I Signed In For a Thousand Years, I Just Want To Get Away From the World

Chapter 127: There is no end to the end of the world,

The brain is a good thing.


   Therefore, for Wolong and Phoenix chicks, their brains need to be well maintained. They can stay still, what if they are injured?


   When the two women saw the master (Pangu) working so hard and so calm, they were relieved, and they felt that they had never been inhumane.


   However, although Feng Chi didn't want to use his brain, he was very honest.


   As a little demon slave with a soup pot, buried shovel, laboratory book, blood sac, and spices in her skirt, Feng Chou lives every day in diligence facing the loess and back to the sky.


at this time...


   She is working hard to send all the newly formed Dryads into the mustard world.


   Xia Ji is using the white inflammation-Luohuo Swallowing Sun Yan with the special usage learned in samsara.


   "Luohu swallows the sun, the heaven and the earth eternal night, the demons dance wildly, and the night walks of the hundred ghosts" is the record he saw in a certain book of the church in the fifth reincarnation.


   The scripture belongs to the "black priests" of the "Heritage Inquisition", and it is called "The Book of Conviction", which records part of the information about the evil in the Eleventh Lights.


   And it is from the "Book of Conviction" that Xia Ji deduce and tried the correct usage of Luohuo's Swallowing Sun Yan.


   Luohu is one of the four imaginary gazes in the eleventh lunar month, which corresponds to the sun lunar gaze.


   Before, Xia Ji always thought that during the daytime, standing under the sun could continuously absorb the true essence of the sun, and that time was the strongest time.


   Actually, he was wrong.


   Luohu is only stealing the brilliance of the sun during the day, and it seems to be stealing it permanently, not as Xia Ji thought he was receiving the sun.


   In other words, if Xia Ji is given enough time...he can steal a lot of the sun's light, which will cause the overall temperature of the earth to drop.


  Think about it, it’s incredible, but it’s true...


   And at night, it was Luo Hui's fiercest time.


   When the heaven and the earth eternal night, a group of monsters dance wildly, and a hundred ghosts travel at night... This shows that Luo Hui can make monsters in large quantities, but it needs to be done at night.


   "Making demons" is also a function of Luohuo swallowing the sun, similar to the "wu" of the demon in the fourth realm, the "skills" of the Tao and the "fa" of the Buddha...


   is one of the three.


   Xia Ji thought about it carefully,


   Purple Fire is the first technique after the Four Realms. Its function is high temperature and high controllability. It can be controlled to flow like water, but it does not burn the things that flow through.


   Pale Flame is the second technique after the Four Realms. In addition to the increase in temperature, the effect is to create demons.


  According to the "Book of Conviction" by the "Black Priest" of the heretical inquisition, Luo Hu is the great evil among the heretics, the great demon god, because... its appearance will swallow all the light in the world and sink the world into night.


   Xia Ji guessed that after he used this true essence to reach the top grade of the four realms, the technique he formed was probably related to this one.


in short,


  The first technique of different fire is to control the direction of fire.


   The second technique is a special direction.


   The third technique is weather direction.




   Restricting the mustard sun in the mustard world, Xia Ji spent eight reincarnations without obtaining the slightest information about the mustard sun.


The only effect of   , he has also understood in previous experiments, is to "make a little demon of any level leap directly into a big demon, but it will exhaust its potential and can no longer improve."


  Perhaps, he can use the second body to continue trying to absorb the true essence of the mustard sun and see what power he can gain.


  In many thoughts,


   Unconsciously, a day and a night have passed.


   In the tireless busy schedule, hundreds of tree monsters of the big demon level are being born.


  Many of them have just turned on spiritual wisdom.


   It can be said that birth is the pinnacle.


   These dryads are very daunting.


   Say it out, no other trees dare to believe it.


Yesterday it was an honest tree, but today it has become a "black armor" with roots like tentacles and branches like swords, young boys and girls, and then living in a big warm family with an old father, all of a sudden. So many brothers and sisters.


   The tree demons curiously opened their roots in the mustard world, and ran wildly across the mountains and plains with cliffs and underground.


   Dryads always think that they can run, it's really amazing.


  Azi was not idle either, she was holding a paintbrush, and there was a long line of black-armored dryads in front of her.


   The tree demons shouted:


   "Girl Phoenix, I~~"


   "I want to~~"


   "belly, belly~~"


   Azi akimbo, using the paintbrush to dip the black ink, painted black sun, black sun on the belly of the dryads.


