I, The Prince of Qin Dynasty, Start the Fusion of the Blind Swordsman

Chapter 378

In this regard, Ying Changge was not too surprised.

after all.

In the face of a group of people who want to try to seize the ancestral relic, it is inevitable that the Shushan Wuzu will feel angry and vigilant.

The sacred tree of Fusang has been guarded by the Shushan Wuzu for nearly a thousand years. This is already the biggest belief and belief in the minds of the Shushan Wuzu.

Naturally, they do not allow anyone to seek the sacred objects that they have guarded for generations.


Shushan Wuzu will be like a formidable enemy, and it is understandable to put out a battle to the death.

"After you reach the top of the mountain later, please calm down a little."

"I will inform the Great Elder and let the Great Elder come to talk with you."

"How do you feel, son?"

Yu Ziqi was still deeply worried.

"it is good."

Ying Changge nodded.

He really wanted to get to know him.

The mysterious elder of Shushan!

A strange existence that can predict the future!

If nothing else, the Great Elder of Shushan should be the most powerful and status-worthy existence in Shushan.

If you can talk to the other party, you can save time and a lot of trouble.

Seeing Ying Changge's gentle demeanor, Yu Ziqi's tense mood relaxed a little.

Things went more smoothly than he expected!

He thought.

This Seventh Young Master must be a arrogant man with eyes too high and arrogant.

Never thought.

This Seventh Young Master is so kind, and he has almost no pretence.

"only hope……"

"The elder's prophecy is correct."

"Otherwise, Shushan basically cannot escape this session today!"

Yu Ziqi sighed helplessly in his heart.

beside him.

Shi Lan was also curious about Ying Changge.

With the great elder's prophecy in front of her, it made it difficult for her to feel disgusted with Ying Changge, but instead she had a curiosity and expectation that she had never had before.

Under the leadership of two siblings.

Ying Changge took Shao Siming and Meng Ying along with them, and they went all the way unimpeded.

In less than a moment.

Finally, the group finally reached the top of Shushan Mountain!

Located on the top of Shushan Mountain, you can better experience the rising of immortal energy, the clouds and mists lingering around the entire mountain peak of Shushan and wandering wantonly.

The sun was shining brightly, and a golden halo hung on the edge of the sky.

It is like the glow of the rays of the sun flickering between the clouds and mists, making the surrounding environment of this huge Shushan even more immortal, like a fairyland that is not stained by the world.

But with Ying Changge and his group, the moment they just set foot on the top of Shushan Mountain.

The atmosphere here suddenly became even more eerie!


A chilling aura emerged spontaneously.

Extremely depressing!

Pairs of eyes and pupils like wolves, full of icy killing intent and anger, all converged on Ying Changge and his young Si Ming and Meng Ying.

All the angry noises came to an abrupt end at this moment.

Only chills and coldness remain...

The domineering and domineering look of the perfect level had already exploded out as early as the moment Ying Changge set foot on Mount Shu, covering an area of ​​​​300 meters in diameter.

Maintaining such a range of arrogance and domineering will naturally not let Ying Changge consume too much innate qi.


Before he set foot on the top of Shushan Mountain, he had already seen it.

On the top of the mountain, there are already disciples of the Shushan Wu clan.

But even so, Ying Changge's face didn't change much, as usual, calm and natural, indifferent, as if nothing could tug at his heartstrings.

The same is true of Shao Siming.

Only Meng Ying felt a little cautious and uneasy.

"Master, son, there are many people."

"They seem to be waiting for us."

Meng Ying's throat was dry, and she couldn't help but blurt out.

"I know."

Ying Changge nodded.

Of course he had expected all of this.

There are about 1,200 people in the coverage area of ​​the perfect-level seeing, hearing, and domineering.

Men and women of all ages!

Almost the same, all with a very angry mood.

This point, of course, cannot escape Ying Changge's insight!

Their anger, Ying Changge can also understand.

Apart from anger, the only thing that filled their chests was the strong killing intent.

The killing intent aimed at the three of Ying Changge was also aimed at the killing intent of the 100,000 Imperial Cavalry!

In the eyes of this group of Shushan Wu disciples.

Whether it is Ying Changge or the 100,000 Iron Cavalry, they are all robbers!

The robbers who want to take the sacred fusang sacred tree that they have guarded for generations!

Of course, they will not have any goodwill towards this group of robbers.

"Son, what are we going to do?"

Meng Ying couldn't help but ask again.

There are too many people here!

Being stared at by so many eyes full of anger and murderous intent, Rao Shimengying, who had experienced hundreds of battles, felt the tremors and numbness of the scalp.

Both men and women, young and old, all had cold eyes with anger and murderous intent.

Meng Ying only felt like a thorn in the back!

Like sitting on pins and needles!

Staying here for a quarter of an hour made Meng Ying uncomfortable, and the goosebumps rose uncontrollably.

Not good!

Very bad!

Being stared at by a group of people, Meng Ying felt cold in her hands and feet.

"don’t worry."

"I have everything."

"What are you afraid of?"

The expression on Ying Changge's face was calm.

Hearing this, Meng Ying forcibly suppressed the panic in her heart and constantly adjusted her breathing and mentality.

"It seems..."

"Shushan Wuzu came out of their nests."

"But obviously, not against me."

"I admit that I haven't had such a big show, enough to send out the entire Shushan Wu clan."

"Obviously, it's aimed at the empire's 100,000 cavalry army!"

"It's just a coincidence..."

"I was the first to reach the top of Shushan Mountain!"

Ying Changge was thoughtful.

Although he can't see it with the naked eye, but the perfect level of seeing and hearing is domineering, but he still has insight into some more details and movements than others.

Others can't see things with naked eyes, but Ying Changge's insight is hard to escape!

At this time.

The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan quickly broke the strange atmosphere.

The two of them hurried forward, persuading anxiously: "Don't be impulsive, calm down. What about the first elder? Let the first elder come out, we have important things to report to the first elder."

Seeing the killing intent in the eyes of a group of Shushan Wuzu disciples, Yu Ziqi felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Don't be extravagant!

At least.

Before the Great Elder appears, you must not cause irreversible and painful consequences because of impulsiveness!

With such thoughts in mind, Yu Ziqi became even more anxious.

"Where did the elder go?"

Shi Lan's pink lips moved slightly, and she hurriedly asked.

"Xiao Yu, you are coming behind us!"

"These guys must be the hateful guys sent by the Qin army to give an ultimatum!"

"They must want to **** the sacred tree of Fusang, our Shushan sacred tree!"

"How can we let them succeed?"

"No way!"

"Xiao Yu, come here quickly, don't let their appearance deceive them. They are a group of robbers with wolf ambitions. We have guarded the sacred tree of Fusang for nearly a thousand years for generations, and we will never allow outsiders to interfere."

"That's right!"

a time.

The atmosphere at the scene was extraordinarily loud and lively, and it was very chaotic.

Even though the brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan kept trying to resolve the anger and killing intent of these witch disciples, they were never able to do it.

The two brothers and sisters were about to cry.

Why don't you listen to all the advice?

They managed to catch the only life-saving straw.