I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 646: Yang Fan consultant, you can give it to

If you say that Yang Fan’s biggest wish is to use the world’s monsters, then now, add a different person.

In the past, I didn't know the existence of the aliens, and I have never heard of the evils of the aliens.

Now that you know it, you can't let it go!

Yang Fan was too lazy to say anything more to the monkey head in front of him. When he came up, he directly killed the killer.

Spiritual spurs!


Spiritual wind blade!

Three strokes of combos, only in the blink of an eye, will the monkey head of the alien.

"You successfully killed the nine-level Guru Rodney (the alien), the intensity of blood has been greatly increased, the experience of the enemy has been greatly enhanced, the intensity of blood is +400,000, and the spiritual will is +100."

With a total of 400,000 blood and blood experience, Yang Fan once again affirmed the huge benefits that can be achieved by killing aliens.

Whether in Rongcheng or Yangcheng, the death of two strangers brought Yang Fan a **** gain similar to that of a king.

This is definitely not an accident. This shows that the alien race is an experience that is far superior to the Yaozu and has a higher quality. If you encounter it again, you can't easily miss it.

Legendary elites and small bosses have been like this.

"The master is very good!"

Not far away, seeing Yang Fan is just a hand-raising effort, he will give the seemingly arrogant monkey to the fallen horse, and climb Shaoyang to sigh and sigh.

"Do you want to say something special about this obvious thing?"


Xiaohua and Dahei successively responded, and at the same time they voted for a scornful little eye of Panyangyang.

Pan Shaoyang was shocked, and there was no one to throw out the little cat in his arms: "You... you will speak people?!"

Oh, oh!

What's wrong with this world, even cats and dogs can talk about it!

This is the first time that Pan Shaoyang’s head saw the beast around him and was stimulated.

Before riding the monkey on the leopard, he always thought it was a special human being like Yang Fan who could tame the monster. After all, the monkey wore armor, pants and even shoes and socks, and his behavior was like human beings. .

It seems that it seems that this is not the case at all!


"It's really fresh. You don't know if the Yaozu will be able to speak and talk after he has reached the realm of the fourth-level demon?"


"Speaking that you are rare and blame you are not convinced, like the high and mighty existence of Ben Wang, isn’t it a normal thing to say something?"

A cat and a dog looked at each other, and at the same time turned their heads to the view of climbing Shaoyang.

"Little guy, officially know, this king is the owner's favorite number one pet beast, Tiger King, you can call me a cat afterwards!"

"Little guy, don't listen to the stupid cat gibberish, this Wang is the owner's favorite number one pet beast. You can call me the dog, you remember it? After that, the dog will cover you!"


"Silly dog, who is a stupid cat, is itchy?"

"Stupid cat, just say you, how come, have the ability to bite me!"

Pan Shaoyang looked awkward.

The two pets of the master seem to be a bit arrogant. If you don’t agree with each other, you will be forced to fight. Is this going to be played? Will not splash him a blood?

At this time, Xiaohua has been thrown out from the arms of Panyang, just falling on the head of the big dog, with big eyes and big eyes, a cat and dog fight, seeing is in an outbreak.

"Okay, you two don't bother!"

Yang Fan will spread the secrets of the aliens to the sea space. With a wave of hand, he will remove the leopard head from the panther that wants to escape, and lift the foot to the leopard to the **** foot. Called the cat and dog battle.

These two small things, after the spiritual tide has been repaired, have a certain degree of growth, the mentality is all inflated, no one is willing to take it, and whenever there is a chance, he will not pay attention to the occasion.

Especially the big black, obviously not the opponent of the small flower, but still blindly screaming, it is just a good scar, forgetting the pain, looking for a cut.

Dahei was guilty of Yang Fan’s guilty conscience, his neck was shrinking, his head was low, and he directly swallowed the leopard under his feet.

Xiaohua also looked at Yang Fan with a glance, and he slammed back into the arms of Pan Shaoyang, a small look of a cat.

"The next is not an example!" Yang Fan glanced at them coldly and warned: "If you dare to fight again next time, directly wait for a small whips, understand?"



A cat and a dog are excited, and their heads are high-frequency. The state of arrogance and arrogance before the disappearance disappeared.

"Go, three of you, one person, and kill all those four-level demon! I have to run one!"

Yang Fan raised his hand and pointed to the number of four-level demon who was escaping. He whispered to Shaoyang and Xiaohua.

After the death of the person and the spotted leopard, the monsters on the square are all made of birds and beasts, especially those who are the highest in the four-level demon will run the fastest.

At this time, you can achieve the monsters that the four-level demon will be repaired. All of them are the best of the Yaozu. If they let them grow up, they will inevitably be a great disaster.

Therefore, even if it is the first-level second-level demon, Yang Fan must first clean up the lead guys.