One after another graffiti-like paintings appeared on the belly of the dryads. There was a feeling that students wrote their names in the textbooks, indicating that "These dryads are domesticated and belong to an evil force. A bunch of them will come, and a bunch of them will come to the boss, so please think carefully before you start."


   The dryads who were painted with the sun were very happy and ran away one by one.


   Azi, while painting, fulfilled the duties of the phoenix chicks, uttered proverbs, admonishing the wise dryads:


   "Learn to share~~"


   "The bitterness of the bitterness will make you a master~~"


   "You can't eat people~~"


   "The sword fairy with four heads and eight arms is the most handsome~~"


   "The outside world is evil, you are still children, you must be careful~~"


   "Learn to defend properly~~"


   "The first move is strong, and then the move suffers~~"


   "Stop evil and do everything~~"


   "Your father is always right~~"


   The tree monsters only felt that the phoenix chicks were the smartest and best creatures in the world. They not only painted the sun on their belly, but also taught them a lot of knowledge.


   While thinking, the tree spirits felt that their intelligence was constantly increasing, and at the same time their loyalty to the old man had changed from 100% to 1,000%.


the other side...


   Xia Ji also took a break temporarily,


   Even with a strong body to support,


   But a short break is still necessary.


  He has become calm.


   Even if the world will fall.


   Even if the catastrophe has arrived.


So does he.


   The huge figure retracted back to the form of a normal boy, and wrapped it in a white robe with a single move.


   Under the waterfall in midsummer, the sparkling water flies like ice crystals, washing away the summer heat, and making it extremely cool here.


   An exquisite refreshment table is placed in the grass on the land by the water.


   Under the moonlight, Taishang is eating supper.


   Xia Ji sat beside her.


   Taishang poured a cup of black tea for him, and took some more cakes.


   The two ate silently, enjoying the good life at this time.


   Huge expanses of moonlight fell on the ground along with the crevices of trees all over the mountains and plains.


   In the mountain breeze, mottled lights and shadows dangled.


   Taishang secretly glanced at Xia Ji and saw what he looked like. Another stone was dropped from the bottom of his heart.


   Impatient, almost every young person's common problem.


   is constrained by the field of vision, and unable to make the right actions is also a common problem.


   But at this time, the person next to her is clearly in her early twenties, but he is extremely calm and unhurried, and has a strong focus on doing things, giving people a sense of deep meaning at every step.


   And even when facing the hunt of the witch of the Drunken Life and Dream of Death, he can still have a supper with her calmly.


   She can feel that this sense of ease is not a pretense, but a real sense of carelessness.


   The burly body is like a hill, the contradiction between the awe-inspiring righteousness and the sun swallowing Luo Hui, many mysterious, young, unhurried...


   makes people feel quite safe.






   Taishang's eyes squinted like a crescent moon in the sky, enjoying the supper happily.


   Suddenly, she remembered something and asked: "By the way, Pangu, don't you like drinking?"


   Xia cocked his legs in a very leisurely manner, leaning back, pinching a delicate little tea cup at the end of his muscular arm, and tasting the tea while saying: "Don't drink it anymore."


   said too: "I think you have changed a lot overnight."


   Xia Ji smiled and said, "Maybe, you never saw me clearly."


   Tai Shang said: "The old man still doesn't understand, why do you believe me so? I am a person from the four directions, and you dare to show the monster side in front of me...Did you... see what?"


   Xia Ji did not answer, just smiled.


   Too thinks that she is silly.


  What kind of people from all directions?


   Every person or every pair of people in the Quartet represents a different concept and power, so there is no uniform standard.


   After eating supper, Xia Ji's heart moved.


   Mustard sand directly inhaled the two of them.


   Taishang instantly appeared in a world of Lingcao Linghua.


   She had seen the sudden appearance of Azi Tree Demon and disappeared before, and she knew where there was a place, but she didn't expect it to be such a small world.


   The silver-haired girl is standing on the grass, looking around.


   She understood that from this moment on, she had been completely bound to this Pangu.


  Pangu has given her the greatest trust.


   She will also return the greatest trust.


   However, she had already decided that day when the young man came as a guest with abundance of righteousness.


   "Here..." I felt it too carefully, then raised my head and looked at the sun above my head.


   She frowned slightly, her pretty brows, her pupils contracted, and said carefully, "That's... an eye?"


   She stepped on the ground again and looked around, "It's so deadly...There is a corpse in the ground? What kind of corpse can make the land so fertile and full of aura?"


   Xia Ji took off his coat at will.


