I Try To Become An Immortal Through Mortal Science

Chapter 221: A nuclear explosion can also ascend the

  Chapter 221 Nuclear Explosions Can Ascension

  Using all his strength to re-display the supernatural power of the Pisces Picture, Miaohe and Jinxia's Nascent Soul were able to resist in the ensuing spiritual wave.

  But the physical bodies of the two could not be kept, and they collapsed into a ball of sparks in the black and red spiritual waves.

   The spirit shield propped up by the poisonous dragon with the demon pills resisted for a moment longer than the two of Miaohe, but they did not escape the fate of being destroyed.

  The flesh body was exposed to the black-red spirit wave, and the poisonous dragon immediately felt burning pain all over his body, and the burning smell of himself filled his nostrils.

  He had no choice but to protect his vitals with his magic power, and let the shock wave peel off the scorched flesh on his surface.

  As for the giant tortoise, he was really unlucky, he was about to survive the thunder disaster, and it ended up like this.

   After being hacked for so long, it was already depressing enough that he fell short in the end, and he had to fight the black and red Lingbo to death.

  Right now, his whole body is curled up in the scorched tortoise shell, his breath is faint, and he doesn't know whether he is dead or alive.

  On Luo Hong's side, the foggy mirrors around him turned black in patches, and the black-red spiritual wave that changed the color of the world was sweeping towards him at an extremely fast speed.

Fan Mengyi also looked at the image in the foggy mirror, and naturally knew the horror of the black and red Lingbo. Seeing that this terrible thing was about to come, Luo Hong was still frowning and contemplating. I can't help feeling anxious.

   "Master, quickly take the disciple to teleport again!"

  Fan Mengyi didn't care whether her body could bear it or not, she wanted Luo Hong to take her to escape with all her heart.

   "Don't panic, it's just the aftermath, it's okay."

Luo Hong reassured him that in his original calculation, the damage radius of the nuclear explosion was about 200 miles, but since the role of spirits in the nuclear explosion is unknown and usually has a positive effect, his estimated damage radius The radius is about four hundred miles.

  For absolute safety, Luo Hong chose the observation point on an island and reef nearly a thousand miles away from Blood Moon Island.

  Now, although the power of the spiritual explosion is far beyond his estimation, it still cannot threaten them who are far away from the observation point.

   Not long after, a black and red spiritual wave that had faded a lot swept past, and the master and apprentice under the spiritual hood felt that the air became a little hotter.

   There was no horrible scene of rocks melting into slurry on the islands and reefs, but it became hotter.

  While Fan Mengyi patted his chest and praised Master for his foresight, Luo Hong secretly analyzed the characteristics of the black-red Lingbo in his heart.

   "According to the observation results, the black and red Lingbo brought out the super high temperature in the center of the nuclear explosion!"

   As we all know, the temperature at the center of a nuclear explosion is as high as tens of millions of degrees, which is close to the temperature at the center of the sun.

  However, under normal circumstances, the temperature will rapidly decay with the change of distance, and it will not be transmitted very far.

  The existence of Lingzi broke this rule. The terrifying power of burning the sky and boiling the sea displayed by the black and red Lingbo is even more frightening than the mushroom cloud.

  The appearance of the black-red Lingbo seems to have proved the fact that the spirit energy is attached to the surface of the atomic nucleus, but at this time, Luo Hong's face did not show the joy of finding the answer, but was very solemn and kept thinking.

   "Strange, how come the total amount of spiritual particles estimated by the physical examination form is two orders of magnitude higher than what I calculated in advance?

  There is no reason for this!

  Why are there so many extra spirits out of thin air? ! "

  Luo Hong's first reaction was that the rules are like this, but Tiandao has not expressed anything so far. Instead, he still has a bad premonition. Obviously Tiandao does not admit that he has done a good deed.

   This basically convinced Luo Hong that those spiritual seeds were definitely not created out of thin air.

   Just when Luo Hong was puzzled, the black-red mushroom cloud in the distance changed suddenly.

