I Teach Kendo in Tokyo

v4 Chapter 26: Hovering on the edge

Kazuma returned to Sakurada Gate and ran into the Shiratori detective who came back from outside while waiting for the elevator.

As soon as they met, Shiratori took the initiative to speak: "The Jidao fight has happened again. Let's deal with it. Recently, the Jidao fighting faction is not good, and there are only a few minor injuries in the fight."

Kazuma took the sentence: "Isn't it because the Fuqing Gang and Zhenquan will kill the hard chaotic martial arts faction?"

Shiratori laughed: "There is also this reason, after all, automatic rifles are still very effective for most combatants."

Kazuma hurriedly said: "It's also very effective for me!"

Shiratori: "I'll take it seriously. Don't talk about this, why are you coming back now? Did you find any clues from the sushi clue?"

"No, no, as expected, the pseudonym and cash used at sushi, and they are not regular customers of the sushi restaurant, unless we can find a reason to borrow the portrait experts from the department to make portraits, otherwise it will be useless."

Shiratori curled his lips: "I guess the sushi restaurant didn't install a closed-circuit camera, right?"

"Yes, it's an old store, there is no such thing at all."

Shiratori: "Then why are you coming back now? Encountered a case halfway? But that has been spread a long time ago. After all, you are now a celebrity in a lesson."

"No, I encountered such a thing halfway." Kazuma recounted what Xiangzi had encountered.

Shiratori frowned: "This is not easy. I have the impression of this Dashen. He is a cadre of the Dongcheng Association, a direct organization under the Kanto United. He is very good at making money and basically provides most of the income of the Dongcheng Association."

"Is this a big man?" Kazuma is speechless, "looks very young."

"I'm very young. I have only recently emerged, just in time that Kanto United was driven out of the anesthetic business by the Fushou Gang and Zhenquan Society, and the income has shrunk. I am surprised to rely on the opening of custom shops to support the income. His stores, income It’s almost catching up with 10% of the previous anesthetic business, which is huge profits."

Kazuma is astounding: "Is it possible to open a stall to reach 10% of that business?"

"What? The horse stall is illegal, but the custom shop is legal. Da Shen's accompaniment lady is very good at deceiving customers and spending money, and his shop owner can't sell himself.

"They also do character design. I remember that they have a top brand. The character design is the eldest lady in the family. She obviously has no **** and no buttocks. The guests spend money like crazy.

"Now there are people who lend usury directly in his store, and they observe people's expressions, find those customers who have no money but want to continue to drink good wine, and come forward to persuade usury while they go to the bathroom.

"Moreover, it is on-site lending. Sometimes, their store can borrow millions or even tens of millions of money in one night.

"In addition, there are a lot of female college students in their store."

Kazuma: "Actually be a character design?"

"Yes, for example, there is a man named Aoko, who is from the Aomori countryside. After paying the tuition fee, he can't even pay for the rent. There is no way to do this job. Then I thank the store manager for providing a way to earn a lot of money without betraying the hue. Income opportunities."

"Wait for me!" Asano exclaimed, "Isn't the accompaniment betrayal of the hue? Is this contradictory?"

"It's really not for sale. Qingzi usually sits at a distance from the guests and only chats." Shiratori said.

"I don't believe it! There must be a lot of customers in that kind of shop."

"Guests who come by force will be thrown out by Kong Wu's powerful bodyguards." Shiratori shrugged, "Unbelievable, right? But that's how he manages. Because he uses violence to expel customers, his shop is often called to the police. It's all of us. Set up to deal with it."

Kazuma is speechless: "That's why Shiratori-san, you know their situation so well."

"Otherwise? Do you think I went to the field by myself? Where are my two sons in college?"

"You haven't finished it yet?" Kazuma is speechless, "Graduate?"

"Yeah, it's a bottomless pit." Shiratori sighed, "Don't talk about this, let's go back to that Xiangzi, did she really have a relationship with Dashen? Then this matter is very troublesome, I can already Guess what the police station below thinks, I advise you to leave it alone."

Kazuma: "How can I leave it alone? What if someone really dies?"

"When you are really dead, you can take over the murderer. Now you intervene and be careful that the legal jackal raised by the other party makes you unable to eat. The lawyer who cooperates with Jidao is super good at the process of complaining to the police."

Kazuma stared at the Shiratori detective: "I can't believe you also persuade me to take care of the accident!"

"Be realistic, now they are not breaking the law. Although the saying'wait until someone is really dead' is cold-blooded, this is the truth." Shiratori paused and added, "Consider your current position."

Kazuma was silent.

Asano: "I told the police department on the way back. Even though the opponent is extremely Daoist, it doesn't necessarily mean you will die."

"Yes, I also have this opinion." Shiratori said, "Da Shen is not a martial artist, but is good at business. I don't think he will kill because of his girlfriend breaking up with him. The martial artist pays more attention to face. , It’s possible to be ashamed and become a killer in anger."

