I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 1030

This sentence made Uekai Chengzhang's high hanging heart suddenly fall back to its original place, and after looking at Wanzhanglong, I chose to leave.

And Jon also had a smile on his face, but before his smile lasted long, there was an extra palm on his shoulder.

"Then I will beg of you next! Mr. Assistant!"

Jon: "..."



Kita Keisuke is an ordinary employee living in the eastern capital. As a person who has personally experienced the "Sky Wall Tragedy" and the series of events that followed, he certainly knows that the existence of the Sky Wall has brought this country and the whole world. The fear and harm that comes.

From the perspective of ordinary people, he certainly hopes that the terrible thing like the Sky Wall disappears in this world, but can it really be done?

Once he saw the Kamen Riders fighting for "love and peace," and firmly believed that such an end would definitely come, but the world ‘collision’ incident that occurred not long ago silenced him again.

But he did not give up, he still felt that the Kamen Riders would definitely be able to save the world again.

So after the dramatic changes in Pandora's Tower, Kita Keisuke has been following the news of Kamen Rider.

He saw the disasters that happened in other worlds were prevented, and saw the Kamen Riders comprehend one powerful will after another as they continued to advance.

He saw that in the third floor of Pandora’s Tower, Kiryu Wartu, facing the blind swordsman who was strong like a monster, said why he had been fighting for it, and he also saw that as an ordinary person, he and The assistants and reporters of the Kamen Riders acting together.

There are still many ordinary people like Kita Keisuke. They want to remember the journey of the Kamen Riders completely in their hearts, but when they pay attention to the things in Pandora's Tower again today, they are stunned.

Because what appeared in the picture today was not the knights they were familiar with, but icy mechanical creatures.

It is a killing weapon called the slammer!

When they saw the black shadow who had been protecting the little girl standing on the sand dunes being besieged by the clone slammers, they were stunned.

Where did the Kamen Riders go?

Although they had been seeing Kiryu Battle Rabbit and the others being stopped by the dark Kamen Rider before, they could also see that Kiryu Battle Rabbit and the others were not in danger.

They thought that Kiryu Battle Rabbit would use their own efforts to defeat this powerful and gentle Kamen Rider, but now the Kamen Rider they wanted to see disappeared.

Then, they heard a proud introduction from the photographer.

In the introduction, they learned that these slammers were cloned slammers manufactured by Namba Heavy Industries, which were created to ‘help’ the Kamen Riders conquer the fifth floor of Pandora’s Tower.


Is the result really like this?

Even ordinary people like Bei Kesuke are keenly aware of the strangeness.

In their eyes, Kamen Riders would not choose to use such a shortcut!

And where did the assistant and the dragged reporter go?

Such confusion popped up in people's minds.

Then immediately, they received the news.

The channels of Kamen Riders have been changed!

What surprised them immediately was that they did not see Kiryu Battle Rabbit in it.


At the same time, the first floor of Pandora's Tower.

"It seems that Mr. Monya, your special reporter status is not so useful." Jon looked up and down the camera in his hand, showing a helpless expression.

"We were robbed of the channel we have been running for so long by the people of Namba Heavy Industries. It can only be solved with the help of Mr. Higuro."

Mon Yashi still had a cocky face, but before he could say anything about it, I was interrupted by Wan Zhanglong.

"It's not the time to care about such trivial things at all! The most important way to find the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower is the most important thing! Hey! Mr. Assistant, work harder! What on earth should we do!" Wan Zhanglong, I'm really anxious.

In peacetime, any problems encountered by Kiryu War Rabbit will be solved. He only needs to be responsible for fighting down the enemy, but after Kiryu War Rabbit disappears, he feels that everything is messed up!

He is certain that Kiryu War Rabbit will not disappear for no reason. Even if there is a compelling reason, he will definitely leave a clue, but the only clue they can find now is the assistant who had communicated with him before Kiryu War Rabbit disappeared. gentlemen.

So Wan Zhanglong I immediately interrupted after seeing that Jon was still in the mood to make fun with Men Yashi.


"Well, if you are too impatient, you will never discover the truth." E who was confident that Jon would never expose his identity at this stage and followed up pushed the little sunglasses on his face and calmed down. Long me, then looked at Jon.

"I think Mr. Assistant must have a clue now, right."

This sentence attracted everyone's attention to Jon, and Jon nodded calmly.

"Probably a little eyebrow."

This sentence made other people's faces happy, even Wan Zhanglong I subconsciously held my breath, waiting for Jon's next words.

"For the time being, I believe that War Rabbit left the coffee shop because of what I said last night, so it is very likely that he wants to come to Pandora's Tower alone to confirm something."

This sentence made others nodded in agreement.

"In this way, the War Rabbit will definitely not disappear in the Pandora's Tower. It is more likely that something happened on the way, so it has to disappear in front of us. Then the problem is..."

Jon frowned, and this action also caused other people's brows to follow.

"Why did this happen last night? It seems like just waiting for such an opportunity."

"You mean someone is watching us?" Bing Shi Wan De showed a solemn expression, but in the next second he saw Jon shook his head.

"Yes, but it should not be the kind of surveillance we imagined. Otherwise, I would not appear in front of you today, but will be dealt with."

This answer made Saruto Yihai suddenly a little scared.

Also feared by ordinary people who heard Jon's words.

They found this place as soon as they knew that the channel that used to follow the Kamen Riders all the time to show the world the strategy of Pandora's Tower became the current channel, but they found out within a few minutes of their arrival. Such amazing information.

Kiryu War Rabbit disappeared bizarrely?

What exactly is going on?

During this period of time, people have long been familiar with the Kamen Rider who always has a gentle smile on his face, giving people the feeling of a big boy next door.

Everyone believed that Kiryu War Rabbit would definitely solve the matter as before, but the current situation was telling them.