I Teach Kendo in Tokyo

v3 Chapter 32: Shine like gold

Naoto Ikeda was pressed on the table, and a knife pierced in.

He struggled symbolically at first, but his body ruined by his irregular life and alcohol was unable to resist the three powerful gangsters.

After struggling a few times, he gave up.

If life deceives you, lie down and bear it.

At the moment of giving up, Naoto Ikeda felt relieved.

To be honest, he didn't understand why Shigeru Ikeda had to stand up again and again, and he would not change anything when he stood up.

Obviously the result is already doomed.

What a silly stupid son.

I knew it a long time ago, I should teach him a truth: choosing to give up will be easier, and if you want to live a relaxed life, you must give up frequently.

You see, as long as you give up, even death will no longer be terrible.

It's a good thing to give up.

Naoto Ikeda who gave up began to hallucinate.

He saw a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva holding a Zen stick and a red scarf around his neck.

——Are you here to extradite my bliss? How could it be possible for someone like me...

The light behind the Jizo is getting stronger and stronger, gradually engulfing Jizo's figure, only the red scarf and the ringing of the Zen stick are still clear.

The red scarf was also concealed in the light, only the regular sound of the Zen stick, and then the light and shadow turned into scenes of fast retrospective scenes.

This is probably the legendary revolving lantern.

All the pictures seem to be repeating a closed loop that will never end: self-indulgence-venting-reflection and regret-and then self-indulgence again.

Naoto Ikeda looked at the repeated images, intuitively and deeply feeling how hopeless his life is.

Yes, he is such a person, he was in the past, he is now, and if there is a future, I am afraid he will be.

The picture turns faster and faster, probably the Ksitigarbha who caused this phenomenon can't stand this meaningless repetition of life.

Like mud, a life without any value.

Suddenly, the transition was slow, and it became a standard 24-frame movie speed.

Seeing his young self, Naoto Ikeda was reprimanded by the workshop director: "What did you do! Waste! How many times did you do it wrong today? You have slowed down the progress of the entire workshop! You will cause everyone to receive less bonuses. !"

Naoto Ikeda suddenly remembered this scene, this is...

The young Naoto Ikeda in the picture said: "My son made a lot of noise last night and didn't sleep well..."

"Shut up!" the workshop director cursed, "You are not the first to marry a wife and have children in this workshop! No one else is like you! So, the post-war generation is not good. I used to face the beautiful machine. The bombing still completed the factory’s production targets!

"Your son, is it scarier than B29?"

Naoto Ikeda watched this scene silently, and he remembered that his life did not seem to have been a worthless reincarnation.

In an age so long that he has forgotten, he was also young.

It was the child, the catastrophe changed everything.

As the lantern continued, Naoto Ikeda watched as he was scolded in class every day. After get off work, he would go all out to go to the supermarket to buy discounted half-price bento. In order to save his son's milk powder money, the couple’s dinner was half-price bento.

He saw his son crying like an air defense alarm in the middle of the night, and he had to get up with his tired body to help his wife change diapers.

He saw that in order to subsidize the family, even his wife had to take up the job of pasting boxes at home. The originally small and cozy home began to be filled with materials and tools for his wife's work.

He saw his and his wife's smiles replaced by sadness a little bit.

——Ah, sure enough, it's fine if you don't get Amao.

His life, as expected, had become a mess since A Mao was born.

If there is no Amao, then I should live a happy life now.

The revolving lantern changed again. He saw a young man riding a bicycle on a sunny day with his wife wearing a sun hat on the back seat.

She is more beautiful than Qiangwei.

Life has not destroyed her skin, her beautiful hands have not been covered with calluses, and her beautiful nails have not been devastated by the paste of the paper box.

She hugged Naoto Ikeda's waist and smiled happily.

Although the two are so poor that they can afford to go to the cinema, even if it is just that, riding a bicycle in the fields, they can still feel the joy of life.

Yes, this is how life is, and this is how life should be.

Naoto Ikeda looked at the shiny days spent with his wife, wanted to cry, but realized that he no longer had the ability to cry.

The dying person cannot speak or cry.

He can only wait quietly for the end of life.

It doesn't matter. Soon the **** who ruined his life will be sent over by the three gangsters.

