I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 1205

In the next instant, a huge golden energy saw blade appeared as Meikoin Gates cut off the weapon in his hand, and with just one blow, all the alien knights controlled by Kakogawa Fei Liu were torn to pieces.

Although he only used the alien knight as cannon fodder, the power displayed by Meikoin Gates at this moment made Kakogawa Feiliu have to pay attention to it, and White Wozzi smiled and closed the future notebook in his hand, moving towards Mingguangyuan Gates came and seemed to be ready to say something, but...

"If you want to say something inexplicable congratulations like Hewozi, then give up." Gates of Meikoin was calm, and he was not happy at all because of the powerful power.

"I have found the answer I want, and I will create a future where everyone is happy."

The words of Mingguangyuan Gates made White Watts want to try to say the congratulatory words stuck in his throat, but he was not angry.

Because it is enough for Meikoin Gates to awaken and become the resurrected Gates.

White Watts knows the purpose of Meikoin Gates at this moment, but the heterogeneous Zi-O is not simply used as a stepping stone for the resurrected Gates.

Thinking of this, White Warz glanced at Ola, who was still attracting the ultimate darkness and wanted to turn the city into ruins, and Yusuke Wudai who was fighting with her. The expression on his face was extremely satisfied.

He didn't get annoyed by Meikoin Gates's words, because it was not necessary, but he calmly looked at Meikoin Gates who was fighting with Kakogawa Hiryu with Tokiwa Shōgo.

"My savior, you will eventually be the savior who leads us to a brand new future."

White Watts smiled and said this unconscionable remark, a look full of respect for Mingguangyuan Gates, but in fact he didn't care about the death of the other party.

For him, whether it was Meikoin Gates who awakened as the resurrected Gates killing Tokiwa Shōgo, Tokiwa Shōgo killing Meikoin Gates, or the alien Zi-O killing both of them, the result was the same. the same.

The most important step has been taken, and the future he wants is already in sight.

Svoruz will not sit and watch the alien Zi-O be killed, nor will the time management bureau that has known his plan.

The King of Every Devil should not exist!

A smile appeared on White Watts's face again, and the sight of Gates at Mingguangyuan was full of appreciation.

It is indeed the power that the power of every demon turned into, and Meikoin Gates had this level of power in an instant.


Strength and defense, this is where the strong form focuses.

Under such power, even if Kakogawa Feiliu possesses the ability to predict the future, facing Meikoin Gates, he won't get any benefits.

The heavy armor prevents Meikoin Gates from suffering any serious injuries even if he resists Kakogawa Hiryu's attack, but as a price, Meikoin Gates feels the wailing sound from all over his body when he uses this power.

The power of Gates the Resurrection burdened his body too much, far exceeding the form when using Amazon Neo to control the watch head, which also made Mingguangyuan Gates understand that he must fight quickly.

The time-folding claws in the saw mode are constantly dancing in the hands of Gates of Meikoin, and the energy saw blade that rotates extremely fast makes the reappearing alien knights easily cut in half.

With this level of battle, these alien knights are often defeated the next moment they appear, and they can only delay for a moment, which makes Kakogawa Fei Liu gritted his teeth with an ugly expression.

This level of power is simply not enough! If there were only Tokiwa Shōgo or Meikoin Gates, then Kakogawa Feiyu was confident to defeat the opponent alone, but the skilful cooperation between the two had completely suppressed him at this moment.

Damn and stupid guy!

Kakogawa Feiyu glared at Meikoin Gates.

He was angry that Meikoin Gates was so stupid that he chose to be with Tokiwa Zhuanggo, who was clearly the demon who brought despair to him and the future! Then this stupid guy actually ignored his invitation and chose to deal with him with Tokiwa Shōgo!

And that idiot...

Kakogawa Hiryu unwillingly watched Ola, who was still roaring in the sky, and was "inseparable" from Yusuke Wudai.

He felt that if he had grabbed this powerful watch head earlier, then the current situation would definitely be reversed!

That stupid woman not only gave him the power of the alien knight, the king of the alien knight, but also chose to betray!

If there is a chance, then Kakogawa Feiyu will not hesitate to **** the abnormal Kuuga head and the singular point head, but now obviously there is no such opportunity.

Although angry at Meikoin Gates and Ola's stupidity, Kakogawa Feiliu was not controlled by such anger. He knew he should retreat.

"Svoruz, let's go."

After pushing back Tokiwa Shōgo with one blow, Kakogawa Hiryu prepared to retreat.

But just when he called Svoruz to prepare to retreat temporarily, a black shadow flew upside down towards his location like a cannonball.

With the ability to predict the future, he would naturally not be hit by such an attack, not to mention that the owner of this figure himself had no intention of attacking Kakogawa Hiryu.


The figure flying upside down here finally stopped after crashing into several buildings, and such a sudden change also caused the three people who were fighting to stop temporarily.

The person who flew upside down was naturally Momoyaji, but the seemingly terrifying blow did not affect him much. After coming out of the ruins, he patted his palms and greeted Tokiwa Shōgo.

"Yeah! It seems that the matter on your side has not been resolved."

Seeing this scene, Tokiwa Sogo wanted to ask Kamoyaji if he had any questions, but was interrupted by another voice.

"I don't think it's time to say hello."

The person who spoke was Jon, and when he appeared in front of Tokiwa Shōgo and the others with a blazing flame on his body and a bone spear on his shoulder, the atmosphere became extremely dignified for an instant, even Kakogawa Hiryu was seeing Joe After Enna's hideous visor full of cannibal elements aimed at him, he closed his mouth subconsciously.

"Different Zi-O? Something interesting." Jon chuckled lightly, then took his gaze away from Kakogawa Feiliu and placed it on Meikoin Gates.

"And this is Gates the Resurrected? It seems the same as I guessed."

Jon's appearance abruptly prevented Zhuanggo Tokiwa from fighting between them, and even more so with a few simple words, everyone's attention was drawn to him.

But the playful tone in the last sentence made Mingguangyuan Gates stunned.

"Same as you guessed? What does this sentence mean?" Meikoin Gates asked seriously, but Jon didn't mean to answer.

"Well, it probably means literally..." Jon moved his neck, and the crunching sound from the fish-scale-like biological armor on his neck made everyone who heard it tingled their scalp.

Inserting the bone spear on his shoulders into the ground, Jon seemed to be about to move his body before continuing the battle, and said at the same time: "The reason you approached Meikoin Gates is that you just think the resurrection Gates is very interesting, so I plan to see it. Now that I have got the answer, there is no need to continue this game."

This answer made Gates of Meikoin frowned. He subconsciously felt that Jon might have found some clues, but Jon had no idea of ​​explaining it.

"Now that you have got the answer, it seems that there is no need to keep you behind. Perhaps it is a good thing for you to die with ignorance. After you die, I will tell Tokiwa Shōgo the truth of the matter. It must be very interesting."

"But if I do this, I'm a little bit distressed."

When Jon showed that he was not ready to let Meikoin Gates know the truth and killed him, and then tortured Tokiwa Shōgo well, Motoyashi said in distress.

"Especially when I have found a lot of clues, if you destroy it by the blood, then my efforts will be in vain."

[FinalAttackRide! 】

[E-E-E-Evol! 】

The knight card was inserted into the driver by Menyashi, and as the driver closed again, the bright nebula energy began to converge on Menyashi's body again.