I Teach Kendo in Tokyo

v4 Chapter 118: uninvited guest

After that, a few days passed in a blink of an eye.

   The day before the memorial service of Masago Ueizumi, Aramaki and his partner visited Kazuma who was staying in the hotel.

   He left his partner in the hotel lobby and came in by himself. As soon as he sat down, he said straightforwardly: "We were in the tunnel and found this."

   put an envelope on the table after speaking.

   Kazuma saw the word confidential on the envelope, and immediately took it and opened it-everyone is determined to put the confidential information in front of you, don't look at it for nothing.

   opened the envelope, and what fell out was a stack of photographs, which appeared to be forensic photographs during the site investigation.

   Kazuma immediately noticed the Jomon period pottery puppet in one of the photos.

   He picked out that one directly: "Where did you find this?"

   "On the Tojiaki car, it is placed above the dashboard, with car perfume, what's wrong?"

Kazuma did not answer, but continued to ask: "Have you ever investigated the impression of other people who are related to To Matsuri Akira? His relatives and friends, company subordinates, and other people who might ride in his car, yes Have you seen this pottery figurine?"

Huangmaki frowned: "No...because no one thinks that this is the key. After all, Toji Akira was selling fake antiques before entering the Kyushu branch... In addition, this thing has also been investigated by the authentication department. Ordinary dolls."

   Kazuma looked up at Tamamo who was in the audience.

   Yuzao: "This thing can be used as a medium."

   "What kind of medium?" Aramaki asked.

   Yuzao smiled: "Psychic medium. The Forensics Department must be lazy and didn't give this thing a luminol test."

   Luminol reagent is also called luminol, which reacts with the substances in the blood residue to generate fluorescent substances. It will be very obvious when illuminated with a special lamp. It is an important method used in modern criminal investigation to find residual blood.

Huang Juan laughed blankly: "There was no trace of fighting at the scene, and the police dog did not smell any blood. In this case, who would have thought of doing a luminol test on this doll alone! The authentication department could think of giving car door handles and the like. It’s good to do a test in a place where blood is easy to leave."

   Kazuma responded: "Really."

   Huang Juan sighed: "So, are you sure you can find the blood?"

   Yuzao nodded: "Unless it has been taken and processed again. If it is too late to be processed on the day of discovery, blood stains should be found."

  Arakan pressed his forehead: "That's over, these things are not considered as key exhibits. After careful inspection and taking pictures, they have been returned to Toji Akira's family."

Kazuma: "Don’t be discouraged. If this thing is a medium, it must have been put on the car before the incident. And because there are closed-circuit televisions on both sides of the tunnel, there is a risk of recycling on the spot, and the recyclers may be caught by the closed-circuit television. When it was filmed, it was simply thrown on the scene."

   Yuzao nodded: "After all, there is no trace of fighting at the scene. No one will be so idle to test this doll."

   Then the three of them were silent for a while.

  The silence that Araki broke first: "So, what kind of medium is this thing? What the **** is psychic? Tell me something I can write on the report."

   "Then you might be disappointed." Kazuma replied simply.

   "It can't be written on the report..." Huang Juan Fufu said, "Isn't that the same as no progress? Or, you are sure to...in the realm of urban legends and the supernatural to make this matter clear?"

   Before Kazuma answered, Tamamo directly said: "I don't have that kind of assurance. The guy who did this is probably going to hide and regain his strength. You may investigate the origin of this doll faster instead."

   Huang Juan: "Then if someone else has already made a confession, they will always have this doll?"

   Kazuma: "Then you will catch a big fish."

   Huang Juan was stunned for a moment, and then his expression suddenly became clear: "Yes, most people don't say with certainty that there is this doll. If everyone you ask would say that there must be this thing, it is very strange."

Huang Juan picked up the photo and looked at it, and became uncertain again: "Uh...but this doll looks too unique, maybe everyone who has seen it is really impressed. Anyway, I will investigate it. ."

   Kazuma looked up at Tamamo, "Well, does it have to be this stuff? Or is it all you need to have that guy's blood?"

   "It must be something related to that guy. I bet that the pottery puppet you returned to Toji Akira's family is genuine. Even if you can't test the blood, you will find something wrong if you go to the Tanshan XIV test."

  , I’m really good, it’s worth installing, after all, you can cache and read aloud offline!

Huang Juan was speechless: "Even the Forensic Department of the Metropolitan Police Department, with the most advanced equipment, does not have the equipment for carbon fourteen inspection. It is useless to say that these are useless, because everyone did not realize that this thing would be the key evidence, so it It has been returned to Tojiaki's family. It must be an ordinary pottery puppet when he comes back.

   "But we can investigate who has been in contact with Tojiko's family during this period.

   "Well, you said that if you provide something that can be written in the report, you can mobilize the power of the police. Psychic... Gan, it is impossible to give me manpower for this reason."

