I, The Prince of Qin Dynasty, Start the Fusion of the Blind Swordsman

Chapter 229

At this moment, Ying Changge recalled.

There are many descriptions and introductions about the trick of **** brigade.

This move is not very strong!

But if you use it to clear the field, you can definitely get a lot of gains.

after all.

Even the top martial arts masters, if they were besieged by the elite iron cavalry of the empire, would most likely suffer the fate of being besieged and killed because they were outnumbered.


Now that Ying Changge has mastered the Hell Brigade, he can do it easily and effortlessly, instantly killing the enemy in the audience.

Within a radius of tens of meters, all enemies will be instantly suppressed by the Hell Brigade and fall to the ground, thus losing their ability to fight.

at the same time.

While Ying Changge was thinking.

Li Si, Meng Ying and others, who were more than thirty meters away, still looked deeply curious.

"You tell me, what kind of trick does the Seventh Young Master want to use? To be able to reach such a far range, this trick must be terrible, right?"

Li Si took a deep breath, his eyes full of curiosity and anticipation.

"I have never heard that someone's martial arts can affect so far!"

The two guards spoke weakly.

"Young master is different! How can you use common sense to see evildoers?"

Meng Ying looked up with admiration and admiration.

right under their eyes.

I see.

Ying Changge moved.

According to the manipulation of the Gravity Fruit in his mind, the innate qi in the dantian in the abdomen quickly began to be manipulated, circulating and floating in the body.

A surging force rushed to the body and limbs crazily.

Ying Changge can feel it.

His body has entered an unprecedented powerful posture!


This power transformed into an extremely mysterious and terrifying energy, which gradually radiated from Ying Changge's body, manipulating and affecting the gravity of the surrounding soil.


An invisible air wave suddenly swept the audience.

Gravity intensifies!

Around Ying Changge himself as the center point, with a radius of 30 meters in diameter, the gravity here suddenly rises steadily, becoming more and more terrifying!

Everything is under the control of Ying Changge.

"Hell Brigade!"

in a moment…

Ying Changge remained intact, using the blind swordsman's tricks!

The tricks used are the same as those of a blind swordsman.

Exactly the same!


This is the perfect gravity fruit, the effect it brings to Ying Changge.

The trick of Hell Brigade will not consume Ying Changge's internal strength, physical strength and energy too much.


He wants to spread the scope of the Hell Brigade to a radius of hundreds of meters. In this way, his physical strength and internal strength will be greatly consumed.

Just like the domineering look of the perfect grade.

With the current state of cultivation that has broken into the late innate stage, Ying Changge can probably easily maintain a perfect level of arrogance and domineering, covering a range of 500 meters.

This is of course not the limit.

The limit can probably cover the range of seven or eight kilometers.

But there's no denying it.

Such a display of perfection-level arrogance and domineering will cause a very huge consumption to Ying Changge.

The trick of Hell Brigade is not much different from seeing and hearing domineering.

To maintain a certain range, it will not affect the physical state of Ying Changge.

But if it exploded at the limit and spread the gravity of the Hell Brigade by hundreds of meters, the consumption of Ying Changge would fall and slide at a very terrifying speed.

In an instant.

As Ying Changge cast the Hell Brigade, a terrifying invisible air wave instantly spread to an area of ​​more than 30 meters, covering half of the huge cage in front of it.


The unparalleled violent force affects the gravity of the ground in all directions, changes the size of the gravity, and strengthens the gravity to the extreme state.

In between...

In the area of ​​30 meters, the ground seems to have some faint traces of depression and collapse.

It is terrifying!

Even the surface layer sank down and collapsed for a distance of nearly a few centimeters.

Don't underestimate these centimeters.

This is a collective descent of the entire surface!

In the area of ​​30 meters, the collective fell a few centimeters!

What terrifying power and influence is this?


And this is not the effect of Ying Changge's full effort to motivate the Hell Brigade.

Just the initial attempt to activate the Hell Brigade broke out such terrifying power and destruction.

As you can imagine.

If Ying Changge exploded with all his strength to urge the fruit of gravity, what kind of spectacular and terrifying scene would it be?

at the same time.

Just when Ying Changge's thought drives the **** trip.

The gravity in the 30-meter area intensified and became particularly terrifying.


Within the range of this area, all living beings will be affected by this terrifying gravity, and the body seems to be instantly suppressed by a huge stone weighing thousands of pounds.


The hundreds of prisoners held in the huge cage were originally in a state of doing nothing.

But at this moment.

in vain!

Horror gravity blessing!


Their bodies were out of control, and they fell to the ground quickly and slammed heavily on the ground. Their bodies were completely uncontrolled and suppressed on the ground, unable to move.



The prisoners one after another fell to the ground with a bang, and there was a heavy sound, and the ground was smashed by their bodies, some dents and cracks.

Like a heavy stone, it weighed heavily on their bodies.

In an unsuspecting situation…

They were all crushed without exception!

Even though the hundreds of prisoners were well prepared, their physical fitness was obviously unbearable, and this terrifying gravity blessed them.

The repression of this gravity is too strong!

Followed by bursts of noise spread.

next second.

The prisoners in the cage made a series of screams of pain.

"My body is so painful!"

"In the end what happened?!"

"My body seems to be out of control."

"It's so heavy! The body suddenly becomes so heavy!"

"Can't get up!"

"What's going on here? Why is my body out of control? It's like my body is being weighed down by a heavy stone, and it's hard to move at all."

"Are you also like 223?"

"My God! What the **** is going on? Why are you all like me?"

Hundreds of prisoners fell to the ground, and their bodies were oppressed by tens of thousands of kilograms of boulders, which made their bodies unable to move at all.


They can feel it.

The internal organs of the body seemed to be shattered and burst open by this terrifying gravity.

Qi and blood surged for a while, surging up to their disclosures, making their faces flush red and their whole bodies bursting with blue veins, but they were still unable to resist the oppression of this terrifying gravity.


"Get up!"

Not many people tried to resist stubbornly.


In the end, they will all meet the same result.

Under the influence of this terrible gravity, it is impossible for them to restore the body's ability to move independently.

their life and death...

At this moment, it was only between Ying Changge's thoughts.

An invisible gravitational pressure surrounded Ying Changge's body with a diameter of more than thirty meters, squeezing the surface of the ground.

Hundreds of prisoners in the cage were instantly killed by Ying Changge!

"Is this the power of the Gravity Fruit?"

"It's terrifyingly strong!"


"Just now, I didn't really move at all."

A bright smile appeared on Ying Changge's face.