I Use Game World to Farm

Chapter 215: Nuclear fusion ignites, everyone speaks

The next morning, An Wen got up earlier than Chen Yan.

He was very happy last night, so he took Chen to play for a long time.

As a result ... that's it.

Diving is related to visceral strength and blood oxygen content.

His current physical fitness is fine for five minutes under water.

And Chen Yan, she couldn't hold back after only two clicks.

After washing, An Wen drove directly to the Nuclear Fusion Research Institute, where he was going to have breakfast.

When Anwen's red flag car drove to the gate of the scientific research area, it was found that it was already under martial law.

"Not so much."

He feels a bit exaggerated.

As a result, after entering the research area, he found that the inside was more exaggerated than the outside.

Even at the entrance of the cafeteria, there are people standing guard.

"General Manager, here."

Seeing An Wen coming in, Academician Ge quickly greeted him.

"Ge Lao, don't wait for me, this is so embarrassing." An Wen saw that the three were waiting for him.

"Don't say that, hurry up."

No one spoke during the meal.

By the time they finished eating, the cafeteria outside was long gone, and everyone was already at work.

When I saw it in Anwen, nuclear fusion ignited, no big deal.

But for everyone, this is a historic moment.

The martial law in the scientific research area was only seen by An Wen. The places he did not see were even more exaggerated.

Anti-aircraft missiles are ready.

There is no signal from the mobile phone around Gutian County, it is not blocked, but the power of the surrounding radar is too large, and the mobile phone cannot receive the signal.

Director Shen didn't make a special call, that was because An Wen was under pressure.

In fact, the above attaches more importance to the ignition of nuclear fusion than An Wen's imagination.

Soon they entered the factory.

An Wen also saw this big guy for the first time, and this reactor seemed to be more than the other world.

The whole looks like a huge cylinder.

Unlike our Tokamak, there are not so many pipelines outside the reactor because there is no need for liquid nitrogen cooling, which leaves a lot of trouble.

Inside this huge cylindrical shell is a vacuum insulated cavity.

Then there is a hollow ball wrapped by the superconducting coil of the magnetic field enhancement device, and there are also three magneto-fluid generator interfaces.

The hollow sphere, the reaction chamber, is the essence of this reactor.

Both materials and technology are the most advanced in the world.

Anwen had exposed the drawings of the reactor before, and it was not discounted at all.

But the problem is, you can't make drawings.

You can refer to the technology, but how to refer to the material.

"How long does the pre-ignition inspection take?"

An Wen saw a group of workers busy around the reactor, and a group of people were constantly refreshing the data of this equipment.

This is the last kind of inspection, and it can't be a problem.

"It takes about an hour."

"Well, a self-test system should be developed."

"Still more careful."

An Wen chatted casually with the three academicians, waiting for the self-test to end.

After more than an hour, the self-test was completed and no problems were found on all equipment and systems.

"Inject fuel."

"Fuel injection is complete."

"Enable the magnetic field enhancement device."

"The device has been activated and the magnetic field strength is 1500T."

At this point, the next step is ignition.

Researchers at the site looked at An Wen, waiting for him to press the red button on the console.

Looked a little helpless.

"Ready?" An Wen confirmed for the last time.

"Mr. An, everything is ready and ready to fire."

After hearing the exact answer, he looked at the three academicians, and the other nodded at him.

Forget it, you don't want to press, then I will come.


Anwen readily pressed the ignition button at any time.

In the two small and complicated acceleration pipelines, the deuterium and tritium atoms are being heated and accelerated. Eventually, the deuterium and tritium atoms are simultaneously injected into the hollow sphere and collide accurately.

Without separation, the ignition failed.

Under strong interaction, the deuterium and tritium nuclei stick tightly together, and then a fusion reaction occurs.

Huge energy burst, and the temperature inside the hollow sphere soared wildly.

That speed is long in seconds. You have to look at Planck time ... it seems a little long.

Anyway, the monitoring device displayed blue in the last second, and it turned red in the next second.

The high-temperature plasma torrent exploded, hitting a super strong magnetic field, and was then bounced back.

A torrent of violent and terrible energy surged inside the hollow ball.

The neutron, which was so aggressive, can't get mad anymore, it can't wear super strong electromagnetic field.

At this time, three superconducting magnetic fluid generators started to work.

The electrons in the high-temperature plasma torrent are separated from the atomic nucleus due to the extremely high temperature and become a stream of positively and negatively charged particles.

These positrons and electrons pass through the magnetic field of the superconducting magnetic fluid generator, cutting the magnetic lines of force and generating an electric current.

The electric current is not transmitted through the wires, but is directly transmitted out of the nuclear fusion reactor by means of wireless power transmission.

"The power of a single magnetic fluid generator reaches 7 million kilowatts, and the total power reaches 21 million kilowatts."

When the staff reported this data, the real individuals were shaking.

What does this data represent?

The total installed capacity of the Three Gorges is 22.5 million kilowatts, which is the total power generation of 32 700 thousand kilowatt motors plus two 50 thousand kilowatt motors.

Moreover, the nuclear fusion reactor at hand is not a complete commercial reactor, but an experimental reactor.

If it is really the first generation of nuclear fusion reactors, the data could increase by about three times.

In other words, there are ten nuclear fusion reactors, and other power plants in our country can be closed.

But with the commercial use of fusion reactors, power consumption will skyrocket.

So energy is always a problem with the development of science and technology.

Think of the power consumption of city-level electromagnetic barriers, you will find that there are not two nuclear fusion reactors in a city, it seems that electricity is not enough.

The incident passed by every minute.

In an instant, two minutes passed.

120 seconds, as usual, is very short.

But for nuclear fusion experiments, this time is already long.

At this time, everyone is paying attention to the data in front of them.

At the beginning, the data will still fluctuate, but after 60 seconds, all the data fluctuates within a very small range.

It can be said that such fluctuations have been regarded as stable.

After five minutes, many people started looking around.

As a result, An Wen in front of the console has not responded, and the three academicians have not responded, causing them to dare not cheer.

In the end ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ still An Wen felt a bit wrong.

Isn't this successful?

Why is there no cheer, this is not right.

Poppy ...

An Wen applauded first, and then the three academicians reacted, applauding immediately.

After that, everyone in the control room applauded and cheered.

"We succeeded!"

"Nuclear fusion is successful!"

"Ahhhhhh ..."

An Wen watched a group of people turning over and over for a few words, either it was a success, or it was too excited, and felt no passion.

"It's all the heroes who can stand here, so ... Everyone speaks arrogantly."