I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 502: Merlin targeted

The dark sky makes the whole world appear gloomy.

Standing on Vimana, looking at the pitch-black liquid flowing on the ground, Fujimaru Tachika's eyes were full of determination.

"The world must not be destroyed like this."

Turning back, Fujimaru Rika looked at Matthew, Merlin and others who were standing on Vimana and said seriously, "We must stop Tiamat's advance."

Before, Fujimaru Rika accepted Gilgamesh's order and took Ishtar, Quezal and others to attack Tiamat.

However, under the bombardment of Ishtar's full-strength Noble Phantasm, they discovered that the Tiamat who appeared before was just the hair on the head of the real Tiamat.

Under their attack, the real Tiamat appeared in shock.

Looking at the figure that occupied the entire field of vision, Fujimaru Tachika couldn't help trembling.

The oncoming pressure made her experience despair for the first time.

In the end, their group could only return without success.

Go back to Uruk and Gilgamesh and others to discuss the next plan.

After some thinking and planning, they finally decided to drop Tiamat into the underworld to solve the fact that she would not die.

But this requires Ereshkigal in the underworld to move the underworld below Uruk.

And this will take three days.

But according to their calculations, it would only take two days for Tiamat to come to Uruk at most.

And the task of Fujimaru Rika and the others was to delay Ereshkigal for one day.

Therefore, on Vimana at this time, all the fighting forces of Uruk, except Gilgamesh, have already arrived.

Ishtar, Quezal, Leopard, Merlin, Anna, Ushiwakamaru, Benkei, Leonidas.

Zhu Cai, little Limuru.

And there are Fujimaru Rika and Matthew.

At this moment, the eyes of everyone looking into the distance are full of firmness.

There, the Goddess of Creation was walking slowly, and beside and in front of her, hundreds of millions of Lahmu were following her to protect her path.

"Five minutes to the contact with the Rahmu group!"

In the communication device, Roman, who was monitoring the surrounding situation and giving support to Fujimaru Rika, said earnestly.

"Everyone, I believe everyone is ready, then let's start this final battle!"

He tapped the ground with the staff in his hand, Merlin gently encouraged.

At this moment, Ishtar and Quezal, who were standing by the side, suddenly came together.

"Well said, Merlin!"

The two walked to both sides of Merlin and pressed Merlin's shoulders under his doubtful gaze.

"Looking at the situation where you are about to fight now, we won't give you a natural punishment, but you can't do nothing, so let's each punch!"

Looking at the fists of Quezal and Ishtar, Merlin's head was instantly filled with sweat.

"Wait, wait! I shouldn't have done anything to offend the two of you, right?"

Hearing the movement here, Fujimaru Rika and Mash also looked over curiously.

"No offense? Wasn't it Merlin who used clairvoyance to peep at us just now?"

"No, I didn't!"

Seeing that something he didn't do was put on his head, Merlin loudly defended himself.

"But to be able to peep at the goddess from a position that the goddesses can't catch, isn't this Mr. Merlin's clairvoyance?"

With a puzzled face, Matthew gave Merlin a shot.

"No, I didn't!"

Gu Pi </span> "And we've always been together, why do I need to peep!"

Hearing Merlin's struggle, Ishtar and Quezal looked at each other and let go of Merlin's arm. Merlin quickly hid behind Fujimaru Tachika.

"But since it's not Mr. Merlin, who is it?"

Matthew asked again suspiciously.

Hearing Matthew's innocent voice, Merlin's eyes jumped wildly.

Could this kid have some deep hatred with him?

"In this era, Merlin and King Gilgamesh should be the only ones who can have this level of clairvoyance? But hasn't the clairvoyance of King Gilgamesh been lost?"

"And King Gilgamesh's clairvoyance seems to be the eye that sees through the future, not the present!"

"Besides, those with EX-level clairvoyance are all candidates for the crown magician. This kind of powerhouse can't be so common."

During the discussion, Merlin became more and more suspicious.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Merlin's heart was full of despair.

Just when he was desperate, a wonderful idea suddenly appeared in his heart.


Merlin clapped his hands violently, and said excitedly, "Although there are no other EX-level clairvoyant owners in this era, there are still candidates for EX-level clairvoyance! And he's still in an environment of transformation."

"Mr. Merlin means that Lord Shirou has completed his transformation. With his clairvoyant transformed, he quickly scanned this era and confirmed our current situation?"

Zhu Cai, who immediately heard Merlin's intention of throwing the pot, hurriedly reorganized Shirou Emiya's purpose.

After all, peeping at the goddess is taboo!

But it doesn't matter if Emiya Shirou doesn't see goddesses, but everything.

"Is that really true? Merlin!"

The excited Fujimaru Rika asked excitedly while dragging Merlin's clothes.

For Fujimaru Rika, Emiya Shirou has a very high status in her heart.

With Shirou Emiya by her side, she can't help but feel at ease.

Ah, this **** sense of security.

"Other than that, there is no other explanation!"

When he thought that because of Shirou Emiya, he almost suffered a meal, and Merlin couldn't help but feel resentment in his heart.

At this time, he wanted to make sure that Shirou Emiya peeped at the goddess, so he asked the two goddesses to find him trouble.

But Zhu Cai's eyes obviously made him unable to take action.

After all, those eyes were indeed somewhat 'kind'.

After getting along for this period of time, how could Zhu Cai not know about Merlin's bad character.

Therefore, she has been staring at Merlin closely, making him unsatisfactory.

"Great, if Shirou-senpai's transformation is completed, his strength will definitely increase greatly!"

Recalling Emiya Shirou's former strength, Fujimaru Rika said excitedly: "Then we will gain another powerful fighting force!"

"That's true, but should we pay attention to the enemy in front of us now?"

Looking at the screen in front of him, Roman said loudly: "The distance between us and Rahmu is shrinking rapidly, and we are about to make contact with them."

"The battle is about to begin!"

Looking at the densely packed Lahmu in front, Tatsuka Fujimaru shouted loudly, "Everyone, let's act according to the plan!"

"First of all, of course, to open up a way forward for Quezal!"

"Go ahead!"


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