I, The Prince of Qin Dynasty, Start the Fusion of the Blind Swordsman

Chapter 307

She forcibly suppressed the complex emotions in her heart.

Slowly raising the slender and white jade hand like lotus root, Luna gently knocked on the door, her pink lips moved slightly.

"The Moon God of the Yin-Yang family took the liberty to come to disturb the Seventh Young Master today."

"Actually, under the order of His Majesty the First Emperor, there are important matters that need to be discussed and decided with the Seventh Young Master."

"Therefore, please also ask the seventh son to go out and see you." Fan.

Chapter 157: Yin Yang Mind Reading Technique? The power of the perfect level of seeing and hearing! 【1/6 ask for custom】

Qing Summer Palace.

As Ying Changge's place of residence, very few people would take the initiative to visit on weekdays.


This rule has been broken since about a month ago.

The number of civil and military officials who visited the Qing Summer Palace in an endless stream was increasing.

old days.

Due to the blindness of both eyes, Ying Changge has no sense of existence, and basically never let the civil and military officials of the court care.

With the news of the heavy injury to the Sword Saint Gai Nie, coupled with the repeated attention of the First Emperor Ying Zheng.

Only then did the civil and military officials in the court gradually begin to realize it.

This blind seventh son, Ying Changge, can no longer be compared with the past in terms of identity or status.


After thinking about this, the number of civil and military officials who come to visit in person is increasing, and most of them have the concept of wanting to hug their thighs and deal with them.

Naturally, the Qing Summer Palace, which was originally deserted, started to become lively at some point.

at the same time.

The prestige of the seventh son, Ying Changge, has long been in the ears of civil and military officials.

In today's huge imperial court, the most famous son mentioned is not the eldest son Fusu, but the seventh son Ying Changge.

Everything is in subtle changes.

And today.

Ying Changge returned to Xianyang City from afar, and after wandering around the city, he returned to the long-lost Qing Summer Palace as scheduled.

While strolling in the noisy streets of Xianyang City, I accidentally heard that someone deliberately trumpeted the fact that the first emperor Ying Zheng tried to refine the elixir of life and mistaken the country.

The moment I got the news.

Ying Changge realized it instantly.

Xianyang City is about to get lively.

The seemingly calm and peaceful Xianyang City on the outside is actually already surging behind the scenes.

Of course.

All of this has nothing to do with Ying Changge.

He was also completely unprepared to participate in the intervention.

Let this storm come more violently.


The headache is the father, Emperor Ying Zheng, and the Yin-Yang family, who are completely disliked by "two-five-seven"...

In this regard, Ying Changge will of course not take the initiative to intervene in these troublesome things.

It is also very rare and worthy of celebration for Ying Changge to see the Yin and Yang family being targeted.


Man counts as God.

I thought that in this farce, Ying Changge himself could be used as a spectator.


Just when Ying Changge was driving the carriage from the busy streets of Xianyang City back to the Qing Summer Palace.

Outside the door, we welcomed a special visitor from a family of yin and yang!

dong dong dong!

Accompanied by a crisp and pleasant knock on the door, it spread freely inside and outside the huge palace.

at this time.

Ying Changge, who had just returned to the palace, was so arrogant and domineering that he had already seen the visitor outside the door.

Including the body shape and vital signs, height, strength level of the outsider...

Everything will be shrouded in perfect-level seeing and hearing, and there is no way to hide.

For the first time, Ying Changge felt very different.

"The right protector of the Yin-Yang family, the Moon God?"

That's right!

According to the perfect level of knowledge and domineering, the information was found.

The visitor outside the door is the one, the right protector of the Moon God with high authority in the Yin-Yang family.

Ying Changge expressed his surprise that the Luna Society took the initiative to visit in person.

He really didn't expect it.

Luna suddenly came to visit, what does this mean?

With Moon God's character of going to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, it is impossible to simply come to greet him at the door.

This possibility was directly ruled out by Ying Changge subconsciously.

"I don't remember."

"I have such a great friendship with the right protector of the Yin-Yang family, the Moon God."

Ying Changge was thoughtful.

As soon as the front foot returned to the palace, the hind foot Luna came to visit.

No matter how you look at it, there must be something strange.

In the face of the right protector of the Yin-Yang family, the Moon God, Ying Changge did not dare to hold any contempt or carelessness at all.

This woman is quite mysterious!

Also very dangerous!


Ying Changge also doesn't need to be afraid of each other.

On the contrary, it should be that the other party will be afraid of himself.

"Did you come to find Shao Siming?"

This is the only possibility that Ying Changge can think of.

Otherwise, he couldn't figure it out.

Why is the right guardian of the dignified Yin-Yang family, a high-ranking imperial national teacher, willing to take the initiative to visit the door in person.

After thinking about it, Ying Changge couldn't think of a reason.


He then instructed Meng Ying, who was beside him, "Go and open the door to welcome the distinguished guests."

"Yes, son."

Meng Ying nodded.

Take a step, and soon come to the door.


Pushing the door open, Meng Ying saw the guests outside the door.

Just as Ying Changge saw it and saw it.

The visitor is naturally the moon god.

It was the same set of light blue skirts that fell to the ground, purple and smooth hair hanging down to the shawl, wearing translucent eye veils, graceful and tall, exuding a unique charm.

"Lord Moon God."

Seeing the figure of the Moon God, Meng Ying hurriedly lowered her head and took the initiative to greet her.

Luna nodded, then stepped out, crossed Meng Ying next to him, walked into the palace step by step, and came to Ying Changge.

"I take the liberty to come to disturb you today, and please forgive me, Seventh Young Master."

"On the order of His Majesty the First Emperor, I personally come to the door, and I hope that the seventh son will be able to Haihan."

Luna straight to the point of Daoming's intentions.

"Father's order?"

"Lord Moon God, what's the matter?"

Ying Changge raised his brows and couldn't help asking directly.

As soon as I returned to Xianyang City, an order was immediately ushered in?

In such a hurry and hasty?

It was still the Moon God, the powerful right guardian of the Yin-Yang family, who personally came to take charge and came to visit.

As you can imagine.

This order is no small matter.

After thinking about it calmly, Ying Changge had a hunch in his heart.

Due to the undercurrent of Xianyang City recently...

It's easy to think of.

Recently, in Xianyang City, some people have been promoting rumors that the first emperor Ying Zheng and his Yin and Yang family's reputation have been damaged.

"Is it because of this?"

Ying Changge thought.

The appearance of Xianyang City is not so calm and peaceful, and he has been well aware of this since the moment he just returned to Xianyang City.


As soon as he returned to Xianyang City, he was still being watched by three strong men in the innate realm on the street.

Similar things are enough to show that Xianyang City has not been peaceful these days.


For the three monitors of the Innate Realm, Ying Changge didn't pay any attention to the other party's intentions at all.

Just a few little mice.


It won't affect him in any way.

Since the other party wants to monitor, how about letting the other party monitor?

When Ying Changge drove the carriage back to the Qing Summer Palace, the three watchers of the innate realm all disappeared into the darkness.

want to come.