I Signed in at Shaolin for Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 142: People from Wudang

  This "Lion Lion King" was killed by Su Cheng, the first demon on the second floor of the stupa.

  It is already in the realm of a master!

  Although the Blue Lion King is much worse than the corpse demon, but the strength alone is more powerful than the corpse demon.

  Su Cheng also spent half a cup of tea before seriously wounding it with the "Vajra Solution", and then using the six-character Daming Mantra to completely destroy it.

  In fact, the seal on the second floor of the stupa is stronger than the first floor.

  Not only is there a seal outside the prison, but inside the prison, the body of the "Lion Lion King" is also entwined with the Buddhist mantra seal.

  It can be seen that although the second floor is in "quantity", there is not even half of the first floor. But "qualitatively", it far exceeds one level!

  The stupa has ten floors!

  Su Cheng thought of this, and became even more excited.

  He raised his hand slightly, and the power of merit was immediately concentrated in his palm.

  And if you look at Su Cheng with "Tianyantong" at this moment, you will find that the threads of merit in the entire stupa space are constantly flowing into his body.

  Furthermore, condensed in the three key points of "Ming Gong", "Yuan Jian", and "Qihai", forming a successful Desari.

  This is already a sign of the entry to the "Mahayana Daji Jizo Ten-wheel Reincarnation Sutra".

  More than just getting started, now he is close to entering the room!

  This is all the "credit" of the stupa monster.

   killed the Lion King, Su Cheng did not continue to unlock the seal of the second prison, but heaved a sigh of relief. The communication system:

   "System, sign in at the stupa."

  【Ding, sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for getting the ‘Great Return Pill’. 】

  As early as a month ago, when Su Cheng decided to practice in the stupa, he had already transferred the "long-term check-in point" from the Buddhist scripture pavilion to the stupa.

  Anyway, the stupa is also a prefecture-level treasure, and in terms of grade, it is no worse than the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

  In the past month, most of his sign-in has won medicinal pills, especially "Great Return Pill".

  Su Cheng discovered that since he came to the stupa, the probability of getting a great return pill has been much higher. This month, he won twelve big rewards.

  Dahuandan is the magic medicine of Shaolin, and it is not convertible.

  For him, it is not completely useless.

  He is still very satisfied with the availability of this medicine.

  After receiving the pill, Su Cheng took out a heart-clearing pill and took it by mouth to help him realize what he had learned when fighting against the "Lion Lion King" and many other monsters.

   Immediately, I walked down one level for the time being.

  At this moment, the "Mahayana Thousand Buddhas" cast by Master Wen on the first floor of the stupa have more than four hundred broken.

  But it was not the demon who unblocked it, but Su Cheng sent them to bliss...

  The first floor has been swept and emptied.

  More than four hundred monsters, although most of them are weak. But it also provided him with a huge amount of merit.

  Only in those cages, there are still five turbid evil airs lingering.

  Su Cheng couldn't completely purify them with the Dharma, but could only make them slowly drift out of the tower by themselves.


Su Cheng faced Master Kongwen and folded her hands together: "Kongwen **** monk, this time I am assisting the cultivation with the demons of the stupa, but I am also trying to supersede them. If one day I can purify all the demons of the stupa, I imagine the gods. A monk can become a Buddha in relief."

  The **** is not empty, and you will never become a Buddha. When all living beings are exhausted, they will become Bodhi.

  If this is the case, then clear the **** and save all beings!

  Although Su Cheng can't do this level now.

  However, he still has some confidence in the demon who destroyed the stupa.

  Even though the "Blood Demon", Su Cheng is not sure about it now, but it is only now.

  Ten years, a hundred years. As long as he proves to be the realm of Arhat, he waits for Liushen Jue to reach "Dacheng" in the future.

  One day, the blood demons can be eliminated.

  Su Cheng has this confidence.

  Furthermore, the demon of the stupa is also a motivation for him.

  He sat down cross-legged, slowly guided his breath, and began to practice the "Liu Shen Jue".

  After a while, stand up.


  Su Cheng looked at the second floor of the stupa.

  Ready to start, continue to raid the monsters on the second floor.

   "I don't know if there will be more surprises waiting for me than the Lion King in the future?"



"That is……"

  When Su Cheng was practicing, the mentality of the monks was about to collapse at this moment...

   "Five turbid odors!"

Abbot Xuanci said: "Five evils are converging towards the upper level of the stupa...! The demons on the first floor of the stupa have really been swallowed..."

  The faces of the monks are like ashes.

According to legend, there are more than 400 demons on the first floor of the stupa.

  Although most of them are just alien beasts, they are not terrifying in terms of strength.

  But monsters are monsters after all!

   Normally, even those alien beasts often possess powerful powers that ordinary humans can’t match.

  For example, the legendary "Red Bird" with the blood of "Suzaku".

  Although the strength is only half a step of the master, but the energy of the sun is domineering and tyrannical!

  The power of ordinary grandmaster's magical aspects may not be able to compete with it.

  The most terrifying thing is that demons possess "monster power" or "magic obstacle karma".

  If there is no Dharma mantra or Taoist seal. Even if an ordinary master can suppress it, it is difficult to completely kill him!

  All these demons were swallowed by a big demon.

  That, what has become of the tower...

   "Abbot, why don't we hurry up and invite Master Kongwen..." Luohantang's first master Xuanbei said next to him.

However, Abbot Xuanci shook his head slightly: "This matter is so big, my Shaolin monks are all gathered here. It is impossible for the uncle Kongwen Master to not know... He hasn't appeared until now, so that means, Even if we go please..."


  Abbot Xuanci sighed.

  The hearts of the monks became more heavy.


   Kongwen the **** monk must have known about the stupa abnormality, but until now, he has not come forward. What does this mean?

Could it be that……

   "Presumably, the uncle Shi had his own consideration."

Master Xuanxu next to    said.

  The monks heard this, someone opened their mouths, but in the end they did not ask.

  Even so far, Kongwen monk has saved Shaolin Temple too many times. but……

  Mortals are mortals after all.

  If the great demon is really the "blood ancestor", then even the Dharma Patriarch of the year could not kill it, but could only suppress it...

  Uncle Kongwen Master, no matter how strong he is, he can't compare to Master Dharma, right?

at this time--

  "Infinite life and blessings. Wudang Mountain Zhenwu Sect disciple, Zhang Yuanzhou, who holds the sword of'Tian Heng', and his descendants came to visit, especially to participate in the Shaolin Conference. Please inform us."

  Suddenly, a clear voice rang.

  The voice was gentle and flat, but it spread from far away, and even the monks in the back mountain stupa could vaguely hear it.

  The voice came, and the eminent monks were overjoyed.

  The rescue is coming!

  The stupa incident was only shocking and unstable from the beginning, but it has become more and more serious now.

   has now become a shadow in the hearts of the monks!

  Although, in order to be afraid of leaking the news, the monks who knew about it were all trusted monks in the Xuanzi generation.

  In order to learn the lessons of the last time, beware of the news, and the magic sect strikes again.

  But even so, the monks were very worried.

  Now, I can finally relax a bit.

   "Amitabha Buddha, Master Xuan Bei, please go with me and ask Dao Chang Zhang." Abbot Xuan Ci was also overjoyed immediately.

  Zhenwu Sect is one of the three Taoist schools, and its strength is likely to be a bit stronger than the current Shaolin Temple!

  With his help this time, I can feel more at ease.