. ◢щЩш

It was already very uncomfortable for her to be firmly pressed by Chu Feiyun in the second place. Now it is good, her dead enemy Yang Fan jumped up and became the first place in the leaderboard list. Squeezed to the third place.

Can't bear it!

"Yang Fan! You are looking for death!"

Xia Wei bite the jade tooth, and a pair of Dan Feng’s eyes are killing.

Although she learned from the mouths of Huayue and Zhao Wei that Yang Fan had done things at the cave entrance before, she knew that Yang Fan’s mercy had spared her life.

However, Xia Wei’s hatred of Yang Fan did not decrease, but he felt that all of this was a conspiracy of Yang Fan. The reason why Yang Fan did not do it was not that he did not want to, but that he did not dare and did not have that chance.

Even the appearance of the four-level demon will be regarded as a blind eye by Yang Fan, in order to kill her by the hand of the monster.

Only after the trigger of the life-saving spirits and the appearance of the guardian teacher, Yang Fan’s heart was taboo, so he stood up and showed the drama from the scene of the savior.



Really everyone is a fool, a small rookie of the 9th level of the martial arts, can actually control and conquer a four-level demon who is comparable to the peak of the martial artist?

There is also a little golden mouse, the momentum is really extraordinary, but its shape is not as small as a domestic cat, from the beginning to the end has not become bigger than the body shape, where there is a little four demon will have慑 Human body?

Obviously it is a counterfeit!

The three of them spent the month being scared, and they went to Yang Fan’s evil. If she was not unconscious at the time, she would definitely dismantle Yang Fan’s conspiracy trick on the spot.

Therefore, after the incident, Xia Wei, who was waking up, wanted to be more rational. The more he thought, the more he felt that Yang Fan was not good, and he had already killed her.

"The rest of the fish will be cleaned up later, now I am going to find Yang Fan, I am going to kill him!"

Xia Wei did not have the mentality to continue to harvest other students' points. Anyway, those people could not run, and they would be eliminated in her hands sooner or later.

The urgent task now is to find Yang Fan and kill Yang Fan. Xia Wei has already had a magical obstacle in her heart. She can't see Yang Fan's name on her name. She has Yang Fan to continue to live more.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the strength of Yang Fan's strength. Yang Fan only spent a day yesterday, and he upgraded his cultivation from the second level of Wushu to the level of Wushu. The speed of promotion is so fast. People are afraid.

The reason why Xia Wei is so anxious to want to kill Yang Fan earlier is to worry about giving Yang Fan some more time. Yang Fan may have to break through to the level of the martial artist. She will no longer be Yang Fan’s opponent.

When she just changed the rankings of the rankings, she happened to be browsing the list. Xia Wei was very keen to find that while Yang Fan’s ranking was rising, Duan Xiaorui, who had been ranked fifth, suddenly disappeared into the list.

The one thousand and fifty-two points in the previous paragraph of Xiaorui coincided with the number of points that Yang Fan suddenly increased.

Obviously, Duan Xiaorui was defeated in the hands of Yang Fan, and this was completely eliminated.

The first division of the martial arts such as Duan Xiaorui was planted in the hands of Yang Fan. Xia Wei could not imagine, if she waited, she still had the confidence to kill Yang Fan.

With a sense of killing in his heart, Xia Wei also began to fly and jumped onto the canopy, and searched back and forth above the canopy to find the trace of Yang Fan.

at the same time.

Chu Feiyun is looking for Yang Fan, Xia Wei is looking for Yang Fan, and the surviving students who have been rescued by Yang Fan before are also looking for Yang Fan.

Yang Fan, who has no idea about this, is sweeping all the trial students he has encountered in one step at a time.

No matter who it is, whether it is known or not, it is a word after the meeting.


Therefore, when these people are struggling to find Yang Fan, Yang Fan’s points are rising at an alarming rate.

Three thousand five, three thousand eight, four thousand two, four thousand seven...

"Yang Fan, come and hit us!"

"Yang Fan, give a chance, I will only have a 50% collection!"

"Yang Fan! This is not over, you are waiting for me, I am not with you!"


This way, Yang Fan met a variety of people, but no matter who, can not stop Yang Fan want to climb the top of the champion.

On the Yunling-1 airship, in front of the monitors of the twenty-ninth class, Gao Xiangyang silently watched Yang Fan, who was soaring in points. After seeing waves, the students sent points to Yang Fan again and again like the porcelain. Gao Xiangyang couldn't help but say "This kind of behavior should be judged as cheating?"

"What are the disadvantages?" Huang Zhong stunned Gao Xiangyang and bluntly retorted, "Which eyes do you see cheating? Those students who are trained for strength are not as good as Yang Fan, even if it is true. Fight up, do you think they can win?"

