I Use Game World to Farm

Chapter 363: I really want to discover an incredible

There is a cosmic void far away from the Milky Way, and countless battleships stop there silently.

One of the huge motherships was much larger than the sun.

There are also seventeen Jupiter-sized warships around this mothership.

As for tens of thousands of kilometers of warships, it is even more difficult to know how many there are.

The cosmic void within a range of 300 million kilometers has been filled with warships. Small warships surround large warships, and large wars surround mother ships, just like galaxies.

An Wen, projected by the power of the soul, on the Zerg mother's nest, in the battleship of the star civilization, felt the vast spiritual fluctuations around her.

"Sure enough, the accumulation of quantities can cause quantitative changes in the end. This vast spiritual power is simply terrible."

An Wen felt the clearest, so he knew the power was terrible.

Although this huge amount of power accumulated by countless people cannot be used for attack, because no one can mobilize this magnitude of mental power, but using this power for defense is really great.

Anyway, he can't break the defense of this magnitude.

Even if it is a wooden city wall, it can still block a nuclear bomb if it is thick enough.

This is basically the case now.

As for that seed-level infected civilization, he hasn't found it yet.

"Bring a device connected to the virtual spirit network."

Anwen sent a message to the leader through the Zerg mother's nest.

Upon receiving news from him, the opponent immediately sent a set of equipment and helped him to connect to the virtual spirit network of this operation.

The other party had prepared identification information. Unfortunately, that thing was useless.

After Anwen had separated a small amount of spiritual power into the virtual spiritual network, he did not integrate into the network at all, but was carefully hidden in the network, and a ghost that no one could find.

Although he can't break the mental defense of this magnitude, in the internal network, with the power of his mind, no one else can find him.

At this time, a strong mental wave appeared in the spiritual network.

"The mothership's detector has been found to be infecting the civilized location, the space infection information has been resisted, and all personnel have begun to strengthen the mental defense system."

With this order, An Wen found that all the soldiers on the battleship began to mutter.

"We will win. We and our spiritual network are unmatched. We firmly believe in the light of our hearts."

When trillions of people were self-hypnotic at the same time, the wall of the mental defense system began to thicken.

Even in the real world, there are invisible ripples.

This is the effect that only when a large amount of mental power is mobilized.

At the same time, An Wen also sensed a special twisted will, hitting the wall formed by the mental defense system.

There is no neutral offset between spirit and spirit.

Either I distort you, or you beat me, without talking about the cost.

Even if the wall that twists the mind can't penetrate the mental defense system, such an attack will not cause consumption.

The current state of war in the spiritual world is actually like this. Twisted will is tampering with the spiritual fluctuations of the defense against the wall, making it also distorted, but the huge spiritual power is once again twisted when that wall is tampered. Will restored.

The two sides are constantly struggling, and now there is no one who can do nothing.

"This infected civilization has something. Even if we only find each other through the space probe, the information passed back will have a twisted will. How did this happen?"

An Wen is curious, this memetic ability, he has not yet understood.

If it is a matter of quality, the quality of his soul is no worse than that of the memetic twisted will.

But the power of his soul was not infected ... Well, it was not infectious, it was just a different way of infection.

After he unfolded the influence of the light of the soul, everyone who was shrouded in it would become lazy.

But this is not to distort the will. When he takes back the power of the soul, everyone will become normal.

With memes, your mind will be distorted as soon as you get involved.

In terms of infection ability, the difference is too much.

At best, he can only be regarded as the field, the salted fish field is not a memetic weapon at all.

After more than half an hour, the twisted will changed again.

This is because the optical equipment of the mother ship can already observe the spacecraft of the infected civilization.

So, the twisted will strengthened again.

In the spiritual world, the wall of the original spiritual defense system should be equivalent to a crystal wall, which belongs to the edge of the spiritual world.

But now, the spiritual world has expanded.

On the periphery of that wall, there seemed to be a universe, a crazy and twisted universe.

Crazy twisted will, constantly eroding the wall of the defense system, making the wall like psoriasis. This piece was infected, then cleared, then infected, and then cleared.

Repeatedly eroded and constantly repaired.

"This war looks boring, but it is really dangerous."

This silent war, An Wen is very enjoyable, because the power of his mind can feel the excitement of this duel.

If you are outside, you will find that this huge fleet is like a fool. Even the protective cover has not been opened, let alone attacked.

The outside world is calm, and the universe is dead.

In an instant, the day passed.

The war in the spiritual world also lasted for a day.

As the spaceship of the infected civilization gets closer and closer to the fleet, the war in the spiritual world also becomes scary.

The crazy twisted will, which was the same as that of psoriasis, has disappeared.

In its place is a beautiful fantasy.

An Wen was observing the outside world of the wall in the spiritual world. What he thought in his heart, what appeared outside.

For example, if he wants to be heaven outside, then it will become heaven outside. You can see all kinds of angels, all of them are beautiful and bubbling.

If you have a bold idea at this time, then this bold idea will appear in your eyes.

Nothing crazily twisted, nothing dark and terrible.

Now there are only good things in the outside world, and all the good things in your heart will be reflected in the outside world.

"All soldiers immediately fantasize about the 75 star, fantasizing all the information about the star."

At this time, that voice in the spiritual world sounded again.

"Star 75, mass 43M, temperature 7922L, radiation index 73.9T, space distortion 2118K ..."

Everyone at this moment started to recall the data of star 75.

The data of this star, which An Wen has also seen, is one of the must-see information hanging on the interstellar Internet.

All civilized citizens affiliated with the Alliance of Cleaners Civilizations must memorize the information of the 100 special stars.

At first, An Wen was still very aggressive, I don't know what the aliens mean by carrying this stuff.

But at this time, he knew.

This is the Alliance of Sweeper Civilizations, who wants to reverse the distortion of memes through huge spiritual power.

There is something in this idea.

Sure enough, with everyone's illusions, the outside world suddenly turned into a huge star.

But over time, the star began to distort.

In the end, the outside universe became crazy again, and countless distorted wills appeared. This sudden change was uncomfortable.

"Strengthen the belief that the outside world is not the civilization of the infected. Put aside all illusions, the outside world is the 75th update."

The voice reappeared, but it seemed to be anxious.

Unfortunately, even if you say nothing, self hypnosis cannot be done at all.

After the twisted will of the outside world flashed a few times, it returned to its original state and continued to attack the walls of the mental defense system.

After about an hour, the situation remained the same, and the stalemate was here.

Just when An Wen was thinking, the Cleaners Civilization Alliance, how to make a move, that voice appeared again, and this time there was one more voice.

"No need to continue, the experiment failed."

"No, I haven't failed at UU reading www.uukanshu.com. I now understand that tampering with the rules should involve the soul, and an order of magnitude mental power is useless.

"No, the soul is useless. The twisted soul cannot use spiritual power."

"I want to try again."

"You should know the consequences if you consume these resources."

"I'm willing to spend ten thousand years strengthening the spirit world."

"Well, in this case, these resources are yours."

"Mind tampering."

The next second within the spiritual network, a twisted will appeared.

Without any accident, the hearts of the trillions of people in the entire spiritual world have been distorted.

An Wen hid in the corner, and the whole person was aggressive.

"Well ... I wish I had discovered an incredible secret."