I Use Game World to Farm

Chapter 251: That's not to talk about

It took a day for An Wen to occupy all the geosynchronous orbits.

I also recovered thousands of scrapped satellites and some space trash.

卫星 Most of these satellites are polar bears and Mi countries, old-fashioned satellites launched during the Cold War.

He originally wanted to dispose of these satellites as rubbish, but he was pulled away at night.

He also couldn't figure out what the use of these broken satellites was, and the technology was out of date.

I just pull away if I'm willing to pull away, it's no use keeping him.

At night, An Wen went to sleep and the United Nations went to work.

Haven't argued about the improvement of the lunar law before?

Now again start arguing over satellite orbit.

This time, several big countries are arguing.

Because of the aerospace thing, it has nothing to do with small countries, and even if the satellite orbits are placed there, they have no points.

So the representatives of these small countries just sat there watching the excitement.

If it is not allowed to eat melon at the venue, it is estimated that they have already eaten.

The meeting lasted for a day.

Open in the morning and continue in the afternoon, and finally end at work in the evening.

As for the results, nothing.

Various proposals were rejected by one vote.

However, in private, a few big powers discussed it. It is impossible for you to occupy all the geosynchronous orbits. You must let them out.

The representative of Tong Huaguo also knew that he would definitely let it out in the end.

However, he cannot do this.

On the national side, they did not agree directly, but said it the next day.

一 In the early morning the next morning, An Wen had breakfast and received a call from Director Shen.

"What? It's impossible to get out, but they can pay for a place."

"Well, that's OK, how much do you plan to sell?"

"100 million knives per position."

"... this is unlikely, but we will communicate your ideas to them, how much money we can talk about, it is difficult to say."

Director Shen has been immune to An Wen's lion opening.

"Also yes ... it must be at least $ 10 million, otherwise it will not be sold."

"Okay, I know."

Hang up, An Wen continued to lie on the sofa.

The satellite was finished, and he was fine.

跟 He told Director Gu that those satellites are models, but in fact those satellites are all genuine.

I just because of the problem of production capacity, he couldn't explain where those satellites came from, he could only say the real ones were false.

Models are not as much as he wants to make them, and no one cares.

As for what to do later?

Replace it with a higher-level satellite.

The next night, in the morning of M.M., the ITU Alliance stated that the satellites launched by ZT did not comply with Article 193 of the Organic Law regarding the procedures for satellite channel and satellite orbit declaration.

In other words, those satellites that Anwen put on the sky are not recognized internationally.

Next, the State of Mi stated that it would condemn ZT for wanton launching of satellites regardless of the safety of human spaceflight, the space environment, and international laws.

And let ZT take back all satellites in geosynchronous orbit within a week.

The reason why I changed my attitude so much today is not because I didn't talk about it.

条件 In terms of private talks, several countries have stated that they can give two-fifths of satellite orbit to China, and the remaining three-fifths must be released.

Hua Guo said that these satellites are launched by private companies and are commercial satellites. The state cannot make any decisions for private companies.

But ZT said that considering the special situation of each country, the location of the geosynchronous orbit satellites, they can give up, but one location is 100 million dollars.

Such a big disagreement cannot be reached at all.

Then, several countries have become soaring, and even the big hairs that have not been involved in the moon before have also expressed their views.

I ca n’t help it, Da Mao is poor.

说 You said that when you went to the moon mining, Da Mao had more than enough heart, but he didn't participate.

Da Mao voted abstaining from the previous lunar law.

But this time it's different. The Earth's orbit is occupied, and they will have no place to launch satellites in the future.

The main thing is that one track position needs 100 million knives.

怎么 Why don't you grab it.

So this time, Da Mao was also anxious, and with other countries, he pointed his finger at China.

The next few days, the two sides held many negotiations.

But it's just that we can't reach a conclusion. The bottom line between the two sides is too different, and this issue is not entirely a satellite issue.

This involves more complex issues of international relations.

From the beginning of controlled nuclear fusion, the outbreak in China has been too fierce, and it cannot be suppressed.

By relying on a controlled nuclear fusion reactor, Li Guang is enough to make China invincible, which also makes it impossible for countries to join hands.

Then came the moon landing on Anwen.

This time, countries have seen the seriousness of the problem, but you can't do anything about private companies landing on the moon.

Finally, due to satellite issues, countries have found opportunities.

According to the ITU's organizational law, this time Anwen launching a satellite is indeed illegal.

Although everyone launched satellites before, they would not take this organization law seriously, but it was one or two, who would seem to be bothered by the trouble of finding each other.

But this time it's different. Since you Huahua said that it is a private company's business behavior, then things are easy to say.

We use state action to prevent ZT's business practices.

A few days later, when An Wen received the call from Director Shen again, his voice was very serious.

Director Xun Shen told him about the recent negotiations and the requirements of various countries.

"Want me to take back the satellite? If not, take down my satellite?

And also no longer negotiate, that is to talk about 喽. "

Wu Anwen was not worried at all after listening.

"They seized your satellite launch process in violation of the ITU Organizational Law ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and didn't want to explain the conditions, so ..." Director Shen said helplessly.

"Okay, then let them fight, and if I have the ability, hit my satellites." An Wen said indifferently.

这 "This ... well, I know."

Director Xun Shen hung up the phone helplessly, An Wen definitely couldn't make sense here, and he didn't want to persuade.

As An Wen said, if you have the ability, you can shoot down the satellites.

36,000 kilometers of geosynchronous orbit, isn't that 36,000 meters, so good to hit?

There are several types of anti-satellite weapons: laser, microwave, and missile. The first two are okay to say, but for anti-satellite missiles, the value of that missile is at least several million dollars.

Now there are more than 10,000 satellites launched by Anwen in the sky, how much do you count for all of them?

But I have to say that this time, the matter has risen to the level of bright weapons and muscles.

Let's not say whether you can beat down all Anwen's satellites, but you must be tough.

This evening, An Wenshang Zhengxiang is here.

The alarm on his cell phone went off.

"What the hell?"

He stumbled to pick up the phone and looked at it, it turned out to be a satellite alert.

"Don't move? Want to hit Lao Tzu's satellite? Dream it."

Wu Anwen nodded to dismiss the alarm, then turned on the satellite's electromagnetic shield, then fell down and fell asleep. .


First think of a way to break the electromagnetic shield.