I Use Game World to Farm

Chapter 262: Virtual World and Soul Consciousness

"Wu Yuan, come over here and help me put the three satellites in the sky ... Yes, yes ... Not very urgent, just come in the afternoon."

An Wen put down the phone and looked at the three huge satellites in front of her.

How big are these three satellites?

The diameter of each satellite reaches 12 meters, and the protruding part at the bottom is more than 3 meters.

These three satellites are not space-based weapons, but the host of photon supercomputing, and the energy source is a cold nuclear fusion reactor.

Of course, there are still self-defense weapons against space junk and meteorite.

The reason why the photon supercomputing is placed in geosynchronous orbit is mainly to cover the world and to provide computing power for the game.

The real physics engine is very powerful, and the physical parameters in the game are the same as reality.

But there is a disadvantage of such a physics engine, which is that the demand for computing power is too terrible. Once the computing power is insufficient, the game will crash directly.

For safety, Anwen directly sent three photon supercomputers into space.

With the assistance of these three photon supercomputing, coupled with the main server on the ground, the problem of computing power of the game can be completely solved.

It is no exaggeration to say that with this computing power, scientists are enough to do physics experiments in the game.

"Computing power is enough. There is only one problem left."

An Wen returned to the living room, picked up the phone and called Director Shen.

"Director Shen, I need something from the state to help."

"Well, what's the matter, you say."

"Send me a death row. I'll do an experiment."

"... This is not ancient, there are no death row, but there seem to be a lot of drug dealers on the border. I will help you."

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you have short arms and short legs, as long as you don't die."

"May I ask, what is the specific experiment?"

"An experiment about the eternal life of the soul."


After hanging up the phone, An Wen lay on the sofa and began to think.

He doesn't know if virtual reality equipment can make human souls live forever.

There are only specific technologies and theories in the other world, but all theories and technologies do not say whether the virtual world can let the human soul enter the virtual world.

From the perspective of anatomical studies, human thinking is a signal generated by neurons and synapses, and countless signals constitute human thinking.

So is human thinking a very complex set of information?

do not know?

As far as the current level of human science and technology is concerned, if he only explains it this way, he would not believe it anyway.

So you say human beings have a soul?

What about the evidence? After solving humans, we can also explain human intelligence problems through neurons.

How do you explain the soul problem?

Therefore, this time he will try to see if the virtual world can carry human thinking.

The problem of computing power has been solved. No matter how strong the computing power of the human brain is, it is not as powerful as the photon supercomputing speed of 65 trillion trillion billion per second.

Then the calculation speed is solved, and whether the human mind is a collection of information, it is easy to produce results.

Thinking of this, An Wen got up and went to Xie Yuxin's laboratory.

This experiment also needs Xie Yuxin's help.

The next afternoon, Director Shen brought a group of people to him.

Five stateless drug dealers were escorted over.

Anyway, there is no such thing as no nationality, and there is no such thing.

"Can I watch while experimenting?" Director Shen asked.

"Yes, come together."

When it comes to immortality, even the soul is immortal.

After being injected with narcotics, the drug traffickers are delivered to the operating table and put on virtual world equipment.

This device is specially made by Anwen and Shuguang. Normal people enter the virtual world with only 90% fidelity. Human senses will find that the virtual world is different from the real world, and people will not confuse virtual and reality.

However, the current equipment is 99.99999% fidelity, which definitely makes people unable to distinguish between virtual and reality.

What's more, these devices not only read information, but also copy and store information.

"This is a virtual reality device?" Director Shen asked in surprise.

"Well, this is special. Real games don't need this kind of fidelity." An Wen nodded and replied.

Soon, everything was ready before the experiment.

Xie Yuxin looked at An Wen.

"Sister Xue, let's get started, don't take them for granted, these people are all beasts."

"Well, I have no psychological burden." Xie Yuxin answered calmly.

Soon, a needle was injected. This was the anti-narcotics drug, and it also had brain-stimulating ingredients.

The first drug dealer quickly woke up, but he was in the virtual world as soon as he woke up.

Through the big screen, the three can see the drug dealer suddenly appear on the bed in a prison room and wake up slowly.

"Where is this?"

When the drug dealer woke up, he sat up and looked around in doubt, but did not notice anything unusual.

When they entered the underground base, they all covered their heads and didn't know where they were taken.

"Crocodiles, crocodiles, haven't you heard what I said."

The drug dealer got up and made a round in the room, feeling too quiet around him.

He was a little panic when he was quiet, so he grabbed the iron door window and shouted.

