I Signed in at Shaolin for Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 140: Horror

  Wudang Mountain, Zhenwu School.

  Zhenwu School is one of the "Three Taoist Schools".

The   xiangfaxian martial sect is the tradition handed down by the ancestor of the Nine Heavens Dang Devil "Zhen Wu Dadi".

  Especially the Zhenwu School 700 years ago, there was a great master who inherited the past and the future.

  Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Zhenren!

  Zhang Sanfeng once worshipped the real fire dragon as his teacher, and spent only 50 years on the alchemy path, completing the practice of "refining the void and combining the Tao", with good form and spirit.

   Later, he crossed the world, single-stroke martial arts, defeated countless masters, and read through ancient and modern Taoist classics.

   made Zhenwu faction overwhelm the world's sect, becoming the world's first!

  According to legend, he was wandering in the mountains one day, looking up at the floating clouds, overlooking the flowing water, if he had an understanding, he thought hard for seven days and seven nights in the cave, suddenly connected in a sudden, could not help but look up to the sky and laugh.

  After this smile, a Taoist patriarch of the Taiyi Divine Realm appeared.

  This scene is very similar to the master Bodhidharma of Shaolin Temple. Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng and Bodhidharma are often the same.

  After him, the Zhenwu faction has been prosperous forever. The seven divine swords left by Zhang Zhenren were passed down as the "Zhenwu Seven-Star Sword", and those who inherited them were called "Zhenwu Seven-Stars" or "Zhenwu Seven-Stars".

  Each generation of Zhenwu Seven Stars has to pass on the inheritance of Wudang Mountain Zhenwu Sect, with a strong cultivation base!

  Even if there has been a master fault in the middle, but under the seat of the "Zhenwu Seven Sword Array", the orthodoxy can be maintained at its peak and demons are hard to invade.

  Now, in the "Taihe Palace" of Wudang Mountain.

  The leader of the Zhenwu Seven Stars of this generation, is also the "Shenxi Taoist" who is the head of the Zhenwu School and holds the star of the "Tianshu".

At this moment, the Taoist Shenxi looked at a middle-aged monk in front of him and nodded slightly: "Blessed life. Master Xuanjing, I know about this. After half a month, the Zhenwu Sect will send its disciples to participate in the Shaolin Conference. "

  "Amitabha..." Luohantang monk Xuanjing put his hands together: "Thank you Shenxi, the real person."

After sending Xuan Jing away, the Taoist Shenxi frowned slightly.

After a while, he looked at the people in the Supreme Harmony Palace and suddenly said:

  "Junior Brother Yuanzhou, you should take Xiqing to this Shaolin Conference," said the Taoist Shenxi.


In the    field, a Taoist slightly arched his hands.

  He is about thirty years old. He is gentle and gentle, seemingly weak, and handsome. Although he feels a little clear, he has a good spirit, and his thin body can't hide a sense of fierceness.

  He is the Taoist who holds the star of "Yuheng" among the Seven Stars of Zhenwu, and his name is Zhang Yuanzhou.

Zhang Yuanzhou just agreed, and a Taoist aunt next to him couldn't help but speak: "Brother. Although we have received rumors that the empty-wen **** monk of Shaolin Temple is still alive. But this Shaolin convention is just a martial arts ceremony to support the younger disciples. Why let Senior Brother Yuanzhou himself? Go? Why don't you let me take Master Xiqing..."

"No, just let Yuan Zhou go." The Taoist Shenxi interrupted Taoist aunt's words: "This Shaolin Conference may be different from before. Yuan Zhou's cultivation has reached the realm of master ten years ago. Let him Go, I can rest assured."

   "Brother, you mean..." Zhang Yuanzhou's eyes flashed slightly.

   "Yes, the Shaolin Conference was held ahead of schedule. It may be related to the stupa. If it weren't for the Emperor Ming to invite me to discuss the Tao several times recently, I would like to go there in person if it is not easy to shirk."

Shenxi Taoist's eyes appeared a little dignified, but then he shook his head again, and said, "But even so, I don't have to pay too much attention to it. Anyway, since Shaolin Temple is suppressed by the master, I expect the stupa should be safe. This time you Go, if Xiqing can get experience, it will be a good experience for her."

