I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

Chapter 1252

"The first thing to be sure is that Rena and Kaede did not meet, Kaede, before you came here, have you ever thought about reconciling with Rena?"

Akino Kaede nodded, and this response made Nankai Yachiyo even more confused.

Judging from the traces on the scene, it is clear that Rena Mizupa regretted it and wanted to erase the name on the stairs of the break-off relationship, but after doing it, she disappeared bizarrely.

Nanami Yachiyo thought it was Mizupa Rena who repented, so he took the initiative to incur the attack of the "rumor", but Akino Kaede also wanted to reconcile with Mizupa Rena, but did not incur any attack.

So where is the problem?

Nanami Yachiyo couldn't find out the reason for a while, stayed in place for a long time, and then was broken by Shigai Momoko.

The disappearance of her companion made Shigui Momoko feel the urgency, but she also knew that the more such a time, the more calm she needed to be.

"Do you need help from the two magical girls who have faced the rumors?"

Although it was only a short period of time to communicate, Shigai Momoko still had a very good impression of Jon and Bamami, not to mention the addition of the strong girl Shenyue Felicia who had communicated.

Nanami Yachiyo nodded.

Although she didn't really want to get the magical girl into contact with Jon, she couldn't bet her hope on the possibility that Mizupa Rena would not answer the phone because of her anger.

A few seconds later, Jon connected to the seven seas and eight thousand generations.

Without any hesitation, Nanami Yachiyo told Jon what had happened to Mizupa Rena.

Then, the other end of the phone fell into a long silence.

This silence caused Shigai Momoko and Akino Kaede to clenched their fists silently.

But then they were relieved that Jon gave a possibility.

"Could it be said?"

"Speak out?" Qikai Yachiyo frowned.

"Yes, I said that the triggering of'rumors' has strict conditions." Jon's unhurried voice came from the phone and said: "It's like cheating playground rumors, how do you Do you judge whether the tourist is unwilling to leave? Do you complain in your heart? Or do you give it to action?"

"It's a post...no! It's all needed!" A gleam of enlightenment flashed in Qikai Yachiyo's eyes.

"Yes, I need all of them. I have experienced the magic of that amusement park personally, so I can guarantee that every ordinary tourist does not want to leave. The reason for leaving is only limited by compliance with the rules. If If you are attacked just thinking that you don't want to leave, then there will definitely not be a few missing. On the contrary, Felicia will be able to spot the enemy directly. Do you understand if I say this?"

"I see, thank you for your help." Nanami Yachiyo thanked him, and then hung up the phone.


"What a polite child."

Jon looked ‘unbearable’, and then he was poked by Bamami.

"Bad stuff!"

Such an evaluation made Jon's face crumple, and he couldn't help but vomit: "How can you say that, miracles have to be paid, and bad children who don't follow the rules naturally need to be punished."


"How can I be deceived?" Jon grabbed the fingers that Bamami was making mischief on him, and then took her into his arms, buried his face in her beautiful blonde hair and took a deep breath, adding the element of senior sister.

"Because there is no price at all, so it's a liar." The itchy sensation from the top of her head made Mami giggle, but then she was silent again.

She wanted to say something for a long time, but she kept holding back in her heart and didn't say it.

Even if she knew that Jon did it for those magical girls who were still addicted to fantasy, she still felt that it was unfair.

The price of a miracle?

Obviously paid!

Bamami knew what Jon was waiting for, and didn't bother or dissuade her, because she knew that even if she said what she had been holding in her heart, she couldn't change anything.

It may be enough to enjoy this moment of warmth, and then...

This time she wouldn't just watch it.

A few minutes later, the phone rang again.

The contact is still the seven seas and eight thousand generations.

Jon adjusted his emotions and then connected the phone.

"Is it good news?"


"Not good news..." Nanami Yachiyo looked at everything around him seriously.

According to Jon's suggestion, they successfully entered the barrier of "Rumor", but Mizupa Rena was not in it!

In the empty enchantment, she saw the weird stairs that seemed to be melting, the giant clock at the highest point, the countless black chains, and the words "breaking friendship" that were constantly swimming in the air.

This is the first time Nanami Yachiyo has faced the'rumor', but the result was terrible.

It was not because of the strength of "Yao", but Mizupa Rena's name that was not in the "Yao" enchantment, and after the elimination of "Yao" from the enchantment, it still existed in the stairs of the break.

Obviously, Mizupa Rena wasn't caught in the barrier by the rumor of the broken ties, and the name on the stairs didn't disappear for this reason.

Such a discovery made Nankai Yachiyo's expression very serious, and Akino Kaede looked panicked.

She has begun to blame herself in her heart.

Seeing this, Shigai Momoko soothed the other party's emotions, and then looked at Nankai Yachiyo.

Nanami Yachiyo was communicating with Jon, and while telling Jon completely what happened here, he nodded in agreement from time to time.

After a while, Nanami Yachiyo ended the communication with Jon and put away the phone.

"Is there any result?" Shigui Taozi asked subconsciously.

Nanami Yachiyo shook his head, and gave the answer to disappoint Shigai Peach.

"If the names of Rena and Kaede are still on the stairs of the break, I will only suspect that Rena is hiding from Kaede, but the problem now is..."

Nanami Yachiyo bent down and rubbed his finger on the name of the stairs.

Although it was not wiped off, it also left a trace on it. This was absolutely impossible to do before the rumor of the Stairs of Disappointment disappeared, but Mizupa Rena did it.

How did she do it?

And since this crisis has been successfully resolved, why didn't they tell them?