He also did a lot of bad things and couldn't go to the Pure Land of Bliss.

When the time comes, father and son will go to **** together.

As Naoto Ikeda was thinking, the revolving lantern was frozen on the new picture again.

It was the delivery room of the hospital. The still beautiful wife sat halfway on the bed. Although she was extremely weak, she still smiled and looked at the child in her arms.

He saw his young self, squatting beside his wife's bed, holding the baby's hand with great joy.

"He looked at me! He grabbed my hand!" Naoto Ikeda exclaimed happily, "My son's hands are really strong! He will definitely grow up healthily in the future. I decided, his name is Shigeru, and he wants to grow. It has to be as lush as a big tree, and its vitality is as strong as a dense weed."

The wife smiled and stroked Naoto Ikeda's hair lightly.

Naoto Ikeda was confused, he couldn't tell which memory was from reality.

Is this... me?

Shouldn't I...

The revolving lantern was over, and in the light that kept sending images, the figure of his wife appeared.

It was not the young and beautiful wife in the memory, but the yellow-faced woman whose nails could no longer be painted beautifully because the skin's luster was robbed by reality.

She looked at Naoto Ikeda and opened her mouth slightly.

She made no sound, but Naoto Ikeda heard it.

"The last is the end, do you still choose to continue to escape?"

The last is the last, do you still choose to surrender?

The last is the last, you still don't want to admit, are you a father?

Naoto Ikeda suddenly remembered how Shigeru Ikeda stood up again and again.

The vitality is like lush weeds.

Naoto Ikeda suddenly remembered the feeling that flowed in his heart the moment he saw Amo come.

Anyway, it's the last one.

Let this mud-like and worthless life play its last role.

Naoto Ikeda bit his tongue, and the salty smell of blood filled his mouth. At the same time, the severe pain made his degraded brain briefly excited.

All the hallucinations faded in an instant.

The dazzling light from reality made Shigeru Ikeda completely unable to see who the figure in front of him was.

He roared and exhausted his last strength, he pulled up the scissors he had used to fix the flipped skin, and pierced it towards the nearest figure.

He heard the scream, but couldn't tell whose scream was.

He grabbed the arm of the other figure and bit on it.

He couldn't tell whether the blood in his mouth came from the wound on his tongue or the enemy.

At this time, his vision recovered a little, and he miraculously saw A Mao who was still lying on the ground.

Without saying anything, he pulled out from the wound on his stomach and threw it over without knowing what it was, trying to awaken his son.

"Amao! Get up!" he shouted, "Run away!"

While shouting, he turned around and rushed to the third gangster who should have existed in his memory. Only by dragging all three of them can we give Amao a chance to escape.

He didn't know, at this moment, he looked like some kind of supernatural creature, like a zombie running out of Romero's movie.

Even a well-trained enemy, seeing this shocking scene, can't help panic.

Therefore, the enemy took a gun, and what he got in a hurry was a powerful pistol without a silencer.

The first shot was missed and hit Naoto Ikeda's upper abdomen.

Naoto Ikeda was completely unaffected, and continued to rush towards the last uninjured enemy.

"Amao! Run!"

The gunman fired three consecutive pistols, and the last shot finally hit Naoto Ikeda in the head.

When the bullet pierced the back of the head, it took a large part of the skull, and the brain was also ejected.

Naoto Ikeda stopped moving and slowly fell to the ground, but his mouth was still squirming, trying to make the final sound.

His neck was still turning, turning his face to his son--

The shooter cursed and made up the gun again until he emptied the magazine.

"Fuck! What the hell?" He looked at Naoto Ikeda who was finally motionless, gasping for breath, "What the **** is this? It's too Nyima!"

No one answered.

Because no one knows.

At this moment, Shigeru Ikeda, the only one who knew what it was, stood up dangling.

Shan Mingmin, Zheng Taixian, and Fang Zhixi all looked at Shigeru Ikeda and kept alert, for fear that he would suddenly become the same thing just now.

Shan Mingmin slowly stretched out his hand to the rifle on the side table.

Shigeru Ikeda looked at the person who fell on the ground, then turned and rushed to the nearest window, breaking out.

His actions were so agile that he didn't look like he was seriously injured.