  Zhang Yuanzhou nodded lightly, expressing it clearly.

  Similar things happen not only in Zhenwu faction.

   Since Huijue and Huiwu learned of the stupa's abnormal movement, they realized that the crisis had emerged. He immediately asked Abbot Xuanci to notify the World School as soon as possible to convene the "Devil Suppression Ceremony".

  So next, Shaolin Temple sent the monks in the temple to the three Taoist schools, the four Buddhist monasteries, the five Yujian sects, and some powerful sects.

   covers more than 20 sects.

  Not only that, even the mysterious camp of the Dajin Dynasty accepted the invitation.

  As for the invitation of Shaolin Temple, many sects of the world attach great importance to it.

  On the one hand, it is because some sects with profound knowledge have vaguely guessed that the Shaolin Conference is related to the "Stupa".

  On the other hand, it is also because of the reason why the monk of Kongwen "returned from the rivers and lakes".

  Most sects give the face of Kongwen the gods.

  Especially those with a long history and well-informed sect.

  After all, Kongwen's **** monk is probably a great master who has the "primordial spirit" realm, or even close to the "Taiyi God realm".

  About ten days later, the invitation from Shaolin Temple was issued to the world martial arts masters.

  At this moment, outside the stupa, Abbot Xuanci looked worriedly at the two monks Huijue and Huiwu.

  Behind him, the heads of the hospitals are also on standby, and everyone has a solemn look on their faces.

   "Abbot, I am waiting for my return."

  At this moment, the high monk Xuan Jing of the Luohan Hall, with dozens of monks wearing yellow monk robes, came over and returned to the abbot Xuan Ci:

"This time we have widely distributed the invitation to the Tianxia Sect. Most of the sects have accepted the invitation. Only Lingyin Temple cannot be found, but the abbot of Yaowang Temple Zhixu said that there will also be gods and monks in Lingyin Temple. To."

  Abbot Xuanci heard the words, and the anxiety in his eyes immediately dissipated, and he nodded and said: "Amitabha...the masters of the world sect are willing to gather together, it is really a blessing for Shaolin."


  Master Xuan Bei couldn’t help but say: “Brother Abbot, the masters of the sects of the world gather, and my temple has time to sit in the town. It must be unscathed...”

  The monks are relieved a lot.

  Master Huijue frowned upon hearing this and was about to speak


  In the stupa, a terrifying roar sounded.

   "This voice!"

  The expressions of the monks suddenly changed.

   "It's the voice of the great demon "Lion King" on the second floor of the stupa!"

  Hui Wu couldn’t help widening his eyes, and said in surprise: “No! This demon has already swallowed the second floor of the stupa! How could it be possible!?”

  The roar of anger continued, making the monks outside the tower agitated, and their livers and guts were splitting.

  The sense of peace that I had finally produced has disappeared at this moment.

  After a while, the roar became weaker.

  The anger from the beginning turned into the last cry...

  Master Huijue’s face was livid: "The Lion King is probably... swallowed. Not only the ‘devil’, but this demon can swallow even the ‘monster’...what is his origin? Could it be...!"

  You should know that the higher the number of layers of the stupa, the more terrifying it is.

   Although the corpse demon of the first level has the highest strength, it is only in the realm of the "world", and it is a demon of 300 years ago.

  But from the second level upwards, they are all the great monsters and monsters three hundred years ago, or even a thousand years ago!

  Although many have been wiped out and died in the years, there are probably many that remain.

  And they can be said to be monsters completely above this era.

  Perhaps not in terms of strength, but the specifications are worthy of the name!

  For people in this age, demons are already rare, let alone demons of ancient times?

  But those big monsters and big monsters that have almost become "legends" are easily swallowed by another monster at this moment!

  What kind of cultivation base and realm is that demon?

  Originally, Shaolin Temple was free to hear the monks sitting in town. However, monsters are different from ordinary martial arts masters after all.

  From now on, is Kongwen the monk really the opponent of the great demon?

  The monks couldn't help but dust in their hearts.