I, The Prince of Qin Dynasty, Start the Fusion of the Blind Swordsman

Chapter 974

In the hall, the soldiers also fled and walked away, they were all afraid of Ying Changge's invasion.

Very ashamed, people were flustered, many soldiers fled privately because of this, and left directly.

The King of Goguryeo was not here, and the ministers also received the news, and they all fled quickly.

The battle of breaking the boat and sinking the boat may not be able to kill them. This is inevitable and very dangerous.

Therefore, we must do our best to fight against them and completely kill them all.

Otherwise, they would be caught in a stalemate, and they would not dare to fight, but would just sneak attack and hurt people.

Of course, Ying Changge would not be caught in such a situation with the army, and they suffered heavy casualties.

In particular, the entire army of Goguryeo flees, and letting the tiger return to the mountain is even more troublesome!

If possible, Ying Changge hopes to kill them all and let them all suffer casualties.

However, in the mind of compassion, Ying Changge will not mobilize one soldier and one soldier, and patiently guard.

1231 Hand in hand!

The army descended mightily, and the soldiers approached the city, but they did not attack, just to be prepared.

Taking pity on the people and not sending troops to attack the city, Ying Changge was very patient and waited quietly for the capital to change.

As long as the army has already invaded to this stage, there is no need for other strategies!

Hearing Ying Changge's words, the King of Goguryeo immediately came to negotiate with the soldiers guarding the castle.

At this time, in the hall, there were already quite a few soldiers preparing to retreat - in order to escape this danger.

The only thing wrong is that now Ying Changge's army has come to the present, which is unmatched.

People were panicking, even the Prime Minister of Goguryeo, he was already very panicked.

If Ying Changge's army is attacked directly, I am afraid that Prime Minister Park will die without a place to be buried.

He was very uneasy, so he immediately cleaned up his weakness and immediately prepared to escape through the side door.

Prime Minister Park knew the bravery of Ying Changge. He was not to be outdone, but he was helpless.

He wanted to kill Ying Changge and to stabilize his position, but Prime Minister Park couldn't do anything.

He willingly surrendered his country and land, but Prime Minister Park did not want him to escape like this.

This is his own territory, how could Prime Minister Park leave like this?

Therefore, he must take revenge, must kill Ying Changge, or at least kill Daqin soldiers!

Resentment for resentment, revenge for revenge! The narrow-minded Prime Minister Park, of course, is very resentful.

His eyes were cold and irritable, and Prime Minister Park discussed with his advisor, "How can I kill him!"

"It's really not possible, send a small team of dead men to chop off Ying Changge's head!"

Prime Minister Park gave such a suggestion that he would not allow Ying Changge's army to enter the capital.

The ruthless-faced Prime Minister Park intends to fight the backwater and sink the boat, so that he can kill Ying Changge.

However, Ying Changge was not so easy to kill. Those who wanted to kill Ying Changge died instead.

When the advisor faced Prime Minister Park, he was too embarrassed to say a word, "Sir, it's really not right."

"Ying Changge's ability is high and strong, and he suppresses everyone with his martial arts. It's not so easy to die!"

"You must do what you can and prepare enough to kill Ying Changge!"

0・・・For flowers・・・0

A few counselors, you said a lot, and made Prime Minister Park nod frequently.

"Yes! You are right, once an attack is launched, it must be able to be counterattacked by Ying Changge!"

"An honest assassination, I'm afraid it won't kill Ying Changge!" Prime Minister Park shook his head in disappointment.

"Is it impossible, we have to watch Ying Changge's army invade our country!"


With a loud shout, Prime Minister Park patted the table, "The big deal, let's just die with him!"

"Such a battle is of course very important, but the time has not come!" The counselor whispered immediately.

After whispering a few words beside Prime Minister Park, the advisor soon came up with a plan.

"This strategy is very likely to assassinate Ying Changge, maybe it will be successful!"

After hearing the counselor's words, Prime Minister Park laughed even more contentedly and clapped his hands again and again.

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful! This is a very good plan!" Prime Minister Park was very serious.

So, he and his own people went there quickly, ready to pack up and leave.

1232 Insidious and cunning!

Packing a lot of luggage, Prime Minister Park hurried on his way, preparing to slip away from the city.

How long will it take if we don't go now! He must leave alive, Prime Minister Park has some conspiracies.

He is very deep in the city, and the army of Ying Changge who must not condone it is approaching like this.

Whenever he kills Ying Changge, Prime Minister Park will directly block Ying Changge's army from entering the city.

It's a pity that now the "three eight zero" nobles in Goguryeo have surrendered to Ying Changge, and they dare not refute Ying Changge at all.

Especially now, with Ying Changge's army close at hand, maybe Goguryeo will be in danger!

The stubborn, vicious and vicious Prime Minister Park has already put his life and death aside!

In the face of national humiliation, he will not show mercy! Prime Minister Park must do everything possible to assassinate Ying Changge.

Now that Ying Changge is in the city, this is a rare opportunity!

