I Signed in at Shaolin for Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 360: Forked?

I signed in Shaolin in the Chapter 360 of the Wannian Text Volume: Forked Road? The blood ancestor's eyes condensed.

He didn't expect that "Su Cheng" would say such a thing.

And at this moment, suddenly, accompanied by the weak golden light of merit, it gradually appeared out of thin air.

At this moment, Su Cheng has already reached the ninth floor.

Furthermore, walked towards the "Ten Thousand Buddha Seals" in the pagoda...Then, the next step, step by step, entered the tenth floor of the stupa!

The blood ancestor suddenly shrank.

Because he saw that a spotless "little novice" in a gray robe appeared in front of him. The "little novice" in front of me is undoubtedly the "Dharma Tibetan" little bald donkey of the Shaolin Temple who claims to be a Buddhist monk!

Two hundred years ago, the "Buddha" who sparked the way of the Buddha and hoped to become a Buddha! !



Blood Ancestor frowned slightly.

Su Cheng's ability to enter the tenth floor is not surprising in itself.

After all, in the eyes of the blood ancestor, since Su Cheng is expected to become a Buddha, it is obvious that he is the next "ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas" after Sakyamuni Buddha.

And you must know that after Sakyamuni, there is actually no Buddha born!

Many of his disciples, whether it was Mahakaya or Ananda, none of them became Buddhas!

Although according to Buddhism, the world of Sao Po is in the "sage" robbery, and thousands of Buddhas are born, and they end up as Buddhas.

However, these words seemed to be nothing but **** in the eyes of the blood ancestors.

It is stated in the Buddhist scriptures: After Sakyamuni, Maitreya Buddha should be the first Buddha.

However, how long did Maitreya Buddha come to the world?

According to the "Maitreya Sutra of the Lower Life", "The Maitreya Sutra of the Buddha" and "The Maitreya Sutra of the Sutra": After Maitreya Bodhisattva passed away, he was born in the world of Tusita. Chudushituo said that day and night, and save the emperor. Yan Futi was 5.6 billion years old and was born in Yan Futi.

Although the world of Tusita is not as good as the world of bliss, its one day is also four hundred years old. And the life span of the world itself is four thousand years. After removing the time difference in the Buddhist scriptures, it will be 577,600 years before Maitreya Buddha will be born!

Of course, there are many contradictions in the Buddhist scriptures regarding the specific time when Maitreya Buddha was born.

The shortest among them is the saying in "The Names of the Thousands of Buddhas", Maitreya Buddha will be born in the world of Sao Po after ten small calamities.

But in Buddhism, the so-called small robbery has a total of fifteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight thousand years!

Today's Sao Po world is regarded as the ninth minor calamity of the Middle Ages. If so, Maitreya Buddha would have to be born eight million years ago and become the first Buddha after Sakyamuni Buddha.

Eight million years...Although it is much shorter than 57,600 years, it is also an extremely long time.

Not to mention, according to Buddhist scriptures, human life will be 84,000 years old at that time.

84,000-year-old mortal? How can it be!

Therefore, the blood ancestor did not believe in the nonsense of Maitreya Buddha, but the appearance of Su Cheng made him realize that after Sakyamuni there might indeed be a "Buddha"!

However, seeing Su Cheng today, the blood ancestor was surprised:

"...You are, are you going to die?"

Yes it is.

When Su Cheng was outside the tenth floor, there was a seal to block him and his merits to protect him, and the blood ancestor still didn't know his state.

But when Su Cheng appeared directly in front of the blood ancestors at this moment, the blood ancestors could naturally tell that he was no longer a "human", but there was only a little real spirit!

Although, the strength of Su Cheng's whole body's merits is huge to an unimaginable point. As long as he doesn't want to, he can rely on the power of merit to stay in this world forever. But in any case, from the perspective of blood ancestors, Su Cheng can no longer be said to be "human."

If you say that you become a Buddha...Although you deserve it. But a Buddha who only relies on the power of merit and has no cultivation base may be a Buddha from the perspective of Buddhist scriptures, but from the perspective of the blood ancestor, it is nothing more than dust!

Facing the question of the blood ancestor, Su Cheng sighed slightly and said:

"Two hundred years ago, the World Extinguishing Black Lotus appeared, intending to destroy the Jiuding enchantment, cut off the dragon veins of the Sapo world, and shatter the heavens and the earth. At that time, a sky hole appeared in the sky, mysterious evil spirits, weak water descended, and endless meteoric fire descended..."

When the blood ancestor heard this, his eyes lit up.

Destroying the black lotus...

It turned out that two hundred years ago, there was nothing wrong with my own perception!

The Devil’s Black Lotus is the original magic weapon of the Demon Lord Bo Xun, and what it symbolizes is almost the same as the Demon Lord Bo Xun’s personal birth!

"Haha, sure enough, the demon lord has never left this world... the demon will finally return to this world!" The blood ancestor waved his arms and laughed, Su Cheng had never seen him smile so freely.

But at this moment, Su Cheng's words stopped his laughter abruptly:

"However, when the black lotus was about to succeed, I let me plunge it into the void of the universe with boundless merit."

Wow! !

With the iron chains surging and the golden fire scattered, the blood ancestors suddenly struggled and looked at Su Cheng with blood red eyes: "Ah!! Little bald donkey!! How can you? Dare to stop the devil!!! I... "

boom! !

On the tenth floor of the stupa, endless Buddha light suddenly appeared. Hundreds of seals in the tower pressed the golden light together, suppressing the blood ancestors back.

He was still struggling, the waves scattered around him, his flesh and blood began to crack, but he still felt pain.

I don't know how long it took before the Buddha's light dimmed, and the blood ancestor stopped his movements and remained silent.


Su Cheng saw this, folded her hands slightly, and said, "Why is King Shura so excited. Let the little monk finish talking, how about?"

The blood ancestor did not answer.

However, Su Cheng knew that the other party could definitely hear her. So he continued:

"Yes, the little monk did combine all the power of this world to re-infiltrate the world-destroying black lotus into the void of the universe. However, at the last moment, the little monk saw a Buddha."


This sentence made the blood ancestor suddenly speak out.

"Yes it is."

Su Cheng's eyes showed some suspicion, and said: "The Buddha has half golden light and half dark. Its shape resembles the Buddha of Sakyamuni in the world of Sao Po!"

Blood Progenitor's eyes shrank slightly.

Su Cheng continued: "Although I can't believe it, the Buddha told me that outside the universe, three thousand worlds have been wiped out, and the only way to save the world of Sao is to return the world of Sao to the devil. Master wave ten days! This is a definite number and cannot be changed..."

"Not bad!!"

The blood ancestor said abruptly: "Devil's palm universe is a definite number. Only my master Bo Xun can lead all living beings to happiness in the world of desire... That's it, that's how it is."

The blood ancestor understood Su Cheng's intentions and said, "It turns out that you want to bet with me to confirm whether this is a fact? Hehe, then I will tell you that this is definitely a real thing!! "

"My lord Bo Xun has already defeated Sakyamuni. Now that the black lotus reappears, it is an opportunity. Although it was beaten back to the void by you, no matter how many years later, I will reappear one day when I live. One more you will show up to stop him!"