   Taishang is used to taking off his clothes anytime, anywhere.


   Immediately afterwards, Xia Ji's figure changed, and a black armor-like luster appeared all over him.


   "Do you know this power?"


   Taishang watched carefully, shook his head for a long time, looked at the hill-like figure beside him and said: "Pangu, are you still crazy?"


   Xia Ji knew what she was talking about, and smiled: "At least you can tell that this is also a strange fire, and it's still a strange fire different from that of Luo Huo Swallowing Sun Yan, right?"


   Tai nodded and looked at Xia Ji as if looking at a monster: "Two kinds of different fires, one kind of strange air...You are not crazy yet..."


   Xia Ji squeezed both fists, but the black armor on the surface of the body did not feel flowing.


   In fact, he had experienced this scene a long time ago.


   In Samsara, he has already revealed it once.


   Taishang also reacted the same as this time.


   And he has already got the answer.


   This answer is too great to give him only a small part, more is that he got it from many places of existence in several reincarnations, and then aggregated it.


   In fact,


   The fourth realm is an extremely long process.


   The purpose of this process is to condense the Tongtian River.


   Nine is the number of poles,


  Tongtianchuan naturally also has nine steps.


   The first grade, middle grade, and top grade of the fourth level correspond to the first, second, and third levels of Tongtianchuan, respectively.


   Each level will provide special powers such as "wu", "shu", and "fa".


   However, as Xia Ji had perceived before, any kind of "true essence" or "different" can at most only construct a "third-order" power.


   After Tier 3, other forces of the same kind are needed to build Tier 4, Tier 5, and Tier 6.


   At this time, using ordinary true essence to reach the four levels of high-grade existence is not qualified to enter the next round at all.


   Only if the first, second and third levels are constructed with "different" can they be qualified to continue.


  The key to continuation is to obtain similar differences.


   This is: those who keep differences, converge.


   Three kinds of different fires, or different air, different wood, different gold, different water, and different soil, theoretically can condense the Tongtian River and reach the fifth realm, which is truly beyond the limit of human life.


   It is worth mentioning that the first-order, second-order, third-order, four, five, six, and seven or eighty-nine are not increasing in power, but parallel.


   It’s just that they have gained a variety of powers and can take a richer combat method.


   The reason why the "different fire" of the second body didn't work was because the third stage of Xia Ji's strange fire had not been constructed yet.


   When the construction is completed, the influence of the different fire itself is likely to devour the personality and make the personality deviation.


   All in all, even if you are lucky enough to step through the ninth step of the Tao of the sky, your personality will most likely change...


   As for what will happen during the period, no one knows.


   Of course, this is just the tip of the world's power iceberg.


   Foreign objects are the other half of the country. This can be seen only from Xia Ji’s "Lotus", "Mustard Seed World", "Innate Gossip Mirror" and so on...


  Who knows, the secret treasures he got from signing in, aren't things that this world originally has?


   At least up to now, part of the power has been confirmed. It is one of the puzzles of the power of this world, rather than jumping out of this world.


   Especially Xia Ji felt so after seeing the church's technology during the fifth reincarnation.




   He had the luck to peep into many top-level researches in the church, and there was one research number called Lian.


   has the same name as one of the twenty secret treasures that kills the enemy directly through cause and effect.


   Is this just a coincidence?


   is really scary to think about.


   In addition, the dream of the witch of the drunken life dream of the dead palace is not something that can be done by the exercises. The immortality of the immortal palace is not so much a exercise as a kind of worship, visualization...


   And Taishang was cursed because of his visualization and became the appearance of staying forever at the age of eight. Isn't this also a kind of alternative "preserving youth forever"?


What does   Zhuangyu mean by "the truth...far from it"?


   are so many, hidden in the shadow of history, that the world looks like ordinary.


in this world,


   If you feel that you are at a high level, you will surely be able to overcome those with a low level. That is a kind of arrogance with ignorance.


   In fact, everyone who has reached a high level would not think so.


   In the eight rounds of reincarnation, Xia Ji did not go deep, but actually saw a lot of existence...


  Those existences, each of them are quite simple, they are like perverted monsters. If you want to define them as "they are just a certain type of people in a certain realm", then...


   The arrogant will always die soon.


  Because of this, the living monsters are also "old treacherous and cunning" generations at the same time.


   But even so, these monsters are shrouded in the mystery of this world.


  The dragon, the other side, the three ways and the three demons, thirty-three days, six villas... exist...


