I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 1025

"So the key to customs clearance is definitely not on the Evol drive!"

Kiryu Wartu remembered what he had previously said from the manager of Ishido, that if he couldn't beat the Kamen Rider on the fifth floor, he would consider using the Evol drive.

If you really defeat the Kamen Rider, then you may fall into a dead end!

Sure enough, each level does have specific customs clearance conditions. In this way...

Kiryu Battle Rabbit frowned.

The problem is back to the first level of Pandora's Tower.

Why did Mr. Bald who appeared on the first floor just ask the shopkeeper Shi Dong to stay alone and let them go?

Does this have any special meaning?

Kiryu Wartu looked around and found that after Jon left, he was the only one left in the coffee shop, and the others had already gone to rest.

Do you want to go to Pandora's Tower again? Looking at the dark sky outside the window, Kiryu Zhantu had such thoughts in his mind.

The surroundings were quiet, and uneasy emotions began to breed and spread in Kiryu Wartu's heart.

He began to feel that the bald-headed gentleman on the first floor blocking the store manager Shidong definitely had a special meaning.

And when such a thought appeared in his head, it seemed as if it had begun to take root and sprouted.

In the end, Kiryu War Rabbit prepared to go to Pandora's Tower by himself.

But he didn't notice it from beginning to end, all his movements were under the gaze of General E.

Seeing Kiryu War Rabbit quietly leaving the coffee shop and leaving under the cover of night, E always put his gaze on the Pandora's Tower that was still glowing with red light.

"Sure enough, it's the same as I thought." Mr. E said helplessly.

He wanted to turn the attention of Kiryu War Rabbit and Manzhang Long to the Evol drive, but he made Kiryu War Rabbit aware of the anomaly on the first floor of Pandora's Tower.

E is not always sure what Saitama will say to him when Kiryu Wartu appears in front of Saitama alone, but he can't just look at it either.

"I don't know what choice you will make." E always smiled slightly, and then shook his head indifferently.

By the end of tonight, Katsuragi will no longer have much use value, so no matter what choice Katsuragi makes, he will only continue to promote his plan.


Kiryu Battle Rabbit gasped heavily.

The closer he got to Pandora's Tower, the more he felt anxious, as if something terrifying him would happen next.

Looking at the twisted space door leading into the Pandora's Tower in front of him, Kiryu Battle Rabbit took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

But just as he was about to step into Pandora's Tower again, a sound from behind him made him sluggish.

"Coincidentally, stop spending your energy on such meaningless things."

This voice made Kiryu Wartu tremble, because he was very familiar with such a voice, so familiar to the extent that he could hear it sometimes in dreams.

Kiryu Wartu turned his head tremblingly, and then saw Katsuragi Shinobu's face that seemed to be wrinkled a lot compared to the last time he met.


After regaining his memory, he found a picture of the guards in the "relics" left by his father, and there was also the figure of the proprietress who helped them sneak through.

So he speculated that his father might still be alive, and got confirmation from the proprietress, but no matter how he traced it afterwards, he didn't find his father's trace, as if he had completely disappeared in this world.

Of course Kiryu War Rabbit could not give up so easily, but the subsequent war and the exposure of the Blood trio’s conspiracy forced him to put this matter aside for the time being.

Then now, his father appeared.

And it appeared at such a juncture, and said not to focus on such meaningless things!


How could this kind of thing be meaningless? !

This made Kiryu Wartu a little suspicious, wondering whether the uneasiness he felt just now came from the bald-headed gentleman or his father.

And maybe it was because the scene in front of him made it difficult for Kiryu Wartu to accept, making him subconsciously stretch his hand and scratch on his hair, messing up his hair, just like his mood at the moment.

"Even if you change your face, your habits haven't changed. You used to be like this. Whenever you are excited and upset, you will scratch your hair."

Katsuragi Shinobi's tone was no different from Kiryu Wartu's memory, but it was precisely because of this that he felt fear.

He thought of Evolto, who had been hiding in the dark and playing with the world, and his father who had also disappeared from the sight of everyone, and suddenly had a bad idea in his heart.

"Father, did you always know? Know that my appearance has changed..." Kiryu Wartu clenched his fists subconsciously.

Regarding the fact that he is Katsuragi, Kiryu Battle Rabbit did not tell anyone except his companions and his mother, and as a person who completely disappeared in front of everyone by suicide, Katsuragi was completely clear about it. Chu.

"Of course I do." Katsuragi nodded with a smile, but the words that followed immediately made Kiryu Wartu terrified.

"Because of you and Wanzhanglong, the reason why I will become Kamen Rider is all designed by me, it's like you will meet by chance."

How can it be...

Are all designed by one hand?

"Why?" Kiryu Wartu tremblingly asked, but he still had the last glimmer of hope in his heart.

"Isn’t the knight system designed by you to thwart the conspiracy of the Blood tribe? Isn’t it because it takes the birth of two evolved energy bottles to trigger the ultimate chemical reaction to gain the power to defeat the Blood tribe, so the energy bottle groove of the Build drive Is it designed to be two?! What the **** is going on, father!!!"

Kiryu Battle Rabbit remembered the information he had found before fighting with Inohyun, who was disguised as Evolto. He felt that his father had been helping him secretly, but now...but now...

If possible, Kiryu Wartu even hoped that he did not leave the coffee shop at all, but went back to the basement to rest as usual!


"Why do you have such thoughts? Obviously, I didn't indicate this in those materials at all. Don't be affected by subjective thoughts. Coincidentally, the highest danger level of normal humans can only reach 5.0." Katsura Shinobu said with a smile. The words that made Kiryu Wartu's breathing stagnate.

"The purpose of the design of the knight system is to train two Kamen riders with a danger level of over 7.0. It's just that I chose the son who is the most proud of me besides Wanzhanglong." The knight system was designed at the beginning. The purpose of coming out is to train two Kamen Riders with a dangerous level of over 7.0?

When Kiryu Wartu heard these words, he immediately felt a burst of bone-chilling chill spreading in his body.

Under normal circumstances, with the exception of the Ten Thousand Ten Thousand Dragon Me, who has the Evolto genetic factor in his body, the danger level of other Kamen Riders cannot reach 7.0, which is far beyond the limit of human beings!

So if you want to achieve this condition, then another selected person must get the help of the Blood tribe to stabilize his on the verge of collapse when he breaks through the danger level 5.0.

Just like he used to be!

Kiryu Battle Rabbit remembered the experience that he used the power of Pandora's Box to forcibly break through the limits of mankind, and wanted to die with Inohyun who was disguised as Evolto, but was possessed by the opponent.