   Kazuma made a serious suggestion: "But you can try to ventilate with the CIA. Just tell them that the gentlemen of Freemasonry may be interested in this."

   Aramaki looked at Kazuma with complicated eyes, and did not speak for a long time.

   So Kazuma shrugged: "Of course, there should be a gentleman on the KGB who would be interested in this, but I don't know what the higher-level agency they are in charge of is called."

   As soon as the voice of Kazuma fell, the phone rang.

   The hotel phone is not the same as the old phone that needs to dial a dial in the Kazuma home. It is a very fashionable touch-tone phone, and there is an extension in the bedroom.

   Kazuma directly picked up the receiver of the main unit in the living room: "Hello?"

   The voice of the hotel switchboard came from the phone: "You have a long distance from Tokyo."

   "Come here."


   Then I turned to the beep in the call transfer, and it was connected after only a beep and a half.

   "I heard you mentioned our name just now." He said.

   Kazuma frowned. The security manpower dispatch company of the Nanjo Foundation should have checked the entire suite before Kazuma moved in. In theory, there should be no bugs here.

   So Kazuma immediately took out the pen and wrote the first three katakana of the phrase bug on the table.

   Huang Juan understood at a glance, and immediately began to check what was on her body.

   said over the phone: "Stop looking, you will never find all the bugs. We have been watching you."

   Kazuma asks: "I don't know if I should speak English or Russian to you?"

   "It's not important, I am proficient in all major languages, it's up to you."

   Kazuma: "The front wheel does not turn and the back wheel turns to Smecta?"

   "Korean is not listed here." The other side said calmly.

   Kazuma: "In fact, except for the three characters Smecta, all the others are in Chinese. You are not as good as you are."

   The other side was silent.

   "In our opinion, China is not considered a major country." The other side replied after a brief silence.

   Kazuma sneered: "Then your organization has a bad judgment on the international situation."

   "We believe that the Eastern power will collapse in at most 30 years."

   Kazuma: "Too many, I think it will only take ten years."

   The other side fell into silence again, and only a moment later asked with a smile but a smile: "Even if the Soviet Union just finished West 81 this year?"

   "Don't talk about West 81. The Soviet Union had just defeated Germany and let the Stalin 3 tank pass the Brandenburg Gate under the nose of General Eisenhower. The arrow-shaped front armor of this steel beast scared the Western generals into cold sweat.

   "Didn't the Soviet Union at that time seem more invincible?

   "In this case, didn't Mr. George Kenan send the famous long telegram?"

   George Kenan’s "Long Telegraph" is generally called the "Long Telegraph" in international political circles, because it laid the foundation for the subsequent containment strategy of the US against the Soviet Union.

   Kazuma moved out of this at this time, not simply digressing.

   In fact, when Kazuma asked "Do you speak Russian or English", the topic was already biased.

The person on the phone said at first, "We predict that the Soviet Union will be over." One is to show that he is a Freemason and not the KGB, and the other is to respond to the phrase Kazuma that "you are not good as a secret organization" Ridicule.

   The subtext over there is very obvious: "The Soviet Union, which has just held Western Exercise 81, has scared many Western countries enough, but we can calmly predict that it will be over in 20 years. You see, our organization is not awesome."

   The response from Kazuma is equivalent to saying: "Mr. George Kenan predicted thirty years ago that the Soviet Union would be overwhelmed. Save it, brother."

  The level of the people on the phone is not low, so they must understand.

   So he was silent again.

   Kazuma originally wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, let's say "but your victory is only temporary" and "history will not end" or something.

   But he changed his mind—what if the United States warns my country?

   It is better to make Americans believe that their victory is the ultimate victory and that history will end.

  Mr. Fukuyama, come on.

   At this time, Kazuma suddenly became worried for no reason: What if there is no Fukuyama in this time and space? Without Fukuyama, perhaps Westerners would not believe in the China collapse theory so much.

   Alas, this is not okay. It just so happens that now I am also a Japanese in name. Without Fukuyama to fool the Americans, then I can only fool you.

   Kazuma is very worried at this time, shouldn't I get the hidden script?

   Forty years later, looking at the sloppy America, I and a golden lion who likes a big red tie are drinking face to face on the beach in Florida, with Shaxian snacks as side dishes?

  If you don't, you won't, even if you don't have Fukuyama, there will be others.

   It’s just that the matter of China’s rise is still hidden in the bottom of my heart. It’s better not to talk nonsense.

In the past, Kazuma didn’t think that the claims of a small person from Shengdou would have any impact, but now, on the phone side, it is possible to install a wiretap on a Japanese public security officer and call the freemasonry as soon as he hears the name. Own guy.

   This guy might... It's just maybe, after all, it's also possible that people had planned for deterrence from the beginning.

   This guy may not have low authority, he is a big boss.

