I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 484: 7-door test

Text Chapter 484 Seven Tests

Walking on the stone road built in the air, you can feel the dark atmosphere of the underworld.

This kind of scene with only a little soul light in the dimness is really depressing.

"Senior Shirou said just now that all the gun cages around are souls?"

Following behind Emiya Shirou, Mash asked in a low voice.

"That's right, those are the souls of the dead on the earth, and the souls locked in the gun cage by Ereshkigal can never escape."

"And those who are locked in these gun cages are all the souls that Ereshkigal prefers. They can't gradually disappear like other souls. They will only be locked here and let her play until they get bored."

Before Emiya Shirou could speak, Ishtar had already explained it to Mash.

After all, if you want to ask who among the people in the team knows the underworld best, it is naturally Ishtar.


Shocked by this cruel reality, Mash opened her lips and didn't know what to say.

"But this number is too much!"

Ishtar frowned as he looked around at the gun cages around him.

"This number has increased too much compared to before. Did it increase after the Three Goddess Alliance?"

"Does that guy want to build a kingdom of death? She was not such a cruel goddess before!"

"Who knows? No matter what happens to this goddess, we need to witness it for ourselves."

Emiya Shirou's voice came from the front, interrupting Ishtar's thinking.

"We have arrived!"

Looking at the door in front of them, Shirou Emiya and the four stopped.

"To reach the palace where Ereshkigal is located, you need to pass through seven gates like this, don't you think?"

Hearing Matthew's question, Ishtar nodded and said, "Exactly."

"Be careful, these gates are very dangerous. The gates of the underworld are just and ideal ones that ask the soul for good and evil, and it asks one-of-two questions."

"And good and evil are equal, only the value of human beings who make the choice will change, so no choice is necessarily correct."

"Anyway, there will be a nasty test to choose, you just choose the option that you think 'it's easier to choose this side'."

Hearing Ishtar's explanation, the corners of Emiya Shirou's mouth rose slightly.

Emiya Shirou knew that the questions this time were all directed at Ishtar, and they were all what Ereshkigal loved to hear.

"I don't know if there is any difference from the query in the original trajectory."

Recalling his communication with Ereshkigal, Shirou Emiya thought to himself.

"Answer, answer!"

"O living beings who have fallen into the underworld! Answer the way their souls exist!"

"here we go!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Ishtar became alert as if facing an enemy.

Tatsuka Fujimaru and Mash on the side were influenced by her, and they swallowed nervously.

"Ask the sinner Shirou Emiya!"

"What! He actually designated the person to answer the question!"

Ishtar looked at Emiya Shirou's back in surprise, pondering constantly in his heart.

"These two guys must have an unknown relationship!"

On the other hand, Fujimaru Tachika and Mash immediately relaxed.

"If the right to choose is handed over to Shirou-senpai, I will be relieved!"

"Me too! Senior!"

Facing the respect of Fujimaru Rika and Mash, Emiya Shirou smiled and walked to the front to look at the door in front of him.

Gu Shuo "Ask!"

"Although the benchmarks of beauty are varied, there are still absolutes. Black can beat white, and earth can beat heaven."

"In that case, who is the most beautiful, Ereshkigal or Ishtar?"


"So fast, why are you so unhesitating."

Ishtar, who was very unhappy with Emiya Shirou's answer, yelled loudly.

"Huh? Isn't that a matter of course? Isn't the answer to such a childish question obvious at a glance?"

"You can't fight all the way just because you chose you?"

Emiya Shirou glanced at Ishtar and said lightly.

"Even so, you can't say anything against your heart!"

Ishtar hugged his head and shouted frantically.

"No, I didn't say anything against my heart, that's how I feel!"

After saying the words that made Ishtar petrify, Shirou Emiya passed the door and walked over.

"Miss Ishtar, are you all right?"

Looking at Ishtar, who seemed to be petrified, Matthew asked cautiously.

The next moment, Ishtar, who was relieved, quickly shouted to Shirou Emiya: "Wait for me, what do you mean you didn't say anything against your heart!"

"Are you saying that I'm not as good as that woman from Ereshkigal?"

Unable to accept this answer, Ishtar wanted to ask Emiya Shirou to do a good calculation, but as soon as she passed through the door, she noticed something strange.

"How is this going?"

Looking at his body, Ishtar quickly came to a conclusion.

"I'm shrinking?"

Listening to Ishtar's screams, Emiya Shirou and Fujimaru Tatsuka and Matthew all looked at Ishtar, who was a little smaller, with curiosity in their eyes~lightnovelpub.net~ At this moment, a ghostly voice came from everywhere.

"Yes, deeply understand your own ignorance, Ishtar."

"You failed to go to the underworld. As long as this mythical fact still exists, you will not be able to escape the curse of the underworld."

"The crown of the wilderness, the reed measuring ruler, the glazed jewelry, the beaded necklace, the gold bracelet, the alluring pectoral, and the last lady's costume."

"I took these seven treasures from you in the past. This rule is still in effect today. Since you have lost the power to correspond to the treasures, you can only bear the debt yourself."

"Understood? Every time you pass through a door, your body becomes smaller. You will be stripped of one-seventh of your divinity every time."

"When you pass through the second gate, you become a lower spirit. When you pass through the fourth gate, you become a spirit lower than the Galula spirit."

"And in the end it will become a powerless flying insect, a sad butterfly crushed by my hand."

Hearing this voice, Ishtar immediately understood whose voice it was.

"Poor taste, you've become more distorted, Ereshkigal."

"There's no such thing, I'm already very sympathetic. From the moment you brought a living person to the underworld, you should have fallen to the bottom of the underworld."

"But since you intend to accept the seven tests, then according to the regulations of the underworld, you must appraise your answers."

"Shiro Emiya, if you want to defeat me, you must overcome these trials. As long as you pass the seven gates safely, I will welcome you as the master of the underworld!"

"Then wait for me! Elle!"

Emiya Shirou's mouth was full of smiles, and confidence appeared in his eyes.

"I will defeat you myself."