I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 136: The Queen of Self-Strategy

"I don't know if Shirou understood my hint and came to watch my first battle!"

Sitting in the preparation room, Stella was not thinking about her next opponent, but Emiya Shirou, who had only met her a few times.

Although the two only met a few times, Emiya Shirou left a deep impression in her heart.

She first met Emiya Shirou when she accompanied Zhu Shizuku to his brother's competition.

(When they met in the corridor before, Stella's attention was on the abnormal Kurotsuju Shizuku, and she didn't notice Shirou!)

At that time, as soon as she saw his figure, Stella felt that this person seemed to have entered her heart.

That hair the same color as hers.

Swordsmanship of the same style as hers.

The same desire to win as she does.

Looking at that person, she seemed to see herself.

That is a more perfect, ideal self.

Just looking at her, Stella felt that the flame inside her body seemed to heat up.

Is this love at first sight?

She asked herself so!

(Although the flame is even hotter because of the protection of the **** of fire, Loki!)

She couldn't accept this kind of thing, obviously it was the first time they met.

And the purpose of coming to Japan is not to fall in love and find a marriage partner.

She's here to get stronger.

Therefore, she forcibly endured her inner feelings, and did not follow Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku forward that day and get to know him.

And when they met again, it was during morning training.

Looking at him who was gentle with others while talking and laughing, Stella's mood couldn't help stirring up again.

Obviously wanted to say something.

In the end it turned into a challenge.

Then lost completely.

But after losing, Stella didn't feel much annoyed.

It's just that she didn't expect that Emiya Shirou could actually project other people's experiences and see other people's past.

It made her feel ashamed!

This sudden failure made her realize her weakness.

She originally planned to give up this unexplained relationship and concentrate on improving her own strength.

But at the mall, faced with the predicament that he was about to be forced to take off his clothes, he stepped forward.

This undoubtedly made Stella moved again.

Now she only has to think of the indifferent eyes of the other party looking down at everyone from upstairs.

Couldn't help but feel excited.

I'll talk about improving my strength later.

Now she just wants to talk about a sweet love.

"Shiro will she come?"

Thinking of her temporary suggestion that day, Stella couldn't help but bow her head in frustration.

You should be tougher.

In this case......


Stella sighed at the hopeless future.

"Forget it, concentrate on preparing for the game!"

The next moment, Stella's expression became serious.

She is determined to win this battle.


"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. The most watched competition on the first day of the trial is about to take place. As the absolute protagonist of this battle, the queen of the red lotus, Stella Familia, is about to appear!"

Following the commentary's shout, Stella, who was wearing the uniform of the military academy, walked out of the preparation room slowly amid the cheers of the crowd.

With a stern face, her eyes were cold, as if she wanted to freeze everything.

With such a gesture, even his opponent could not help but take a step back.

"Stella, come on!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Stella quickly turned her head away.

Then she saw Shirou Emiya waving at her in the audience.


Silently reciting this name, the cold aura around Stella instantly vanished.

What followed was a scorching flame.

"He actually came! He understood my hint! He must be very concerned about me in his heart!"

With this thought in mind, Stella's body was full of fighting spirit.

All the raging magic power was ignited and turned into flames that kept burning.

"Shirou is watching, I must win beautiful!"

Secretly set a target, Stella summoned the Concubine Dragon Sin Sword and declared loudly: "I won't be merciful! Senior!"

"Go! Peach Valley!"

"You will win in close combat!"

"Let her see how strong the seniors are!"

"There is a loud cheering sound from the fuel seat! The heavy chariot Taogu contestant! The top ten popularity in the school is really not a cover!"

"He used his rare armor-type inherent spiritual outfit, Goliath, to perform a gravitational collision, and so far, he has knocked countless knights out of the field! Can you see the stunt of Momoya contestant today!?"

The cheers of the cheering seats, the expectations of the host.

All focused on a burly man with a height of nearly 1.9 meters.

Stella's opponent in the first battle, the Momoya Samurai.

The armor worn by the Momoya Samurai is made up of layers of thick armor. He lowered his body behind the starting line in a position ready to ram his opponent.

But what he posed was just a posture. At this moment, he was standing still, not moving.

"What's wrong with Taogu, hit her as usual!"

"That guy can even defeat the C-rank, it's a piece of cake for you!"

Friends and classmates stood up and shouted, and many people were supporting him.

But the Momoya Samurai himself at this time could not raise the will to fight at all.

"How could I have won this kind of monster!"

He looked at the sea of ​​flames that stretched infinitely in front of him, and his whole body was horrified.

A fiery flame dress wrapped Stella.

With her at the center, the flames spread throughout the arena.

Feilong breathed phosphorus fire scattered, burning air. This blazing heat, even if it is more than ten meters away, still spreads into the armor.

The Momoya Samurai didn't really understand the horror of Stella's superhuman presence and the total amount of magic power until the face-to-face confrontation.

Fighting such a person is like jumping into a crater by yourself.

Momoya Samurai couldn't help but think so when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Come on, senior, I will respond to your attack with the sword in my hand. Let me experience the fighting spirit of senior!"

Hearing Stella's announcement, Samurai Momoya couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Under such circumstances, how could he still have the will to fight!

This is not a fantasy mode, and being burned by flames does not just consume stamina.

If this is set on fire, it is no joke!

"I surrender!"

"Ju, Ju Ju! The Taogu contestant chose to surrender without moving a single step at the starting line!"

"Wow haha! It's so humiliating, but so clever!"

Sitting in the commentary seat, the petite teacher Ningyin Ningyin, wearing a red kimono, saw Momogu's judgment, and laughed rudely, saying whether it was a positive or negative comment.

"Smart? Excuse me, what does this mean? Teacher Xijing."

"Nonsense, how could you possibly have won that kind of monster! If people told you to set yourself on fire now, would you be able to do it? You can't do it! But you chose to surrender without even moving a single step, which is ridiculous, ahahaha! "

"That, that, Mr. Xijing, please choose your words carefully!"

The female student who was reporting on the live was a little disgusted, and she couldn't help but remind her with a sullen face.

"Wow, haha, so scary! It's so scary, I'd better run away!"

The female teacher named Xijing Ningyin hurriedly jumped out of the commentary box and walked away.

"Ah! Please wait a minute, Mr. Xijing! There's still a competition to come~lightnovelpub.net~ Huh? She's running too fast, really, who asked that kind of person to explain!"

"What a troublesome teacher!"

Hearing the broadcast sound next to her ear, Stella sighed the host's hard work, and then stopped taking it to heart.

Instead, he looked at Emiya Shirou, who was sitting on the side of the auditorium.

After being reminded by Kagami Hibuka next to her, she noticed that Emiya Shirou, who was looking at him, quickly took his eyes away from the notes in his hand, and then looked at Stella on the stage.

He didn't watch the duel between Stella and the Momoya Samurai at all.

After all, this kind of crushing confrontation is the most boring!

But then he found that Stella's eyes seemed a little wrong!

Why is this look so familiar? Where seems to have seen?

Emiya Shirou thought to himself.