I, The Prince of Qin Dynasty, Start the Fusion of the Blind Swordsman

Chapter 798

This is so unlucky! It was just that all of a sudden, Meng Tian bumped into this squad of soldiers head-on.

Not to be outdone, Meng Tian immediately drew his sword, "Go and die for me!" He was ready to strike first.

The attack that seized the first opportunity, proceeded unscrupulously, Meng Tian's sword slashed abruptly on several people.

The sword is rampant and he fights recklessly. Meng Tian is brave and fearless, and always takes the offensive bravely.

With a fierce chase, the soldiers in front of Meng Tian fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Staggering, the soldiers fought back one after another, wishing to kill Meng Tian directly!

They are heroic, but these soldiers are also very stupid, and it is even more self-defeating.

They are in groups, so many guys want to kill Meng Tian? How can it be done easily!

Therefore, he quickly ran rampant, and the sword in Meng Tian's hand slashed at the soldier's body.

Soldiers one by one came to chase and kill one after another, but this sword edge was useless.

They wanted to kill Meng Tian, ​​but Meng Tian was so powerful that he always fought with them.

Meng Tian made a preemptive strike, slashing quickly with his sword, possessing a chattering murderous aura, and was aggressive.

How could these few Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers do anything to Meng Tian! Meng Tian is a majestic general! .

Chapter 754 Fighting and going wild!

With a quick charge and a slash with a sword, Meng Tian's offensive slammed into the depths of the soldier and was invincible.

A few ordinary soldiers tried their best to resist Meng Tian, ​​but they were still far from satisfactory.

They came perseveringly, but they were always resisted by Meng Tian's sword, which resolved many murderous intentions.

Taking this opportunity, Meng Tian stepped onto the heads of several people and swept away with a sword! Murder revealed.

Several of them were beheaded, blood flowed, and the bodies fell to the ground one by one.

In this remote and narrow alley, there is no one else's existence, Meng Tian can also fight with confidence.

Quickly charged, a group of people attacked bravely, and a few soldiers were not to be outdone.

Always running rampant quickly, in a fast-paced battle, they have come up with extraordinary power.

In order to kill them all, Meng Tian had to make a quick decision, and it was absolutely impossible to stop.

A sword approached and stabbed several of them. The blade of the sword was **** and bloody.

The brutality of this sword was unexpected. The soldier never imagined that he would not be able to block Meng Tian.

When Meng Tian came to fight with all his heart, it meant that he was serious and didn't stay.

The few soldiers standing in front of them were aggressive, but their offensive was very weak.

With just a constant charge, Meng Tian's sword stabbed the soldiers in the chest, causing them to be completely defeated.

In this narrow alley, the soldiers attacked unimpeded and continued to swing.

The sword was rampant and unscrupulous, and every attack by Meng Tian came to the surrounding with chatter.

The cold light flickered in the streets, and he had an unimaginable offensive and explosiveness with murderous aura.

A man single-handedly, quickly rampage, Meng Tian and so many guys are fighting quickly.

In order to be able to win a battle with them, Meng Tian would not leave any room to fight quickly.

The sword's edge exploded, rampant and domineering, this series of offensives came down bravely and were unstoppable.

Meng Tian must return to Ying Changge's side as soon as possible, and he cannot delay his plan to attack the city.

In particular, several soldiers were still fighting recklessly, and the soldiers continued to run rampant and come to surround Meng Tian.

As long as Meng Tian can be intercepted, the soldiers will come in swarms, and they will definitely be able to kill him.

In this remote and uninhabited street, they immediately started their own battle, fierce and brave.

Only Meng Tian was still fighting unremittingly and quickly became entangled with them.

Fighting and rampaging, Meng Tian's figure and so many soldiers all tried their best to fight.

And Zhao Xingzhi was not idle either. He didn't want his city to have no food and grass.

Once the granary is empty, the soldiers will soon be hungry and in difficulty.

It is impossible to defeat Ying Changge in a desperate battle, because now Zhao Xingzhi's food and grass are all gone!

How should this be! So Zhao Xingzhi sent a messenger to the southern capital city far away to dispatch food and grass.

Otherwise, once there is no food in the city, how will the soldiers fight together!

This is not a good thing! Zhao Xingzhi dispatched a messenger, and he had to move the supplies without delay.

The granary was burned down, Zhao Xingzhi was very angry, so he was a messenger of orders.

The messengers are quickly heading to the city, quickly passing through the city gate, preparing to go all the way to the southern capital.

Following Zhao Xingzhi's order, the messenger quickly rode away, passing by the street where Meng Tian was.

Under a fierce fight, they were unable to defeat Meng Tian and were directly killed by his sword.

Seeing that the blood was blocking the throat and the corpses were in different places, Meng Tian beheaded all these soldiers and made them all sacrifice.

Seeing that the enemies fell in front of him, Meng Tian was very satisfied that he was no longer in danger.

Meng Tian didn't want to delay his whereabouts, so he needed to escape quickly and disappeared from Beitan City.

Soon he saw the messenger coming on horseback, Ying Changge looked at the other party's clothes, not like an ordinary person.

What is that? Meng Tian watched the messenger pass quickly, and galloped in front of him on horseback.

Without hesitation, Meng Tian came directly from the clone, jumped into the air quickly, and kicked up.

Snapped! Meng Tian kicked him badly, causing the messenger to be thrown off the horse immediately.