  I saw that a black hole seemed to be born inside the mushroom cloud. The flame that was originally rolled outwards began to collapse inwards, and the strong wind that was originally blowing outwards also suddenly changed direction.

  After ten breaths, the huge mushroom cloud disappeared, replaced by dense space cracks.

  These space cracks are long and short. The longest one in the central area is two miles long. At this moment, they are madly absorbing the material and spiritual energy of the human world.

   Seeing those dark cracks, Luo Hong wasn't worried that the true sun fire she had worked so hard to forge would be swallowed up.

The higher the spiritual level of the spiritual material, the more resistant it is to the suction force of the space crack. With the spiritual level of the real fire of the sun that exceeds the limit of the human world, as long as it is not born in the space crack, there is no need to worry about it falling into the space crack .

  The space in the human world is not stable. Old Demon Han had accidentally shattered the space during the battle with the ancient demon in Fallen Demon Valley. It is not surprising that the space cracks were created under the nuclear explosion of the spirit, and this is all within Luo Hong's calculations.

  However, just as Luo Hong was about to continue thinking about the multi-magnitude growth of spirit sons, a vague but familiar connection suddenly appeared in his soul.

   "Black hydrogen gas cluster? What?"

  This connection is exactly what Luo Hong used as the fuel for the nuclear explosion of Lingzi's black hydrogen gas cluster, but the black hydrogen gas cluster should be "burned" and exhausted, so how could it suddenly appear again.

  The center of the nuclear explosion was originally the area of ​​the main spiritual room. The moment before Luo Hong sensed the connection, countless black spots invisible to the naked eye converged towards a point in the center like scattered nebulae.

  These black dots are the products of fusion of black hydrogen ions, black helium atoms!

  In Luo Hong's estimate, they should have been blown away by the power of the nuclear explosion, but even Luo Hong didn't know that the nuclear explosion itself is a very leaping way of ascension.

   At the moment of the nuclear explosion, these black helium atoms were born, and raised nine spiritual levels in one breath.

  The shielding effect came into play immediately, so that these black helium atoms were not blown too far by the power of the nuclear explosion.

  Thus, when the space cracks absorb the matter and aura of the human world, although they have a high spiritual level, their individual volume is only at the atomic level, so they are slowly pulled to the center.

   And when enough black helium atoms gather, its macroscopic properties begin to show, which immediately counteracts the attraction of space cracks to it, and pulls all the black helium atoms over.

As more and more black helium atoms gather, finally breaking through a certain threshold, its macroscopic properties are increased by orders of magnitude, and the rest of the black helium atoms are absorbed into the center in an instant, turning into a black particle the size of a grain of sand. sphere.

   It was also at this moment that Luo Hong, who had performed the blood refinement technique on the unitary heavy water, sensed its existence.

  When the black helium ball is fully formed, its macroscopic characteristics are displayed to the extreme.

  At this moment, in the central area of ​​the explosion, as if the world had turned upside down, the magma that was originally flowing on the bottom of the sea hit the sky in a falling posture.

  The place where the black helium ball is located presents a strong sense of space distortion, and soon the cobweb-like black cracks spread from the point where the black helium ball is located.

  The spatial structure of this place was already shattered by the spiritual nuclear explosion, and the appearance of the black helium ball was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. This poor space finally couldn't hold it anymore, and a large area of ​​collapse began to appear.

  The space cracks that were originally scattered became one piece, and a huge space crack that was tens of miles long and several miles wide was torn open, like God opened an eye.

  During the short gap between sensing the connection and the formation of the giant space crack, Luo Hong keenly noticed that there were many small water droplets floating on the sea surface.

  He immediately used the physical examination form to detect the surrounding gravity, and then discovered a fact that shocked him:

  Something born in a nuclear explosion changed gravity on a large scale!

  Before Luo Hong was amazed, what a mighty power and supernatural power this was, the giant space crack appeared, and the connection disappeared suddenly.

  The gravitational value displayed in the physical examination form also returned to normal.

  (end of this chapter)