One person and two beasts, heard the instructions of Yang Fan, and said nothing, Qi Qi flew up, and the demon who fled quickly will chase.

Little flowers and **** do not have to say that they are five-level demon, and they will deal with a few four-level demons that are lower than their cultivation.

Panyang, now also an eight-level martial artist, coupled with the basic swordsmanship of the realm of realm, as long as the courage, not to deal with a few four-level demon will not be.

Therefore, Yang Fan does not mean to help a little.

His Yang Fan’s apprentice, no matter when, must have the courage to not fear the Yaozu, dare to kill and dare to fight, otherwise if all of them are under his wing as Miss Little Master, then he is handsome. How do you lie down and upgrade later?

Some disciples are doing their work!

Seeing that the three little guys had already flew away, Yang Fan would no longer pay more attention. As soon as he turned around, he turned his gaze to those who reacted a little slower and had not had time to escape to the monsters.

"Spiritual storm!"

Without hesitation, Yang Fan directly launched the indiscriminate group attack skills that are not commonly used by mental trainers and easily injure the friendly forces.

Instantly, the powerful spiritual power brought by the nine-level spirits was accompanied by the violent nature of the mental storm, which directly swept the entire Town Hall Square.

All the low-level monsters, as long as they are covered by the mental storm, are really dead and die, and they die.

There are nearly a thousand monsters, and they are completely killed on the spot in this mental storm.

This is the powerful power of the high-level spiritual masters in their full-scale outbreaks. Such a wide range of lethality cannot be done by any of the same ranks.


Yang Fan’s ear is constantly prompted by the system, but all of them are small blood and blood experiences like 10:20, and the benefits brought by more than a thousand monsters are not even the same. one tenth.

"Sure enough, to be strong and weak is the best way to kill the demon!"

Yang Fan’s heart is beautiful, although his experience is not much, but he can’t stand his heart. After he has the strength, he is so capricious.

I looked at the body of the monster, and then glanced at the other low-level monsters that had escaped. Yang Fan did not continue to pursue it because he heard some movement on the underground passage.


Hundreds of tons of huge alloy door slowly opened a small slit from the middle, a middle-aged man's head slowly explored from the inside, nervously glanced at the outside state, and cried out to Yang Fan: "Little brother ,come on in!"

Yang Fan shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, I still have three companions who have not come back. It is not too late for us to come in together after they come."

"Oh, I said, how are you so little brothers, how many monsters outside, there are so many monsters outside, maybe when you come back, you can wait for the advanced. Wait for your companion to come back, let’s go again. It doesn't matter the door!"

The middle-aged man looked anxious, his eyes kept looking at the outside of the square, and saw the dead body of a monster around Yang Fan, and his eyes were unconsciously a little more shocked and jealous.

"Little brother, these monsters won't all kill you?"

Yang Fan nodded gently and stared at him. He said, "Why didn't you see it inside? Otherwise, how can you just rightly open the door at this time?"

Yang Fan just drove all the Yaozu in the square. The alloy gate of the underground passage opened a slit that was enough for one person to enter and exit. It is a coincidence that anyone can believe it?

Yang Fan inadvertently looked up and looked at the office building of the City Hall. He saw a lot of monitoring probes, and his heart was already clear.

The middle-aged man smiled: "The little brother said it well. There are some monitors that can see the outside situation. But the monitoring is always not very stable. Just outside the movement is so big, but the monitor is a snowflake. I can't see anything."

"It’s hard to stabilize. We will see the little brothers standing alone at the entrance of the passage. This is the courage to open the door for you!"

"Little brother, this is really not a place to talk, or you still come in and say it, otherwise I will only be able to close the door for the time being!"

Yang Fan nodded and knew that the middle-aged man said that it was true. Every time the monsters attacked the city, the chaotic power and spiritual fluctuations would interfere with the human electronic equipment.

If it weren't for him that he had just driven away all the monsters around him, the monitors he saw now should still be a snowflake.

I saw the scruples and guards in the hearts of middle-aged people~lightnovelpub.net~ I smiled and raised my hand and threw a document to him.

"I am Yang Fan, a special consultant of the Rongcheng Special Affairs Bureau. This is my identification. I think you should be familiar."

Even if the middle-aged man only found a head, Yang Fan still saw the identity of the middle-aged person from his exposed costumes.

"What? You are also a colleague of the Special Affairs Bureau?!"

The middle-aged man was shocked and quickly reached out and took the documents that Yang Fan threw in his hand. He scanned his eyes and smiled.

"It turned out to be Yang Fan consultant. Are you a rescuer sent by the Rongcheng branch to support our Yangcheng? How many people do you have?!"

The middle-aged man was very excited. A child who had been away from home for a long time finally saw the delightful appearance of his loved ones.

"Yang Fan consultant, we can give you hope!"

The middle-aged man was tearful, and the whole person seemed to be alive at this moment.