   This hoarse whisper like an ancient taboo, every word is full of the mystery of death distortion, always reminding a very small number of insiders...


   They are always there.






   There is still one day before the demon attack the mountain.


   Xia Ji took advantage of the late night, broke through the demon, and came to the entrance of the small town below the mountain.


   The moonlight at midnight illuminates a white road.


   He followed the road, walked to the familiar door, and knocked on the door.




There was a rustling waking up,


  The sound of footsteps approached,


   Then an eye suddenly appeared behind the crack of the door.


   I observed the line of sight, saw the person coming, and opened the door.


   Zhuang Yu scratched his messy hair and leaned on the door. Shuangtong looked out the door with a perceptive smile.


   She seems to have known why Xia Ji came.


Why does    appear here.


   seems to know what will happen next.


   Any possibility is already in her guess.


   But even if she guessed it, she just said: "Quietly, mother just fell asleep."


   "The past few days mother......"


   She was hugged suddenly before she finished her voice.


   The burly, hill-like boy embraced her.


   Zhuang Yu was taken aback,


   thought Xia Ji was going to attack her,


   But she has no fear, because death is nothing to her. On the contrary, Xia Ji who killed her would seem a bit stupid.


   But after a second or two, she understood... it was just a simple hug.


   She was completely stunned.


   All previous insights have been broken.


   There is no such thing in all the guesses.


   so much that she froze.


   She just wanted to talk,


   There is another word "Sister" in my ear...


   Zhuang Yu was confused and confused.


   This is not the follow-up she thought of at all.


   However, she allowed the boy in front of her to hold her. Strangely... she could even feel that there was no love between men and women in this hug, but a pure affection.


   It seems that a pair of brothers and sisters reunited after a long absence.


   Zhuang Yu's hands trembled, and after all he did not push the boy away, but her heart was full of complicated emotions.


How can it be?


  This... how could anyone in the world hug her and call her "sister" even when they know she is a ghost?


   Zhuang Yu thought very fast, and reacted in a flash, and smiled softly: "Don't think you called my sister, I will help you, if you are not worth it, I will not pay."


   There is no unexpected anger at all,


   She heard a sincere voice: "Sister Yu'er, I...may have to go far, far away. If I go, will you take care of your mother?"


   Zhuang Yu was taken aback, and said: "Yes, this kind of rare family affection, I also like it very much, so I will take care of her."


   "Wait, what do you call me?"


   Xia Ji did not answer, but said: "That's all right."


   In fact, he already knew the answer, smiled, his hands were tight again, he hugged Zhuang Yu tightly, and said softly: "Then... if my mother asks, you say I'm going to kill demons and exorcise demons in the distance."


   Zhuang Yu only felt that all her thoughts so far were wrong, and said, "You...what are you...what do you want to do..."


   She realized that the man in front of her made her unpredictable.


   This is simply incredible.


   She is a witch!


   She has always been the only one who is unpredictable.


   The next second, Xia Ji released her hand, pulled her out, and closed the door gently.


   Zhuang Yu said blankly: "What are you going to do?"


   Xia Ji smiled and said, "Let you see what I am most proud of."


   Zhuang Yumei stared.


What? !


   What men are most proud of?


   is the name?


   is profit?


   is muscle?


   Still...cough cough cough cough...


   Zhuang Yuhuarong paled, and Xiafei's cheeks immediately.


   So exciting.




   After a while.


   Under the early morning moonlight, the gurgling stream washed away the heat of midsummer.


   Zhuangyu sat by the stream and took off his square boots.


  The crystal shins, the snow-white feet, and the jade-like toes point into the stream.


   She looked to her side weirdly...


   The burly hill-like man has a calm and incomparable spirit, which is very different from the last time I saw him...


   It seems that this man has washed away his lead in just a few days and has undergone a transformation.


  So that he doesn't act or act, he is open and open, but he gives people a very comfortable and reliable feeling.


   And this man is actually...


   grilled fish.


   Zhuang Yu shouted: "Hey...you can still pursue it a little bit, is the most proud thing is grilled fish?"


   Xia Ji smiled and said, "Sister, the taste of my baking may be average."


   Although I have heard of various titles many times, Zhuang Yu is really rare in such a face-to-face shouting "Sister"...


   This man is calling the real "sister", not her false identity.


   Zhuang Yu trembled all over, like an electric shock.


   Xia Qi said strangely: "Although the mountain night is cold, but you are not cold yet?"