Staggeringly fell to the ground (the one with money), the messenger got up immediately with an angry look on his face.

"''Who is it~''!" The messenger raised his sword and drew it out of the scabbard, aggressive and murderous.

"You don't need to ask more, it's enough to just leave this place!" Meng Tian smiled calmly.

Raising his sword, he immediately held it by the messenger's neck, "Don't move."

"What did you say! How dare you order me like this!" The messenger was furious, and he immediately waved his sword and came.

The sword's edge was fierce, so swift, and always came to attack Meng Tian's body incessantly.

It was just a dying struggle, fighting against Meng Tian, ​​he naturally had no danger and no fear.

Chapter 755 One sword gallops, fast fighting!

With a quick shot and a hard blow, the sword in his hand also showed an unusual coldness.

Vivid and murderous, Meng Tian's sword slammed into the messenger's weapon.

Sword, light, sword, shadow, fight quickly, and no one is willing to admit defeat.

The two were quickly entangled together, full of murderous venting.

He is domineering, the messenger is mighty, his face is cold and severe, his chattering soars, and his figure is like the wind.

The messenger is tall and mighty, and looks so strong and powerful, it seems that he is a good player against ten.

Fighting at close range with the messenger, Meng Tian's offensive is also very brave, and he is willing to stand stalemate with him.

With a quick shot and a quick fight, Meng Tian's sword stabbed directly into the chest of the messenger.

Now in Meng Tian's view, he has a very simple idea, that is to kill the messenger.

As long as the messenger is removed by Shovel 880, Meng Tian can disguise as a messenger and escape easily.

This is a different messenger, not only skilled, but even agile.

The messenger was naturally unable to deal with the close-quarters battle with Meng Tian, ​​and he fought a bit reluctantly.

With all the strength and a quick strike, the messenger's sword was about to cut off Meng Tian's head on the neck.

Meng Tian didn't want to stay for a long time again, his purpose was very simple, that is to kill the messenger.

Zhao Xingzhi's messenger, and Zhao Yiming are generally the same raccoon dog, and even deserve it.

Therefore, as long as he can kill his messenger and put on his clothes, Meng Tian can escape.

Beitan City is now heavily guarded, and many guys are guarding at the city gate.

Not to be outdone, they are always guarding the place strictly, hoping to capture (afej) to Mengtian.

There will be no further delay here, Meng Tian will change into the messenger's clothes as soon as possible to join Ying Changge.

The blade of the sword went down quickly, came crackling, and hit the messenger abruptly.

The continued attack with Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers will only make Meng Tian fall into a more embarrassing situation.

Meng Tian could not fight alone with so many guys in Beitan City.

Therefore, Meng Tian has to come to a golden cicada to escape, so that he can leave Beitan City quietly.

The city gate is wide and indestructible, and at first glance, it cannot be easily cracked, and it is very dangerous.

One trick to hide the sky and cross the sea will make Meng Tian no crisis. This is the most simple and agile decision.

The sword in Meng Tian's hand fell on the shoulder of the messenger, causing a crack in his wound.

Blood was flowing, the messenger was in pain, he grinned, and stared at Meng Tian intently.

"That's outrageous! You, a shrimp soldier and a crab general, can also bark wildly in front of me!"

The messenger struck an angry blow, and regardless of the pain of his wound, his sword hit Meng Tian's body.

Both of them had a quick battle, hitting close to the body, and the sword edge was rampant, and the sword edge was full of mighty gestures.

Everyone knows that the granary was burned, but they don't know who is burning the granary!

The same is true for the knocked down messenger. If he knew that the other party was Meng Tian, ​​he would not act recklessly.

He got up quickly, regardless of the pain of the wound, the messenger stared at Meng Tian intently, "What else do you want!"

"Burning the granary and trying to kill me, the messenger carrying grain and grass, isn't it!" the messenger yelled loudly!

And hearing the messenger say this, Meng Tian's face showed a crueler smile, so it was!

"You are the messenger dispatching food and grass? What a coincidence! We have the same dream!"

"It's better, leave the plan of dispatching food and grass to me!" Meng Tian laughed and shot again.

Meng Tian is bound to win, he must disguise himself as a messenger!

Ying Changge's entire army's invasion is just around the corner, and he must hit Zhao Xingzhi's city and wipe them out.

Now in the city, Meng Tian can't wait to give the messenger two knives immediately and let him die directly in front of him.

Otherwise, it is bound to be even more dangerous to just let such a few guys act recklessly.

In Beitan City, such soldiers came quickly, still chattering and looking for Meng Tian.

Find Meng Tian and kill him. This is the mission of Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers.

A series of people are still moving forward, and many guys are walking fast.

The place where Meng Tian and the messenger fought was very remote, and hardly any soldiers would pass by.

Because of this, Meng Tian will fight with confidence and kill this guy no matter what.

With a quick blow, a turbulent battle, the attack in his hands was very violent, which could be called a lore.

Especially when a sword came, and the gallops continued, the messenger was very embarrassed for a while, full of anxiety.

Helpless to dodge, the rapid impact, the sword in the messenger's hand also blocked Meng Tian.

The two were battling each other here, Meng Tian was not to be outdone, and the sword in his hand was always approaching.

A sword gallops and fights quickly, the cold light on the sword's edge arrives first, and then stabs the messenger's body.