I Signed-In In Tokyo

Chapter 106: The professional training for girls, you

"I checked in in Tokyo (

Sakako Yamanaka didn't know how strong Lynn's musical prowess was.

She will serve as a consultant teacher for the light music department, and then take advantage of the trend to become everyone's agent, relying on Linn's continuous flickering, so that she is confused and hooked.

Of course, from the previous Linn's guidance to everyone, especially to Hirasawa Yui, Sakako Yamanaka can also see that this handsome boy should have a certain degree of musical literacy.

But she really did not expect that the other party could write such an excellent music single.

"Although Pyeongtaek's performance is incomplete, I can hear it only from the first few sentences. This is definitely an excellent song that is very mature and can even be released directly to the public."

"If you can... Lin En, can you sing this song in its entirety?"

Sakako Yamanaka was very surprised by Lynn's outstanding performance.

But what makes her even more concerned is, what does the full version of this song look like?

She was extremely curious, as if a kitten was scratching in her heart.

Obviously making such a request to a student made her as a music teacher very embarrassed.

But she just couldn't bear this throbbing mood, always felt that not being able to hear this complete song today would make her regret for life.

"Yes, of course no problem."

Sakako Yamanaka's expression was a little twisted at the moment, which made Lynn want to laugh a little.

There is no way, after all, the time to get along is not long, Xiao Zuohe is still holding the teacher's shelf, and there is no way to get along with the students as friends.

But Lynn also knows that as time goes by, Xiao Zuohe will gradually release himself.

He is also looking forward to that day!

"Liu! Classmate Min! Classmate Jin!"

"Have you ever practiced "Sakura"?"

Of course Lynn wouldn't refuse Sakako Yamanaka's request, but he didn't plan to complete the solo alone.

Turning his head to greet them, the three girls nodded in response.

Such an excellent song will of course be carefully tasted and practiced after they go home.

In that case...

"Well, then take this opportunity, let's collaborate on a song first."

After getting a positive answer, Lynn made a decisive decision.

"Huh? What about me?"

Lynn decided to play together, but after holding the guitar, Yui Hirasawa looked around and pointed to his nose blankly.

Everyone has found their place, and she is the only one standing alone.

Is she...abandoned by everyone?

"Do you think you can keep up with everyone's ensemble with your current strength?"

Facing this little fool, Lynn clicked her forehead with a funny expression.

"Practice your guitar first, and when your skills are up, you will naturally be allowed to join the team."

"You are still too far behind."

After that, Lynn picked up his guitar and nodded to confirm with the other three girls in the light tone department.

Just in the corner of the Polo Coffee Shop, on this small stage, with the drum beats of the 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st team, the light music department finally began its first real ensemble!

Please listen!

"Sakura Sakura Wants to See You"!


At the end of the song, there was applause in the coffee shop. What made Lynn more helpless was that the wolfish eyes of the female customers really made him retreat.

This is just the beginning, it is already the effect.

If he really became famous with the girls in the future, he might not be able to run this Polo coffee shop.

It is estimated that by that time, countless fans will come to block the door. When he thinks of the scene that might happen, he can't help shivering.

"Awesome, really amazing."

"But...this song is great, and so is Lin En, but Qiushan, the three of you...the gap is still a bit big."

"Although the foundation is very solid, you obviously have no experience in ensemble. I won't say much about small details such as grabbing shots. On the whole, this song is basically relying on classmate Linn to support you, otherwise There is no way to play so smoothly."

Compared with those female customers who only greet Lin En's beauty and talents, Sakako Yamanaka's evaluation at the moment is the most professional.

After listening to this song in its entirety, Sakako Yamaaka affirmed his thoughts.

This song "Sakura Sakura Wants to See You" is definitely an excellent track that can be released for debut, and she can also confirm that once it is released, this song will inevitably become a hit!

She acknowledged the excellence of this song, acknowledged Lynn's talent, and even acknowledged that Lynn's strength is stronger than herself.

But this still can't cover up the biggest shortcoming of this band at present!

Just as Sawako Yamanaka said.

Everyone without ensemble experience, after forcibly putting them together, there are so many problems.

This song can be played smoothly, thanks to Lynn alone.

But the question is, what if there is no Lynn?

Did this band fall apart?

"Ms. Sawako is right. It is true that our strength is too far from that of Senior Lynn..."

Everyone can accept Sawako Yamanaka's evaluation.

