I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 12

"But... his speed is too fast!" Cold sweat broke out on Xiao Lin's forehead. For snipers like him, this kind of target that can move at high speed is the most difficult to deal with.

After getting this reply, the others also realized this, but before they could make an effective decision, the dangerous slash weapon had fallen on the burning slammer!

In an instant, the body of the burning slammer was covered with a layer of ice.

Then the valve of the smoke sword was twisted again.

"Next is this..."

[ElekSteam! 】

The mist entwined with blue lightning spewed out from the smoke sword, raging on the burning slammer, completely disrupting the opponent's ability to move.

"Then the second step is..."

A blank bottle appeared in Jon's hand.

But before he could **** away the nebula gas from the Burning Smasher, the special event countermeasure team fighters who had been silent for a long time pointed their guns at him again.

"Please stop your behavior!"

The team leader said solemnly.

Habitually bowed to them a French military salute, Jon did not rush to **** the nebula gas away, but turned around and said with interest: "I thought you would stay silent forever. Do you think I am better than this? Is the Burning Slammer better to deal with?"

"Burning Smasher?" The captain was a little surprised, but still didn't pay much attention to the name that was uttered from Jon's mouth. Instead, he shook his head and said, "If you do, I and my men will probably be directly affected by you. Kill, but this is my task! Judging from the name you just called the monster named Burning Slammer, you should be very clear that she is an innocent person who has been involved."

"So even if you save your life, you want to protect her? Protect a stranger?" Jon joked, seeming to mock the other party's decision.

But neither the captain of this squad nor the others had any intention of backing down.

"This is my responsibility!"

"Really interesting..." Jon's finger tapped lightly on the blank bottle, his tone of voice was also relaxed a lot.

"But I actually like you overweight idiots better than those who are overdue."

The thumb of his right hand twisted on the cap of the blank bottle, and Jon pointed it at the burning slammer at his feet.

Immediately afterwards, in the horrified gazes of others, the mechanical components of the burning slammer turned into dots of golden energy and converged towards the blank energy bottle in Jon's hand, revealing the hidden slammer. The true face of the world.

A girl with short hair dressed like a tomboy.

She didn't fall into a coma because of being absorbed by the nebula gas, but grabbed Jon's ankle weakly and looked at Jon unwillingly.

But obviously it was not because of being unwilling to be defeated, it was more like being unwilling to fall into a runaway because of being unable to control his body.

"Interesting look..."

To be honest, Jon didn't hate the look in his eyes.

He originally wanted to get rid of the burning slammer here and left, but the girl's eyes made him change his original plan.

This time he came out for the purpose of putting more fire, as it doesn't matter who is selected.

In other words, such a look saves him a bit more effort to find new targets.

The bottle body of the slammer bottle that appeared after absorbing the nebula gas has expanded into an oval shape, but in Jon's hands it changed back to a normal full bottle in the next second.

The black component absorption device located on the bottom of the bottle has a blue bottle body and a bottle cap embossed with a dragon head.

Dragon full of bottles!

"It's a coincidence..."

He threw the dragon-filled bottle that he had just obtained to the girl’s hand. Jon relentlessly kicked away the palm of the opponent holding his ankle, and a weird handle with various conduits and wiring structures appeared in his hand. pistol.

"Finally, answer your first question..." Jon, with his back to the combatants, bent back and looked at their captain.

"I'm just a Kamen Rider passing by... Write it down to me."

Grey smoke gushes from his pistol, completely enveloping his body.


In the next second, Jon's body disappeared in place.

This scene also completely relaxes the combatants who have been in a tense state.

At the same time, after receiving the countermeasures team members who must bring the target back alive, they arrived, looking at the messy scene with a stunned expression, and the girl who was struggling to stand up from the ground, but fell back to the ground. .

But no matter how embarrassed it seemed, the dragon full of bottles she held tightly in her hand showed no sign of letting go.

After a moment of silence, the leader of the countermeasures team said, "Take Miss Long back first."


"Let go of me! I'm going to find mom, mom is here, I want to save mom! Xiaolong spray him!"

"Xiao Xuan?!" Zhu Yun couldn't help but exclaimed, but after seeing her daughter unharmed, she relieved her heart, but then she was surprised again because she was still flying by her daughter's side. A strange mechanical creature was still spraying out light blue flames.


ps: Thank you for the 5 blades of the "Alien Out-of-print Civil Affairs Bureau" and the 2 blades of "Su Zi Kuaiyi".


ps2: Ask for a recommended monthly ticket!

Chapter 11 The Maiden Dragon

After a while, whether it was a girl who had been transformed from a slammer back to a human but with a weak face, or Xiao Xuan who suddenly broke into the battlefield, they were all brought back to the countermeasure team.

After confirming the identity of Xiaoxuan, she naturally did not receive any bad treatment, but almost everyone looked curiously at the little dragon held in her arms by her, some of them were still in sight. Bring a trace of fiery heat.

Now the little dragon looks motionless, like an exquisite toy, but just now everyone saw a combatant carrying Xiaoxuan’s collar and lifting her up when she was trotting all the way, the little dragon turned towards The combatant launched an attack.

Self-discipline robots are not uncommon in this city, but it is very rare to be so small and able to protect the owner like a pet. I don't know which company's latest product is.

Although it failed to cause any irreversible consequences, no one would underestimate this weird little dragon now.

And now the best goal is obviously the girl who was rescued, but for Zhu Yun, there is nothing more important than her daughter.

Sure enough, she should find a babysitter again as soon as possible, otherwise she would not be able to relax.

Thinking of the little guy rushing into the combat area recklessly before, Zhu Yun felt that her heartbeat, which had finally calmed down, was accelerating again.

Can't help but pinch Xiaoxuan's face, Zhu Yun said in a bad mood: "Didn't you tell you not to run around, you can only play in the park at most?"