However, the helpless Prime Minister Park is not a general who kills the enemy in a mountain town, and he does not have much ability.

Now that it has fallen to such a point, everything is self-defeating, and Prime Minister Park is already very frightened.

Before Ying Changge's army approached him, he had to leave now.

The whole group was escaping quickly, and Prime Minister Park pulled his family and they all fled in fear.

The insidious and cunning Park Chengxiang continued along the streets, in order to avoid Ying Changge's army.

Otherwise, face to face, at that time, Prime Minister Park and his party will kill him directly, leaving nothing behind.

If you stay here for too long, I am afraid that Prime Minister Park will have no chance to leave. This is a very important thing.

He said that he was so open and upright, but in fact, Prime Minister Park was also greedy for life and fear of death.

When he knew that Ying Changge's army was outside the city gate, Prime Minister Park was also relieved, very relieved.

Immediately, he and his family members moved forward to the fullest, and he soon found a remote road that he could leave.

Following this alley that no one cares about, Prime Minister Park sneaked to the front of a well.

Bending down and looking at the well, he was very satisfied and poured a packet of medicinal powder into it.

The quantity of this medicinal powder is numerous, and the entire medicinal powder is directly poured into the well and fused with the water.

Laughing loudly, Prime Minister Park was very proud and even more hilarious, "I see how Ying Changge's army looks like!"

"As long as they enter the city, at that time, they must be completely killed!"

The mind is very vicious, and Prime Minister Park will not hesitate to kill Ying Changge in order to kill Ying Changge...

Whether it was the Qin army or the lives of his own Goguryeo people, Prime Minister Park would poison them to death.

When Ying Changge's army entered the city, he would be able to drink water from the well and be directly poisoned.

Letting them all die one by one, maybe there is a chance to poison Ying Changge, this is a good strategy!

Following the counselor's words, Prime Minister Park volatilized the poison and was very satisfied.

"Okay! Let's go!" Prime Minister Park clapped his hands with a smug look on his face.

However, at this moment, Adviser 5.0 came up immediately and whispered a few words.

Looking at the advisor carefully, Prime Minister Park's face changed, and he looked thoughtful.

"Good! It's really good! That's right, do the good things to the end, and send the Buddha to the west!" Prime Minister Park continued to walk.

Leading the group behind him, he quickly found another well and continued to poison.

1233 Immediately reprimanded!

In the Three Caves of Crafty Rabbit, Prime Minister Park poisoned several surrounding wells, which would increase the probability of poisoning.

At that time, poisoning Ying Changge and his group to death can be considered to resolve the hatred in his heart!

The situation was difficult, Prime Minister Park refused to evade him, he just wanted to go upstream and kill Ying Changge together.

Not far away, he saw another well, and Prime Minister Park walked up to it quickly.

Can't wait to take out a medicine bag, Prime Minister Park is ready to directly poison the water to kill everyone.

Anyone who drinks the water here will die, whether it's Ying Changge soldiers or the people of Goguryeo.

Today, Prime Minister Park has completely ignored, whether it is the enemy or his own 05 civilians, they must be killed.

The life of the prime minister was ruthless, and Prime Minister Park was ruthless, that is, the poison must be put into the water.

There are many people in the well, and once they drink water, they will die of poisoning.

Such a series of poisons, but if they get into the stomach, there is no way to cure them.

Prime Minister Park's conspiracy is unknown, he just wants to act secretly, even unscrupulous.

This kind of poison is unbearable for most people, but there will be endless danger.

After pouring a lot of poison into the well, Prime Minister Park was very proud and contented himself.

At this moment, several people came up, and they were all preparing to draw water.

"Who are you, why are you gathered next to this well, what do you want to do!"

The people immediately reprimanded, "What did you put into the well!" The people were very angry.

"This is the well water for drinking water, don't get dirty!" Everyone was very displeased.

Prime Minister Park turned around and glanced at them calmly, "It's just poison, don't make a fuss!"

"What!" "Poison!" "You are so deceiving, we are going to report to the officials!"

A few people were arrogant and arrogant, and they were very angry.

They turned their heads and left, preparing to report aggressively to expose what Prime Minister Park had done.

The calm and calm Prime Minister Park snorted coldly, "Goguryeo is about to die! What's the use of reporting officials!"

A few civilians simply ignored Prime Minister Park's words, and they must expose this matter.

Leaving in groups, they did not listen to Prime Minister Park's advice and went their own way!

"Stupid guy, I don't know what it is!" Prime Minister Park immediately chased after him, "This is my last resort!"

"I must complete the righteousness, poison all the Qin army, and let them all die!"

"So, you can't report to the officials!" Prime Minister Park shouted, his voice very cold.

How could a bunch of common people understand these things! They just keep going to the police.

Seeing that 380 could not persuade them, Prime Minister Park gave up.

Immediately, Prime Minister Park drew his sword out of the scabbard, and a broken sword immediately stabbed the people in the lower back.

The blood was sprayed, and several people were very surprised, and they all fled in a hurry, preparing to leave.