I Signed in at Shaolin for Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 352: Entrust

Chapter 355

Soon, Su Cheng arranged the whereabouts of the three hundred and sixty-five "righteous gods" of Tianzong.

After everything was arranged, the "gods" of Tianzong looked at Su Cheng and Changshengzi with very formal respect.

Because they know that the "Buddha" and "Tao Zun" stay here, and what they have to do is far more dangerous than what they have to do.

What they have to do is, in the final analysis, under the guidance of Tianzong Tianzun, arranging the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. But what the Buddha and Dao Zun have to do is exactly the same as the great **** Nuwa in the ancient times...

Make up the sky!

Needless to say its danger.

You know, even the great **** Nuwa has no follow-up after leaving the legend of replenishing the sky. It is said that he sacrificed himself and made up for the sky. There is also a saying that his vitality was severely injured, and he recovered from his injuries after thirty-three days. But in any case, you can see how difficult this is.

But at this moment, all the gods of Tianzong can do is to obey the arrangement.

"You go..."

Su Cheng looked at the "gods" of the Tianzong, a somewhat indifferent color appeared in her eyes, and she nodded slightly and said, "If the sky can make up for it, the great world will come. By then, this world will be yours."

The long-lived son also said with a smile: "Yes, if I can see each other after today, I will be happy to drink and share the prosperity of the world."

"I will stop here for now!"

Changshengzi and Su Cheng face the gods of Tianzong, Su Cheng put their hands together, and Changshengzi clasped their fists to be the chief of Taoism!

After finishing it, Su Cheng put the mask of "Buddha" on his face, and Changshengzi also put the mask of "Dao Zun" on his face.

And the "gods" of Tianzong also put the masks of the three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods of Tianzong on their faces. Immediately, they saluted the two together:

"Respectfully send off to the Buddha and Dao Zun!"

"Respectfully send off to the Buddha and Dao Zun!"

"Respectfully send to the Buddha, and respectfully to the Taoist!!!"

The voice was loud, lingering for nine days, scattered all over the world, and never dissipated for a long time! !

But at this moment, there was a feeling suddenly among the three hundred and sixty-five "righteous gods" of Tianzong.

Originally, Tianzong was established because of a conspiracy. Maybe the Tianzong "gods" don't know the details, but they can feel some.

But at this moment, they also felt the changes in "Tianzong" and "Brahma".

What they did may be a "stupid thing" they never wanted to do. But at this time, because of these things, they suddenly had an upsurge, and there was also an unprecedented and uncontrollable excitement.

The **** mask on his face was originally just a mask used to conceal one's identity. But at this moment, it seems to have become a symbol.

The "gods" of Tianzong seem to have the qualifications to become gods and be worshipped at this moment.

The "Sky Hole" is even bigger. Among them, meteor fires continue to fall, crashing down, gusts of wind and rain roaring, countless profound waters are also splashing down.

The color of the world has changed dramatically, and it seems that it has turned into a gray and dark. Only in the endless gray, there are three hundred and sixty-five brilliances like scattered flowers. At this moment, the gods of the Tianzong are scattered in the world like stars.

In the eyes of the people of the world, they deservedly be the gods coming to the world!



After the gods dispersed, the long-lived son looked at Su Cheng, frowned slightly, and said after a moment: "The Tibetan monk, what am I going to do?"

Unlike the gods of Tianzong, the Changshengzi knows that the Great Brahma is inextricably linked with the Dharma Tibetan monk in front of him!

The meaning of "Dharma Tibetan monk" is almost the meaning of "Brahma". Of course, the two may have a certain degree of independence.

But in any case, the only one who can "save the world" at this moment is the Dharma Tibetan monk in front of him.

If the eternal son were to do it alone, he would never find a way to repair the sky.

Su Cheng paused, and then said: "Amitabha Buddha, fellow Taoist, just leave the matter to the little monk. What you have to do is... slay the beast and dragon."

As soon as he said this, the longevity son's eyes flashed.

After a while, he deliberately asked, "Divine monk, could it be...Is this ‘sky cave’ the work of a divine dragon?"

Although the eldest son is usually non-trivial, it does not mean that he is stupid. He is also a smart person, and after Su Cheng spoke, he realized the truth of the matter.

Of course, the Changshengzi also knew why Su Cheng waited until the gods of the Tianzong had dispersed before giving an explanation.

Because at this moment, "Rui Beast" is a hope of the gods. If the gods know that Rui Beast is an enemy of human race, but intends to swallow the world. Everything Tianzong did before that seemed to be a joke.

But now, there is no need to hide.

"The world is impermanent, good fortune and misfortune are unpredictable..." Su Cheng said with emotion: "The auspicious beast was originally a symbol of the auspiciousness of the human race, but now it has become a disaster that intends to destroy the world. What a pity, sigh!"

"Hahahaha, why should the **** monk feel so emotional. The devil is not the devil, the way is not the way, good and evil are in the hearts of the people, if you know the truth, you don't need to hesitate!"

The eternal son laughed and said: "As early as when I met the gods and monks, Xu Changsheng said that if the beast is good, you should protect it. If the beast intends to do harm to the world, he will naturally take his benevolence and cut it with the sword. It!!!"

As he laughed, the purple energy between the heavens and the earth suddenly gathered, and it seemed to break through the surrounding gloom for a while. Then, in the purple energy, the longevity son was holding a sharp sword, seeming to cut through the void.

"Good, good."

Seeing this, Su Cheng felt a bit of stability in her heart. This longevity son is indeed a trustworthy person!

This plan seems to be perfect.

"Friends, wait a minute."

Su Cheng suddenly spoke, stopping the long-lived son who wanted to leave, and then said: "That auspicious beast and dragon is no small thing. Although its power is still under the constraints of human luck and has not reached the Da Luo Fa realm, it is far away. Far beyond the Taiyi Divine Realm."

Hearing this, the long-lived son frowned slightly.

Although he was not afraid of challenges, even in the face of the existence of the Great Law Realm, he dared to take action. However, this matter is of great importance after all, not his own business.

After thinking for a while, the long-lived son looked at Su Cheng and said, "Can a monk have a way?"

Su Cheng sighed, and then, gently stretched out his right hand. On top of his right hand, a white lotus phantom gradually emerged: "This is a pure white lotus. It is an ancient treasure obtained by the little monk on Liantian Island. It's a pity that the little monk is dull and can't use the power of this pure white lotus, otherwise, it won't cause such a disaster."

"The Tao Te Ching says: the world is a magical weapon, you can't do it. Those who do it will fail, those who hold it will lose it. As today's fate, it lies in the Taoist friends, the things of virtue, the Taoists should be living!"

Changshengzi's heart was shocked, and immediately felt great pressure.

The "Dharma Tibetan monk" has entrusted everything to himself! !

(End of this chapter)