Kazuma takes a deep breath.

He felt that what Shiratori said was reasonable.

But sitting and watching unfortunately happened and couldn't accept it emotionally.

Kazuma: "Can't we let Jinshan put pressure to solve this problem?"

"Don't be silly, Jinshan's team can only be regarded as a second-generation organization now. When he sees the cadres of the direct-generation organization, he can only nod his head and bow down, okay!

"Jidao is a highly hierarchical world. Although it is the norm here to defeat and defeat, you can't break the rules before you succeed."

On the way back, Kazuma thought that Jinshan could solve this problem. After all, Jinshan's position in the Kanto United recently improved a lot. Kazuma felt that he was more than enough to deter him from opening a custom shop.

Unexpectedly, this Dashen was actually a cadre of a direct generation organization, and his status was higher than that of Jinshan.

Now it looks like nothing.

Shiratori: "Rather than taking care of this nosy, you might as well find a case to solve it, or continue to track down the warehouse."

Kazuma: "I'll go to the forensic department to ask about the fire investigation results of the exhibit department."

"It's okay, maybe I can find any evidence to prove that someone deliberately burned by Hechuan Farlong's instigation."

Just then the elevator was waiting. Kazuma walked into the elevator and directly pressed the button of the authentication department floor, while Shiratori pressed the floor to search the fourth class.

As the elevator was going up, Shiratori glanced at Kazuma with a thoughtful expression, and patted him on the shoulder: "Stop thinking about Kagawa Kako. I want to say it. After she knows that the police department of the Metropolitan Police Department pays attention to her affairs, she will definitely feel better. You have done your duty."

Asano also agreed: "The police are paying attention to this matter, which can provide people with great courage and hope."

Kazuma was silent.

At this time, he thought of a solution to the problem.

He has a knife that can cause accidents.

Relying on this knife, Kazuma has clearly decided to kill the killer several times, and it has indeed killed the target of its own killing, but it has no criminal record.

At this time, if you use Bizen Longboat with authentic writing, you can solve the problem once and for all.

When thinking of this possibility, Kazuma's hands trembled.

He hesitated.

Although Dashen is an extreme and a bad person, Kazuma is not sure whether Kazuma will be killed.

After all, the actual incident in the last life was 14 years away from the current time, and the names of the two protagonists and the specific details were not the same.

Maybe Xiangzi is not dangerous this time?

If Xiangzi doesn't have an urgent life threat this time, wouldn't it be good to use Bizen Longboat to be authentic?

When the elevator reached the floor of the authentication department, Kazuma made up its mind that unless he was sure that Kako's life was threatened, he would not be able to use the authentic characters of Bizen Longfune.

He patted his cheek vigorously and said to Asano, "Go, let's go and see the situation of the arson."

Asano breathed a sigh of relief: "The police department has finally turned you around. I'm also worried that you have been stubborn. Fortunately, it's fine."

"Am I the one who is so easy to get into the horns?"

"You just looked like you got the tip of a horn!" Asano said loudly.

Kazuma ignored him, and got out of the elevator in a stride.

Asano hurried to keep up.


The result of the investigation of the arson case was the same as before. The cause was the phosphorus that was leaked in the exhibit. The Metropolitan Police Department decided to deal with it only as a result of negligence, not as a vicious arson deliberately targeting a certain exhibit.

After hearing the conclusion, Kazuma directly asked Kimura of the Forensic Department to take a look at the scene, but was told that the scene had been repaired after the completion of the evidence collection, and it had been completely destroyed.

Kazuma spent an afternoon in the forensic department, but still didn't get any other clues and had to give up.

Because it was already evening, Kazuma clocked in and got off work.

When he got down to the underground garage of the Metropolitan Police Department and was about to pick up the car, the two guards at the garage door told him that someone was looking for him and was waiting at the front entrance of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Kazuma drove the car directly to the front door of the Metropolitan Police Department, and from a distance, I saw Kagawa Kako standing in front of the door.

He pressed the horn, but Kagawa Kako didn't know if he was thinking about something or what was going on, so he didn't react immediately.

Kazuma thought for a while and opened the commercial song of the crepe shop.

At this moment, Kagawa Kako was finally awakened by the strange noise and looked over.

Kazuma waved her hand before closing the commercial song.

He ignored the silly eyes of the police officers coming and going around.

Kazuma crossed Asano and opened the door of the passenger seat, then patted Asano on the chest: "Go behind you."

"Why, I am your partner! Let her come up from the back door."

While Asano protested, Kagawa Kako had already reached the door and looked at Asano eagerly, so he could only get up angrily to the back.

Kagawa got into the car and greeted Kazuma after closing the door: "Good evening, Kiryu Police Department, I came to tell you that Dashen broke into my house again. He knows my class today and knows the afternoon. Only me at home."

