I, The Prince of Qin Dynasty, Start the Fusion of the Blind Swordsman

Chapter 799

Chapter 756 Panic, the messenger panics!

After feeling such a serious injury, for a while, he had no movement to fight back.

In the frontal battle, the sword stabbed straight, and the messenger's offensive went straight, without any cover at all.

Seeing the sword's edge approaching, Meng Tian raised his sword to resist, the sword light and sword shadow hit the spark.

Between the lightning and flint, at this time, he stabbed out quickly, and struck with a majestic sword.

Passing by Meng Tian's sword, the messenger's head was almost cut off by his sword.

Sincere and frightened, the messenger was very frightened, for fear that he would die in Meng Tian's hands like this.

So, concentrating and concentrating, the sword in his hand swung out with mighty force, as fast as a gust of wind.

Whoosh! Every move of the sword edge formed a group, and then smashed on Meng Tian.

Not to be outdone, the messenger continued to fight back, a sword always stabbed at Meng Tian's body quickly.

Feeling such an offensive, Meng Tian calmly and calmly used his sword to quickly resist and resolve.

Under such a predicament, the messenger's face became even more resentful, mad and violent.

He stabbed the sword in his hand quickly, and a series of afterimages of the sword edge all parried him.

Feeling such an offensive, Meng Tian was also evenly matched, and he strode closer to the meteor.

The sword in his hand was slammed bravely, hitting the messenger, making him crumbling.

Shaky and unstable, the messenger responsible for dispatching food and grass out of the city fell to the ground.

Taking this opportunity, Meng Tian came in stride and stabbed the sword in the chest of the messenger.

As long as the messenger is killed, Meng Tian can change into his clothes, and then come to Jin Chan to escape.

Even Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers were searching quickly in the city, but it was of no use to Meng Tian.

He only needs the armor of the messenger on the ship, and at that time, he will inevitably leave the city without knowing it.

The soldiers in Beitan City were still charging fast, eager to dig three feet into the ground to find Meng Tian.

It's a pity that Meng Tian was hiding so deeply that he disappeared in a blink of an eye and would never be found.

Now fighting the messenger in this alley that nobody cares about is enough for Meng Tian to play.

Killing people first, then robbing clothes, Meng Tian must let the messenger die silently, leaving no survivors.

Otherwise, such a messenger would attract more soldiers to support it, it would be very dangerous!

Fighting alone, single-handedly, the messenger stabbed his own sword unscrupulously here.

The sword edge roamed and ran rampantly, and the messenger felt Meng Tian's sword edge landed on his head.

Panicked, the messenger was frightened, and hurriedly rolled on the ground, and then barely managed to avoid it.

boom! The sword edge slashed on the ground, leaving a sword mark, but it saved the life of the messenger.

After a false alarm, he hurriedly scolded, and the messenger quickly stood up with his sword in hand, "Get ready!"

"I'm going to kill you, carry your head, and go to the general to ask for merit and reward!" The messenger resented.

Looking at the other party's self-control and swearing appearance, Meng Tian smiled contemptuously, "Stupid!"

"You raccoon dog, the rabble, really think you can lead the rebel army to rebel successfully!"

"It's really laughable!" The messenger scorned, raised his head and laughed, "We are invincible and invincible!"


"With the leadership of the general, at that time, we will be able to kill everyone and get out of the way."

"No matter how many of you are on guard, for me, it's just a dying struggle!"

Meng Tian listened to this guy saying that, and was at a loss for words. He didn't know what to do, so he couldn't respond.

"A mere soldier of the rebel army, do you really think that I can rise to the sky in one step!"

With wide eyes, Meng Tian held up his sword and continued to approach the messenger, "I think I am right, I must kill you!"

As long as this messenger is killed, then Meng Tian can disguise as a messenger and leave Beitan City.


Approaching quickly, the swords in his hands are also majestic and domineering, directly taking the life of the messenger.

Seeing the sword coming quickly, the messenger hurriedly dodged and resisted the blow with force.

With a ping pong sound, the swords collided together, causing the messenger's wrists to tremble.

Such a blow is really too powerful, Meng Tian's strength is so great that the sword in the messenger's hand is unsteady.

Because of this, the messenger was not to be outdone, and he had to be beheaded and let him die quickly.

Otherwise, it would be too much to let this Meng Tian continue to show off his might in front of him.

This is Beitan City. Since it is in Zhao Xingzhi's city, there is no place to worry.

Therefore, they must charge up quickly, cut off Meng Tian's head, and defeat Meng Tian.

Let Meng Tian die and continue to go out of the city to dispatch food and grass, wouldn't it be beautiful for the messenger! He is bound to get it.

He attacked aggressively, and the sword in his hand hit hard, trying to pierce Meng Tian through Fan.

Chapter 757 Great future, smooth sailing!

A sword approached Meng Tian's chest, but this sword could not kill Meng Tian smoothly.

Meng Tian is not a wooden man, he quickly raised his arm, and the sword edge is domineering and coming.

He blocked the messenger's series of offensives in front of him, and then he continued to counterattack, and the sword swept away.

A sword swept away, and the sword edge broke the messenger's defenses in a blink of an eye, causing him to lose his balance.

