I, The Prince of Qin Dynasty, Start the Fusion of the Blind Swordsman

Chapter 582

"Even if the two descendants of the Ghost Valley line up join forces..."

"I'm also sure."

"Within three strokes, the heavy damage will defeat them!"

"Within five moves, kill both of them at the same time!"

Ying Changge thought.

This is the most conservative estimate.

If you go all out to explode...

he thinks.

Just one trick!

He may be able to kill these two people in seconds!

The atmosphere is very quiet!


Depressed breath swept in all directions.


Master Class and Master Xu were killed instantly by one blow...

Jing Tianming and Gao Yue became more and more frightened, apprehensive, and flustered, and their eyes were filled with a strong color of fear.


Boundless fear flooded into my heart.

"Dead, dead..."

"Master Class is also dead."

"Master Xu is also dead."

"They are all dead!"

Jing "490" Tianming shivered.

His face was pale, lying on the ground unable to control the fear in his heart, and his body trembled wildly.

His entire body and mind were almost dominated by fear.

Another trick!

Master Class and Master Xu were killed in one move!

"This monster..."

"Kill everyone!"

Jing Tianming's eyes were full of fear, and he looked at Ying Changge in the distance.

this day.

For him, it was a day like a nightmare.

The people around him fell one after another, becoming one after another cold corpse.

First Duanmu Rong, then Xiang Shaoyu...


It was Master Class and Master Xu again.

Jing Tiannian's young mind has completely collapsed.

"Not an opponent at all!"

"It's impossible for me to stop this monster."

"It's over!"

"I will die!"

"Yue'er will die too."

Jing Tianming's lips trembled, and his bloodshot eyes couldn't control the flow of tears.

a time.

His eyesight was almost completely obscured by tears.

He was about to die, and Jing Tianming was also afraid.

beside him.

Gao Yue's tears flowed out, her red eyes staring blankly at the direction of the corpses of Master Class and Master Xu.

"Class Master!"

"Master Xu!"

Both of them watched her grow up.


Today, it has also encountered unexpected events here.

The fate of being defeated by that terrifying monster.

First is Duanmurong...

Then there are Master Class and Master Xu.

All of this made Gao Yue's mentality completely collapse.

"And my father died too..."


"Why are you doing this?!"

Gao Yue's red eyes were filled with fear and anger, and she stared at Ying Changge tightly, with a sad face, she couldn't help shouting and roaring, her voice was sharp and ear-piercing.

All the people around are dead.

This made her unacceptable.

She had never experienced such grief.

She has grown up carefree since she was a child, and she doesn't understand the taste of such heartbreak at all.

At this moment.

She felt it.


"You asked a good question."

Facing Gao Yue's question, Ying Changge had an intriguing smile on his face.


He answered with some emotion in his tone: "Who asked you to form the so-called anti-Qin alliance? If it wasn't for your father Yan Dan, he was very ambitious and wanted to form an anti-Qin alliance to try to rebel."

"That's not what happened today."

"Who is this weird?"

"It's just weird..."

"Your father is too ambitious."

"And his ability, but he can't support him with such a big ambition."

"So, he lost."

"After your father's defeat, these supporters who have always supported your father, how can they escape this disaster?"

"I will kill all the members of the anti-Qin alliance!"

"Why are you asking me? It's better, after I take you to Huangquan, you can question your father face to face, why did he drag so many people to accompany him to death."

Speaking of which.

The smile on Ying Changge's face subsided, and her tone became colder and colder.

"Anyone who tries to rebel..."

"I will eradicate them one by one!"

"It's just weird, you took the wrong path and chose the wrong position."

"Successful and defeated..."

"This is war!"

The loud voice sounded, wandering in the huge secret room.

Gao Yue's face was dull.

Is it...

Is it really all my father's fault?

All the people killed by their father?

If it wasn't for my father to form an anti-Qin alliance...

These people will not die.

Qin Jun will not break into the city of organs today, nor will it cause the miserable situation today.

Ying Changge's remarks seriously subverted Gao Yue's worldview.


It also made her silently in her heart, and began to have a little doubt about her father.

Is what my father did right?

Pull so many people to die together!

Is this what my father wants?

Gao Yue didn't know.

She just knows.

On this day, too many people died.

"All right."

"No matter how much I tell you, it's meaningless."


"You will follow them soon and go to Huangquan together."

"At that time, you can question your father in person."

"Ask him why he did this!"

"all in all."

"Most of the people who died today died because of your father!"

"Your father Yan Dan, he is an extremely selfish person!"

"For selfish interests, the entire Mo family and all the anti-Qin alliance members were brought in to be buried with him!"

"He wanted to overthrow Qin under the slogan of the First Emperor Ying Zheng's tyranny. But in fact, he just wanted to gain higher power for his own selfish interests."

"Your father was never a man in the sky, but a despicable and shameless hypocrite! The culprit who killed everyone!"

"You have to keep this in mind."

A strange smile appeared on Ying Changge's face again...

What Yan Dan did...