I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 11: to the 18th floor

On the stone bridge, which can only allow two or three people to advance at the same time, there are monsters at this time.

The figures of unicorn rabbits, hellhounds, hard-clad mice, little devil bats, and Minotaurs kept advancing.

On the opposite side, Shirou Emiya, who was holding two great swords, was slaughtering constantly.

Swinging, waving non-stop, the two great swords were swung by Emiya Shirou, and they kept beheading the monsters that blocked him.

The blood is splashing, wailing and moaning.

At this moment, the narrow stone bridge turned into the most tragic meat grinder, constantly devouring the lives of monsters.

The stone axes thrown by the Unicorn Rabbit were picked up one by one.

The flames shot out by the Cerberus were dodged one by one.

On Emiya Shirou's side, weapons were constantly projected and then projected.

At this time, Shirou Emiya no longer had any idea of ​​saving his magic power. After all, he couldn't help but consume it slowly in the current scene. It was time to fight.

Emiya Shirou, who was full of magic power, was as brave as a **** of war at this time, fighting **** battles among the monsters.


Infected by the scene in front of them, the Loki Familiar, who had been advancing continuously, could not help but stop and stared at the scene opposite to the legendary biography.

What surprised the Loki family was not that Emiya Shirou's strength was too strong, but that his ability value was surprisingly weak.

Standing here are the officers of the Loki family, each of them is experienced, and therefore, they can judge Emiya Shirou's own strength at a glance.

About the basic attributes around LV.2.

But under normal circumstances, with such attributes, it is difficult for one person to survive on the thirteenth floor, but this person actually came to the sixteenth floor alone.

And, looking at the direction of the opponent's progress, it should be that he intends to continue to deepen.

What kind of courage and perseverance is this supporting him.

"Is this guy looking for death? He's so weak, why don't he go deep into the middle layer without trying to survive at the upper level!"

Burt, who has always been vicious, roared with great disdain, but his eyes that closely followed the other person's figure had betrayed his heart.

"So strong, this person is really strong!"

Ais clenched the sword in her hand tightly, suppressing her thoughts of wanting to rush up and kill the Quartet.

It is something she has never done to come to such a class by herself with such physical ability.

"Hey, boy, do you need our help?"

Seeing the heart-hunting Finn shouted loudly, he was a little unclear whether the child encountered these monsters passively or actively.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to encounter these monsters, but the opponent's fighting spirit and purpose are emphasizing this point.

Therefore, Finn asked.

Hearing the inquiry from the other side, Shirou Emiya responded with some difficulty: "No need, this is my adventure!"

This is not the first wave of good-hearted people Emiya Shirou met. He was surprised by the tragic scene here. Several waves of other adventurers who were exploring in the middle level have asked him similar things.

But they were all rejected by him.

As Emiya Shirou said, this is his adventure.

Although it is difficult, it is nothing compared to the previous mythical battle.

After crossing his hands and operating the two great swords in his hands to sweep the area in front of him, Emiya Shirou jumped and jumped back.

But in the process of jumping, the great sword in his hand turned into a pitch-black longbow.

"Projection begins!"

The strange long sword pseudo-spiral sword appeared in Emiya Shirou's hand again.

He skillfully turned it into an arrow, put it on the longbow, and then pulled the longbow full. With the light release of the finger, the arrow surrounded by magic power flew out in an instant.

"Fantasy collapsed!"

A violent explosion rose from the opposite side, and endless fire and heat radiated from the opposite side of the stone bridge.

The storm that swept in kept blowing Emiya Shirou's hair and cloak, making his handsome figure firmly engraved in the eyes of the Loki family and others.

But Emiya Shirou still didn't stop. With the emergence of magic power, another pseudo-spiral sword appeared in his hand.

Emiya Shirou clearly remembered that the passage behind the stone bridge was also crowded with monsters.

Even though the firelight has not dissipated, Emiya Shirou still accurately found the location of the passage, and another arrow was shot out of the fantasy collapse.

The explosion rose again.

Seeing that the road ahead had been opened, Emiya Shirou re-projected his double swords and continued forward with the elixir in his mouth.

As for the Loki Familia standing on the other side of the stone bridge, he didn't even look at it.

"That's amazing, that adventurer!"

Tiona, who was lying beside her sister Tione, kept shaking her body, venting her excitement.

As for Tionne, he was still indulging in the anger of the other party's rejection of the captain.

She would not forgive anyone who questioned the leader.

As for Ais, she was staring at the passageway where Emiya Shirou disappeared, and beside her, Riviria was pressing her shoulders firmly, preventing her from being stimulated to run around.

"What an amazing boy! It seems that another future star of Orari is about to be born."

Hearing Finn's sigh, even Rivia nodded involuntarily.

Indeed, with such combat power, as long as he does not die, this person must be a famous person in the future.

"Okay! I've finished watching it, let's go back!"

Having said that, Finn took the lead and walked forward again.


Fight, fight, fight!

Run, run, run!

Emiya Shirou kept moving forward, overcoming all obstacles and moving forward.

Since the fierce battle when he first entered the sixteenth floor, Shirou Emiya did not encounter too many enemies on the road behind him.

Although the attacks of monsters have never stopped, a monster group of such a large scale has never appeared again.

Although the intensity of monsters is constantly increasing, and the frequency and number of refreshes are also increasing, but these cannot stop Emiya Shirou's pace at all.

With the current strength of the monster, Shirou Emiya, who holds the go-getter Mo Xie, can handle it properly as long as he doesn't panic.

At a low level, a good weapon is so important.

But when he entered the lower level, the deterrent effect of the weapon was not so strong.

At that time, it would take strong weapons and adventurers to deal with it. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Although good weapons still have advantages.

On the seventeenth floor, as the destination approached, Emiya Shirou's spirit became more and more vigorous, and his combat power continued to rise.

Facing the constant attack of monsters, Mo Xie, the capable general who reappeared and turned into a great sword, kept waving it.

At the same time, the projected armament was constantly projected.

For a while, Emiya Shirou had absolutely no enemy of Yihe in front of him.

"It's here, the destination is ahead!"

As the passage in front of him became wider and wider, Emiya Shirou knew that his destination was about to arrive.

As he ran, he soon came to a huge hall.

Different from the messy shapes of other caves in the dungeon, this hall is extraordinarily flat.

After Emiya Shirou entered this hall, there were no more monsters chasing him.

Walking alone in this hall, Shirou Emiya felt exceptionally calm.

On the left side of this hall, a polished wall caught Emiya Shirou's attention. This is the famous "Great Wall of Sighs"!

That is, the wall where the floor master was born.

Without staying here, I walked through the long hall and entered the passage leading to the lower floor.

When Emiya Shirou walked through the dark passage, what appeared in front of him was a bright forest.

This is the security floor on the eighteenth floor.

Without moving forward, Shirou Emiya sat down directly against the wall, took off the backpack behind him, and began to recover his physical and mental strength.

Looking at the bright crystal above his head, Shirou Emiya muttered to himself, "Half an hour."

"In half an hour, the journey back will begin!"