I Use Game World to Farm

Chapter 209: New discovery

A journey through the mountains, a journey through the water, walking towards Yuguan, thousands of lights at night.

Yun Yizhuo, Yu Yishuo, faint shirt Luo Luo, light double Daidai.

At the smell of running water, the shadow of the wild people.

Horn sounds, flute sounds.

It's sunny and windy.

Overnight in prestige.

Hanmei was adorned with Qiongzhi, and her fragrant face was half open.

The moon bridge flowers on both sides of the spit were half spit, red and myocardial, and a little rouge.

See how well this ancient poem is written.

The elegance of the intention and the profound charm make people want to stop.

An Wen and Chen Yan were at home for three days.

Compose poems every day, appreciate poetry, and occasionally ensemble of piano and flute.

It can be said that the opponent will meet Liangcai ...... No, it is a match made in heaven.

On this day, the two finally left home and came to the company.

Because today's meeting is the year-end summary meeting.

"Good morning An, good morning Chen."

When he came to the company, Chen Yan held An Wen's arm and smiled.

Many people in the company were surprised when they saw the two people coming in together.

Originally, there was a small news in the company saying that An Wen and Chen Yan were male and female friends, and finally it was stone hammer.

Half an hour later, the company's conference room was full of executives.

An Wen didn't want to participate in this kind of meeting, but Chen Xun had to ask him to come.

Anyway he went to that one and listened to the report.

"It's been hard for everyone this year. Today we are going to make a summary of last year's work and set out the direction of development next year ..."

Chen Yan looked at An Wen and saw that he had no intention of speaking, so he said directly.

Before switching to it, she still needs to ask An Wen, and now it is not necessary to be so troublesome.

The next summary of the various departments made An Wen's eyes wide open.

He didn't know that the company had grown so large in less than a year.

He also knows about the situation of the aerospace department, cosmetics department, and daily necessities department.

However, some of its subordinate companies listened aggressively, such as special battery companies, high-precision equipment production companies, special fiber companies, environmental protection companies, sports car companies, machine tool companies, motor companies, communication equipment companies, headhunters, Software companies, corporate strategy research consulting companies, financial audit asset clearing companies, third-party testing companies, electronic information technology companies, animation film and television game production companies ...

There are dozens of subsidiary companies, some of whom he didn't know when it was established.

Like a sports car company, that's what Professor Feng was involved in. He started to understand something.

But he didn't know that the steam-powered sports car that was originally designed had passed the review and started to sell.

Moreover, all three have been sold.

As of now, sports car companies have begun researching electric sports cars, and the team is still Professor Feng's group of them.

But after listening to all the reports, he was relieved.

These subsidiaries are different from what he imagined.

It is not the kind to expand to make money. The main business of most branches is to provide services for the head office.

Some branch companies involved in the manufacture of high-precision equipment are basically providing various equipment and parts to the head office, and sometimes the country also purchases some.

Only electronic information technology companies and animation film and television game production companies are branches that carry out business.

Like his general direction, it is mainly about patent authorization and charging patent fees.

The top equipment made by the branch is for their own use. They do not **** the market with ordinary companies and sell at most to the country. Others cannot buy it if they want to buy it.

The year-end summary report is completed, and the meeting breaks to give everyone time to solve personal problems.

There are only two left in the meeting room, An Wen and Chen Yan.

"This is the strategic deployment for this year, you see." Chen Yi handed Anwen a report.

An Wen took the report and looked at it. The strategic plan inside was well formulated.

In addition to cosmetics and daily necessities, they continue to cultivate intensively and seize the market of other companies worldwide. Even the ecological circle improvement plan of the ACG industry chain has detailed plans.

After all, after reading it, I just thought the plan was very professional.

Well, it's different from what he wants.

It's all about grabbing the market, making money around the world, and developing the ACG ecosystem, but it's not the main purpose.

"Biomedical and aerospace, I will increase investment after the New Year.

Xie Yuxin was handed over to the biomedicine. After the underground research base is completed, she will be in charge of this area. There will be great development this year.

I ’m in charge of aerospace. The country ’s pair of starships are up in the sky, and our spacecraft should be out. "

An Wen said after putting down the report.

"Xie Yuxin, is your school sister?" Chen Yan grasped the point.

"Well, Xuejie's strength is still very strong." An Wen nodded, he did not hear anything else.

Chen Yan looked at the expression on An Wen's face and said nothing.

Twenty minutes later, the meeting continued.

However, at this time, An Wen received a call from Academician Zhao of the Nuclear Fusion Research Institute.

"Mr. An, there are major discoveries, come to the institute quickly."

"Okay, I'll be there."

An Wen heard that Professor Zhao was trembling even with his voice, and he must have found something extraordinary.

Talked to Chen Yi, and he left.

When he came to the institute, An Wen found Academician Zhao.

At this time, Academician Zhao and Academician Ge were in a laboratory, and they all looked at the data on the screen intently.

"What did you find?"

"Shh ... don't talk, come and see."

As a result, several people quickly signaled him not to speak.

what's going on?

As a result, he just walked by and a few academicians sighed.

"Well ... this time failed."

"Is the material not strong enough?"

"We have calculated the strength of the material. It may be another problem."

An Wen was very speechless and called me over, and you were talking vigorously.

"Ahem ... Mr. An, sorry, just too fascinated.

Casimir effect, does An always understand? "

Professor Zhao reacted when he saw An Wen, and said.

"The Casimir effect ... the vacuum zero point energy?" An Wen said in surprise.

How did several academicians study the vacuum zero point energy?

"Yes, no, we didn't study the zero-point energy of vacuum. This experiment ... forget it, let Xiao Qi explain."

Academician Zhao was talking and suddenly pulled a young man next to him and said to him, "Explain to President An."

The young man with glasses nodded and said to An Wen: "General An, my name is Qi Yonglong, a student of Mr. Zhao, who is mainly engaged in electromagnetic field research.

When I was studying the super strong electromagnetic field two days ago, I suddenly thought of a problem, which is the zero energy of vacuum.

Although the research on the zero-point energy of vacuum is still in the theoretical stage, and everything is said, I do n’t know much about it ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ But I know that the extraction of the zero-point energy of vacuum violates the second law of thermodynamics Neither can extract energy from random electromagnetic vibration.

Then I wondered if I could use the electromagnetic field amplitude equipment to create a chaotic mechanism of energy fluctuations, but it has self-organizing characteristics to extract the vacuum zero energy. "

After listening, An Wen was very excited.

Could the vacuum zero be extracted successfully?

"Did you succeed?"

"No, we failed. Under vacuum conditions, the Casimir effect device we made not only did not extract the zero energy of the vacuum, but made the two graphene tubes repulsive."

After working for a long time, no success.

and many more……

Repulsion under vacuum!