   Zhuang Yu was stunned, and suddenly his chest rose and fell.


   followed by laughter like a silver bell,


   She laughed out of breath, and even smiled as if her stomach hurts and covered her belly.


   "Ouch, oops... are you a fool?"


   "Do you know what you are talking about?"


   "Do you know what you should do now?"


Xia Ji didn't care, and smiled: "I know... Mother said that we should get along well with sisters and brothers, and the younger brother is about to go on a long journey. Before going on a long journey, I will show off my craft and make a grilled fish for my sister. Shouldn't it?"


Zhuang Yu jumped up, trampled barefoot on the soft grass, pointed at him and asked, "Do you want me to help? Let me help you solve the siege of Wudang? Let me tell you what to do? Let me. .."


   She was interrupted.


   Xia Ji shook his head.


Zhuang Yu said: "I understand, you want to play the family card, and then let me take the initiative to help, because you think family affection can also be valuable on the trading scale... And for a lonely witch like me, it is truly The family affection is really precious, you have grasped my weakness.


But let me tell you, I know all of your thoughts. You have done a great job and have improved compared to before, but I know that it is ridiculous to think of a witch as a relative. Even if you are self-hypnotized for a while, and also..."


   She was interrupted again.


   Xia Ji lifted up a bunch of grilled golden fish and said, "It's cooked."


   Zhuang Yu suddenly stopped talking in a long and large length, "Oh", took the fish and ate it.


   To be honest, this fish is not that delicious. If she does it, she will do better.


   But the feeling at this time is very special.


   She still ate quietly.


Xia Ji sat next to her and said while eating grilled fish: "When I was a kid, I would come here to hunt with the hunters in the town. Back then...this world is not so messy, and there are almost no monsters in sight. Because of the foot of Wudang Mountain, there are no thieves either."


  Zhuang Yu said: "It's normal."


   Xia Ji continued to talk about his childhood, just like a long-lost sibling is talking about emotional matters.


   However, the fact is that in the sixth reincarnation, he had almost asked Zhuang Yu's past clearly. In addition to his body, he knew a lot of things.


   For example, a witch once had a normal person.


  Because of the restriction of being unable to enter the fourth realm, they will not and cannot be affected by the "extraordinary".


   Therefore, they will feel a strong sense of loneliness.


  In the beginning, they will also experience the feelings of the world through multiple identities constructed by lies.


   But, once this lie is punctured, others only have a strong sense of fear for them.


   They are used to it...


   And in the extremely long time, they have a new way of life, they are also completely used to becoming taboos, and they have completely lost consciousness of life and death.


   If you change the angle, isn’t it a curse?


   The reason why he said his past at this time was to complete an equivalent exchange.


   I know you past, now you know me too.


   Zhuang Yu was still picky at first, but soon... she felt the sincerity of the man beside her.


   So, she said nothing.


   The witch tells lies.


   But why doesn't she need a lie herself?


   But they are too sensitive and too smart to see all lies at a glance.


   If a lie is seen through, how can you devote yourself to feelings?


   Now, she has observed it many times...the man in front of him didn't lie?


   Zhuang Yu is speechless.


   But I enjoyed it very much.


   This warm voice envelops the loneliness deep in her heart, making her a little greedy.


   But no matter how good the time is, it will pass.


   The horizon in the early morning showed a grayish color.


   This is the time when night and dawn meet.


   Xia Ji stood up and said, "Sister Yu'er, thank you very much."


   "It's not hard."


   Zhuang Yu smiled, and then suddenly said, "This game is far more difficult than what you saw. You can't break it, no one can break it. This is a witch's hunt.


   And I really can’t help you. There is no fighting between demons, unless you can use the demonic fire in your body to suppress Haoran's righteousness. "


   "Sister Yuer..."


   Her voice was interrupted again.


   Zhuang Yu raised his eyebrows, "Huh?"


   She saw the man's sunny smile.






   The witch had the idea of ​​retaining her for the first time in her life. This idea made her feel ridiculous.


   In between these few hesitations, the burly hill-like figure has only its back left.


   His back is between light and darkness.


   Stepping into the night, towards dawn, gradually disappearing.






  "There are three ways to solve the problem.


   First, the problem itself, including creating bigger problems, so that the original problem is no longer a problem.


   Second, solve the problem.


   If you can't do it, then...


   There is only the third method left.


   That is, to solve the people who are in trouble. "


   Xia Ji walks between the mountains and wilds.


   "Is the witch itself strong?"


"Not strong."


   "Because they are everywhere, because they have no trace of themselves."