Japanese families are generally single-employed workers, and there will definitely be a wife at home.

So Kazuma asked: "Where is your mother?"

"She went to the town meeting, and Dashen knew this. He knocked on the door and I didn't open it, but he directly took out the key and opened the door. I tried hard to hold the door, but my strength was not as strong as his."

Kazuma asked with concern: "Are you injured?"

"No, he just opened the door forcibly, and didn't make a rough deal with me."

Asano asked at the back: "Why does he have the key? Stole the match? This can be classified as an illegal invasion! If the prosecutor is strong, he can even determine an attempted robbery and rape!"

Kagawa Kako cried and said with a sad face: "It's useless. I gave him the keys to my house when he was in love, and then he said that he was afraid of losing a few more. I consulted a lawyer, and his statement will be accepted by the court, and illegal intrusion cannot be ruled out. ."

"You said you broke up?"

Kagawa Kako shook his head: "It's useless. He came with gifts. Whether I accept them or not, as long as he said he came to apologize and restore the old ones, they will be accepted by the judge.

"The lawyer also advised me that in the current state, don't be busy with the lawsuit. It is easy to be found by the court that he is not at fault. It is just a couple's quarrel. According to the principle of no more prosecution in the same case, I will not be able to prosecute again in the future even if I get decisive evidence. Him."

Japanese law has the principle of no more litigation in the same case, which means that if the court has already rendered a judgment in the same case, it will no longer accept litigation.

Kazuma cursed: "What kind of **** law is this."

Kagawa Kako took out the portable tape recorder: "I came to the Kiryu Police Department to make up, because of this, I followed your suggestion and recorded it secretly."

As soon as the voice fell, someone knocked on the door of the car outside.

Looking out the window of Kazuma, the police uniformed policeman standing guard in front of the main entrance of the Metropolitan Police Department.

He opened the window, and the police outside said loudly, "Your car stopped at the entrance of the Metropolitan Police Department and blocked the road! Others thought you were selling crepes! Go away!"

Kazuma nodded: "Let's go, let's go!"

After that, he started the car and went on the road.

Kagawa Kako turned on the tape recorder at this moment and took out the tape in it.

The result tape of Kazuma was put into the car stereo.

Nowadays, CD players are only high-end products equipped in a few cars, and there is definitely no Kazuma car.

But there are still equipment for playing tapes.

A triumphant voice came from the horn: "I was kind and wanted to make you happy, but you found the police department supply from the Metropolitan Police Department? What is good about the police department? It looks like that frustrated, and you drive the car. A car that sells crepes! Maybe he still sells crepes to subsidize his family!"

Asano laughed out loud, and then covered her mouth after being stared at by the two.

Dashen on the tape continued to anger: "Why don't you understand? Follow me to make you happy! Come back, I will give you a brand name that you can't use up, and I will buy you GTR!

"I can even let you meet your favorite star, and let your favorite singer sing for you in the box!

"I can give you anything! Why are you so innocent?"

Kazuma frowned and was about to express his opinion, Asano spoke first: "Why is this person so disgusting?"

While he was speaking, Dashen in the recording suddenly said something in a very low voice.

Kazuma: "Wait a minute! I can't hear what he said in this sentence."

Kagawa Kako's face was green: "He whispered in my ear,'Don't force me to do extreme things','There is a terrible beast hidden in my heart' and'Don't release him.'"

Kazuma: "Sounds like a death threat."

"Yes, but he was very careful and said in a very low voice that he couldn't record it at all."

Kazuma: "If he knows that this is recorded, he may be in trouble. However, his statement is also very clever. If a powerful lawyer defends him, it is likely to be interpreted as another meaning ."

"Indeed." Asano looked serious, "You know that this is a death threat, but there is no way to qualify it as a death threat."

Kagawa Kako looked sad: "Perhaps, only if I die can I be identified. Promise me, Mr. Criminal Police, after I die, please be sure to arrest this murderer and bring him to justice."

Kazuma was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly said to Kagawa Kako: "As a policeman, I am really sorry for this situation."

"It's not your fault, the police officer. I already want to understand that the police must be bound by the law, and they can't beat the lawbreakers who have taken advantage of the law." Kagawa Kako showed a sense of sorrow, "I want to cherish it. In the last time before death, do everything you want to do."

At this time, the car was moving slowly due to traffic jams. Kazuma simply turned his head and stared at Xiangzi. After watching for several seconds, he solemnly promised: "I promise you that if things happen to the worst point, I Dashen Xiaohao will pay his debts."

At this time, Asano said horribly: "I remind you that according to the current Japanese law, it takes only 20 years to kill only one person. In theory, it is impossible to pay for blood debts."

Kazuma turned his head and patted Asano's head heavily: "You can look at the atmosphere when you speak!"

