I Sign In Every Day To Support the Anchor Wife

Chapter 50

The news that Zhang Chao gave Sao Pig and Brother Bao gifts was soon told by fans to Little Sister.

"Old woman, your husband is losing his family again!"

"Forty million, gone!"

"Hahaha, the old woman is crying and fainting in the toilet."

"The problem is, the super emperor is not a female anchor, but two men!"

"Tsk tsk, the strong man locks the man!"

"Shouldn't it be to welcome men?"

"Upstairs, you are too dirty!"

"These people have lost their minds."

All kinds of jokes on the barrage.

But everyone is not surprised.

After all, Zhang Chao's behavior has not happened once or twice.

in short,

This is money willfulness.

At this time, the little sister is still taking fans to visit her new home.

Seeing the barrage of those fans,

She was also quite surprised.

"My husband went to brush gifts again?"

The little sister was a little surprised.

She never thought,

Zhang Chao, this guy, didn't even keep it for himself, and ran out to brush for Brother Bao and Sao Zhu.

Facing the news that a group of people on the barrage asked her to severely punish Zhang Chao, she was very free and easy, smiled and said: "I don't care about this, our family's male lead is inside and female is outside."

As soon as these words came out, a message of husband slaves appeared on the barrage.

You are not fools.

This old woman behaved like a child in front of the super emperor.

Also male lead inside and female lead outside?

Ha ha,

Who are you lying to!



Duixiaomei took the fans back to her live broadcast room.

At this moment.

Brother Bao and Sao Zhu also brought their respective ward rounds to her live broadcast room.

"Welcome Brother Bao, welcome Brother Pig."

Duan Xiaomei and these two people are also old acquaintances, so naturally they greeted them with a smile.

Those two people weren't stupid either.

not much,

One person swiped a million gifts.

This is their return gift to the little sister.

Naturally, it was not aimed at the little sister, but at Zhang Chao's face.

The little sister was not stupid, and she thanked the two big brothers with a smile.

Brother Bao and Saozhu didn't talk nonsense, and directly called on their fans to give the little sister a wave of attention and subscription.

After all, Zhang Chao's status is too high, and they don't have much contact with others.

can do,

It's just to give the little girl a gift and to pay more attention.

Zhang Chao naturally saw this scene.

But he didn't care at all.

I gave those two people 20 million shark fins each, and they gave back 1 million as gifts, which was normal.

Make an appointment to play games together.

Sao Zhu and Xu Bao left Du Xiaomei's live broadcast room one after another.


On Zhang Chao's side, instead of continuing to visit Shark Live, he went to open a bottle of red wine.

I am in a good mood today.

More than half of the task of 100 million shark fins has been completed, and only about 10 million shark fins are left.

Sign yourself in and get a whole bunch of goodies.

Zhang Chao's mood,

It's like drinking fine wine.

The little sister will be broadcasting live for a while, and it seems that she and Nanboer Lianmai are going to play games together.

When Zhang Chao had nothing to do, he took his mobile phone and swiped Weibo.

He doesn't play Weibo, but that doesn't prevent him from watching news on Weibo when he is free.

Weibo has been very lively recently.

All kinds of tidbits.

Zhang Chao even saw that there was a sand sculpture news, which was very interesting.

A certain two robbers wanted to rob a bank, but it was just in time for the police station to replace the salary card at the bank that day...


Always full of surprises and surprises.

"Ring Ling Ling…"

Zhang Chao's phone rang.

Glancing at the caller ID, he pressed the connect key.

"You boy, why did you disappear these days?"

over the phone,

Yang Wei said angrily, "My mother asked you, why did you offend that Wang Meiyu? They told the introducer that you are a liar."


Zhang Chao was speechless.

This Wang Meiyu is also a wonderful person!

He had been ignoring her all the time, but he was so embarrassed that he went to Yang's mother to complain.

But think about it.

Before, she took the initiative to add herself and was blocked by herself, and the two no longer had any intersection.

Nine times out of ten,

She thought the car was rented by herself.

After all, in the impression of Yang Wei's mother, his conditions are very ordinary.

"Okay, leave her alone."

Yang Wei said indifferently: "Didn't you say you resigned last time? I have a company that needs manpower. Would you like to try it?"

He works over there in Pudong, surrounded by high-tech companies.

Programmers are like this, they may be in this company today and go to another company tomorrow.

Anyway, they are all code farmers, facing the computer all day long, no matter where they are.


Zhang Chao was startled when he heard the words,

Then he smiled: "Forget the interview, I'll go see you tomorrow."

He and Yang Wei have not seen each other for a long time, and he misses this old friend very much.

After all, no matter what, people have kindly introduced themselves to their girlfriends and introduced themselves to jobs.

Zhang Chao's principle has always been the grace of dripping water, which is reciprocated by springs.

Just treat it as the former owner of this body, and repay the kindness over the years.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets! .

Chapter 63

After making an appointment with Yang Wei about the time and place to meet tomorrow, Zhang Chao hung up the phone.

Although he doesn't have that deep friendship with Yang Wei.

But after the rebirth, he merged the memory of his predecessor, and his impression of Yang Wei was excellent.

This fate must eventually come to an end.

"Husband, who is calling?"

At this time, little sister stayed out to drink water, and when she heard Zhang Chao's call, she asked casually.

"my friend."

Zhang Chao said to her, "Ask me for dinner tomorrow, do you want to come with me?"


Dian Xiaomei hesitated for a while, and finally shook her head, rejecting Zhang Chao's invitation.

It's not that she doesn't want to go,

It's the little sister who thinks that the most important thing for two people to get along with is to be honest and give each other enough space to do what they like.

Zhang Chao didn't take it seriously, he just had a meal with Yang Wei if the little sister came or not.

The little sister stayed back to the room after drinking the water.

Zhang Chao, on the other hand, took out a book and sat in the living room to read.

The name of the book is "One Hundred Years of Solitude", which Zhang Chao liked to read in his last life.

The secret to a happy life is actually a decent deal with loneliness.

Zhang Chao particularly agrees with this sentence.

Everyone is alone in this world.

He is actually alone.

A person starts a new life in this world.