   "But even so, they will still be killed by seeking cause and effect."


   "But the causal killing method is a secret treasure effect... but the most powerful killing method."


   "If there is no weight, it cannot be weighed."


   "If it never exists, it will not be killed."


   "If there is no cause and effect, even the lotus is invalid."


  The hill-like black shadows shuttled through the forest, and soon came to the Wudang Mountain Tai Chi Palace.


   In the Zixiao Palace, the lights are on, and many Taoist priests and Taoist aunts holding swords are vaguely visible under the jade statue of Emperor Zhenwu.


   At this time, dawn has risen...


   Even if surrounded by demons, even if many people have already died.


   But I still have to eat rice.


   The candlestick priest who was the fireman and the cook hurriedly went to the dining room.


   And the big brother Yu Hezi walked out of the Zixiao Palace if he felt something.


   The Taoist priest, who is rather immortal and has a rustic flavor, looked around suspiciously, and suddenly...he saw a dark shadow flash by.


   Yu Hezi was startled, and was about to speak, but there was a voice in his ears.


   "Brother, it's me."


   Yu Hezi was stunned, recognizing that it was the voice of the younger brother, and hurriedly followed the dark shadow.


   Between several ups and downs, he has come to a remote wall.


   And the figure in the white robe under the eaves is not Qingquanzi and who is it?


   Yu Hezi stepped forward, wondering: "Junior brother...when did you come back?"


   Xia Ji handed out a piece of paper from his sleeve, and said: "Brother, Master has left the customs, or returned from the head teacher, please forward this letter."


   He has no evasiveness, letter paper has even been enclosed in envelopes.


Yu Hezi coughed and said, "Brother, it’s not the brother who said you, your letter is too casual... Brother tells you, even if you don’t open it, you can guess what you wrote by just looking at the back of the paper. What's up."


   Xia Ji smiled and said, "What did you write?"


   Big brother put away the letter paper, put it in his sleeve, and read: "If you take advantage of the righteousness of heaven and earth, and guard against the argument of the six qi, whoever wanders infinitely, who will be evil?"


   After reading,


   He was stunned, "Senior brother...you just write this thing? What do you mean? What does this mean? Junior brother, what do you play dumb..."


   However, Xia Ji didn't speak, but took two steps back, and then leaned slightly toward the big brother, and said gently: "Brother, thank you for your care."


   "No, Qingquanzi..."


   The big brother hadn't finished speaking, the figure in the white robe had been dyed with a layer of righteousness, and then turned into a photoelectric and quickly disappeared.






   Big Brother chased and shouted.


   But how can he catch up with Xia Ji who has a superb buff like Hao Ran righteousness?


Yu Hezi ran away, but behind the corner, a dark shadow came out, repeating his words: "If you take advantage of the righteousness of the heaven and the earth, and the defense of the six qi, the one who travels infinitely, he is evil. ?


   seems to be... it's a piece of Taoism.


What is the meaning of   ? "


   Black Shadow is Zhang Bai, a member of the Wandering Team of the Three Senior Brothers.




   It was getting late, and there was only more than one hour left before the devil attacked the mountain.


   Xia Ji sat at the exquisite dessert table, drinking tea with Su Tai Shang.


   Su Tai Shang said: "My tea is all the tea from a hundred years ago~lightnovelpub.net~ The best tea a hundred years ago came from Baiyun Mountain Villa, and I don’t know where it is now."


   Xia Ji knew she just needed a listener, so she just drank tea.


   Compared to the leisurely side here,


   "Feng Chi" Azi was busy.


   "Is there a team of dryads in place?!"


   "The second team, the second team stay in formation!"


   "How about three teams, four teams, five teams, six teams, seven teams, eight teams, nine teams? Are they all on the scene?"


   "Attention everyone, although it is our first time to play today, we can't fail! Remember what I told you~~~"


   "Remember", the dryads shouted in unison: "As long as the skill is deep, the iron rod will be ground into a needle!"


"Wolong" Senior Su Taishang couldn't help but stare at him, "Wait... what does this mean? The previous words and the following words, as well as the current situation, I understand... But why can't I say this? How about getting in touch? Would you make a mistake?"


   Azi squeezed her small fist and said, "Everyone is right! Come on!"


  Su Taishang:...


   A cautious light flashed in her eyes: "It's really a phoenix."


   turned his head to the side, but saw Pangu sitting on the side steadily.


   is like a towering sacred mountain suppressed on the earth, which makes people extremely reassuring.