There were echoes in the corridor, but there was no response.

An Wen glanced at the big screen and stopped paying attention to the actions of drug dealers. He turned to look at the host's data.

Every second, dozens of terabytes of data are imported into the host. This data is the consciousness data of drug dealers.

After ten minutes, the amount of data imported began to decrease, and finally became a normal amount of data exchange.

Seeing this, An Wen said to Xie Yuxin: "Sister Xue, you can proceed to the next step."

"it is good."

Xie Yuxin nodded, picked up a syringe again, and injected the drug into the drug dealer's body.

This medicine is a dormant medicine for human body.

This kind of dormancy is not the kind of sleeping pills, but rather a complete reduction of the body's metabolism, and even the activity of cells will be reduced.

Normal people inject this medicine and soon become vegetative.

Drug dealers on the big screen are still yelling at this time.

But he stopped suddenly, as if something was uncomfortable.

"Mad ... what did the group inject Lao Tzu and how they felt tired and sleepy."

The drug dealer muttered.

But he felt more tired and wanted to rest with his eyes closed.

"No ... I can't sleep ... I can't sleep."

It may be the instinct of survival, or it may be subconscious, or other aspects. At this time, the drug dealer suddenly got up, hit the iron gate with his hands, and knocked the iron gate.

In reality, the blood pressure, heartbeat, and brainwave intensity of drug dealers soared instantly.

Even the back of his hand can start to swell.

But as the dormant medication continued, his heartbeat blood pressure continued to drop.

At this time, Anwen found that the upload data of the host computer has soared, and the supercomputing computing power has also increased.

Uh ...

After a while, the drug dealer's heartbeat stopped.

Regarding this situation, none of them cares about the situation of drug dealers in the virtual world.

For unknown reasons, the drug dealer suddenly stopped beating the iron gate.

He leaned against the iron gate and began to be dazed.

"What is the situation? Did the experiment succeed?" Director Shen asked.

"It's hard to say, something is wrong."

An Wen looked at the drug dealer's daze on the screen, and looked at the supercomputing calculations.

At present, supercomputing is providing computing power to drug dealers' thinking, but this computing power has continued to decline, starting from 3.74 billion times per second, and at least 20 million times per second.

"The door is so hard ... Hey, why is my hand okay?

Why is there something wrong with my hand?

Knocking on the iron door with your hand will hurt your hand.

Why does it hurt?

Because the effects of force are mutual, this is what the teacher taught at school.

Why are the effects of forces mutual?

Newton was found after being smashed into the head by Apple.

Who is Newton and why is Apple hitting his head?

Newton is a physicist.

What is a physicist?

I don't know, I'm stupid, why should I think about these things.

What should I think?

If I want to escape.

Why escape?

Escape from drug trafficking.

Why drug trafficking?

In order to make money.


Drug dealers talked to themselves there, for a moment they were confused and awake.

Ask questions yourself, answer questions yourself, he doesn't know the answer to many questions.

"General Manager, what's the situation?" Director Shen also found something wrong.

How can a normal person talk to himself.

Xie Yuxin also looked at An Wen and wanted to know what was happening.

The current situation is beyond the scope of biology ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Of course, An Wen doesn't know what the current situation is, but he can find problems through the data.

"Human consciousness will also restart the self-test? Is this a way of organizing data, changing logic rules, and making consciousness in line with the computer's operating logic?"

An Wen didn't answer. He looked at the data and frowned, muttering.

The data in front of him is all the data of the drug dealer's consciousness inside the host. These belong to a lot of fragmentation and chaotic logic.

But now, these data are beginning to be consolidated.

It's like a very messy desktop. It starts to automatically edit folders, organizes the same types of software together to form several large categories of folders, and then the folders are subdivided.

This process lasted about 20 minutes.

Finally, after all the information and data were integrated, the drug dealers in the virtual world stood up.

"I want to escape, the iron gate is blocked, the iron gate is to be broken, the method of breaking the iron gate, using explosives, no explosives, using tools, no tools, using manpower."

The drug dealer said to himself for a while, and kicked the iron gate blankly.

"Insufficient power. Increase power."


Another kick.

"Insufficient power. Increase power."


Another kick.

"Can't break the iron gate, find other methods, dig tunnels, use excavators, no excavators, use explosives, no explosives, use tools, no tools, use manpower."

The drug dealer bowed his head and squatted, and began to plan the ground with his hands.

"Unable to dig tunnels, find other ways ... no other way, waiting for rescue."

After the drug dealer had done all this, he returned to the bed and sat at the foot of the bed, motionless.

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