I Signed in at Shaolin for Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 141: The blood ancestor will be born?

  At this moment, under the Shaoshi Mountain, in the "Fengyang City".

  Fengyang City is an ancient city at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain. According to legend, it already existed when Yu ruled the water.

  At this moment, in a farmhouse in Fengyang City, a plain-looking woman returned from cutting wood and walked into a thatched cottage.

After entering, she suddenly fell to her knees:

   "Don't even think about paying homage to the leader!"

  Following the voice of a woman who claimed to be "Wonian", in the thatched hut, an old man in grey clothes slowly turned around.

  The woman took out a glass bottle from her arms and handed it up respectfully.

  The old man took it, opened the bottle, and drank the liquid inside.

   Then there was a light of blood in his eyes, and blood was faintly overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

On    there is a faint "卍" golden light Buddha seal on his body.

  The old wrinkles on that face have disappeared a lot, gradually becoming the appearance of a middle-aged person!

  This man is the leader of blood worship!

Since the slaughter of Heyang City,   Blood Worship Sect has been encircled and suppressed by Xuanjiying.

  Moreover, Master Pang has a deep mind and a deliberate plan.

With clues,    even found a stronghold at the foot of the mountain where the blood worshipping religion was.

  Although the blood worship leader also made preparations in advance and evacuated before Master Pang arrived, but the blood pool could not be taken away.

  So that he is still seriously injured, he must drink blood every day, if there is no blood, he will quickly grow old.


  The blood worship leader asked Xiang Wunian: "What I asked you to do, can you do it?"

  "The subordinates have established contact with the Xuanyin Sect. The Xuanyin Sect has expressed willingness to help us, and has sent its subordinate hall master to conspire with us."


  There was a bit of surprise in the eyes of the blood worship leader. It seemed that he did not expect it to be so simple.

   But then, without reading the words, he immediately understood the reason.

   "In addition, the subordinates got news from Xuanyin Sect... In the stupa of Shaolin Temple, there seems to be a big demon who is out of trouble and is devouring the demon in the tower."

The words    made a fanatical color in the eyes of the blood worship leader.

   "Is this serious?"

  "This is the information Xuanyin Sect received from'Blood Guanyin', and it should not be faked." Wu Nian said: "Only in this way, Xuanyin Sect will help me worship the Blood Sect."

  The leader of the blood worship trembling all over.

  He felt that his blood was surging, and the happiness he had never had before came to his heart.

  After a full cup of tea, he suppressed his excitement and laughed freely:

  "Hahahaha, the blood ancestor is about to be born. The good day for me to worship the disciples of the blood sect is coming! Let me know the other three protectors, lead the blood sect to prepare the blood, and make a blood sacrifice together, and welcome the leader to get out of trouble!"

Wunian's eyes were also very excited, but she hesitated for a while, and she still asked: "Master, other than that. I heard that Shaolin Temple is preparing for the Shaolin Conference, convening the sect of the world, and contacting the blood ancestor to break the seal. I am afraid... …"

"do not worry."

  Blood worship leader waved his hand and said: "If the blood ancestor is born, what can a mere mortal do? Not to say that it is a grandmaster or primordial spirit. Even in the Taiyi Divine Realm, the blood ancestor can turn his hand and make it disappear!"

   "But... Even so, the blood ancestors are still unable to break through the golden seal of the Great Sun Tathagata, don't we need to destroy the Shaolin Conference?" Wu Nian couldn't help but say.

The blood worship leader looked at her, and after a moment, he shook his head slightly and said, "No. There are many sects in the Shaolin Conference, and our vitality is greatly injured. Even if we add the Xuan Yin Sect, we can’t fight against the world’s sects with one or two powers. Meaningless sacrifices are not desirable." Update the fastest computer terminal::/

   "What we do, we only need to wait for the blood ancestor to break the seal and get out of the tower... That's right."

At this moment, the blood worship leader suddenly seemed to think of something, and said: "Niannian, you go and give orders, let him find a way to plant a blood seed in the Five Imperial Sword Sects, and find a way to follow up to Shaolin Temple. Now release Kafayin is damaged, and the sects are gathered together. It is impossible to conduct a strict investigation. It should be able to do similar things.


  Don’t read it for a moment: “It’s difficult, but it’s not impossible. It’s just that what is the use of a blood species?”

  The Shaolin Conference, sect masters gathered, and Shaolin Temple is also a Buddhist holy place.

  Even if the current blood worship leader lurks in personally, it will not be able to set off any storms. What's more, it's a mere blood species?

"Hehe, this blood species is not meant to destroy the Shaolin Conference. Because if the blood ancestor is born, the Shaolin Conference will be of no avail. The reason why the blood species is arranged is because the sect mainly uses the "Blood God Dafa" to treat them. Consciousness wins."

The blood worship leader sneered and said: "This sect mainly saw with his own eyes the scenes of those'seniors' who claim to be righteous, under the power of the blood ancestors, one by one fell into despair, kneeling down and begging for mercy, but in the end they were destroyed. , Hahahahaha..."

   "Don't read to obey!" Seeing Wunian, he immediately understood the idea of ​​worshiping the blood cult leader, and finally felt relieved.

  If the blood ancestor breaks out, what is the use of those in the martial arts even if they are master masters? Can only surrender and die in despair!

  Even if the "Monk" returns to the peak of its heyday, it cannot be the opponent of the blood ancestor.

  Blood worship does not need to obstruct the Shaolin Conference, just welcome the blood ancestor to break the seal.

  She can’t wait to see that scene.



  At this moment, in the stupa...


  With the sound of the Buddha's horn, Su Cheng took her last palm.

  Not far away, a "monster" with a red body and a hideous face that does not look like a human is slowly turning to ashes...

   "The demons on the second floor of the stupa are indeed much stronger than the first time."

  Su Cheng couldn't help but say.

Yes it is.

  In this month, he has super clean the "monster" on the first floor of the stupa...

  In fact, the monsters on the first floor of the stupa are not very strong.

   Originally thought that the corpse demon had the realm of the master, and the demon in other prisons should be similar. But I didn't expect that the demons on the first floor were mostly just strange beasts with thin blood.

  Although they often have some special attributes. For example, the "Red Bird" who claims to have the blood of "Suzaku", whose scorching sun energy is not even under Dacheng's "Red Soul Burning Blood Skill".

   is a bit more violent than the wild clams.

   But if you talk about strength, it is probably a half-step master.

  Finally, he was easily killed by Su Cheng with Bodhisattva, and became a meritorious cultivation. Its Yuan Dan was also supplemented by the practice of "Bodhisattva Destruction".

  As for the other monsters on the first floor, most of them are similar.

  Strong ones are at most in the realm of a half-step master, if they are weak, they only have seven or eight innate levels.

   killed them, although they provided a lot of merits, but they did not imagine much.

  However, the advantage is that during this period, Su Cheng not only used their merits to practice the "Mahayana Daji Jizo Dizang Ten Reincarnation Sutra", but at the same time, he was also honing his actual combat cultivation and mood.

  In just one month, Xiantian Eightfold is already close to completion.

  Just to make up the last gap, you will be able to reach the Nine Innate Layers naturally!

  This kind of cultivation is indeed very fast.

  So, after Su Cheng finished one level of transcendence, she simply entered the dream of the Boss Snake King Snake with the "Big Dream Scripture".

   gave some orders and learned about Shaolin's situation, and then continued to prepare to enter the second floor of the stupa!

  From the second floor of the stupa, it is different.

  The number of monsters on the second floor is far less than that of the first floor, but they are very powerful!