   I can't tell him that China will rise, because I might be heard.

   Just because the other party said that "China is not a major country", I sneered at each other, and now I have to apply a patch.

So at the moment of silence on the opposite side, Kazuma spoke: "It seems that we have reached a consensus. However, Mr. George Kenan also said,'Whether the Soviet Union can gain an advantage depends on what the Western world shows. The degree of unity, firmness, and courage in the world', the Western world is not yet at the point where a country with a billion people can be underestimated, right?"

   The other side finally said: "Indeed. My statement is very careless. But it has nothing to do with the purpose of my call today."

   "Then tell me your intentions."

   "Mr. Kiryu is so smart, I don't think it is necessary. You just showed your Chinese proficiency. I believe you must have heard a Chinese proverb: He who knows the times is a good man."

   The last sentence of the other party was in Chinese, and he spoke very authentically.

There was a cold sweat behind Kazuma, but he was not afraid at all, and praised: "Yes, I didn't even notice that the person speaking has changed. I also have a Chinese sentence for you: If you do not do justice, you must Self-destruct."

   The opposite immediately responded: "This is more appropriate to the Soviet Union, isn't it?"

   "Indeed, after all, the United States has learned a lesson in Vietnam." Kazuma also immediately responded.

   There was a noticeable pause on the other side, but compared to the previous one, this one adjusted his state in just a second and responded: "Anyway, I wish you a happy holiday."

   finished speaking and hung up.

   Kazuma said to the busy phone: "I wish you well at work and good health."

   He believed that the other party could hear it.

   After finishing Kazuma)," he let out a sigh, and then looked at Tamamo.

   Mom, I just seemed to mock the secret organization hidden behind the world!

   So the welfare technology was cultivated by Freemasonry?

   At the same time, it also got KGB technology?

   Is this the set that the Americans gave to KGB?

   Or KGB is also pretending to be confused, just want to experiment with its own technology in Japan?

   If Welfare Technology is an organization secretly supported by the Freemasonry, Hechuan Farlong still has to apply to become a religious legal person?

   Freemasonry According to legend, it should be a secret association established by the Templars after finding King Solomon’s treasure.

   Kazuma looked at Tamamo, these thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

   With a complicated expression on his face, he put down the phone receiver.

   At this time, Huang Juan finally found the bug.

   is the pen in his bag.

"These bastards," he scolded after removing the battery of the bug, "this pen is my grandma's relic! It's a fake made in Japan. What do you mean by giving me a real Parker pen? ?"

   When Japan first started its post-war revival, many "parallel imports" were produced.

   In the beginning, it didn’t have its own brand and wanted to open up sales. Basically, it had to go this way.

   Kazuma looked at the angry Huang Juan, and said, "A fake product is exchanged for a real one, what are you dissatisfied with?"

   "It was my grandma who gave it to me. Even if it is a fake, it is more precious than the real one!"

   "Then you will treat it as your grandma's manifestation and replace the fake with the real one." Kazuma said.

   Huang Juan curled his lips: "I feel unhappy when I think of them throwing away my grandma's belongings."

   "No, starting today, your grandma will give you a real Pike."

   While Kazuma was speaking, Honami led a few people in and re-examined Kanamaki's belongings with instruments.

   Aramaki complained cursingly, stood up, opened his arms, and let Honami's people check.

   After confirming that there was no radio wave on his body, he immediately changed his expression and his tone of voice was switched seamlessly: "CIA?"


   Kazuma's response made Aranaki frowned: "What is it? Isn't that a charity?"

"Obviously not."

   "Damn, so after you tell me that the hidden and psychic are all true, tell me that Freemasonry is also true?"

Kazuma shrugged: "I also want to tell you that the fate of this country of France is governed by a club. They hold a dinner every month, and the chatting of the big names at the dinner will determine France. Direction."

   It sounds like Kazuma is just making a fool of myself now.

   So Araki just echoed: "Coincidentally, I also know that all major events in Japan are decided in Liuting."

   Kazuma laughed loudly.

   Huang Juan also laughed.

   Suddenly he put away his smile and asked seriously: "Be serious, to be honest, is that the CIA?"

   Yes, Aramaki-san doesn't believe the theory of Freemasonry.

   Kazuma imagined it: I was suddenly told that the world was dominated by the Templars for no reason, and I would feel that the other party was joking.

   After some consideration, he said a statement that sounded more truthful: "The superior organization of the CIA over the phone may be the presidential security adviser, or something else."

  Huang Juan is speechless: "So the Yankee is behind the Welfare Technology, which is complicated."

   Kazuma: "You still don't report it to the top, and check it privately."

   "It can only be so." Huang Juan sighed, "It's up to you. I will provide information and support, but you should not call my office, but my home."

   Kazuma nodded: "Understand."

   "Protect yourself...Although I want to say this, considering your force, I still worry about myself."