"But, there really is no way to pay for it!"

Xiangzi suddenly said: "Because of these things recently, I specifically went to check the relevant documents. The legal scholars of the abolitionist faction think that their relatives will definitely not encounter murderers?"

Kazuma: "Probably."

Although Japan still had the death penalty until the year when Kazuma passed through, the abolitionist faction was powerful.

Therefore, the execution procedure of the death penalty in Japan is very complicated.

Shoko Asahara, the principal culprit who created the subway poison gas incident, took 14 years to execute the death sentence after being sentenced to death.

Because the procedures are very complicated and the execution process is troublesome, some Japanese judges are not even willing to impose the death penalty.

It's better for China, kill it if you should, and the execution is fast.

Hong Kong once cooperated with the Guangdong police, deliberately letting a felon in the mainland arrest him, and then he was tried in the mainland and was sentenced to death.

Later, Wang Jing also filmed Chasing the Dragon 2 based on this, which was far worse than Chasing the Dragon 1, but the scene where the wicked was shot in the end was very artistic.

Sure enough, it's better to keep the death penalty.

Kazuma looked at Kagawa Kako at this time, and suddenly thought of the idea he had just pressed down.

Using the authentic words of Bizen Longboat can cause the slain to die accidentally.

But as soon as this idea came up, it was interrupted by Asano.

"The police department makes up, follow the car in front, and the back honks! The police department makes you wake up!"

Kazuma only then realized that the distance between myself and the car in front had been opened by one body, and it was still increasing.

The car in the side lane has been jammed in.

Kazuma hurriedly started, before grabbing another jam-packed car.

He saw the driver in that car cursing and pointed his **** to himself.

Kagawa Kako asked suspiciously: "What happened to the police department?"

"He, occasionally gets lost like this." Asano sighed, "I don't know what I'm thinking."

Kazuma smiled and said: "I'm thinking about how to enforce justice. Don't worry, I will look for Dashen again later, tell him I'm staring, and let him be honest."

Asano suddenly had an idea: "Otherwise, you can tell Dashen that you are in love with Miss Kagawa!"

"No!" Kazuma flatly refused.

Asano was speechless: "That's right, after all, those in your family are all super beautiful."

"No, you have seen a Yuzao, right?"

"I've seen the photos! After drinking too much, Chiyoko triumphantly displayed the commemorative album of the dojo! Especially the one in the UK, it's super beautiful."

Kagawa Kako asked suspiciously, "'What do you guys mean, how many boats do you step on?"

"Yeah! He has several beautiful kendo apprentices, the actual harem state!"

"Huh? Wouldn't the defendant be accused of bigamy?"

"Don't you understand, bigamy requires one legal marriage and one de facto marriage, or two legal marriages, but if both are de facto marriages, it is not a crime of bigamy!"

Kazuma interrupted Asano loudly: "Hey! I'm talking about what happened to Kazuma, please don't interrupt!"

"My business is like this anyway, I want to listen to the police department's gossip now!" Kagawa Kako said with bright eyes, "Well, in order to make me forget my predicament and cheer up, please be sure to tell me. The love affairs of the police department! I have checked the relevant reports of the police department. The police department is a great hero, and I have been in the weekly Fang Chun many times!"

Kazuma: "That's a rumor! The weekly Fang Chun is spreading a rumor!"

Mayo said with certainty: "I don't think so. I went to a banquet at the police department's remedial dojo. I think the weekly magazine Fang Chun is less, at least the little sister Douding."

Kazuma: "That's not true! Senpai and Toda-senpai are childhood sweethearts, it's just that the guy has gotten into trouble by himself."

Asano: "And your sister! Your sister!"

"No! My sister likes my apprentice, but my apprentice is rooted in wood and thinks that women will only influence him to get a lawyer."

Asano looked at Kagawa Kako and asked, "Do you believe it?"

Xiangzi looked at Kazuma and snickered, "It's suspicious."

"Don't mess with me! Don't mess with me!" Kazuma sternly warned while driving ~lightnovelpub.net~ At this time Asano had an idea again, and he said to Kako: "Or else, the police department added If you have a family, you can’t betray love. I’m single. I’ll be your new lover.”

Kazuma was taken aback, braked, and then turned to look at Asano: "It seems... okay, if the new boyfriend is a detective from the Metropolitan Police Department, even Dashen must be restrained. Maybe this is something. Can this be solved?"

"At least it's worth giving it a try," Asano said.

Kazuma patted Asano **** the shoulder: "You did a good job, you did a good job!"

At this time, Kazuma was ecstatic in his heart, because he didn't have to rely on Bizen Longboat to be authentic.

Sure enough, a policeman should not be an extrajudicial sanctioner, but should abide by procedural justice.

Kazuma gave the accelerator again, ignoring the protesting horn behind him, and even hummed a song while turning it on.