Because of this problem, they found it in the middle of the performance.

Unfortunately, this problem cannot be solved in a short time.

It is precisely because of this that although the ensemble was successfully completed, I can see everyone's expressions, but I still don't see any joy. Instead, they lowered their heads, looking very disappointed.

"Why? It's just an ensemble of a song, is it hit?"

When Akiyama Mio responded to Sakako Yamanaka, the atmosphere was a bit solemn for a while.

But at this moment, Linn's opening broke the slightly heavy atmosphere.

"Senior Lynn..."

"Okay, don't be frustrated, know your shortcomings, this is a good thing."

Lynn spoke, and the girls raised their heads.

But at this moment, they were greeted by Lynn's gentle smile.

"Look at you like this, it seems that I have to change the itinerary."

"Originally, I planned to open the store on weekends, but now... it's decided. On Saturday morning, you all come to my store to gather, and then everyone will go to my office together."

"There, we will have the most professional teachers to conduct relevant training for you to ensure that your strength can be improved quickly."

What should I do if the girls are frustrated?

Of course it is for them to find the motivation to move forward!

Isn't it just lack of strength?

Wouldn't it be enough to go to the office for professional training?

Although Lynn’s office currently has only one idol trainer, or even part-time, his investigation revealed that the idol trainer seems to be a very capable person. According to the information, she has also worked with Many top idol firms have launched business cooperation.

If the other party conducts training for the girls in the light tone department, the effect will be very significant!

"Professional teacher training?"

Hearing what Lynn said, the girls' eyes lit up suddenly.

If there are professional teachers, then everyone's strength will surely improve soon, right?

Even if you can't catch up with Senior Lynn, you can't be left too far by him!

"It will be very hard at that time, but you don't want me to think about running away."

"Don't forget, you guys, they are all sold to me now!"

Looking at the excited girls, Lynn couldn't help making a little joke at this time.

However, he did not expect that he was just saying that casually, but Qiu Shan Mio on the opposite side seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly made a big blush.


Did I say something wrong?

It's a pity that Lin Enn didn't want to think about it. Hirasawa Yui had already raised his hand and his expression was very excited.

"Ms. Lin En, let's go to the office to practice tomorrow! I'm not afraid of hard work!"

Are you afraid of hard work?

Who believes this?

To say that among the four girls, when they encounter trouble, this guy must be the first to think of running away, and the law team is close behind!

As for why she wanted to go to the office so eagerly.

Lynn can probably guess one or two too.

Probably because of her strong interest in the firm that cultivated celebrity idols, it is estimated that she is thinking more about how to play in the past than practice.

"Don't even think about it!"

"Tomorrow after school, I will continue to work in the store, and I also ask you to do your homework on weekends tomorrow night!"

"Ah? Why is this?"

"Teacher Lynn! You are the devil!"

With the screams of Yui Hirasawa and the laughter of everyone, this day's business finally came to an end. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

After sending the girls away, and training with Xiaolan in karate, Lynn, who was alone, finally found his free time and was ready to receive this physical strengthening.

That's right!

After completing the check-in task, Lynn did not receive the reward immediately.

There is no way, he is afraid that the changes in his body will be too great and the flaws will be seen by others, so he must make decisions more cautiously.

When accepting karate skills before, he really didn't expect that his body would be transformed together, and thanks to the lack of contact with Xiaolan and the others at that time, he was not found to be abnormal.

But now that everyone gets along together every day, once you have any changes, can you escape Xiaolan and Yuanzi's eyes?

All in all, it doesn't hurt to be cautious.

At the same time, the facts also proved that Lynn was right.

Although he did not experience any pain during the strengthening period, when everything was over, when he walked to the bathroom and saw himself in the mirror, he could still find the subtle changes after the strengthening.

First of all, his height has increased by two centimeters, and the edges and corners of his muscles have become more distinct.

But fortunately, it was not the kind of devil muscle man, which finally made him breathe a sigh of relief.

As for the face, I don't know if it is an illusion. I always feel that it has become more refined and perfect, especially the eyes, as if they are showing a touch of starlight.

Simply put, this is a huge increase in charm value!

Although the focus of physical strengthening is the growth of his own strength, compared to the previous body, he feels that he seems to be stronger, and he is indeed developing rapidly in an inhuman direction.

But strengthening the body strengthens the body, why are you strengthening this face?

Don’t you know if you guys have too many female fate?