He stumbled and stabilized his figure, and the messenger saw Meng Tian's sword stabbed into his chest.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, Meng Tian's offensive was quickly resolved by the messenger's offensive.

Immediately, the sword directly pierced the messenger's chest with "eight eight zeros".

The grinning messenger did not dare to delay, and immediately turned his head, preparing to quickly escape from Meng Tian's hands.

But how could such an ordinary messenger slip away from Meng Tian's eyes!

Impossible! Quickly catching up, killing and killing, Meng Tian's sword edge shone with an unusual gleam.

When he stabbed the swords out quickly, the messenger had already fled away from Meng Tian.

Knowing that he was invincible and could not kill Meng Tian, ​​the messenger fled from the streets and prepared to go to other places.

And Meng Tian was also aggressive, and he looked like he was going to win, and he continued to chase and kill with his sword in hand.

In order to get out of the city and join Ying Changge, Meng Tian had to make a quick decision and rush out of the city gate.

After fighting with blood and fighting the messenger, Meng Tian couldn't wait to kill him and prevent him from escaping.

"Someone! Here is the man who burned the granary! Come and kill him!" the messenger shouted.

Can't wait, the messenger continued to look for rescue soldiers here, so that he could behead Meng Tian.

Crashing away from the streets, the messenger was covered in blood, and could not wait to get rid of Meng Tian behind him.

However, Meng Tian is also persistent, always catching up quickly, and the sword in his hand stabs straight away!

Whoosh! Jian Feng was about to pierce the back of the messenger, and Meng Tian wanted to kill him without leaving a living hole.

Otherwise, it would be even more dangerous for the messenger to find other soldiers for support.

Therefore, Meng Tian would not let the messenger shout, nor let other reinforcements surround and strangle him!

The sword edge moved quickly, waving in mid-air, and slashing on the back of the messenger in an endless stream.

Blood was sprayed, and blood stains spread all over the body, which made the messenger very weak.

Sweaty and exhausted, the messenger still gritted his teeth and wanted to leave Meng Tian's claws quickly.

Carrying the sword, they chased and killed in an endless stream, and the messenger's sword edge was hit with potholes.

With the sword in hand, the messenger had no choice but to get rid of Meng Tian directly so that he could escape.

It's a pity that, no matter what, Meng Tian continued to chase and kill, and refused to let the messenger go.

In Beitan City, defying Zhao Xingzhi would have no good end! more likely to die.

Therefore, flee quickly and run around in the streets, the messenger only needs to find reinforcements.

Let the reinforcements come in swarms, and at that time, it will be easy to kill Meng Tian with a thousand cuts.

Meng Tian, ​​who was behind him, continued to chase and kill, and he forced the messengers to nowhere.

There is no stalemate here, no one hears the wailing of the messenger, and there is no one in the streets.

In Meng Tian's hands, he couldn't escape, such an opportunity made the messengers sweat in fear...

With an angry look on his face, the messenger shivered, but he managed to calm himself down.

Clenching the sword in his hand, the messenger kept his eyes wide open, eager to tear Meng Tian into eight pieces.

Seriously injuring Meng Tian and beheading him, this is what the messenger wants to do most!

Continuing to run on the streets, the messenger escaped into a dead end unexpectedly.

There was no way in front of him, and there was Meng Tian, ​​a pursuer behind him, and the messenger was speechless in horror.

He was dumb to eat Huanglian, and he couldn't tell the bitterness.

"How! Can you kill me!" The messenger raised his sword immediately.

Fight to the death! The messenger rushed to Meng Tian impatiently, "I want to kill you!"

It's a pity that he continued to be killed by Meng Tian's sword. At that time, only one corpse was left.

The messenger didn't want him to die so early, but he had a bright future and everything was going well!

As long as he obeys Zhao Xingzhi's orders and continues for a few years, the messenger will be able to be promoted and awarded a title.

Now that 4.9 is an enemy of Meng Tian, ​​the messenger can only use all his powers to attack quickly.

There was no way to leave in this dead end, and the messenger was forced into desperation to start a contest with him.

The sword stabbed straight, and the messenger stabbed Meng Tian's head with such a sword, mercilessly.

But in the fierce attack with the messenger, Meng Tian was not at a disadvantage, he was a battle-hardened general.

Seeing that the messenger turned back to fight with him, it was even more stupid, which made Meng Tian laugh.

The arm swayed, the sword edge ran rampant, and the sword in Meng Tian's hand slashed densely on the messenger's body.

Chapter 758 Take it easy, surrender directly!

The messenger's martial arts are nothing more than that, and it is impossible to kill Meng Tian anyway.

The skills of the two are quite different. Under such a battle, Meng Tian only continued to charge.

His sword can be called mighty, aggressive, with a fierce attitude of galloping horses.

Whoosh! Seeing that a sword was about to stab his chest, the messenger panicked.

The two trembled, almost wanted to go first, the messenger was here, and suddenly there was no place for him.

Backed by a dead end, the messenger has no way to go, facing Meng Tian, ​​it can only be a battle with all his strength!

A messenger in such a mere rebellion against himself is really defiant, a frog at the bottom of the well.

Both of them were not to be outdone, the messenger and Meng Tian's figures were entangled together, and they showed their momentum.

However, Messenger 05 also tried his best to resist. His mighty power was no less than that of Meng Tian, ​​and his sword was rampant.