"In this case, even the principal of Chen and the following custodial teachers have not dissuaded them. That means they also endorse such a result. Why, does Gao have different opinions?"

Gao Xiangyang shook his head again and again.

He just made a complaint just now. Is it really possible to sing against the principal and not want to mix it at the South China Military Academy?

Seeing the high Xiangyang dumb, Huang Zhongde said, "This situation can only show that good people have good news. Yang Fan has saved them before, so that they have the opportunity to continue to compete for points and allocate more resources for cultivation. They will only reciprocate in this way, saving Yang Fan a lot of time to accumulate points."

Huang Zhong is quite proud now.

As far as the current situation is concerned, their 29th class seems to be the biggest winner of this resource competition trial.

Among the top five, the first and third, all of them are students of the 29th class, and the total scores of the two add up to more than nearly seven thousand points.

If you continue at this speed, the championship rewards really have a chance to fall on the heads of their 29th class.

If there is such luck, as the class teacher of the 29th class, Huang Zhong will naturally receive the award of the school's amnesty, the shame of the third consecutive year, and the snow.

Huang Zhong’s eyes are a little moist and excited.

"Don't be too happy too early, Teacher Huang." Gao Xiangyang couldn't see Huang Zhong in such a swaying glory, a slap in the face, "Don't look at Yang Fan's current highest score, it is because he has not yet with Chu Feiyun. Encounter, otherwise, he has accumulated more than 4,000 points, all of which have to be cheap to Chu Feiyun."

Said, Gao Xiangyang raised his hand and pointed to the screen he was in front of him. "You see, Chu Feiyun seems to have been unable to hold back. Even the points in front of him are too lazy to collect. He rushes straight into this. Yang Fan’s position is rushing, what is it for, Huang teacher will not see it?”

Huang Zhong raised his eyebrows, not only Chu Feiyun, even the Xia Wei of their class, and Zhu Yuxi, who ranked fourth, also began to sprint in the direction of Yang Fan.

These two people are obviously not well-intentioned!

And Yang Fan, along the way, did not deliberately cover up his breath, and even occasionally exposed his breath to attract the nearby students to actively move to his side.

Is this guy ready to take all the students to the net?

"What about that?" Huang Zhong shook his head. "Don't forget, Yang Fan is still a spiritual sorcerer, and he also awakened the talent of the tamer, the four-level demon who even the president Chen has been alarmed. In the pocket of Yang Fan, the cat is."

Chu Feiyun is stronger, can he still be stronger than the four-level demon?


Gao Xiangyang’s mouth is awkward. “Mr. Huang Zhong, you really believe that it’s a four-level demon? Isn’t you still thinking that things are not quite right until now?”

"Even if Yang Fan walks away from the dog, he really awakens the talent of the animal trainer, but you have heard that any animal trainer can make a warrior with only nine levels of martial arts in the case of such a disparity in strength. It took less than three seconds to tame a four-level demon-class pet?"

Huang Zhong Nono was speechless. This is a bit difficult to explain. Huang Zhong has repeatedly suspected that it was the bridge that Yang Fan had arranged in advance.

It is really too easy for Yang Fan to tame the golden squirrel. It is easy for everyone to feel unreal.

However, in front of Gao Xiangyang, Huang Zhong is killed and will not admit that "the animal trainer's thing, which is what we outsiders can understand, maybe, maybe Yang Fan is such a tamed genius?!"

Gao Xiangyang slightly pouted and voted for Huang Wei, a contemptuous look. This is the dead duck's mouth. If you don't see the coffin, you can't cry. If you say these words, can you believe it yourself?


Yang Fan then eliminated a student from the Buddhist department who sent him points. After a stature, he stood in the same place and did not continue to search for it as before.

"Chu Feiyun, Zhu Yuxi, and Xia Wei, since they are here, what are they hiding?"

Yang Fan suddenly raised his voice and greeted the top of the trees around him. "I am standing here. Whoever wants to take my points~lightnovelpub.net~Although let me go, I am waiting!"

The second, third and fourth players who have sensed the standings have all gathered in front of themselves. Yang Fan is not nervous, and his face has always had a faint smile.

The arrival of these people, as early as he expected, as long as the three of them all dried up, then the results of this trial are basically no suspense.

Moreover, the points on the three men now add up to more than 6,000 points, plus the 4,800 percent of Yang Fan’s body is enough to redeem the qualifications required by the school.

Therefore, for Yang Fan, this is a once-and-for-all battle. As long as he defeats Chu Feiyun, this time, the resources for trial and trial, basically can be declared over.




Yang Fan’s voice fell, Chu Feiyun, Xia Wei and Zhu Yuzhen were like an appointment in advance, and they appeared in three directions, just in the middle of Yang Fan.