I Use Game World to Farm

Chapter 158: 2D holy city construction plan

Ten minutes later, Zhou Zhe came to the underground base.

When he saw Zhou Zhe, An Wen almost didn't recognize it.

"Have you gone to Africa to shoot?"

Seeing Zhou Zhe, who was almost dark, An Wen asked with a smile. "Don't mention it, it's tiring to make a movie."

Zhou Zhe was sitting on the sofa with a buttock. He was not only dark, but he had lost a lot of weight.

Tons of tons ... "This drink ... what brand is so delicious."

Zhou Zhe picked up the lava drink on the coffee table, poured it into her belly after opening it.

After taking two sips, he felt wrong, and the drink was too delicious.

"You can't buy it. When you leave, move in two boxes."

An Wen said indifferently, this beverage is really nothing special, it can not resist aging, but it can supplement the vitamins needed by the human body. Now there are more vitamin-based functional drinks, and this one is not bad.

Apart from being particularly tasty, this beverage is not afraid of being investigated.

"Okay, I'm not polite with you. Look at it. This is a tourism development plan. This is a game plan."

After Zhou Zhe took out two documents and handed them to An Wen, he continued to drink.

An Wen first opened the tourism development program.

The investment of the steam machinery giant city can be said to be very high. People with normal brains will not spend so much money to build a steampunk city.

Therefore, it is difficult to customize the tourism planning plan for the steam machinery giant city.

If the fees are high, most people will not travel here except for young people or middle-aged and young people.

However, if the fees are low, they are not in line with the force of the steam machinery giant, and they are not worth the investment of 100 billion yuan.

Therefore, in order to develop the tourism potential, Zhou Zhe's company has researched for a long time.

"Secondary and the development of the entertainment industry."

An Wen looked at the development direction of the steam machinery giant on the first page and muttered curiously.

"Well, that's it, our company's think tank, but after thinking about it for a long time, we researched this plan that was made for a long time." Zhou Zhe said, eating snacks beside him.

Don't look at the giant steam machinery that Anwen invested and built.

However, the entire steam machinery giant's operations, maintenance, tourism development and other matters were all entrusted to Zhou Zhe's company.

Anyway, An Wen only shook his hands and held the shopkeeper, and he would never care about specific things.

After ten minutes.

An Wen read the development plan of this steam machinery giant.

Simply put, the steam machinery giant is not ready to open to the general population.

Of course, if you want to come in and play, you can buy a ticket.

Tickets are of course not cheap and do not include other internal costs, tickets are 450 yuan.

At this price, a lot of people will definitely be dismissed.

The targeted secondary development is to make this place Akihabara.

Of course, that can't be done in a short time, and some supporting industries and traffic are needed.

Among them are the establishment of two-dimensional animation, novels, and comics websites, the acquisition of several companies in Dongfang, the purchase of two-dimensional related copyrights, the two-dimensional various peripheral industries, the animation exhibition, the game exhibition and other activities.

Anyway, it is to move what can be done in the current two-dimensional element, as long as conditions allow, all moved over.

Then rent out the residential house in the city to the otaku.

Think about it, if you are a otaku, you will have a female breakfast shop in the morning, play games with Lolita to accompany the girl to visit you, and have a special knee pillow picking lounge at noon. In the afternoon, you can find a group of like-minded friends to open a live wave Cthulhu Mission.

Tired of playing, go for a massage at night, then go shopping to buy the surroundings, you can find a specialized physiotherapist to do sleep guidance at night.

Getting up the next day was another full day.

In this environment, which otaku would like to leave.

If there was such a place then, Anwen would definitely rent a house here and be stationed here all year round.

Therefore, although this plan is a cold meal fried two yuan, but it is not bad.

After all, with the purchasing power of otaku, if it can really develop here, the otaku nationwide is enough to support a city.

"How's this plan? OK."

Zhou Zhe took a sip of the drink and said proudly.

"OK, but the pattern is a bit small." An Wen said casually.

"The structure is small. If this plan is to be fully implemented, it will need tens of billions. This structure is still small." Zhou Zhe said with eyes widened.

An Wen also picked up a bottle of drink and then said, "The plan is okay, but you are not otaku after all, there is almost something in it.

There are also many otakus. Game homes, animation homes, and technology homes are all divided by the outside world. In fact, in addition to the high-end technology homes, the remaining otakus will almost always play games, watch cartoons, read novels, and like ACG culture.

Although you have done a lot of planning schemes, there are no bright spots except the younger sister.

If you want to achieve the goal of the plan, you have to do a few things next. The first thing is to buy a small station, even if you can't buy it, you must buy a share.

With the drainage of Xiaobrozhan ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, it can save a lot of promotion resources. After all, advertising with two-dimensional things may not be effective. This is a circle problem.

The second thing is to take a steam machinery giant as a prototype and engage in an essay contest. The prize money for me is more than 100 million, and you can even find top-level God-made novels.

The third thing is to buy the game rights of Dongying, the most important of which is Pokemon Pokémon, so if you can't buy it, you have to buy the copyright in our country.

Then I will arrange a research institute, design wearable devices, and play a real-life AR game in the Steam Machinery City.

Do the above, and cooperate with your plan, even if the plan for the construction of the two-dimensional sacred place of the steam machinery giant city is not successful, it will not go too far. "

After Zhou Zhe heard it, she pursed her lips and asked a bit weakly, "How much does it cost?"

"The question of money is not something you need to consider. My banknote printer is about to start soon." An Wen said with a smile.

Chen Ye told him last time that the offline channel stores of cosmetics have been renovated.

Sales staff and logistics warehousing are all done.

Cosmetics are also in production, waiting to be launched in all channels early next month.

At that time, An Wen was afraid that there was no money, and he was afraid that there was no place to spend money.

As long as there are women in the world, he will not be short of money.

As for the two-dimensional holy land construction plan, he still agrees, because then he can come and play.

Miss Lolita ... hehe ...

After half an hour, Zhou Zhe left.

When he left, he filled the trunks of two cars, all of which were drinks and snacks swept from Anwen. Anwen doesn't matter, as long as you can hold it, you can take it.

Anyway, there are as many things as other things that he wants to produce, and he doesn't care.